• Revolutionary identity verification tech

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Thu Nov 4 21:30:36 2021
    Revolutionary identity verification technique offers robust solution to hacking

    November 4, 2021
    McGill University
    Computer scientists have developed an extremely secure identity
    verification method based on the fundamental principle that
    information cannot travel faster than the speed of light. The
    breakthrough has the potential to greatly improve the security of
    financial transactions and other applications requiring proof of
    identity online.

    FULL STORY ==========================================================================
    A team of computer scientists, including Claude Cre'peau of McGill
    University and physicist colleagues from the University of Geneva, have developed an extremely secure identity verification method based on the fundamental principle that information cannot travel faster than the
    speed of light. The breakthrough has the potential to greatly improve
    the security of financial transactions and other applications requiring
    proof of identity online.

    ========================================================================== "Current identification schemes that use personal identification numbers
    (PINs) are incredibly insecure faced with a fake teller machine that
    stores the PINs of users," says Cre'peau, a professor in the School of
    Computer Science at McGill. "Our research found and implemented a secure mechanism to prove someone's identity that cannot be replicated by the
    verifier of this identity." How to prove you know something without
    revealing what it is you know The new method, published in Nature, is an advance on a concept known as zero- knowledge proof, whereby one party (a 'prover') can demonstrate to another (the 'verifier') that they possess a certain piece of information without actually revealing that information.

    The idea of zero-knowledge proof began to take hold in the field of
    data encryption in the 1980s. Today, many encryption systems rely on mathematical statements which the prover can show to be valid without
    giving away clues to the verifier as to how to prove the validity of the statement. Underlying the effectiveness of these systems is an assumption
    that there is no practical way for the verifier to work backwards from
    the information they do receive from the prover to figure out a general solution to the problem. The theory goes that there is a certain class
    of mathematical problem, known as one-way functions, that are easy for computers to evaluate but not easy for them to solve. However, with the development of quantum computing, scientists are beginning to question
    this assumption and are growing wary of the possibility that the supposed one-way functions underlying today's encryption systems may be undone
    by an emerging generation of quantum computers.

    Separating witnesses to get the story straight The McGill-Geneva research
    team have reframed the zero-knowledge proof idea by creating a system
    involving two physically separated prover-verifier pairs. To confirm
    their bona fides, the two provers must demonstrate to the verifiers that
    they have a shared knowledge of a solution to a notoriously difficult mathematical problem: how to use only three colours to colour in an image
    made up of thousands of interconnected shapes such that no two adjacent
    shapes are of the same colour.

    "The verifiers randomly choose a large number of pairs of adjacent
    shapes in the image and then ask each of the two provers for the colour
    of one or the other shape in each pair," explains co-author Hugo Zbinden,
    an associate professor of applied physics at the University of Geneva.

    If the two provers consistently name different colours in response,
    the verifiers can be assured that both provers do indeed know the
    three-colour solution. By separating the two provers physically and
    questioning them simultaneously, the system eliminates the possibility
    of collusion between the provers, because to do so they would have to
    transmit information to each other faster than the speed of light --
    a scenario ruled out by the principle of special relativity.

    "It's like when the police interrogate two suspects at the same time in separate offices," Zbinden says. "It's a matter of checking their answers
    are consistent, without allowing them to communicate with each other." ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by McGill_University. Note: Content
    may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Pouriya Alikhani, Nicolas Brunner, Claude Cre'peau, Se'bastien
    Designolle, Raphae"l Houlmann, Weixu Shi, Nan Yang, Hugo Zbinden.

    Experimental relativistic zero-knowledge proofs. Nature, 2021;
    599 (7883): 47 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03998-y ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/11/211104140132.htm

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