• New spheres of knowledge on the origin o

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Wed Jan 12 21:30:48 2022
    New spheres of knowledge on the origin of life

    January 12, 2022
    University of Tsukuba
    Researchers experimentally evolved rod-shaped E. coli in conditions
    that mimic the primordial environment, by providing oleic-acid
    vesicles as a nutrient source rather than glucose. As the cells
    adapted to the new conditions and increased their growth rate, they
    became smaller and spherical. Each of the experimental lineages
    adapted in diverse ways.

    This study supports theories that the origin of life on Earth was
    spherical cells.

    FULL STORY ==========================================================================
    The shape of a cell affects its physical and chemical
    properties. Different cell types have developed different shapes to
    enable effective functioning. But what shape were the very first cells,
    as life began to evolve?

    ========================================================================== Primitive cells are thought to have been spherical, but experimental
    evidence supporting this belief remains elusive. Now, however, researchers
    from the University of Tsukuba, in collaboration with East China Normal University, have shown that E. coli bacteria grown in a primordial-like environment become spherical.

    The primordial environment on Earth is thought to have consisted of
    vesicles, or compartments, of fatty acids. Oleic acid is the most
    common fatty acid in nature and can be metabolized by E. coli. The
    team therefore mimicked primordial conditions by growing six different
    lineages of cells in an environment where the only available nutrient
    was oleic-acid vesicles (OAVs), rather than the more usual glucose sugar.

    E. coli's usual rod shape allows rapid growth and nutrient
    uptake. However, their shape can change in response to their environment, turning into a filament when starved of nutrients. "Our team grew
    these bacteria in an OAV environment and found that as the cells better
    adapted to the new conditions, they grew more quickly, became spherical,
    and decreased in both size and area- to-volume ratio compared with
    the original parent cells (Ori cells)," says senior author Professor
    Bei-Wen Ying. "Even when we relocated these evolved cells (Evo cells)
    to a glucose environment, they maintained their new spherical shape."
    The six different lineages of Evo cells all evolved to adapt to the OAV conditions without common mutations. Notably, two distinct strategies
    were observed: some cells developed mutations that directly targeted
    the cell wall so that the cell structure became spherical, while others accumulated mutations in other biological processes.

    Three of the six lineages developed various mutations in the common
    crp gene.

    The protein product of crp acts as a regulator of transcription, the
    process by which the genetic information in the DNA is turned into a
    molecule known as RNA. "This implies that transcriptional regulation by
    crp may be crucial for E.

    colito use carbon sources effectively," explains Professor Bei-Wen Ying.

    This work is the first to show typically rod-shaped cells shifting to
    a spherical shape in a primordial-like environment, supporting the
    theory that when life began to evolve, the earliest primitive cells
    were spherical.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by University_of_Tsukuba. Note: Content
    may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Hui Lu, Honoka Aida, Masaomi Kurokawa, Feng Chen, Yang Xia, Jian
    Xu, Kai
    Li, Bei-Wen Ying, Tetsuya Yomo. Primordial mimicry induces
    morphological change in Escherichia coli. Communications Biology,
    2022; 5 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s42003-021-02954-w ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/01/220112121548.htm
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