• Encourage wealthy and well-connected to

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Thu Sep 30 21:30:38 2021
    Encourage wealthy and well-connected to use their influence to tackle
    climate change

    September 30, 2021
    University of Cambridge
    A paper article identifies five ways that people of high
    socioeconomic status have a disproportionate impact on global
    greenhouse gas emissions - and therefore an outsized responsibility
    to facilitate progress in climate change mitigation.

    FULL STORY ==========================================================================
    A paper published today in the journal Nature Energy identifies five
    ways that people of high socioeconomic status have a disproportionate
    impact on global greenhouse gas emissions -- and therefore an outsized responsibility to facilitate progress in climate change mitigation.

    In their roles as consumers, investors, role models, organisational participants, and citizens, people in this group can help shape the
    choices available to themselves and others, providing options that either exacerbate or mitigate climate change.

    Most research into how we can reduce our climate impact has focused on
    changing the consumer behaviour of the masses -- recycling and switching
    off lights at home, for example. The authors say that the focus must
    shift to finding ways of motivating people of high socioeconomic status
    to change many kinds of behaviours, because what they do can have a much greater impact on carbon emissions.

    The study defines high socioeconomic status as a person's position in the structure of society, including not only their wealth and income, but
    also their 'social resources', which include social class, occupation,
    and social network. It encompasses a much broader spectrum of people
    than just the super- rich, including everyone with an annual income of
    US $109,000 and above.

    "High socioeconomic status people aren't just those with more money, but
    those with stronger social networks. Their connections can enable them
    to influence behaviours and policies to help mitigate climate change --
    and we need to find ways to encourage them to do this," said Dr Kristian Nielsen, a postdoctoral researcher in the University of Cambridge's
    Department of Psychology, first author of the paper.

    He added: "By saying it's only the super-rich that need to change their behaviour, we ignore the power that others have to help tackle climate
    change though their influence." The climate impact of air travel is now
    well known, but over 50% of greenhouse gas emissions from flying are
    caused by just 1% of the world's population. The study highlights the
    need to change social norms associated with frequent flying -- usually
    by people of high socio-economic status -- but also to look beyond their
    role as consumers.

    ========================================================================== "People of higher socioeconomic status could also act as role models,
    making more climate-friendly choices that influence others -- for
    example driving electric cars or eating a vegan diet. You don't need a
    massive income to be a role model, you just need to be well-connected,"
    said Nielsen.

    Investments also provide an opportunity for those of higher socioeconomic status to mitigate climate change. Although attention has focused
    on shifting the investment of large pension funds away from fossil
    fuel companies, the researchers say that the investment portfolios of individuals -- particularly those with immense wealth -- can also have
    a very significant influence.

    In addition, high socioeconomic status individuals -- whether owners
    or employees -- can help to mitigate climate change through their organisations, for example by changing suppliers, business culture
    and investments.

    And as citizens, people of high socioeconomic status have the networks to
    help them organise social movements, and better access politicians and decision- makers. Their financial resources also help: making donations
    helps smooth the path to advancing social change.

    "Our study focused on people of high socioeconomic status because
    they have generated many of the problems of fossil fuel dependence and associated climate change, which affect the rest of humanity. And they
    are also well positioned to do something about it," said Nielsen.

    He added: "When certain people change their behaviour for the good of
    the climate it can have spill-over effects that go way beyond the effects
    of the average person, and lead to systemic change." This research was
    funded by the Carlsberg Foundation.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by University_of_Cambridge. The original
    text of this story is licensed under a Creative_Commons_License. Note:
    Content may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Nielsen, K.S., Nicholas, K.A., Creutzig, F. et al. The role of high-
    socioeconomic-status people in locking in or rapidly reducing
    energy- driven greenhouse gas emissions. Nat Energy, 2021 DOI:
    10.1038/s41560- 021-00900-y ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/09/210930111104.htm

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