• Lupin and Arsenic: Research on soil deco

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Tue Aug 24 21:30:40 2021
    Lupin and Arsenic: Research on soil decontamination by an exceptional

    August 24, 2021
    University of Montreal
    Researchers have discovered a new chemical mechanism used by
    roots of white lupin to clean up arsenic-contaminated soils,
    such as those from mining operations.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Pollution of soils with highly toxic arsenic is a worldwide problem
    generating substantial risks to human health and the environment.

    In Canada, over 7000 sites contaminated with metals such as arsenic are considered 'highly concerning' by the government, with some past and
    recent mining operations and wood preservative facilities having left
    their mark on the environment by increasing soil arsenic levels by up
    to 1000 times the maximum regulatory health limits.

    One way in which arsenic contaminated soils could be rejuvenated is
    to exploit natural mechanisms which have evolved in certain plants for contamination tolerance.

    "The legume crop white lupin (L. albus) is one such arsenic tolerant
    plant species being studied as for sustainable remediation," explains
    Adrien Fre'mont, lead author of the study and a doctoral student in
    biological sciences at the Universite' de Montre'al. "The mechanism
    behind arsenic tolerance in white lupin is thought to be the release of
    plant chemicals directly into soil by roots, but the nature of these
    compounds is unknown and hard to study due to the complexity of these belowground interactions." Root chemicals an undiscovered country To
    study this, the team developed nylon pouches which could be placed close
    to roots in soil to capture exuded molecules without damaging the root
    system. The complex mix of molecules collected from these pouches were
    analysed using advanced (metabolomic) chemical profiling to identify
    the compounds capable of binding metals produced by the Lupin plants in response to high concentrations of arsenic. Some of these metal-binding molecules, phytochelatins, are known to be used internally by plants
    to deal with metal stress but have never before been captured as exuded
    into polluted soils.

    "We're really excited to see how matching new root-soil sampling
    approaches with advanced metabolomic profiling can yield such unexpected discoveries," notes Fre'mont. "We know that plants can drastically
    change soil properties and can transform or immobilise soil pollution,
    but the chemistry underlying how they achieve this, and in particular
    the makeup and function of root-exuded compounds, is still very much an undiscovered country." Plant roots directly altering polluted soils
    The next steps of the research are to branch out into more detailed
    analysis of the precise chemical reactions taking place at the root-soil interface, including exploration of different plant species, interactions
    with microorganisms and the challenge of diverse soil pollution.

    As Dr. Nicholas Brereton, University of Montreal and the study's senior
    author, mentions: "It can be a real challenge to research the complex interactions going on belowground between plants and soil, but these
    findings are rewarding in telling us that natural mechanisms have evolved
    in plants to deal with this type of pollution. Although we're still
    only just beginning to scratch below the surface of how these plant
    root strategies work, as we learn more, we can potentially utilise
    these natural processes to improve soil health and help to alleviate
    some of the most persistent anthropogenic damage to our environment."
    The research was supported by funding from the Natural Sciences and
    Engineering Research Council of Canada, MITACS, Hydro-Que'bec and Natural Resources Canada Forest Innovation Program.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by University_of_Montreal. Note:
    Content may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Adrien Fre'mont, Eszter Sas, Mathieu Sarrazin, Emmanuel Gonzalez,
    Brisson, Fre'de'ric Emmanuel Pitre, Nicholas James Beresford

    Phytochelatin and coumarin enrichment in root exudates of
    arsenic‐treated white lupin. Plant, Cell & Environment,
    2021; DOI: 10.1111/pce.14163 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/08/210824135322.htm

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