• Pruning the dendritic tree

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Fri Oct 1 21:30:46 2021
    Pruning the dendritic tree
    Study clarifies function of an enzyme for the development of nerve cells

    October 1, 2021
    University of Bonn
    Researchers have shed light on the function of the enzyme SLK for
    the development of nerve cells in the brain. If it is missing, the
    neurons' branches are less abundant. In addition, it is then more
    difficult to inhibit the activity of the cells. This is consistent
    with the fact that there is less SLK in diseased brain tissue from
    epilepsy patients.

    Epileptic seizures are characterized by overexcitation of neuron
    clusters. The findings may help to improve treatment of the
    disease. The study is published in the prestigious Journal of

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Researchers at the University of Bonn have shed light on the function of
    the enzyme SLK for the development of nerve cells in the brain. If it is missing, the neurons' branches are less abundant. In addition, it is then
    more difficult to inhibit the activity of the cells. This is consistent
    with the fact that there is less SLK in diseased brain tissue from
    epilepsy patients. Epileptic seizures are characterized by overexcitation
    of neuron clusters. The findings may help to improve treatment of the
    disease. The study is published in the Journal of Neuroscience.

    SLK belongs to the large group of kinases. These enzymes are extremely important: They attach phosphate groups (which are small molecular
    residues with a phosphorus atom in the center) to proteins and thus
    alter their activity. Kinases are involved in the regulation of almost
    all life processes in animals.

    The kinase SLK was already known to play an important role in embryonic development: One of its effects is on the growth of cells and their
    migration in the body; these processes are also essential for the
    maturation of neurons.

    "We therefore investigated what function SLK performs in nerve cells,"
    explains Prof. Dr. Albert Becker from the Institute of Neuropathology
    at the University of Bonn.

    The researchers inhibited the production of the SLK protein in neurons
    of mice.

    "This changed the appearance of the neurons," says Anne Quatraccioni,
    who is doing her doctorate at the Institute of Neuropathology in the
    research group of Prof. Dr. Susanne Schoch McGovern: "The dendrites, which
    are the extensions that receive signals from other neurons and conduct
    them to the cell body, branched less." SLK deficiency makes neurons
    more excitable The dendrites resemble a kind of tree dotted with tiny
    contact points, the synapses. This is where extensions of other nerve
    cells dock and transmit electrical impulses to the tree. The observed "thinning" did not affect the thick main branches, but exclusively
    the smallest shoots. The synapses on these small branches are called excitatory: Signals received there have an arousing effect. This means
    that they increase the probability that the neuron will in turn generate
    an electrical signal, in other words, that it will "fire." When there
    are fewer side branches, the synapses could concentrate in a smaller
    area and thereby gain influence, making the neuron easier to excite
    (since the synapses are excitatory). "Surprisingly, however, we did
    not find an increased density of excitatory synapses," Quatraccioni
    points out. "Nevertheless, the affected neurons were more excitable. But
    there had to be other reasons." The cause is not to be found in the
    delicate twigs, but in the thick main branches. Numerous synapses are
    also located there, but of a different type: They have an inhibitory
    effect. Any signal received by these synapses prevents the nerve
    cell from firing. "The mice initially formed a normal amount of these inhibitory synapses," Quatraccioni explains. "However, after a few days
    of life, their density began to decrease. This loss kept progressing."
    SLK therefore appears to be important in maintaining normal levels of inhibitory synapses. Without the kinase, the affected neurons become increasingly difficult to inhibit over time. This fits in with the fact
    that the researchers were able to detect SLK deficiency in the nerve
    cells of brain tissue from epilepsy patients. During epileptic seizures,
    whole areas of the brain are overexcited, meaning that the neurons fire
    too easily.

    Explanation for declining drug efficacy? The findings could also
    explain why the effects of the drugs diminish over time in some
    sufferers. "Perhaps this effect is not due to resistance to the
    drugs, but to the progressive loss of the inhibitory synapses," says
    Prof. Dr. Susanne Schoch McGovern. The findings therefore provide new
    insights into how the disease develops.

    They could also have therapeutic relevance: "We often try
    to prevent neuronal overexcitation with drugs that stimulate
    inhibitory synapses," explains Schoch McGovern. "This might be the
    wrong strategy in the case of an SLK deficiency: At some point,
    there are so few inhibitory synapses left that this no longer
    works. It is probably more promising in these patients to intervene
    on the excitatory side, that is, to inhibit the excitatory synapses." ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by University_of_Bonn. Note: Content
    may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Susanne Schoch, Anne Quatraccioni, Barbara K. Robens, Robert
    Karen M.J. van Loo, Silvia Cases-Cunillera, Tony Kelly, Thoralf
    Opitz, Valeri Borger, Dirk Dietrich, Julika Pitsch, Heinz Beck,
    Albert J.

    Becker. Ste20-like Kinase Is Critical for Inhibitory Synapse
    Maintenance and Its Deficiency Confers a Developmental
    Dendritopathy. The Journal of Neuroscience, 2021; 41 (39): 8111
    DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0352-21.2021 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/10/211001082629.htm

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