• Eating more plant foods may lower heart

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Wed Aug 4 21:30:40 2021
    Eating more plant foods may lower heart disease risk in young adults,
    older women

    August 4, 2021
    American Heart Association
    Eating a plant-centered diet during young adulthood is associated
    with a lower risk of heart disease in middle age, according to
    a long-term study with about 30 years of follow-up. A separate
    study with about 15 years of follow-up found that eating more
    plant-based foods that have been shown to lower cholesterol,
    called the 'Portfolio Diet', is associated with lower risk of
    cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Eating more nutritious, plant-based foods is heart-healthy at any age, according to two research studies published today in theJournal of
    the American Heart Association, an open access journal of the American
    Heart Association.

    In two separate studies analyzing different measures of healthy
    plant food consumption, researchers found that both young adults and postmenopausal women had fewer heart attacks and were less likely to
    develop cardiovascular disease when they ate more healthy plant foods.

    The American Heart Association Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations
    suggest an overall healthy dietary pattern that emphasizes a variety of
    fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, skinless
    poultry and fish, nuts and legumes and non-tropical vegetable oils. It
    also advises limited consumption of saturated fat, trans fat, sodium,
    red meat, sweets and sugary drinks.

    One study, titled "A Plant-Centered Diet and Risk of Incident
    Cardiovascular Disease during Young to Middle Adulthood," evaluated
    whether long-term consumption of a plant-centered diet and a shift toward
    a plant-centered diet starting in young adulthood are associated with
    a lower risk of cardiovascular disease in midlife.

    "Earlier research was focused on single nutrients or single foods,
    yet there is little data about a plant-centered diet and the long-term
    risk of cardiovascular disease," said Yuni Choi, Ph.D., lead author of
    the young adult study and a postdoctoral researcher in the division of epidemiology and community health at the University of Minnesota School
    of Public Health in Minneapolis.

    Choi and colleagues examined diet and the occurrence of heart disease in
    4,946 adults enrolled in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young
    Adults (CARDIA) study. Participants were 18- to 30-years-old at the time
    of enrollment (1985-1986) in this study and were free of cardiovascular
    disease at that time.

    Participants included 2,509 Black adults and 2,437 white adults (54.9%
    women overall) who were also analyzed by education level (equivalent
    to more than high school vs. high school or less). Participants had
    eight follow-up exams from 1987-88 to 2015-16 that included lab tests,
    physical measurements, medical histories and assessment of lifestyle
    factors. Unlike randomized controlled trials, participants were not
    instructed to eat certain things and were not told their scores on the
    diet measures, so the researchers could collect unbiased, long-term
    habitual diet data.

    ========================================================================== After detailed diet history interviews, the quality of the participants
    diets was scored based on the A PrioriDiet Quality Score (APDQS) composed
    of 46 food groups at years 0, 7 and 20 of the study. The food groups
    were classified into beneficial foods (such as fruits, vegetables, beans,
    nuts and whole grains); adverse foods (such as fried potatoes, high-fat
    red meat, salty snacks, pastries and soft drinks); and neutral foods
    (such as potatoes, refined grains, lean meats and shellfish) based on
    their known association with cardiovascular disease.

    Participants who received higher scores ate a variety of beneficial
    foods, while people who had lower scores ate more adverse foods. Overall, higher values correspond to a nutritionally rich, plant-centered diet.

    "As opposed to existing diet quality scores that are usually based on
    small numbers of food groups, APDQS is explicit in capturing the overall quality of diet using 46 individual food groups, describing the whole
    diet that the general population commonly consumes. Our scoring is very comprehensive, and it has many similarities with diets like the Dietary Guidelines for Americans Healthy Eating Index (from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food and Nutrition Service), the DASH (Dietary Approaches
    to Stop Hypertension) diet and the Mediterranean diet," said David
    E. Jacobs Jr., Ph.D., senior author of the study and Mayo Professor of
    Public Health in the division of epidemiology and community health at
    the University of Minnesota School of Public Health in Minneapolis.

    Researchers found:
    * During 32 years of follow-up, 289 of the participants developed
    cardiovascular disease (including heart attack, stroke, heart
    failure, heart-related chest pain or clogged arteries anywhere in
    the body).

    * People who scored in the top 20% on the long-term diet quality score
    (meaning they ate the most nutritionally rich plant foods and fewer
    adversely rated animal products) were 52% less likely to develop
    cardiovascular disease, after considering several factors (including
    age, sex, race, average caloric consumption, education, parental
    history of heart disease, smoking and average physical activity).

    * In addition, between year 7 and 20 of the study when participants
    ranged from 25 to 50, those who improved their diet quality the
    most (eating more beneficial plant foods and fewer adversely
    rated animal products) were 61% less likely to develop subsequent
    cardiovascular disease, in comparison to the participants whose
    diet quality declined the most during that time.

    * There were few vegetarians among the participants, so the study
    was not
    able to assess the possible benefits of a strict vegetarian diet,
    which excludes all animal products, including meat, dairy and eggs.

    "A nutritionally rich, plant-centered diet is beneficial for
    cardiovascular health. A plant-centered diet is not necessarily
    vegetarian," Choi said.

    "People can choose among plant foods that are as close to natural as
    possible, not highly processed. We think that individuals can include
    animal products in moderation from time to time, such as non-fried
    poultry, non-fried fish, eggs and low-fat dairy." Because this study is observational, it cannot prove a cause-and-effect relationship between
    diet and heart disease.

    Other co-authors are Nicole Larson, Ph.D.; Lyn M. Steffen, Ph.D.;
    Pamela J.

    Schreiner, Ph.D.; Daniel D. Gallaher, Ph.D.; Daniel A. Duprez, M.D.,
    Ph.D.; James M. Shikany, Dr.P.H.; and Jamal S. Rana, M.D., Ph.D.

    The study was funded by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of
    the National Institutes of Health; Healthy Food Healthy Lives Institute
    at the University of Minnesota; and the MnDrive Global Food Ventures Professional Development Program at the University of Minnesota.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by American_Heart_Association. Note:
    Content may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal References:
    1. Andrea J. Glenn, Kenneth Lo, David J. A. Jenkins, Beatrice
    A. Boucher,
    Anthony J. Hanley, Cyril W. C. Kendall, JoAnn E. Manson, Mara Z.

    Vitolins, Linda G. Snetselaar, Simin Liu, John L. Sievenpiper.

    Relationship Between a Plant‐Based Dietary Portfolio and
    Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: Findings From the Women's Health
    Initiative Prospective Cohort Study. Journal of the American Heart
    Association, 2021; DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.121.021515
    2. Yuni Choi, Nicole Larson, Lyn M. Steffen, Pamela J. Schreiner,
    Daniel D.

    Gallaher, Daniel A. Duprez, James M. Shikany, Jamal S. Rana,
    David R.

    Jacobs. Plant‐Centered Diet and Risk of Incident
    Cardiovascular Disease During Young to Middle Adulthood. Journal of
    the American Heart Association, 2021; DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.120.020718 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/08/210804123607.htm

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