• MODIS Pic of the Day 13 December 2021

    From Dan Richter@1:317/3 to All on Mon Dec 13 11:00:06 2021
    December 13, 2021 - Flooding on the MacIntrye River, Australia

    Follow @NASA_MODIS

    Flooding on the MacIntrye River, Australia

    An unusually wet spring has filled the rivers of New South Wales and
    southern Queensland to overflowing, causing serious damage to property
    and the loss of at least one life. According to the Canberra Times, on
    November 23, 2021, the State Emergency Services responded to 118 calls
    for help due to flooding, fallen trees, and leaking roofs with more
    rain on the way. Australia’s ABC News reported on December 1 that two
    cars were swept off a road as major flooding continued to inundate
    homes and spark evacuations in southern Queensland, leading to the
    rescue of one driver and the death of the other.

    Although the flooding started in November, it has continued into
    mid-December. On December 13, the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) published
    a Flood Warning for the Border Rivers (the rivers that flow near the
    border of Queensland and New South Wales). They advise a Major Flood
    Warning for the Weir River and Moderate Flood Warning for the Macintyre
    River continued, although the waters were beginning to ease.

    On December 10, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    (MODIS) on board NASA’s Aqua satellite acquired a false-color image
    centered on flooding of the Macintyre River. This type of false-color
    image (bands 7,2,1) uses a combination of visible and infrared light to
    better distinguish between water and land. Water varies in color from
    electric blue to navy. Vegetation is bright green and bare ground is
    earth-toned. Clouds are pale blue-green. A black line, representing the
    border between Queensland (north) and New South Wales (south) has been
    overlain on the image. At ordinary levels, the Macintyre River forms
    the boundary between those two Australian states, but the flooding has
    expanded the river well north and south of the normal course.

    While this single image shows significant flooding, it’s informative to
    compare two different MODIS images of the same area to appreciate the
    change over time. The NASA Worldview App allows such a comparison with
    a single click. To view the region on May 13, 2021, and compare with
    this image acquired on December 10, click here. On May 13, the
    Macintyre was barely discernable. By December 10, the river had broken
    its banks and spread onto the surrounding flood plains, as had nearby
    rivers in New South Wales.

    Image Facts
    Satellite: Aqua
    Date Acquired: 12/10/2021
    Resolutions: 1km (301.3 KB), 500m (769.9 KB), 250m (435.4
    Bands Used: 1,4,3
    Image Credit: MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA GSFC


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