• UK university can reduce CO2 emissions b

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Wed Dec 8 21:30:34 2021
    UK university can reduce CO2 emissions by 4% with shorter winter

    December 8, 2021
    Cell Press
    Researchers found that shifting learning weeks to the summer term
    and extending the winter vacation period can reduce the university's
    yearly CO2 emissions by more than 4%.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Researchers at the University of Edinburgh in the UK, reporting in the
    journal iScienceon December 8, found that shifting learning weeks to
    the summer term and extending the winter vacation period can reduce the university's yearly CO2 emissions by more than 4%.

    ========================================================================== While strategies to reduce carbon emissions normally require significant
    time and financial investment, the authors say that this kind of
    schedule change could offer a simple and low-cost way to reduce carbon emissions. "This approach does not really require any significant
    investment," says Wei Sun, an energy system researcher and Chancellor's
    Fellow at the University of Edinburgh and author on the paper. "We just
    need willingness from staff and students to be open to the changes
    in semester dates." Sun and his colleagues monitored how more than
    20 universities are currently managing their energy consumptions on
    campus, including their semester schedules. Then, the team looked at
    heat and energy usage for the University of Edinburgh, where some of
    them work, over the course of the year. This helped them propose the
    most environmentally friendly semester schedule for the university.

    They found that by starting a new semester on the second week of
    September, followed by a 12-week winter learning semester and a 5-week
    winter holiday, they could reduce CO2 emissions by 167 tonnes, 4.2%
    of the university's total.

    "This would mean there was an extended period off during the winter
    period, and in turn, longer summer semesters. This could contribute to
    lower heating costs during the winter period and a decrease in emissions overall," says Sun.

    Other universities could adopt a similar approach but timings would need
    to vary based on where they are located, he says. "In future studies, it
    would be useful to adapt our approach to compare the energy consumptions
    of universities under different climate zones to see what impact our
    approach would have globally. But for UK universities, it's clear that
    changing semester times could reduce emissions," says Sun.

    This study was conducted before the pandemic, and Sun and his
    colleagues would like to explore how hybrid learning would affect
    their recommendations. "In a post-pandemic world, we will be looking
    into other strategies to reduce emissions," he says. "We saw a
    huge carbon reduction during the pandemic and now things are slowly
    getting back to normal, so we'd like to see if emissions continue to
    drop with lectures now online and less physical attendance in person." ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by Cell_Press. Note: Content may be
    edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Zihao Li, Wei Sun, Yue Xiang, Camilla Thomson, Gareth
    Harrison. Arranging
    university semester date to minimize annual CO2 emission:
    A UK university case study. iScience, 2021; 103414 DOI:
    10.1016/j.isci.2021.103414 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/12/211208110256.htm

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