• How a Parkinson's disease-linked protein

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Wed Aug 18 21:30:36 2021
    How a Parkinson's disease-linked protein attacks a cell's powerhouses
    Scientists explore how alpha-synuclein impacts the health of
    mitochondria, organelles that produce most of a cell's energy

    August 18, 2021
    University at Buffalo
    Inside cells, organelles called mitochondria carry out a medley of
    vital tasks. These structures generate energy and help to keep the
    cells' interior environment in a state of healthy equilibrium, among
    other functions. Now, scientists show in detail how alpha-synuclein,
    a protein associated with Parkinson's disease, can damage these
    cellular powerhouses.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Inside cells, organelles called mitochondria carry out a medley of
    vital tasks.

    These structures generate energy and help to keep the cells' interior environment in a state of healthy equilibrium, among other functions.

    Now, scientists show how a protein associated with Parkinson's disease
    can damage these cellular powerhouses.

    The findings come from experiments in which fruit fly larvae were
    genetically engineered to produce unusually high amounts of the protein,
    called alpha- synuclein.

    "When fruit fly larvae expressed alpha-synuclein at elevated levels
    similar to what is seen in Parkinson's disease, many of the mitochondria
    we observed became unhealthy, and many became fragmented. Through
    detailed experiments, we also showed that different parts of the alpha-synuclein protein seem to be responsible for these two problems,
    and that fragmented mitochondria can actually be healthy. This is a
    key finding, because before, people thought fragmented mitochondria
    were unhealthy mitochondria," says Shermali Gunawardena, PhD, associate professor of biological sciences in the University at Buffalo College
    of Arts and Sciences.

    The results could be of interest in the context of drug development,
    as abnormal aggregates of alpha-synuclein in brain cells are a hallmark
    of Parkinson's disease, and mitochondrial damage has also been observed
    in patients.

    "This research showcases the advantage of using fruit fly larvae as a
    model organism to study how neurons become damaged during devastating
    diseases such as Parkinson's disease," says TJ Krzystek, UB PhD candidate
    in biological sciences. "Through this approach, we pieced together
    a new understanding for how the Parkinson's disease-related protein alpha-synuclein disrupts the health and movement of mitochondria --
    the epicenter for energy production in cells.

    We believe this work emphasizes a promising path that can be explored
    for potential therapeutics aimed at improving mitochondrial health in Parkinson's disease patients." The study was published on Aug. 17 in
    the journal Cell Death and Disease.

    The co-first authors are Krzystek and Rupkatha Banerjee, PhD, a
    postdoctoral research associate at Scripps Research who completed her
    doctorate in biological sciences at UB. Gunawardena is the senior author.

    The research was a collaborative effort, with many members of the
    Gunawardena lab making significant contributions. In addition to Banerjee, Gunawardena and Krzystek, the paper's authors include undergraduates
    Layne Thurston, JianQiao Huang and Saad Navid Rahman, and PhD student
    Kelsey Swinter, all in the UB Department of Biological Sciences, and
    Tomas L. Falzone at the Universidad de Buenos Aires and Instituto de Investigacio'n en Biomedicina de Buenos Aires.

    A detailed look at alpha-synuclein and mitochondria Through tests in
    fruit fly larvae, the scientists were able to tease out intricate details regarding interactions between alpha-synuclein and mitochondria.

    For example, the study not only concludes that different sections of the
    alpha- synuclein protein are likely responsible for causing mitochondrial fragmentation and damaging mitochondrial health; the research also
    identifies these sections and describes how other proteins may interact
    with them to drive these changes. More specifically, the proteins PINK1
    and Parkin -- both linked to Parkinson's disease -- may interact with
    one end of alpha-synuclein to influence mitochondrial health, while a
    protein called DRP1 may interact with the other end to break mitochondria, scientists say.

    "Mitochondrial impairments have long been linked to the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease," Banerjee says. "However, the role of alpha-synuclein
    in mitochondrial quality control so far has not been comprehensively investigated.

    Our study unravels the intricate molecular mechanisms by which
    the different regions of alpha-synuclein exert distinct effects on mitochondrial health, bringing into light a potential pathway that
    could be targeted for exploring new therapeutic interventions in
    Parkinson's disease." "We were able to tease out specific mechanistic functions for alpha synuclein by using imaging tools and a color-tagged
    marking system to observe the process of what happens to mitochondria
    when alpha-synuclein is elevated," Gunawardena adds. "This system
    allowed us to observe the health, size and the movement behaviors of mitochondria at the same time in living neurons in a whole organism." ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by University_at_Buffalo. Original
    written by Charlotte Hsu.

    Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Thomas J. Krzystek, Rupkatha Banerjee, Layne Thurston, JianQiao
    Kelsey Swinter, Saad Navid Rahman, Tomas L. Falzone, Shermali
    Gunawardena. Differential mitochondrial roles for a-synuclein in
    DRP1- dependent fission and PINK1/Parkin-mediated oxidation. Cell
    Death & Disease, 2021; 12 (9) DOI: 10.1038/s41419-021-04046-3 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/08/210818130512.htm

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