• Foundational step shows quantum computer

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Mon Oct 4 21:30:38 2021
    Foundational step shows quantum computers can be better than the sum of
    their parts

    October 4, 2021
    University of Maryland
    Researchers have experimentally demonstrated, for the first time,
    that an assembly of quantum computing pieces -- a logical qubit --
    can be better than the worst parts used to make it. The team shared
    how they took this landmark step toward reliable, practical quantum
    computers by implementing the Bacon-Shor code and a fault-tolerant
    design on an ion trap-based quantum computer.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Pobody's nerfect -- not even the indifferent, calculating bits that are
    the foundation of computers. But JQI Fellow Christopher Monroe's group, together with colleagues from Duke University, have made progress toward ensuring we can trust the results of quantum computers even when they are
    built from pieces that sometimes fail. They have shown in an experiment,
    for the first time, that an assembly of quantum computing pieces can
    be better than the worst parts used to make it. In a paper published in
    the journal Nature on Oct. 4, 2021, the team shared how they took this
    landmark step toward reliable, practical quantum computers.

    In their experiment, the researchers combined several qubits -- the
    quantum version of bits -- so that they functioned together as a single
    unit called a logical qubit. They created the logical qubit based on a
    quantum error correction code so that, unlike for the individual physical qubits, errors can be easily detected and corrected, and they made it
    to be fault-tolerant - - capable of containing errors to minimize their negative effects.

    "Qubits composed of identical atomic ions are natively very clean by themselves," says Monroe, who is also a Fellow of the Joint Center for
    Quantum Information and Computer Science and a College Park Professor
    in the Department of Physics at the University of Maryland. "However,
    at some point, when many qubits and operations are required, errors must
    be reduced further, and it is simpler to add more qubits and encode
    information differently. The beauty of error correction codes for
    atomic ions is they can be very efficient and can be flexibly switched
    on through software controls." This is the first time that a logical
    qubit has been shown to be more reliable than the most error-prone step required to make it. The team was able to successfully put the logical
    qubit into its starting state and measure it 99.4% of the time, despite
    relying on six quantum operations that are individually expected to work
    only about 98.9% of the time.

    That might not sound like a big difference, but it's a crucial step in
    the quest to build much larger quantum computers. If the six quantum
    operations were assembly line workers, each focused on one task, the
    assembly line would only produce the correct initial state 93.6% of the
    time (98.9% multiplied by itself six times) -- roughly ten times worse
    than the error measured in the experiment. That improvement is because
    in the experiment the imperfect pieces work together to minimize the
    chance of quantum errors compounding and ruining the result, similar to watchful workers catching each other's mistakes.

    The results were achieved using Monroe's ion-trap system at UMD, which
    uses up to 32 individual charged atoms -- ions -- that are cooled with
    lasers and suspended over electrodes on a chip. They then use each ion
    as a qubit by manipulating it with lasers.

    "We have 32 laser beams," says Monroe. "And the atoms are like ducks
    in a row; each with its own fully controllable laser beam. I think
    of it like the atoms form a linear string and we're plucking it like a
    guitar string. We're plucking it with lasers that we turn on and off in a programmable way. And that's the computer; that's our central processing
    unit." By successfully creating a fault-tolerant logical qubit with
    this system, the researchers have shown that careful, creative designs
    have the potential to unshackle quantum computing from the constraint of
    the inevitable errors of the current state of the art. Fault-tolerant
    logical qubits are a way to circumvent the errors in modern qubits and
    could be the foundation of quantum computers that are both reliable and
    large enough for practical uses.

    Correcting Errors and Tolerating Faults Developing fault-tolerant
    qubits capable of error correction is important because Murphy's
    law is relentless: No matter how well you build a machine, something
    eventually goes wrong. In a computer, any bit or qubit has some chance
    of occasionally failing at its job. And the many qubits involved in a
    practical quantum computer mean there are many opportunities for errors
    to creep in.

    Fortunately, engineers can design a computer so that its pieces work
    together to catch errors -- like keeping important information backed
    up to an extra hard drive or having a second person read your important
    email to catch typos before you send it. Both the people or the drives
    have to mess up for a mistake to survive. While it takes more work to
    finish the task, the redundancy helps ensure the final quality.

    Some prevalent technologies, like cell phones and high-speed modems,
    currently use error correction to help ensure the quality of transmissions
    and avoid other inconveniences. Error correction using simple redundancy
    can decrease the chance of an uncaught error as long as your procedure
    isn't wrong more often than it's right -- for example, sending or storing
    data in triplicate and trusting the majority vote can drop the chance
    of an error from one in a hundred to less than one in a thousand.

    So while perfection may never be in reach, error correction can make a computer's performance as good as required, as long as you can afford the
    price of using extra resources. Researchers plan to use quantum error correction to similarly complement their efforts to make better qubits
    and allow them to build quantum computers without having to conquer all
    the errors that quantum devices suffer from.

