• Study reveals gophers' biofluorescence

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Thu Sep 16 21:30:38 2021
    Study reveals gophers' biofluorescence
    Researcher discovers that the underground species has a secret glow

    September 16, 2021
    University of Georgia
    You can learn a lot about animals by simply watching them. But some
    secrets can only be revealed in the dark ... with an ultraviolet

    FULL STORY ==========================================================================
    You can learn a lot about animals by simply watching them. But some
    secrets can only be revealed in the dark ... with an ultraviolet

    This happens to be the case for pocket gophers, small rodents that
    live underground in sandy soil. A new paper by University of Georgia researchers found that these feisty, solitary, round-cheeked animals have
    a special skill that's only revealed under ultraviolet light: They are biofluorescent, giving off a colored glow when illuminated with UV light.

    Published in The American Midland Naturalist, this is the first time biofluorescence has been documented in pocket gophers. J.T. Pynne, a
    recent Ph.D. graduate of the UGA Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources and lead author of the study, said he was inspired to shine a
    light on the possibility a few years ago, after reading similar studies documenting the phenomenon in flying squirrels and opossums.

    "A bunch of people, myself included, were curious about other animals,"
    said Pynne, now a private lands wildlife biologist with the Georgia
    Wildlife Federation. So, he turned to Warnell's collection of animal

    "We tested it on the flying squirrels we had, and sure enough, it
    worked. So, I said, 'Well, what else do we have?'" During his time
    at Warnell, Pynne focused his research on pocket gophers, which are short-tempered and live in underground tunnels. So, he turned his UV
    flashlight toward those he had on hand. "And it turned out, pocket
    gophers, flying squirrels and opossums were the only animal specimens
    that fluoresced. And I'm thinking, of course my strange little animals
    do this." This was in 2019. At the time, identifying organisms that
    glowed purple, orange or pink under a black light was a bit of a thing
    in certain scientific circles.

    What started with the revelation of the flying squirrel snowballed into
    several other fluorescent discoveries, such as the nocturnal springhare
    and the platypus. Biofluorescence has also been documented in birds, salamanders, spiders and scorpions, among other organisms, said Warnell professor Steven Castleberry.

    A UV light is required for humans to see biofluorescence.

    Just in the past few years, there's been this uptick of people shining
    UV light on mammals to see if they glow. So now people have started to
    ask, why do they fluoresce?" added Castleberry. Whether the fluorescence
    is a defense mechanism, a communication method, camouflage or simply
    a trait from earlier eras is anyone's guess at this point. "There's
    some speculation and hypotheses, but nobody really knows the truth."
    Pynne also documented biofluorescence in pocket gophers in the wild,
    which emit a more intense orange-pink glow. He also tested specimens of
    other pocket gopher species archived at the Georgia Museum of Natural
    History, all of which emitted biofluorescence.

    While the reason for pocket gophers' and other animals' ability to glow
    under ultraviolet light is still up for debate, Pynne said it can serve as
    a unique introduction to the animals' world. With UV flashlights readily available, most anyone can highlight a foraging opossum in their backyard,
    for example, or watch how different insects light up at night.

    "We have known for a long time that arthropods fluoresced. Any time I
    catch a scorpion or a spider or a millipede and I have my black light,
    they're bright blue," said Pynne, who keeps an ultraviolet flashlight in
    his backpack whenever he's exploring new places. "It's probably more of
    a cool teaching thing than anything." Although pocket gophers, with
    their long, curved teeth and penchant for burrowing, would rather be
    left alone, thank you very much.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by University_of_Georgia. Original
    written by Kristen Morales. Note: Content may be edited for style
    and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. J. T. Pynne, Steven B. Castleberry, L. Mike Conner, Colleen
    W. Piper,
    Elizabeth I. Parsons, Robert A. Gitzen, Sarah I. Duncan, James
    D. Austin, Robert A. McCleery. Ultraviolet Biofluorescence in
    Pocket Gophers. The American Midland Naturalist, 2021; 186 (1)
    DOI: 10.1674/0003-0031- 186.1.150 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/09/210916142833.htm

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