• Linker histones tune the length and shap

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Mon Oct 4 21:30:40 2021
    Linker histones tune the length and shape of chromosomes

    October 4, 2021
    Rockefeller University
    A new study finds that proteins known as linker histones control
    the complex coiling process that determines whether DNA will
    wind into long and thin chromosomes, made up of many small loops,
    or short and thick chromosomes with fewer large loops.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Human life hinges on the ability of our cells to cram six feet of DNA
    into a 10-micron nucleus -- equivalent to fitting a mile of string
    inside one green pea. But stuffing genes into cramped quarters is only
    half the battle. The DNA must also remain organized, carefully coiled
    into loops that ensure the information remains readily accessible and
    not a tangled mess.

    Now, new research has identified proteins called linker histones as the
    factor that controls whether DNA winds into long and thin chromosomes,
    made up of many small loops, or short and thick chromosomes with fewer
    large loops. The findings, published in eLife, are the first to describe
    how chromosome shape is tuned by linker histones at the molecular level.

    "The linker histone was once thought to impact only a narrow range of
    the genetic material," says Rockefeller's Hironori Funabiki. "We have
    now shown that it controls the number of loops in the chromosome and its ultimate shape, a much larger regulation space than expected." Beyond
    "beads on a string" Genetic material is organized around a nucleosome --
    often depicted as a bead on a string, with a length of DNA "string" wound around a central protein "bead." The string is clamped to its bead by a
    sort of protein clip -- the linker histone -- which is also involved in
    folding multiple nucleosome beads into chromatin fibers. These fibers
    form chromosomes after they are ratcheted through a molecular motor,
    the condensin, that organizes chromatin into loops.

    Chromosomes come in a wide range of shapes across species and cell types, largely based on the size of each chromatin loop. Funabiki draws an
    example from the familiar (and frustrating) experience of coiling wired earphones. If you wrap them into many tiny loops, the headphones will
    fit neatly into your pocket. If, however, you wind the wires into only a
    few large loops, the earphones form a bulky mass. Similarly, a greater
    number of small loops will give rise to longer, thinner chromosomes;
    a few large loops of chromatin will form shorter, thicker chromosomes.

    ========================================================================== Scientists knew that loop formation lay at the heart of chromosome size
    and shape, but how various cells tuned this process to form larger or
    smaller loops remained a mystery.

    A new role for linker histone Funabiki and colleagues set out to solve
    this mystery. Using a method developed by Job Dekker at the University
    of Massachusetts Medical School, the team analyzed DNA from frog eggs
    and found that linker histones -- beyond clamping strings to beads and organizing them into fibers -- also prevent condensin from binding to nucleosomes and forming chromatin loops.

    A picture of loop formation began to emerge, with linker histones at
    the very heart of the process. Changing the shape of a chromosome, the researchers found, is a simple matter of increasing or decreasing the
    amount of linker histone available to inhibit condensin.

    When a high concentration of linker histone blocks condensin, the protein complex is able to make fewer loops of chromatin. Since only a handful
    of loops are forming, there's enough slack in the line for those loops to develop into large coils that will eventually bunch up into short, thick chromosomes. Lower concentrations of linker histone kick off the opposite process: condensin is free to form many more loops, so there is less
    fiber available to contribute to each loop. The result is a large number
    of smaller loops, which compress neatly into long, thin chromosomes.

    Funabiki speculates that cells may have evolved the ability to tune
    chromosome length in order to speed up or slow down their growth. "The
    longer the chromosome is, the more time it takes to separate during cell division," he says. "Frog eggs are exposed to dangerous environments,
    so speed is important.

    Successful reproduction depends on how quickly the eggs can turn into
    tadpoles and escape. Perhaps frog eggs maintain shorter chromosomes
    to allow for rapid cell division." In the future, Funabiki's lab will
    explore whether linker histones play a similar role in influencing the
    size and shape of human chromosomes. "This initial work only involved
    frog eggs," says lead author Pavan S. Choppakatla, a member of the
    Funabiki lab. "We are now looking at linker histones in human eggs
    and somatic cells, to see whether our findings are widely applicable." ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by Rockefeller_University. Note:
    Content may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Pavan Choppakatla, Bastiaan Dekker, Erin E Cutts, Alessandro
    Vannini, Job
    Dekker, Hironori Funabiki. Linker histone H1.8 inhibits
    chromatin binding of condensins and DNA topoisomerase II to tune
    chromosome length and individualization. eLife, 2021; 10 DOI:
    10.7554/eLife.68918 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/10/211004153745.htm

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