• Working through a mental 'Bloch'

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Thu Nov 4 21:30:36 2021
    Working through a mental 'Bloch'
    Scientists experimentally reconstruct Bloch wavefunction for the first

    November 4, 2021
    University of California - Santa Barbara
    Lightspeed is the fastest velocity in the universe. Except when
    it isn't.

    Anyone who's seen a prism split white light into a rainbow has
    witnessed how material properties can influence the behavior of
    quantum objects: in this case, the speed at which light propagates.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Lightspeed is the fastest velocity in the universe. Except when it isn't.

    Anyone who's seen a prism split white light into a rainbow has witnessed
    how material properties can influence the behavior of quantum objects:
    in this case, the speed at which light propagates.

    ========================================================================== Electrons also behave differently in materials than they do in free space,
    and understanding how is critical for scientists studying material
    properties and engineers looking to develop new technologies. "An
    electron's wave nature is very particular. And if you want to design
    devices in the future that take advantage of this quantum mechanical
    nature, you need to know those wavefunctions really well," explained
    co-author Joe Costello, a UC Santa Barbara graduate student in condensed
    matter physics.

    In a new paper, co-lead authors Costello, Seamus O'Hara and Qile Wu and
    their collaborators developed a method to calculate this wave nature,
    called a Bloch wavefunction, from physical measurements. "This is the
    first time that there's been experimental reconstruction of a Bloch wavefunction," said senior author Mark Sherwin, a professor of condensed
    matter physics at UC Santa Barbara. The team's findings appear in the
    journal Nature, coming out more than 90 years after Felix Bloch first
    described the behavior of electrons in crystalline solids.

    Like all matter, electrons can behave as particles and waves. Their
    wave-like properties are described by mathematical objects called wavefunctions. These functions have both real and imaginary components,
    making them what mathematicians call "complex" functions. As such, the
    value of an electron's Bloch wavefunction isn't directly measurable;
    however, properties related to it can be directly observed.

    Understanding Bloch wavefunctions is crucial to designing the devices
    engineers have envisioned for the future, Sherwin said. The challenge
    has been that, because of inevitable randomness in a material, the
    electrons get bumped around and their wavefunctions scatter, as O'Hara explained. This happens extremely quickly, on the order of a hundred femtoseconds (less than one millionth of one millionth of a second). This
    has prevented researchers from getting an accurate enough measurement of
    the electron's wavelike properties in a material itself to reconstruct
    the Bloch wavefunction.

    Fortunately, the Sherwin group was the right set of people, with the
    right set of equipment, to tackle this challenge.

    The researchers used a simple material, gallium arsenide, to conduct
    their experiment. All of the electrons in the material are initially stuck
    in bonds between Ga and As atoms. Using a low intensity, high frequency infrared laser, they excited electrons in the material. This extra energy
    frees some electrons from these bonds, making them more mobile. Each freed electron leaves behind a positively charged "hole," a bit like a bubble
    in water. In gallium arsenide, there are two kinds of holes, "heavy"
    holes and "light" holes, which behave like particles with different
    masses, Sherwin explained. This slight difference was critical later on.

    All this time, a powerful terahertz laser was creating an oscillating
    electric field within the material that could accelerate these newly
    unfettered charges.

    If the mobile electrons and holes were created at the right time, they
    would accelerate away from each other, slow, stop, then speed toward
    each other and recombine. At this point, they would emit a pulse of
    light, called a sideband, with a characteristic energy. This sideband
    emission encoded information about the quantum wavefunctions including
    their phases, or how offset the waves were from each other.

    Because the light and heavy holes accelerated at different rates in
    the terahertz laser field, their Bloch wavefunctions acquired different
    quantum phases before they recombined with the electrons. As a result,
    their wavefunctions interfered with each other to produce the final
    emission measured by the apparatus. This interference also dictated the polarization of the final sideband, which could be circular or elliptical
    even though the polarization of both lasers was linear.

    It's the polarization that connects the experimental data to the
    quantum theory, which was expounded upon by postdoctoral researcher Qile
    Wu. Qile's theory has only one free parameter, a real-valued number that connects the theory to the experimental data. "So we have a very simple relation that connects the fundamental quantum mechanical theory to the real-world experiment," Wu said.

    "Qile's parameter fully describes the Bloch wavefunctions of the hole
    we create in the gallium arsenide," explained co-first author Seamus
    O'Hara, a doctoral student in the Sherwin group. The team can acquire
    this by measuring the sideband polarization and then reconstruct
    the wavefunctions, which vary based on the angle at which the hole
    is propagating in the crystal. "Qile's elegant theory connects the parameterized Bloch wavefunctions to the type of light we should be
    observing experimentally." "The reason the Bloch wavefunctions are
    important," Sherwin added, "is because, for almost any calculation you
    want to do involving the holes, you need to know the Bloch wavefunction."

    ========================================================================== Currently scientists and engineers have to rely on theories with many
    poorly- known parameters. "So, if we can accurately reconstruct Bloch wavefunctions in a variety of materials, then that will inform the design
    and engineering of all kinds of useful and interesting things like laser, detectors, and even some quantum computing architectures," Sherwin said.

    This achievement is the result of over a decade of work, combined with
    a motivated team and the right equipment. A meeting between Sherwin and
    Renbao Liu, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, at a conference in
    2009 precipitated this research project. "It's not like we set out 10
    years ago to measure Bloch wavefunctions," he said; "the possibility
    emerged over the course of the last decade." Sherwin realized that
    the unique, building-sized UC Santa Barbara Free-Electron Lasers could
    provide the strong terahertz electric fields necessary to accelerate
    and collide electrons and holes, while at the same time possessing a
    very precisely tunable frequency.

    The team didn't initially understand their data, and it took a while to recognize that the sideband polarization was the key to reconstructing the wavefunctions. "We scratched our heads over that for a couple of years,"
    said Sherwin, "and, with Qile's help, we eventually figured out that the polarization was really telling us a lot." Now that they've validated
    the measurement of Bloch wavefunctions in a material they are familiar
    with, the team is eager to apply their technique to novel materials and
    more exotic quasiparticles. "Our hope is that we get some interest from
    groups with exciting new materials who want to learn more about the
    Bloch wavefunction," Costello said.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by
    University_of_California_-_Santa_Barbara. Original written by Harrison
    Tasoff. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. J. B. Costello, S. D. O'Hara, Q. Wu, D. C. Valovcin, L. N. Pfeiffer,

    W. West, M. S. Sherwin. Reconstruction of Bloch wavefunctions
    of holes in a semiconductor. Nature, 2021; 599 (7883): 57 DOI:
    10.1038/s41586-021- 03940-2 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/11/211104140821.htm

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