Hello All!
When browsing through the latest full ELIST.RPT report that also contains all the posted RULes files etc I have spotted some issues :
1. The text at the right of lines have been cut off and this is due to posters NOT counting the number of characters per line and moving the offending word over to the next line. - The character limit per line is 75.
This also applies to the descriptions.
2. Some descriptions and Rules have not been passed through a spelling checker to catch your typo's, please do so and yes I am also guilty sometimes.
3. Check the rest of the content for your echo's is still correct including using valid names as moderator, from and origin. If some one attempts to contact you via netmail will your system know the non real name and pass it on to you?
'Waldo . . .' springs to mind.
Like wise the other items, no typo's, moderator list is still correct and there
is no duplication of mod and comods (if so, delete the comod as a special update). Are you making use of the width for descriptions instead of only using
35 - 40 characters per line. Or do you know something I don't?
4. Any echo that has the only moderator no longer in fido etc that needs a new moderator to take over. Yes the elist maintainer can do so if really required but I would prefer to stick to just looking after the software and it's application plus I am coming up to 75 so could use a younger person to do the honours.
5. Any other cock ups? :)
6. Any thing else I missed ?
If you would like to get the current versions of these report files namely ELIST.RPT, .NO. NA etc point your browser to :
Where you can find all three (you do not need to elist-nightly.rar archive as thats the software - well not unless you are interested it it).
These three files can be generated during the course of a month other than the 1st or 2nd for security checks or other mundane reasons.
Useful perhaps to verify your updates now as against waiting till the new month
for the latest ELst archive ?
--- Mageia Linux v8 X64/Mbse v1.0.7.24/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: The Elist Maintainer (2:250/1)