• New genetic target for male contraceptio

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Mon Apr 17 22:30:26 2023
    New genetic target for male contraception identified

    April 17, 2023
    Washington State University
    Discovery of a gene in multiple mammalian species could pave the
    way for a highly effective, reversible and non-hormonal male
    contraceptive for humans and animals. Researchers identified
    expression of the gene, Arrdc5, in the testicular tissue of mice,
    pigs, cattle and humans. When they knocked out the gene in mice,
    it created infertility only in the males, impacting their sperm
    count, movement and shape.

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    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Discovery of a gene in multiple mammalian species could pave the way
    for a highly effective, reversible and non-hormonal male contraceptive
    for humans and animals.

    ========================================================================== Washington State University researchers identified expression of the gene, Arrdc5, in the testicular tissue of mice, pigs, cattle and humans. When
    they knocked out the gene in mice, it created infertility only in the
    males, impacting their sperm count, movement and shape. The researchers detailed their findings in the journal Nature Communications.

    "The study identifies this gene for the first time as being expressed
    only in testicular tissue, nowhere else in the body, and it's expressed by multiple mammalian species," said Jon Oatley, senior author and professor
    in WSU's School of Molecular Biosciences. "When this gene is inactivated
    or inhibited in males, they make sperm that cannot fertilize an egg, and
    that's a prime target for male contraceptive development." While other molecular targets have been identified for potential male contraceptive development, the Arrdc5 gene is specific to the male testes and found in multiple species. Importantly, lack of the gene also causes significant infertility creating a condition called oligoasthenoteratospermia or
    OAT. This condition, the most common diagnosis for human male infertility, shows a decrease in the amount of sperm produced, slowed mobility and
    distorted shape so that the sperm are unable to fuse with an egg.

    In the WSU study, the male mice lacking this gene produced 28% less
    sperm that moved 2.8 times slower than in normal mice - and about 98%
    of their sperm had abnormal heads and mid-pieces.

    The study indicates that the protein encoded by this gene is required
    for normal sperm production. Oatley's team will next work on designing
    a drug that would inhibit production or function of that protein.

    Disrupting this protein wouldn't require any hormonal interference,
    a key hurdle in male contraception since testosterone plays other roles
    beyond sperm production in men including building bone mass and muscle
    strength as well as red blood cell production. Designing a drug to target
    this protein would also make it easily reversible as a contraceptive.

    "You don't want to wipe out the ability to ever make sperm - just stop
    the sperm that are being made from being made correctly," he said. "Then,
    in theory, you could remove the drug and the sperm would start being built normally again." Oatley and study first author Mariana Giassetti have
    filed a provisional patent for the development of a male contraceptive
    based on this gene and the protein it encodes.

    Because the gene is found across mammalian species, this knowledge
    also holds promise for use in animals, Oatley said. The team analyzed
    available biological data on DNA and protein sequences in mammals and
    found the gene in almost every known mammal species. This opens the
    potential to develop male contraception for use in livestock, perhaps
    replacing castration in some instances as a way to control reproduction,
    and in wildlife when managers seek to limit overpopulation of a species.

    The initial focus, however, is on giving humans more control over their
    own reproduction. While there are many forms of birth control for women,
    they are not always effective or widely available, and more than half
    of pregnancies worldwide are still unintended, according to the United

    "Developing a way to curb population growth and stop unwanted
    pregnancies is really important for the future of the human race,"
    said Oatley. "Right now, we don't really have anything on the male side
    for contraception other than surgery and only a small percentage of men
    choose vasectomies. If we can develop this discovery into a solution for contraception, it could have far- ranging impacts." This study received support from the National Institutes of Health and WSU's Functional
    Genomics Initiative, a multi-year university investment to support
    development of genetic technology research.

    o Health_&_Medicine
    # Fertility # Birth_Control # Pregnancy_and_Childbirth
    # Prostate_Cancer
    o Plants_&_Animals
    # Life_Sciences # Mating_and_Breeding # Biotechnology #
    o House_mouse o Computational_genomics o Mouse o Gene_therapy
    o Tumor_suppressor_gene o Gene o Allele o DNA_microarray

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by Washington_State_University. Original written by Sara Zaske. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Mariana I. Giassetti, Deqiang Miao, Nathan C. Law, Melissa
    J. Oatley,
    Julie Park, LeeLa D. Robinson, Lisette A. Maddison, Miranda
    L. Bernhardt, Jon M. Oatley. ARRDC5 expression is conserved in
    mammalian testes and required for normal sperm morphogenesis. Nature
    Communications, 2023; 14 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-37735-y ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/04/230417142511.htm

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