US Can Sizes
In the United States, cook books sometimes reference cans by size.
The Can Manufacturers Institute defines these sizes, expressing them
in three-digit numbers, as measured in whole and sixteenths of an
inch for the container's nominal outside dimensions: a 307x512 would
thus measure 3 and 7/16" in diameter by 5 and 3/4" (12/16") in
height. Older can numbers are often expressed as single digits, their
contents being calculated for room-temperature water as approximately
11 oz (#1 "picnic" can),
20 oz (#2),
32 oz (#3),
58 oz (#5), and
110 oz (#10 "coffee" can).
Can Name Dimensions Capacity Typical products
============= =================== ======== =============================
6Z 2-2/16 x 3-1/2" 6.08 fl
8Z Short 2-11/16 x 3" 7.93 fl
8Z Tall 2-11/16 x 3-2/8" 8.68 fl
#1 (Picnic) 2-11/16 x 4" 10.94 fl
#211 Cylinder 2-11/16 x 4-14/16" 13.56 fl
#300 3 x 4-7/16" 15.22 fl Cranberry sauce, Pork & beans #300 Cylinder 3 x 5-9/16" 19.40 fl
#1 Tall 3-1/16 x 4-11/16" 16.70 fl
#303 3-3/16 x 4-3/8" 16.88 fl Fruits, Vegetables, Soups
#303 Cylinder 3-3/16 x 5-9/16" 21.86 fl
#2 Vacuum 3-7/16 x 3-3/8" 14.71 fl
#2 3-7/16 x 4-9/16" 20.55 fl Juices, Soups, Vegetables
Jumbo 3-7/16 x 5-5/8" 25.80 fl
#2 Cylinder 3-7/16 x 5-6/8" 26.40 fl
#1.25 4-1/16 x 2-3/8" 13.81 fl
#2.5 4-1/16 x 4-11/16" 29.79 fl Fruits, Vegetables
#3 Vacuum 4-1/4 x 3-7/16" 23.90 fl
#3 Cylinder 4-1/4 x 7" 51.70 fl
#5 5-1/8 x 5-5/8" 59.10 fl Fruit Juice, Soups
#10 6-3/16 x 7" 109.43 fl Fruits, Vegetables
In parts of the world using the metric system, tins are made in 250,
500, 750 ml (millilitre) and 1 L (litre) sizes (250 ml is
approximately 1 cup or 8 ounces).
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