    "What's amazing about fault tolerance, is it's a recipe for how to
    take small unreliable parts and turn them into a very reliable device,"
    says Kenneth Brown, a professor of electrical and computer engineering
    at Duke and a coauthor on the paper. "And fault-tolerant quantum error correction will enable us to make very reliable quantum computers from
    faulty quantum parts." But quantum error correction has unique challenges
    -- qubits are more complex than traditional bits and can go wrong in more
    ways. You can't just copy a qubit, or even simply check its value in the
    middle of a calculation. The whole reason qubits are advantageous is
    that they can exist in a quantum superposition of multiple states and
    can become quantum mechanically entangled with each other. To copy a
    qubit you have to know exactly what information it's currently storing
    -- in physical terms you have to measure it. And a measurement puts it
    into a single well-defined quantum state, destroying any superposition
    or entanglement that the quantum calculation is built on.

    So for quantum error correction, you must correct mistakes in bits
    that you aren't allowed to copy or even look at too closely. It's like proofreading while blindfolded. In the mid-1990s, researchers started
    proposing ways to do this using the subtleties of quantum mechanics,
    but quantum computers are just reaching the point where they can put
    the theories to the test.

    The key idea is to make a logical qubit out of redundant physical qubits
    in a way that can check if the qubits agree on certain quantum mechanical
    facts without ever knowing the state of any of them individually.

    Can't Improve on the Atom There are many proposed quantum error correction codes to choose from, and some are more natural fits for a particular
    approach to creating a quantum computer.

    Each way of making a quantum computer has its own types of errors as well
    as unique strengths. So building a practical quantum computer requires understanding and working with the particular errors and advantages that
    your approach brings to the table.

    The ion trap-based quantum computer that Monroe and colleagues work with
    has the advantage that their individual qubits are identical and very
    stable. Since the qubits are electrically charged ions, each qubit can communicate with all the others in the line through electrical nudges,
    giving freedom compared to systems that need a solid connection to
    immediate neighbors.

    "They're atoms of a particular element and isotope so they're perfectly replicable," says Monroe. "And when you store coherence in the qubits
    and you leave them alone, it exists essentially forever. So the qubit
    when left alone is perfect. To make use of that qubit, we have to poke
    it with lasers, we have to do things to it, we have to hold on to the
    atom with electrodes in a vacuum chamber, all of those technical things
    have noise on them, and they can affect the qubit." For Monroe's system,
    the biggest source of errors is entangling operations - - the creation
    of quantum links between two qubits with laser pulses.

    Entangling operations are necessary parts of operating a quantum computer
    and of combining qubits into logical qubits. So while the team can't
    hope to make their logical qubits store information more stably than the individual ion qubits, correcting the errors that occur when entangling
    qubits is a vital improvement.

    The researchers selected the Bacon-Shor code as a good match for the
    advantages and weaknesses of their system. For this project, they only
    needed 15 of the 32 ions that their system can support, and two of
    the ions were not used as qubits but were only needed to get an even
    spacing between the other ions. For the code, they used nine qubits to redundantly encode a single logical qubit and four additional qubits to
    pick out locations where potential errors occurred.

    With that information, the detected faulty qubits can, in theory, be
    corrected without the "quantum-ness" of the qubits being compromised by measuring the state of any individual qubit.

    "The key part of quantum error correction is redundancy, which is why
    we needed nine qubits in order to get one logical qubit," says JQI
    graduate student Laird Egan, who is the first author of the paper. "But
    that redundancy helps us look for errors and correct them, because an
    error on a single qubit can be protected by the other eight." The team successfully used the Bacon-Shor code with the ion-trap system. The
    resulting logical qubit required six entangling operations -- each with
    an expected error rate between 0.7% and 1.5%. But thanks to the careful
    design of the code, these errors don't combine into an even higher error
    rate when the entanglement operations were used to prepare the logical
    qubit in its initial state.

    The team only observed an error in the qubit's preparation and measurement
    0.6% of the time -- less than the lowest error expected for any of the individual entangling operations. The team was then able to move the
    logical qubit to a second state with an error of just 0.3%. The team
    also intentionally introduced errors and demonstrated that they could
    detect them.

    "This is really a demonstration of quantum error correction improving performance of the underlying components for the first time," says
    Egan. "And there's no reason that other platforms can't do the same thing
    as they scale up. It's really a proof of concept that quantum error
    correction works." As the team continues this line of work, they say
    they hope to achieve similar success in building even more challenging
    quantum logical gates out of their qubits, performing complete cycles
    of error correction where the detected errors are actively corrected,
    and entangling multiple logical qubits together.

    "Up until this paper, everyone's been focused on making one
    logical qubit," says Egan. "And now that we've made one, we're
    like, 'Single logical qubits work, so what can you do with two?'" ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by University_of_Maryland. Original
    written by Bailey Bedford. Note: Content may be edited for style and

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Laird Egan, Dripto M. Debroy, Crystal Noel, Andrew Risinger,
    Daiwei Zhu,
    Debopriyo Biswas, Michael Newman, Muyuan Li, Kenneth R. Brown,
    Marko Cetina, Christopher Monroe. Fault-tolerant control of an
    error-corrected qubit. Nature, 2021; DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03928-y ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/10/211004115128.htm

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