• People love the billionaire, but hate th

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Mon Oct 18 21:30:32 2021
    People love the billionaire, but hate the billionaires' club
    How inequality is expressed matters for policy views

    October 18, 2021
    Ohio State University
    Americans may respect and admire how individual billionaires --
    think Oprah Winfrey or Bill Gates -- made their billions, even as
    they rage against the "top 1%" as a group, new research finds.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Americans may respect and admire how individual billionaires -- think
    Oprah Winfrey or Bill Gates -- made their billions, even as they rage
    against the "top 1%" as a group, new research finds.

    In eight related studies, people tended to have fewer problems with
    hearing about the extreme wealth of a particular wealthy person, even
    as they thought it was unfair that billionaires in general controlled
    so much riches.

    "When there's this group of people at the top, we think that's unfair
    and wonder how luck or the economic system may have played a role in how
    they made all the money," said Jesse Walker, co-author of the study and assistant professor of marketing at The Ohio State University's Fisher
    College of Business.

    "But when we look at one person at the top, we tend to think that person
    is talented and hard-working and they're more deserving of all the
    money they made." And this difference may have real-life implications:
    People are more likely to support wealth taxes on the super-rich when
    they think about a group like the top 1%, but less likely to support
    these taxes when they think about a specific rich person.

    Walker conducted the study with Thomas Gilovich, professor of psychology,
    and Stephanie Tepper, a PhD student in psychology, both at Cornell

    Their findings were published today (Oct. 18, 2021) in the Proceedings
    of the National Academy of Sciences.

    In one study, 201 survey respondents had very different opinions about
    how much more a CEO should make relative to the average employee depending
    on how this fact was presented.

    One group of participants read that the salaries of the CEOs of the
    largest 350 companies in America had grown from 48 times the average
    worker in 1995 to 372 times today.

    The other group of participants read about one specific company in the
    top 350, called Avnet, and how Avnet's CEO, Robert Eisen, had seen his
    salary grow from 48 times the average worker in 1995 to 372 times today.

    Participants in the study read that observers attributed the growth of
    all 350 companies, or the growth of Avnet, to their CEOs.

    Those who were told about Avnet's CEO thought that the ratio of his
    salary to the average employee should be significantly higher than did
    those who were told about the whole group of CEOs.

    "We appear to be a bit more tolerant of lavish compensation when it
    is an individual CEO being compensated, rather than CEOs as a group,"
    Walker said.

    The way the wealthy are portrayed and praised in society and the media
    may play a large role in how accepting people are of economic inequality,
    he said.

    In one study, participants were shown a Forbes magazine cover. Half saw a
    cover adapted from an issue that highlighted the wealthiest people in the world. The cover was edited to remove five billionaires that most people
    were familiar with, such as Gates and Winfrey, in order to eliminate any positive or negative biases people might have toward them. It included
    only the seven billionaires that most people would either know nothing
    about or not feel strongly about.

    The other half were shown a cover with only one of the seven billionaires.

    After reading a brief description of the person or persons on the cover, participants were asked to write a few sentences conveying how they felt
    about the person or persons, and rate how much the person or persons
    deserved their wealth and how they thought they earned those riches.

    The findings were striking, Walker said.

    The comments of those who wrote about the individual were less angry than
    those who wrote about the group, and more likely to reflect the belief
    that the individual billionaire's success was due to talent and hard work.

    "People in our study were clearly more upset by the wealth of the seven individuals pictured on a single cover than they were by any one of them pictured alone," Walker said.

    And there was more. People who saw the seven billionaires pictured
    together were more in favor of an inheritance tax to close the gap
    between the wealthy and poor than were those who saw only one billionaire.

    "How we think of the wealthiest people -- as a group or as individuals --
    seems to affect even our policy preferences," he said.

    The issue of how we think about policy regarding inequality is important, Walker said. Economic inequality has grown substantially over the past
    decades, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. One analysis suggests
    that U.S.

    billionaires saw their wealth surge $1.8 trillion (62%) during the

    Research has shown that countries with greater economic inequality tend
    to have higher homicide rates, greater infant mortality, lower well-being
    and lower commitment to democratic institutions.

    "How we express and communicate information about inequality is important.

    Talking about "the 1%" is going to get a different reaction than
    personalizing it by talking about one person in that exclusive club,"
    Walker said.

    "And as consumers, we need to pay attention to how we
    react to news about the rich and inequality. How that
    information is presented to us can influence us, even our policy
    preferences, in ways that we may not always consciously realize." ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by Ohio_State_University. Original
    written by Jeff Grabmeier. Note: Content may be edited for style and

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Jesse Walker, Stephanie J. Tepper, and Thomas Gilovich. People
    are more
    tolerant of inequality when it is expressed in terms of
    individuals rather than groups at the top. PNAS, 2021 DOI:
    10.1073/pnas.2100430118 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/10/211018150649.htm

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