• `Pet prep' could be key to disaster surv

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Tue Oct 12 21:30:46 2021
    `Pet prep' could be key to disaster survival

    October 12, 2021
    James Cook University
    Researchers have discovered most pet owners have inadequate plans
    for their pets if a natural disaster strikes -- but disaster
    response planners may be able to turn this into a positive.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== James Cook University researchers in Australia have discovered most
    pet owners have inadequate plans for their pets if a natural disaster
    strikes -- but disaster response planners may be able to turn this into
    a positive.

    Dr Yetta Gurtner from JCU's Centre for Disaster Studies said it's well
    known that human-animal relationships can inhibit effective emergency
    responses and evacuations, and cause premature returns to dangerous areas.

    She said the states and territories have many different policies regarding
    the accommodation of pets in emergency shelters.

    "Given the varied contexts and capacities, people who own animals should
    seek advice from local authorities for up-to-date information specific
    to local circumstances.

    "In the Townsville survey, 71 per cent indicated they were uncertain
    whether local government shelters allowed pets and almost 4 per cent
    believed, falsely, that companion animals other than recognised assistance animals were allowed in Queensland storm shelters," said Dr Gurtner.

    She said if pet owners do not want to leave their pets behind if they
    need to evacuate in a disaster, they should ensure their plans include appropriate arrangements for their pets.

    "The desire to safeguard animals in an emergency situation can ultimately result in human fatalities, and people who risk their safety for the
    welfare of animals remain a significant emergency management issue,"
    said Dr Gurtner, who supervised the study.

    The researchers conducted a survey of 242 pet owners in Townsville -- a
    city exposed to many natural disaster threats -- and found the majority of
    pet owners were uncertain or underprepared in the event of an emergency.

    Dr Gurtner said about half indicated that they did not have a household disaster kit and/or evacuation plan, and of those who did, only 39 per
    cent included contingencies for the evacuation of all their pets.

    "Importantly, 91 per cent indicated they would not be willing to leave
    pets behind," said Dr Gurtner.

    She said other studies had found that only 70 per cent of people who
    were advised to leave their home during a disaster complied and many
    were unwilling to leave pets behind. In some cases, family members or
    carers stayed to protect their animals while the remainder of their
    household evacuated.

    Dr Gurtner said the twin phenomena of under-preparedness for disaster
    and affection for pets may present an opportunity for emergency planners.

    "Other researchers have suggested the 'pets as a protective factor'
    principle in which companion animal guardianship can actually motivate
    owners to be proactive in disaster risk management planning.

    "They suggest that focusing on individual disaster preparedness 'for
    the sake of your pet' will deliver better engagement for planning for
    pet evacuation and self-reliance that will, in turn, yield higher human survival rates," said Dr Gurtner.

    She said the states and territories have many different policies regarding
    the accommodation of pets in emergency shelters.

    "Given the varied contexts and capacities, people who own animals should
    seek advice from local authorities for up-to-date information specific
    to local circumstances.

    "In the Townsville survey, 71 per cent indicated they were uncertain
    whether local government shelters allowed pets and almost 4 per cent
    believed, falsely, that companion animals other than recognised assistance animals were allowed in Queensland storm shelters," said Dr Gurtner.

    She said if pet owners do not want to leave their pets behind if they
    need to evacuate in a disaster, they should ensure their plans include appropriate arrangements for their pets.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by James_Cook_University. Note: Content
    may be edited for style and length.


    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/10/211012095045.htm

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