• Pictograms are first written accounts of

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Wed Aug 25 21:30:30 2021
    Pictograms are first written accounts of earthquakes in pre-Hispanic

    August 25, 2021
    Seismological Society of America
    The Codex Telleriano Remensis, created in the 16th century in
    Mexico, depicts earthquakes in pictograms that are the first
    written evidence of earthquakes in the Americas in pre-Hispanic
    times, according to a pair of researchers who have systematically
    studied the country's historical earthquakes.

    FULL STORY ==========================================================================
    The Codex Telleriano Remensis, created in the 16th century in Mexico,
    depicts earthquakes in pictograms that are the first written evidence of earthquakes in the Americas in pre-Hispanic times, according to a pair
    of researchers who have systematically studied the country's historical earthquakes.

    ========================================================================== Gerardo Sua'rez of the Universidad Nacional Auto'noma de Me'xico and
    Virginia Garci'a-Acosta of the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios
    Superiores en Antropologi'a Social studied pictograms reporting 12
    earthquakes in the Telleriano-Remensis, occurring between 1460 and 1542.

    The pictograms offer little information on the location, size or damage
    caused by the earthquakes, the authors note in the journal Seismological Research Letters. But along with other historical accounts found in
    annals written after the Spanish conquest, they extend the region's
    seismic history back into the 15th century.

    "It is not surprising that pre Hispanic records exist describing
    earthquakes for two reasons," said Sua'rez. "Earthquakes are frequent
    in this country and, secondly, earthquakes had a profound meaning
    in the cosmological view of the original inhabitants of what is now
    Mexico." Mesoamerican civilizations viewed the universe as cyclical,
    with successive eras or "suns" destroyed by floods, wind, fire and other phenomena before the appearance of a new sun. The current and fifth "sun, "according to this view, will be destroyed by earthquakes.

    Sua'rez and Garci'a-Acosta began studying historical earthquakes in
    Mexico after the devastating magnitude 8.0 Mexico City earthquake in
    1985, eventually publishing their findings in the book Los sismos en la historia de Me'xico.

    "However, we had not tackled the pictographic representation of
    earthquakes," said Sua'rez. "We recently embarked on a more detailed study
    of this pictographic representation and other texts written immediately
    after the Spanish conquest." Codex writing, a pre-Hispanic system of
    symbols and colors, was done by trained specialists called tlacuilos
    (in the original Nahuatl language, "those who write painting"). While
    many codices were burned as pagan objects after the Spanish conquest,
    some survived and the pictographic style was used in new codices up into
    the 18th century.

    The Codex Telleriano-Remensis is written on European paper, with
    explanations or "glosses" written in Latin, Spanish and sometimes Italian
    by later commentators alongside the symbols.

    Earthquakes, called tlalollin in the Nahuatl language, are represented
    by two signs: ollin (movement) and tlalli (earth). Ollin is a glyph
    consisting of four helices and a central eye or circle. Tlalli is a glyph consisting of one or several layers filled with dots and different colors.

    In the Telleriano-Remensis, there are other modifications of the
    earthquake glyphs, but their meanings are not clear to scholars. "However,
    the consensus is that the various representations probably do have a
    meaning," Sua'rez said.

    "Drawing codices was a strict discipline not open to artistic whims of
    the people trained to do it, the tlacuilos. We are hopeful that in the
    future an unknown codex or document may appear that may enlighten us in
    this respect." Sua'rez and Garci'a-Acosta note that other annals offer information that complements the codex earthquake drawings, perhaps
    filling in more details about the impacts and locations of specific earthquakes. For example, a historical account by the Franciscan friar
    Juan de Torquemada describes a 1496 earthquake that shook three mountains
    in "Xochitepec province, along the coast" and caused landslides in an
    area inhabited by the Yope people.

    The site is within the Guerrero seismic gap, a region of relative seismic
    quiet along the subduction zone in southern Mexico. The historical
    descriptions suggest that the 1496 earthquake might have been a very
    large earthquake of magnitude 8.0 or larger within the gap. There have
    been no recorded earthquakes of that magnitude in the gap since 1845.

    The historical evidence "really does not change our view of the seismic potential of that region in southern Mexico," Sua'rez explained. "It
    simply adds additional evidence that great earthquakes have occurred in
    this segment of the subduction zone before, and the absence of these major earthquakes for several years should not be considered as though this
    region is aseismic." The researchers plan to study other codices that are
    not as well-known as the Telleriano-Remensis, but have so far been unable
    to access the libraries that hold them due to COVID-19 restrictions.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by
    Seismological_Society_of_America. Note: Content may be edited for style
    and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Gerardo Sua'rez, Virginia Garci'a-Acosta. The First Written
    Accounts of
    Pre-Hispanic Earthquakes in the Americas. Seismological Research
    Letters, 2021; DOI: 10.1785/0220210161 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/08/210825143043.htm

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