• The latest research has implications for

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Thu Oct 14 21:30:42 2021
    The latest research has implications for understanding sensory disorders
    and building better prosthetics and robots that can fine-tune their movements based on what they touch

    October 14, 2021
    Salk Institute
    Researchers have discovered how neurons in a small area of the
    mammalian brain help filter distracting or disruptive signals
    -- specifically from the hands -- to coordinate dexterous
    movements. Their results may hold lessons in how the brain filters
    other sensory information as well.

    FULL STORY ==========================================================================
    As you read this article, touch receptors in your skin are sensing your environment. Your clothes and jewelry, the chair you're sitting on, the computer keyboard or mobile device you're using, even your fingers as they brush one another unintentionally -- each touch activates collections
    of nerve cells. But, unless a stimulus is particularly unexpected or
    required to help you orient your own movements, your brain ignores many
    of these inputs.

    Now, Salk researchers have discovered how neurons in a small area of
    the mammalian brain help filter distracting or disruptive signals -- specifically from the hands -- to coordinate dexterous movements. Their results, published in the journal Scienceon October 14, 2021, may hold
    lessons in how the brain filters other sensory information as well.

    "These findings have implications not only for gaining a better
    understanding of how our nervous system interacts with the world, but
    also for teaching us how to build better prosthetics and robots, and how
    to more effectively repair neural circuitry after disease or injury,"
    says Eiman Azim, assistant professor in Salk's Molecular Neurobiology Laboratory and the William Scandling Developmental Chair.

    Scientists have long known that input from the hands is needed to
    coordinate dexterous movements, from throwing a ball to playing a musical instrument. In one classic experiment, volunteers with anesthetized,
    numb fingertips found it extremely difficult to pick up and light a match.

    "There's a common misconception that the brain sends a signal and you
    just perform the resulting movement," says Azim. "But in reality, the
    brain is constantly incorporating feedback information about the state
    of your limbs and fingers and adjusting its output in response." If the
    brain responded to every signal from the body, it would quickly become overwhelmed -- as happens with some sensory processing disorders. Azim and
    his colleagues wanted to identify exactly how a healthy brain manages to
    pick and choose which tactile signals to take into account to coordinate dexterous movements like manipulating objects.

    They used a combination of tools in mice to study cells within a
    small area in the brainstem called the cuneate nucleus, which is the
    first area signals from the hand enter the brain. While it was known
    that sensory information passes through the cuneate nucleus, the team discovered that a set of neurons in this region actually controls how
    much information from the hands eventually passes on to other parts of
    the brain. By manipulating those circuits to allow more or less tactile feedback through, Azim's team could influence how mice perform dexterous
    tasks -- such as pulling a rope or learning to distinguish textures -
    - to earn rewards.

    "The cuneate nucleus is often referred to as a relay station, as
    if information was just passing through it," says Staff Researcher
    James Conner, first author of the new paper. "But it turns out that
    sensory information is actually being modulated in this structure."
    Conner and Azim went on to show how different parts of the cortex in
    mice - - the region responsible for more complex, adaptive behavior --
    can in turn control the neurons of the cuneate to dictate how strongly
    they're filtering sensory information from the hands.

    Today, despite decades of work, most prosthetics and robots struggle to
    be nimble-fingered and carry out small, precise hand movements. Azim and
    Conner say their work could help inform the design of better processes to integrate sensory information from artificial fingers into these kinds
    of systems to improve their dexterity. It also could have implications
    for understanding sensory processing disorders or troubleshooting what
    goes wrong in the brain when the flow of sensory information is thrown
    out of balance.

    "Sensory systems have evolved to have very high sensitivity in order to maximize protective responses to external threats. But our own actions
    can activate these sensory systems, thereby generating feedback signals
    that can be disruptive to our intended actions," says Conner.

    "We're constantly bombarded with information from the world, and the
    brain needs ways to decide what comes through and what doesn't," says
    Azim. "It's not just tactile feedback, but visual and olfactory and
    auditory, temperature and pain -- the lessons we're learning about this circuitry likely apply in general ways to how the brain modulates these
    types of feedback as well." Other authors included Andrew Bohannon,
    Masakazu Igarashi, James Taniguchi and Nicholas Baltar of Salk.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by Salk_Institute. Note: Content may
    be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. James M. Conner, Andrew Bohannon, Masakazu Igarashi, James
    Nicholas Baltar, Eiman Azim. Modulation of tactile feedback for
    the execution of dexterous movement. Science, 2021 DOI: 10.1126/
    science.abh1123 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/10/211014154131.htm

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