• Plant-eating lizards on the cusp of toot

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Fri Oct 15 21:30:32 2021
    Plant-eating lizards on the cusp of tooth evolution

    October 15, 2021
    University of Helsinki
    Researchers found that complex teeth, a hallmark of mammals, also
    evolved several times in reptiles, prompting the evolutionary
    success of plant- eating lizards. However, contrary to mammals
    their tooth evolution was not unidirectional.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Researchers at the Universities of Helsinki and Lyon and the Geological
    Survey of Finland found that complex teeth, a hallmark of mammals, also
    evolved several times in reptiles, prompting the evolutionary success of plant-eating lizards. However, contrary to mammals their tooth evolution
    was not unidirectional.

    The study, published in Nature Communications, reveals that several
    lizard groups evolved teeth with multiple tips ("cusps") that allowed
    new plant-based diets and higher speciation rates -- that is, how fast
    new species appear.

    Surprisingly, tooth evolution was more flexible in lizards and snakes than mammals, revealing a more nuanced view of tooth and dietary evolutionary adaptations in vertebrates.

    Tooth shape is closely linked with diet Scientists have richly documented
    the connection of tooth shape and diet in mammals, showing very diverse
    teeth fuelled their evolutionary success. But what about other toothed
    animals? The authors chose to study squamates, the group including lizards
    and snakes. "The teeth of squamates have received limited attention,
    even though they twice outnumber mammals in species numbers, and span
    many habitats and geographic ranges," remarks Nicolas Di-Poi", Associate Professor at the Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki.

    The researchers performed comparative analyses on tooth shape and
    diet data for more than 500 living and fossil species. They found the
    ancestor to all snakes and lizards had simple peg-like teeth and fed on insects. Later, complex teeth bearing multiple cusps -- similar to those
    of early mammals -- evolved multiple times independently in different
    lizard lineages. The appearance of multiple- cusped teeth allowed some
    lizard groups to evolve more plant-rich diets, sometimes leading to even
    more complex teeth.

    Lizards' teeth evolution took two directions The team also found that
    complex teeth and plant consumption provided an evolutionary advantage,
    as both traits favoured the appearance of new species.

    However, many lizard lineages also lost complex teeth to re-evolve
    the ancestral simple tooth morphology. "This came as a complete
    surprise," says PhD candidate Fabien Lafuma from the University
    of Helsinki, "as complex teeth appear as a critical innovation
    for both squamates and mammals." The study suggests that all
    land-living vertebrates experience the same selective pressures for
    more cusps to increase plant consumption. Nevertheless, fundamental
    differences make squamates stand out. Contrary to mammals, tooth
    evolution was not unidirectional, and numerous lineages reduced
    complexity over time. This difference could stem from variations in
    tooth development, showing that minor molecular changes may produce
    widely different outcomes over evolutionary time scales. Lafuma
    concludes, "this work gives us a more nuanced understanding of how
    the same critical adaptation evolved in different vertebrate groups." ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by University_of_Helsinki. Note:
    Content may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Fabien Lafuma, Ian J. Corfe, Julien Clavel, Nicolas

    Multiple evolutionary origins and losses of tooth complexity
    in squamates. Nature Communications, 2021; 12 (1) DOI:
    10.1038/s41467-021- 26285-w ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/10/211015184314.htm

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