• Solar-powered microbes to feed the world

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Fri Jul 30 21:30:32 2021
    Solar-powered microbes to feed the world?
    Researchers show that protein from microbes uses a fraction of the
    resources of conventional farming

    July 30, 2021
    University of Go"ttingen
    An international research team has shown that using solar-panels
    to produce microbial protein -- which is rich not just in proteins
    but also in other nutrients -- is more sustainable, efficient and
    environmentally friendly than growing conventional crops. This
    method uses solar energy, land, nutrients, and carbon dioxide from
    the air.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Microbes have played a key role in our food and drinks -- from cheese
    to beer - - for millennia but their impact on our nutrition may soon
    become even more important. The world is facing growing food challenges
    as the human population continues to increase alongside its demand for
    resource intensive animal products. If these needs are to be met solely
    by conventional agriculture, the environmental cost will be huge. An international research team led by a Go"ttingen University alumnus
    has now shown that using solar-panels to produce microbial protein --
    which is rich not just in proteins but also in other nutrients -- is
    more sustainable, efficient and environmentally friendly than growing conventional crops. This method uses solar energy, land, nutrients,
    and carbon dioxide from the air.

    ========================================================================== Their research was published in Proceedings of the National Academy
    of Sciences.

    Using computer simulations drawing directly from laboratory results, the researchers modelled large-scale microbial food production facilities,
    which use solar energy, air, water, and nutrients to grow microbes. The protein-rich biomass is harvested and processed, and the resulting powder
    can be used as feed for animals, or as food for people. The study carried
    out an analysis of the energy requirements for each step, from the very
    start to the end product, taking into account: electricity generation
    (from solar panels), electrochemical production of energy-rich substrate
    for the microbes, microbe cultivation, harvesting, and processing the protein-rich biomass. Several types of microbes and growth strategies
    were compared in order to identify the most efficient.

    The study found that for each kilo of protein produced, solar-powered
    microbes require only 10% of the land area compared to even the most
    efficient plant crop -- soybean. The study calculated that even in
    northern climates with less sunshine, the yields of solar-powered
    microbial foods could far outproduce staple crops, while minimizing
    water and fertilizer use. Importantly, this production could also be
    located in regions not suitable for agriculture, such as deserts.

    In previous research, the protein from these types of microbes has
    shown beneficial effects when fed to livestock and is already produced
    at large scale in the EU. "We expect that microbial protein will
    also be beneficial as a supplement to our diets, since it provides a high-quality protein source composed of all essential amino acids, as
    well as vitamins and minerals," explains first author Dorian Leger,
    who carried out the work in the MPI of Molecular Plant Physiology
    while studying at the University of Go"ttingen, along with colleagues
    from Italy and Israel. "This technology has the potential to support
    food production while preventing damage to the environment. Current
    farming methods contribute to polluted ecosystems and depleted water
    reserves worldwide." At the moment, 30-40% of the Earth's land is
    used for farming, yet one in ten people are undernourished. Leger says, "Integrating the cultivation of nutrient-rich microbes with renewable
    energy systems, such as solar panels, has the potential to produce more
    food with less resources. This could free up vast amounts of agricultural
    land, and, in addition, prevent the further destruction of natural
    ecosystems thereby making a valuable contribution to conservation
    and sustainability whilst promoting food availability globally." ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by University_of_Go"ttingen. Note:
    Content may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Dorian Leger, Silvio Matassa, Elad Noor, Alon Shepon, Ron Milo,
    Bar-Even. Photovoltaic-driven microbial protein production
    can use land and sunlight more efficiently than conventional
    crops. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021; 118
    (26): e2015025118 DOI: 10.1073/ pnas.2015025118 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/07/210730104303.htm

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