• Summer rains in American Southwest are n

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Tue Nov 30 21:30:26 2021
    Summer rains in American Southwest are not your typical monsoon
    American monsoon driven by jet stream colliding with mountains, not differential heating of land and ocean

    November 30, 2021
    University of California - Berkeley
    Monsoons are continental weather events produced when intense
    summer sunlight heats land more than ocean. But new supercomputer
    simulations show that North America's only monsoon works
    differently. The North American monsoon, which drenches western
    Mexico and the American Southwest each summer, is generated when
    the jet stream collides with the Sierra Madre mountains, which
    diverts it southward and upward, condensing moisture laden air
    from the eastern Pacific into torrential rains.

    FULL STORY ==========================================================================
    The months-long rainy season, or monsoon, that drenches northwestern
    Mexico each summer, reaching into Arizona and New Mexico and often as
    far north as Colorado and Northern California, is unlike any monsoon in
    the world, according to a new analysis by an earth scientist from the University of California, Berkeley.

    The so-called North American monsoon is important for delivering water
    to semi- arid areas of the American Southwest -- 50% of Arizona's and
    New Mexico's precipitation comes from monsoon rains between July and
    September -- but in recent years has also fueled wildfires around the
    West. The northern tail of the monsoon sometimes brings thunderstorms
    and thousands of lightning strikes to California, igniting wildfires.

    The word monsoon conjures images of the monsoons of South Asia,
    where for several months each summer repeated downpours flood India
    and Bangladesh. These and other monsoons, such as those in Brazil and
    across Africa, are generated when intense summer sunlight causes the
    atmosphere to be heated over the continent more than over the nearby
    ocean, which draws humid air from the sea and dumps the moisture on land
    during intense storms.

    But detailed supercomputer simulations of North American weather patterns
    show that the North American monsoon occurs when Mexico's Sierra Madre Occidental mountains divert the eastward-trending jet stream toward the
    equator and then upward over the mountain slopes, cooling the moist
    tropical air from the eastern Pacific until it condenses and falls
    as rain.

    This new understanding of the causes of the North American monsoon will
    have a major impact on forecasts in the region, saidWilliam Boos, UC
    Berkeley associate professor of earth and planetary science and first
    author of a paper detailing the findings that appeared last week in
    the journal Nature.The path of the mid-latitude jet stream, which is
    predicted to change as a result of global warming, and the warmth of
    the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean are now seen as more important in determining the monsoon than the temperature difference between land
    and ocean bordering western Mexico.

    "What we're arguing is that the North American monsoon is not a classic
    monsoon in terms of its central physics, and so we need to look at a whole different set of scientific processes to predict it, both in short-term
    weather forecasts and long-term climate projections," said Boos, who collaborated with Salvatore Pascale of the University of Bologna in Italy.

    "The previous thinking was that you need to look at how hot the land
    is compared to the ocean and the future of the ocean: Is the Pacific
    going to warm more than the land? If it does, then the monsoon might
    weaken in coming decades," he added. "Now, we're saying, 'No. Instead,
    you need to worry about whether the jet stream is going to shift.' If the
    ocean does warm more than land, that might give you more water content in
    the atmosphere to condense as it goes over the mountain, and that might strengthen the monsoon, instead of weaken it." This is the only monsoon
    known to be caused mechanically -- by the southward and upward deflection
    of a jet of air by an obstacle -- as opposed to thermally, where less
    dense air becomes buoyant, rises and draws in air from surrounding areas.

    A continent-wide weather pattern Monsoons, Boos said, are continent-size atmospheric wind patterns that control the climate of large swaths
    of Earth's surface and supply water to billions of people. The North
    American monsoon, for example, is crucial for the hydrology of western
    Mexico and the southwestern U.S.

    But while the North American monsoon has been examined by scientists for
    over a century, its cause has been presumed similar to that of other
    monsoons, which have been more thoroughly studied. A typical monsoon
    results from differential heating of land and water during summer
    months. While the sea is able to mix below the surface the energy it
    absorbs from summer sunlight, the land cannot.

    As a result, the land quickly transfers this energy back to the
    atmosphere, heating the air and making it rise. As it rises, the pressure drops, the air cools, and the moisture it contains condenses into rain.

    Boos wanted to test that scenario, using a global climate computer
    model that incorporates North American weather patterns, as well as the underlying land topography, with a resolution of about 25 kilometers,
    a big increase over earlier models that, because of computational
    limitations, were limited to a resolution of about 100 kilometers. With a 100-kilometer grid pattern, land and weather patterns are averaged over
    10,000 square kilometers, smearing out the effects of small mountain
    ranges like the Sierra Madre.

    "The mountains on the west coast of Mexico may seem enormous when you
    stand next to them as a human being, but on a global scale, they are
    tiny," he said.

    "Computer simulations of Earth's atmosphere and ocean have historically
    barely been able to represent these mountains -- it's like trying
    to look at the details of an actor's teeth on 1970s television. But
    our observations of wind and rain patterns have gotten much more high-resolution than in the past. We were able to use similarly
    high-resolution computer models to examine the detailed structure and
    dynamics of this monsoon and figure out how it works." Boos' model --
    which he ran at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
    at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and was so computationally
    intensive that it took the equivalent of a laptop running for 1 million
    hours -- is the first to study the effect of the Sierra Madre. He found
    that if the Sierra Madre were missing, the monsoon would basically

    "When we got rid of the Sierra Madre, the main part of the intense precipitation maximum that runs about a thousand kilometers up and
    down the west coast of Mexico and extends into the southwest U.S. just vanished," he said.

    He and Pascale also did a theoretical calculation to quantitatively
    predict how jet stream winds would change if mountain ranges were put
    in their path, without applying any sort of heating, and found that the mountains produce stationary waves identical to those observed to occur
    in the jet stream as it interacts with the Sierra Madre Occidental.

    "That helped us isolate the cause. You can do modeling experiments with
    the supercomputer, but there's so much going on in the supercomputer
    simulation you don't know what the fundamental cause is," Boos said. "But
    with this theoretical solution, we could say, 'Ah, the cause is definitely
    the mountain blocking the winds, instead of anything to do with water condensation or radiative transfer, et cetera.'" Boos is exploring in
    more detail the impact on the monsoon of the Sierra Madre, as well as
    the Sierra Nevada range in California and the Rocky Mountains, focusing
    more closely on the effects in Arizona and New Mexico.

    "This is really just the first study suggesting that the North American
    monsoon is so fundamentally linked to the blocking of winds by mountain ranges," he said. "We certainly need to explore this more observationally, theoretically, and with even higher-resolution models." The work was
    funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DE-SC0019367).

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by
    University_of_California_-_Berkeley. Original written by Robert
    Sanders. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. William R. Boos, Salvatore Pascale. Mechanical forcing of the North
    American monsoon by orography. Nature, 2021; 599 (7886): 611 DOI:
    10.1038/s41586-021-03978-2 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/11/211130150444.htm

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