• Toward a COVID-19 breathalyzer for kids

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Wed Aug 4 21:30:38 2021
    Toward a COVID-19 breathalyzer for kids

    August 4, 2021
    American Chemical Society
    Adults infected with SARS-CoV-2 exhale different metabolites
    in their breath than uninfected people. Now, researchers have
    shown that children infected with SARS-CoV-2 also show breath
    metabolite changes, but they're largely different from the ones
    in adults. Someday, this information could be used to quickly and
    easily screen children for infection, the researchers say.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Adults infected with SARS-CoV-2 exhale different metabolites in their
    breath than uninfected people, and dogs and diagnostic devices can detect
    these changes. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Infectious Diseases have
    shown that children infected with SARS-CoV-2 also show breath metabolite changes, but they're largely different from the ones in adults. Someday,
    this information could be used to quickly and easily screen children
    for infection, the researchers say.

    ========================================================================== Currently, COVID-19 is diagnosed through the detection of specific
    viral nucleic acids or antigens, but these techniques are slow,
    relatively expensive, sometimes uncomfortable and prone to false-negative results. Scientists have observed that dogs can detect volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in human biological samples and distinguish certain
    diseases, including COVID-19.

    Researchers have also developed a sensor array to detect COVID-19-related
    VOCs in the exhaled breath of adults. Audrey Odom John and colleagues
    wondered if children infected with SARS-CoV-2 would also show changes
    in breath metabolites. If so, a breathalyzer-type device might someday
    quickly and comfortably screen large numbers of children in settings
    such as schools.

    The researchers collected breath samples from children who were given
    routine COVID-19 tests prior to being admitted to the Children's Hospital
    of Pennsylvania for other conditions. Fifteen children were SARS-CoV-2 negative, whereas 10 tested positive. The team analyzed 84 VOCs in
    the breath samples by 2D gas chromatography and time-of-flight mass spectrometry, identifying six candidate biomarkers that were significantly elevated in the breath of children with COVID-19. Two of these markers
    (octanal and heptanal) were also elevated in the breath of adults with
    the disease, while the others were unique to infected children. Then,
    the researchers measured these VOCs in breath samples from a different
    group of 24 children, half of whom were positive for the disease. The
    six biomarkers could predict infection with 91% sensitivity and 75% specificity. These preliminary results suggest that breathalyzer
    testing could be an inexpensive, noninvasive, quick and sensitive
    alternative for the frequent screening of large numbers of children,
    the researchers say. Those who test positive could then be given more
    specific, nucleic-acid based tests to confirm the screening results.

    The authors acknowledge funding from the National Institutes of Health
    and the Burroughs Wellcome Fund. Two of the authors are co-inventors on
    a preliminary patent of SARS-CoV-2 biomarkers.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by American_Chemical_Society. Note:
    Content may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Amalia Z. Berna, Elikplim H. Akaho, Rebecca M. Harris, Morgan
    Emilie Korn, Samuel Neher, Mirna M'Farrej, Julianne Burns, Audrey
    R. Odom John. Reproducible Breath Metabolite Changes in Children
    with SARS-CoV- 2 Infection. ACS Infectious Diseases, 2021; DOI:
    10.1021/ acsinfecdis.1c00248 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/08/210804123508.htm

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