• MODIS Pic of the Day 31 January 2022

    From Dan Richter@1:317/3 to All on Mon Jan 31 11:00:40 2022
    January 31, 2022 - Massive Dust Storm over the Arabian Sea

    Follow @NASA_MODIS

    Dust over Arabian Sea

    In late January 2022, a substantial dust storm enveloped the Arabian
    Sea. Plumes of desert dust affected populated areas around the basin,
    as winds carried the particles over Karachi, Mumbai, and numerous other
    cities and degraded air quality.

    The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on board
    NASA’s Aqua satellite acquired a true-color image of the storm on
    January 22, just as plumes of dust streamed from Oman, Pakistan, and
    Iran to create an extremely thick wall of dust over the Arabian Sea off
    the coast of Pakistan. Visibility in Karachi—the largest city in
    Pakistan—fell to about 500 meters (1600 feet) on that day.

    Dust arose from three different countries but merged into a large plume
    that cast a pall over much of the Arabian Sea. NASA’s Earth Observatory
    quoted Hiren Jethva, a Morgan State University scientist based at
    NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, who stated the size of the plume
    was “quite remarkable,” as was its unusual path.

    Initially on January 21, high winds associated with a low-pressure
    system whipped up dust and carried it toward the southeast. On January
    22, the dust blew over the sea and then hooked toward the east. By
    January 23, dust blanketed western India, shrouding the states of
    Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Rajasthan.

    According to Jethva, winter winds usually blow out from India toward
    the Arabian Sea, carrying various aerosols from local pollution and
    biomass burning. “However, the reversal of wind direction has likely
    occurred, bringing dust from the ocean to the Indian subcontinent,”
    Jethva said.

    The dust hung in the air for days. In Mumbai, the air quality index on
    January 24 was “severe,” the highest of six categories in the country’s
    index. According to news reports, an air quality index that high in
    Mumbai is “unprecedented.” Toward the southeast, the city of Pune saw
    air quality in the “very poor” category, ranking worse that day than
    Delhi, where winter air quality is often affected by temperature

    The dust storm was accompanied by chilly weather. According to news
    reports, the dust in Mumbai contributed to the lowest daytime January
    temperature recorded in the city in a decade, reaching just 23.8°C
    (74.8°F) on January 23. On average, daytime temperatures in January
    reach 31°C (88°F).

    Image Facts
    Satellite: Aqua
    Date Acquired: 1/22/2022
    Resolutions: 1km (1.6 MB), 500m (4.4 MB), 250m (3.2 MB)
    Bands Used: 1,4,3
    Image Credit: MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA GSFC


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