• MODIS Pic of the Day 23 July 2021

    From Dan Richter@1:317/3 to All on Fri Jul 23 11:00:14 2021
    July 23, 2021 - Sun and heat over Ireland and the United Kingdom

    Follow @NASA_MODIS

    UK and Ireland

    Ireland and the United Kingdom sweltered under a heatwave on July 20,
    2021. For the first time ever, Britain’s Met Office issued an extreme
    weather warning as temperatures were expected to reach 33˚C (91.4 F) by
    the end of the week. The Irish National Meteorological Service, Met
    Éireann, also issued warnings for high temperatures on that same day.
    Cavan, Monaghan, south Leitrim, Roscommon, Longford, and Westmeath were
    under a Status Orange and most of the rest of the country was under a
    Status Yellow. Status Orange is the second-highest warning level, with
    Status Red higher and Status Yellow lower.

    The Met Office reported that the highest temperature of the year on the
    island of Ireland was reached on July 21, with the reading of 31.3˚C
    (88.4˚F) at Castlederg, County Tyrone. Ireland was not far behind, with
    highs of 30.7˚C (87.3˚F) in County Roscommon, according to Met Éireann.
    London’s Heathrow Airport carried the high-temperature torch for the
    United Kingdom, spiking to 32.2˚C (90˚F) on July 20.

    While these temperatures are not as stunning, in hard numbers, as other
    heatwaves this summer, such as the 121˚F (49.4˚C) reported in Lytton,
    Canada in late June of this year, they are indeed stifling for these
    island nations that typically have more mild summer weather. For
    example, according to Weather Underground, the average high temperature
    on July 20 for London Heathrow Airport is 23.3˚C (74˚F), meaning that
    the heatwave high was 8.9˚C (16˚F) higher than average. Ireland’s
    average temperatures tend to be even cooler. The Ireland West Airport
    Knock Station, which is the closest weather station to Roscommon,
    reports an average high temperature of 18.3˚C (65˚F) on July 21—so that
    day’s high was 12.4˚F (22.3˚F) higher than average.

    The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on board
    NASA’s Terra satellite acquired a true-color image of Ireland and the
    United Kingdom as they sizzle on a hot, humid day. Small streaks of
    cloud provides some meager shade across parts of England. Heavier cloud
    cover hangs over far Northern Ireland and the tip of Scotland.

    Image Facts
    Satellite: Terra
    Date Acquired: 7/20/2021
    Resolutions: 1km (1.4 MB), 500m (3.8 MB), 250m (2.9 MB)
    Bands Used: 1,4,3
    Image Credit: MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA GSFC


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