• MODIS Pic of the Day 04 September 2021

    From Dan Richter@1:317/3 to All on Sat Sep 4 11:00:06 2021
    September 4, 2021 - Ida Floods the East Coast

    Follow @NASA_MODIS

    Ida on the East Coast

    The strength of hurricane winds often attract the most attention, but
    meteorologists warn that water is the most dangerous part of a tropical
    cyclone. Ida is a good example.

    Though Ida’s winds weakened after making landfall in Louisiana, the
    storm system upended daily life for millions of people and proved
    deadly for some as the system moved from the Gulf Coast to New England
    between August 27 and September 2, 2021. As it moved northward and
    joined with another storm system in the Northeast U.S., Ida unleashed
    destructive flash floods in Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New
    York. At times the storm poured several inches of rain per hour on
    areas that were just hit by heavy rains from Tropical Storm Henri.

    The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on board
    NASA’s Terra satellite acquire a true-color image of the remnants of
    Hurricane Ida as they stretched over the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast on
    September 1. On that day, tornadoes spawned by the storm struck
    Maryland and New Jersey, while torrential downpours stretched across
    the entire region.

    Rain gauge data indicate that many of the worst-hit areas saw 6 to 10
    inches (15 to 25 centimeters) of rain fall in just a few hours, a
    deluge that quickly turned streets into rushing rivers and buildings
    into islands. Due to the extreme conditions, the National Weather
    Service (NWS) even issued flash flood emergency warnings for New York
    City and parts of New Jersey. These alerts are reserved for
    “exceedingly rare situations when a severe threat to human life and
    catastrophic damage from a flash flood is happening or will happen
    soon”, according NWS. The flooding has caused more than two dozen
    deaths, according to news reports.

    Rivers in Pennsylvania and New Jersey broke all-time records for water
    levels. In southeastern Pennsylvania, East Brandywine Creek rose as
    high as 19 feet, smashing the previous high-water mark of nearly 14
    feet, which was set during Hurricane Floyd in 1999. In Wilmington,
    Delaware, Brandywine Creek swamped urban areas and led to large numbers
    of water rescues. In New Jersey, the Millstone River at Weston and the
    Raritan River at Manville both narrowly broke flood records as well.
    The rainfall total of 8.41 inches at Newark, New Jersey, on September 1
    was the highest for any calendar day in Newark records.

    The Schuylkill River in Pennsylvania also saw major flooding. With a
    gauge in Norristown recording a record height of nearly 27 feet (19
    feet is considered major flooding), rushing waters shut down highways
    and swamped homes, businesses, and cars in some parts of Philadelphia.
    In New York City, Central Park saw 3.15 inches of rain fall in one
    hour, smashing the hourly record set just days before during Tropical
    Storm Henri. Floodwater poured into the city’s subway system, basement
    apartments, and the cars of stranded motorists.

    In a recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,
    scientists drew an unequivocal link between human activity and global
    warming. They also pointed to an observed increase in the intensity and
    frequency of heavy precipitation events in eastern North America as a
    consequence of warming. Scientists project that an increase in both
    mean and extreme precipitation is very likely in the future.

    Image Facts
    Satellite: Terra
    Date Acquired: 9/1/2021
    Resolutions: 1km (1.3 MB), 500m (4.3 MB),
    Bands Used: 1,4,3
    Image Credit: MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA GSFC


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