• Climate-only models likely underestimate

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Thu Dec 9 21:30:48 2021
    Climate-only models likely underestimate species extinction

    December 9, 2021
    University of Arizona
    To accurately predict species' distributions and risk of extinction,
    models must include more than just climate, according to new

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Ecologists estimate that 15 to 37% of plant and animal species will go
    extinct as a direct result of the rapidly changing climate. But new
    University of Arizona-led research published in the journal Ecology
    Letters shows that current models don't account for the complexities of ecosystems as they are impacted by climate change. As a result, these extinction rates are likely underestimated.

    As the climate continues to rapidly change, the area in which a given
    species can live often shrinks. Researchers wondered what factors beyond climate must be considered when trying to determine species abundance, distribution and risk of extinction.

    "This is a central question in ecology, and it has become even more
    important with climate change," said study co-author Margaret Evans,
    assistant professor of dendrochronology in the UArizona Laboratory of
    Tree Ring Research.

    Evans and her collaborators used data from over 23,000 pin~on pines in
    the southwestern United States to model how climate affects the pine
    species. While climate affects the trees directly via temperature and precipitation, it also impacts them indirectly through its influence
    on insects and fire, the researchers found. Those indirect effects can
    cause rapid shifts in the trees' population and distribution on the
    landscape. The researchers say this nuance cannot be captured using climate-only models, which base their estimates on direct climate impacts.

    "If we want to make predictions, we have to know what causes species to
    be in an area in the first place," said lead study author Emily Schultz,
    who was a postdoctoral researcher at UArizona when this research was
    conducted and is now a postdoctoral researcher at the University of
    Nevada, Reno. "We were looking at climate and competition with other
    species as two possible explanations.

    What we found is that both factors have some importance to where we
    find species, but climate seemed to be more important." Anyone can
    observe the direct effects of climate on plant species by driving up the
    Santa Catalina Mountains north of Tucson, where pin~on pines grow, Evans
    said. As you ascend, the landscape cools and the ecosystem changes from
    desert to shrubland to pine forests. As the climate in the southwestern
    U.S. warms and dries, species retreat to areas with cooler temperatures
    farther up the mountain. At the very top, some species have nowhere left
    to go.

    The more complex, indirect effects of climate on species distribution
    are likely to cause sudden changes in abundance and distribution that
    are not predictable from a climate-only perspective, Evans said.

    "Climate change is having cascading effects on ecosystems. Climate stress
    makes individuals physiologically weak and more susceptible to disease,"
    Evans said.

    "Understanding species distribution is much more complicated than
    climate models alone will capture because they don't capture that level
    of complexity.

    The predictions from climate-only models represent the end point you would expect if nothing complicated happened, but that isn't the real world."
    The researchers chose to look at pin~on pines because the species has
    undergone dramatic population changes in recent decades, due to drought
    and subsequent insect outbreaks.

    "In the early 2000s, there was a strong, regional drought," Schultz said.

    "Those unhappy conditions stressed the trees and made them vulnerable to
    attack by their natural enemy, the bark beetle." Climate also indirectly affects pin~ons in other ways. Wet conditions alone can have a direct and positive impact on pin~ons, but such conditions can also have indirect
    negative effects. More rain means more vegetation, which can be fuel
    for wildfires.

    ========================================================================== "Pin~on pines are not at all resistant to fires," Schultz said. "We
    want to next include fire in our models." Evans said she had her
    "aha!" moment when she was talking over lunch with a friend on campus.

    "He told me about a paper of his about the extinction of Monte Verde
    golden toad," she recalled. "Was it climate or was it the invasive
    chytrid fungus that caused frogs worldwide to go through massive
    die-offs? The bottom line, for the Monte Verde golden toad, was that it
    was an interaction between the two. The extreme drought year they had then reduced the size and number of the pools the frogs were found in. Because
    they were crowded into smaller pools, they transmitted the fungus
    more rapidly." Evans said the scenario made her realize how climate
    and other factors could interact to cause a sudden decline and extinction.

    Similar patterns of climate-driven stress, disease and mass mortality
    events are popping up in species around the world. For example, a disease
    known as sea star wasting syndrome struck sea star populations in 2013
    and 2014, sword fern plants died off in droves in 2013 and saiga -- a
    kind of antelope -- were decimated in 2015. Evans and her collaborators
    say similar patterns will continue as species struggle to cope with a
    rapidly changing world.

    They say an increase in uncharacteristic weather events, which they
    refer to as the "global weirding" of Earth's climate system, will be accompanied by a "weirding" of Earth's ecology.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by University_of_Arizona. Original
    written by Mikayla Mace Kelley. Note: Content may be edited for style
    and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Emily L. Schultz, Lisa Hu"lsmann, Michiel D. Pillet, Florian Hartig,
    David D. Breshears, Sydne Record, John D. Shaw, R. Justin DeRose,
    Pieter A. Zuidema, Margaret E. K. Evans. Climate‐driven, but
    dynamic and complex? A reconciliation of competing hypotheses
    for species' distributions. Ecology Letters, 2021; DOI:
    10.1111/ele.13902 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/12/211209133924.htm

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