• MODIS Pic of the Day 01 December 2021

    From Dan Richter@1:317/3 to All on Wed Dec 1 11:00:14 2021
    December 1, 2021 - The Beautiful and Blue Bass Strait

    Follow @NASA_MODIS


    South of the Australian state of Victoria, the blue waters and roiling
    waves of Bass Strait create a wild and daunting challenge to sailors
    who want to reach the island of Tasmania. Only about 150 miles (240 km)
    wide at its narrowest point and about 164 feet (50 meters) deep, the
    strait is dotted with 50 islands, many semi-submerged reefs and rocks,
    and subject to strong, gusting winds. Although the strait enjoys busy
    marine commerce today, the passage once developed a reputation for
    mysterious disappearances of both ships and aircraft. In fact, in some
    circles, it was called “the Bass Strait Triangle”, a nod to the legends
    of piracy, disappearances that leave no trace, and alleged supernatural
    phenomena similar to those rumored to occur at the more famous Bermuda

    One incident that inspired paranormal speculation was the disappearance
    of Frederick Valentich in 1978. He was flying in a Cessna 182L light
    aircraft on a training flight over the Bass Strait. He was heading
    toward King Island when he reported to a local airport that he saw an
    aircraft below his plane, which subsequently flew over him several
    times. He could not identify what it was, saying it had four lights,
    was shiny and long. It is said that stated the "strange" object moved
    to the front of the plane, then hovered over him. The airport personnel
    heard an odd sound, described either as "scraping" or "pulsing",
    followed by silence. Neither the plane nor Valentich was ever seen

    While such stories are great for shivers and speculation, the fact is
    that very few ships or planes have been lost over the Bass Strait with
    no known reason. The howling winds of the “roaring forties” create
    nearly unpredictable and sometimes sudden turbulence, especially as
    they bounce off the taller islands. Such winds create treacherous
    conditions, both in the air and at sea. Under-experienced pilots and
    crew faced with extreme conditions are the cause of most air crashes
    and ship sinkings in the Bass Strait. Today, loss of vessels in the
    busy shipping lanes is very rare, and many aircraft routinely (and
    safely) navigate the airways on a daily basis.

    The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on board
    NASA’s Aqua satellite acquired a true-color image of the Bass Strait on
    November 29, 2021. Some idea of the complex wind patterns can be gained
    through the various cloud patterns. To the west of Tasmania, a large
    bank of cloud appears to align on a northwest-to-southeast axis and the
    leading edge stops abruptly roughly parallel to the western coastline,
    leaving a wide swath of clear air carved by changing wind patterns.
    Within Bass Strait, streaks of cloud curve from the southwest to the
    northeast on the west side of King Island, while ripples of cloud can
    be seen in the air southeast of the island, then streaks of wind-driven
    cloud turns nearly 180 degrees to pass over Tasmania. Meanwhile, on the
    eastern side of Bass Strait near Flinders Island, the clouds stretch
    more easterly and appear as if they are floating in relatively quiet
    sky. Parallel streaks seen close to the coast of Victoria are imaging
    artifacts and are not created by wind or wave.

    Image Facts
    Satellite: Aqua
    Date Acquired: 11/29/2021
    Resolutions: 1km (246.5 KB), 500m (606.4 KB), 250m (1.6 MB)
    Bands Used: 1,4,3
    Image Credit: MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA GSFC


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