• Key brain mechanisms for organizing memo

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    Key brain mechanisms for organizing memories in time
    Convergence research project integrated neurobiology with data science techniques

    February 15, 2022
    University of California - Irvine
    Using experiments and a deep machine learning data analysis
    approach, scientists uncovered the fundamental workings of the
    hippocampus region of the brain as it organizes memories into
    time sequences. The work could help future research into cognitive
    disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and other causes of dementia.

    FULL STORY ==========================================================================
    In a scientific first, researchers at the University of California,
    Irvine have discovered fundamental mechanisms by which the hippocampus
    region of the brain organizes memories into sequences and how this can
    be used to plan future behavior. The finding may be a critical early
    step toward understanding memory failures in cognitive disorders such
    as Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.

    ========================================================================== Combining electrophysiological recording techniques in rodents with
    a statistical machine learning analysis of huge troves of data, the
    UCI researchers uncovered evidence suggesting that the hippocampal
    network encodes and preserves progressions of experiences to aid in decision-making. The team's work is the subject of a paper published
    recently in Nature Communications.

    "Our brain keeps a pretty good record of when specific experiences
    or events occur. This ability helps us function in our daily life,
    but before this study, we didn't have a clear idea of the neuronal
    mechanisms behind these processes," said corresponding author Norbert
    Fortin, UCI associate professor of neurobiology and behavior. "Where
    it connects with everybody is that this type of memory is strongly
    impaired in a variety of neurological disorders or simply with aging,
    so we really need to know how this brain function works." The project,
    which took more than three years to complete, involved experimental and
    data analysis phases. The researchers monitored the firing of neurons in
    rats' brains as they underwent a series of odor identification tests. By presenting five different smells in various sequences, the scientists
    were able to measure the animals' memory of the correct sequence and
    detect how their brains captured these sequential relationships.

    "The analogy I would think about is computing," Fortin said. "If I were
    to stick electrodes in your brain -- we can't; that's why we use rats --
    I could see which cells are firing and which ones are not firing at any
    given moment.

    That provides us with some insight into how the brain represents and
    computes information. When we record activity patterns in a structure,
    it's like we're seeing zeros and ones in a computer." Obtained in
    millisecond intervals over several minutes, neuronal activity and
    inactivity measurements present a dynamic picture of the brain's

    Fortin said that he and his colleagues were, in some ways, able to "read
    the minds" of their subjects by viewing the "coding" of the cells --
    which ones were firing and which were not -- in rapid succession.

    ========================================================================== "When you're thinking about something, it moves quickly," he said. "You're
    not stuck on that memory for long. Right now, it's being represented,
    but we can see how that changes very quickly." Fortin knew early on that
    the readings of hippocampal activity would result in enormous quantities
    of raw data. From the beginning stages of the project, he enlisted the participation of statisticians in the Donald Bren School of Information & Computer Sciences.

    "The neuroscience questions we had at the time in my lab were way too
    advanced for the statistical knowledge we had. That's why we needed to
    involve partners with data science expertise," Fortin said.

    "These emerging neuroscience studies rely on data science methods because
    of the complexity of their data," said senior co-author Babak Shahbaba,
    UCI Chancellor's Fellow and professor of statistics. "Brain activities are recorded at millisecond scale, and these experiments run for more than an
    hour, so you can imagine how fast the amount of data grows. It gets to a
    point that neuroscientists need more advanced techniques to accomplish
    what they had imagined but weren't able to implement." He noted that
    when neurons encode information such as memories, scientists can get
    a glimpse of that process by examining the pattern of spiking activity
    across all recorded neurons, known collectively as an ensemble.

    "We found that we could treat these neural patterns as images, and
    this unlocked our ability to apply deep machine learning methods,"
    Shahbaba said.

    "We analyzed the data with a convolutional neural network, which is a methodology used frequently in image processing applications such as
    facial recognition." This way, the researchers were able to decode the
    firing of neurons to retrieve information.

    "We know what the signature for odor B looks like, just as we know the
    ones for A, C and D," Fortin said. "Because of that, you can see when
    those signatures reappear at a different moment in time, such as when
    our subjects are anticipating something that has yet to happen. We're
    seeing these signatures being quickly replayed as they're thinking about
    the future." Shahbaba said that the tools and methodologies developed
    during this project can be applied to a wide range of problems, and
    Fortin may extend his line of inquiry into other brain regions.

    The study is an example of the power of convergence research at
    institutions such as UCI, Shahbaba said: "I could directly see the
    difference this is making for our students. Researchers in Norbert's neuroscience group are taking data science classes and can now ask some
    really important scientific questions they could not investigate in the
    past, and my own students are thinking fundamentally about the scientific method in an unprecedented way." He added, "Through this collaboration,
    we are training the next generation of scientists, who have the required
    skills to conduct interdisciplinary research." Fortin and Shahbaba were
    joined on the project by Pierre Baldi, UCI Distinguished Professor of
    computer science; Lingge Li, who earned a Ph.D. in statistics at UCI
    in 2020; Forest Agostinelli, who earned a Ph.D. in computer science
    at UCI in 2019 and is now an assistant professor at the University of
    South Carolina; Mansi Saraf and Keiland Cooper, UCI Ph.D. students in neurobiology and behavior; Derenik Haghverdian, a UCI Ph.D. student
    in statistics; and Gabriel Elias, a postdoctoral project scientist at
    UCI. Funding was provided by the National Institutes of Health, the
    National Science Foundation and the Whitehall Foundation.

    special promotion Explore the latest scientific research on sleep and
    dreams in this free online course from New Scientist -- Sign_up_now_>>> ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by
    University_of_California_-_Irvine. Note: Content may be edited for style
    and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Babak Shahbaba, Lingge Li, Forest Agostinelli, Mansi Saraf,
    Keiland W.

    Cooper, Derenik Haghverdian, Gabriel A. Elias, Pierre Baldi,
    Norbert J.

    Fortin. Hippocampal ensembles represent sequential relationships
    among an extended sequence of nonspatial events. Nature
    Communications, 2022; 13 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-28057-6 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/02/220215163418.htm
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