• MODIS Pic of the Day 10 October 2021

    From Dan Richter@1:317/3 to All on Sun Oct 10 11:00:14 2021
    October 10, 2021 - Cumbre Vieja's Eruption Continues

    Follow @NASA_MODIS

    La Palma

    The Cumbre Vieja volcano roared to life on September 19, 2021, sending
    fountains of lava into the air and large rivers of lava streaming
    towards villages towards the south of La Palma. The eruption has been
    persistent and at times explosive. Tremors and small earthquakes
    frequently shake the ground, while dark plumes of volcanic ash and
    light clouds of steam and gas rise from the summit daily. Lava has
    reached the southwestern coast, forming a broad delta that stretches
    into the North Atlantic Ocean. More than a thousand homes and buildings
    have been destroyed as of October 9 and more than 6,000 people have
    been forced to flee their homes and farms.

    The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on board
    NASA’s Terra satellite acquired a true-color image of the eruption on
    October 7. A plume of brown ash blows more than 100 miles (160 km) to
    the northeast over the Atlantic Ocean. This image also captures a blue
    swirl southwest of La Palma Island. The origin of this appears to be
    from the summit of Cumbre Vieja, which makes it likely that it is a
    cloud of gas, steam, or haze. It would be unusual, but not impossible,
    for forcefully ejected ash to rise high in the atmosphere and be
    carried by strong upper-level winds in one direction while steam and
    gas flowing less forcefully out of the volcano to remain low and be
    carried in a different direction by winds closer to ground level. Steam
    is typically white in true-color images, but a type of volcanic smog
    known as “vog” may appear as a blue-gray haze. Vog is created when
    sulfur dioxide and other volcanic pollutants mix with oxygen and water
    vapor in the presence of sunlight.

    As of the morning of October 9, the Toulouse Volcanic Ash Advisory
    Center declared a code red for aircraft passing through the region. Ash
    plumes were reaching 2 to 3 kilometers (1-2 miles) in altitude. The
    eruption has not been energetic enough to inject large amounts of ash
    and gases into the stratosphere, where they can have strong and lasting
    effects on weather and climate.

    According to news reports, airborne ash has led to intermittent
    closures of the airports on La Palma and other Canary Islands. Air
    quality at ground level is episodically poor depending on the wind
    direction and intensity. And ash falling from the sky has coated some
    of La Palma’s salt flats, disrupting efforts at salt production.

    In late September, scientists from the Instituto Volcanológico de
    Canarias (INVOLCAN) suggested that the current eruption could persist
    for weeks to months. Cumbre Vieja last erupted about 50 years ago.

    Image Facts
    Satellite: Terra
    Date Acquired: 10/7/2021
    Resolutions: 1km (61.9 KB), 500m (136.8 KB), 250m (170.7
    Bands Used: 1,4,3
    Image Credit: MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA GSFC


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