• Chocolate Pistachio Fudge

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Tue May 7 10:19:43 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Chocolate Pistachio Fudge
    Categories: Fudge
    Yield: 64 Pieces

    12 oz Dark chocolate (350 g); at
    -least 70% cocoa solids,
    14 oz Can condensed milk (397 g)
    1 oz Butter (30 g)
    1 pn Salt
    5 oz Unsalted pistachios (150
    -g); shells removed

    Place the chopped chocolate, condensed milk, butter and salt into a
    heavy-based pan over a low heat and stir until melted and well

    Place the nuts into a freezer bag and bash them with a rolling pin,
    until broken up into some large and some small pieces.

    Add the nuts to the melted chocolate mixture and stir well.

    Pour the mixture into a 23 cm / 9" square tray, smoothing the top
    with a wet palette knife.

    Let the fudge cool, then refrigerate until set.

    Cut into small pieces approximately 3x2 cm / 1x3/4". Cutting 7x7
    lines in the tin to give 64 pieces best achieves this.

    Once cut, the fudge can be kept in the freezer - there's no need to
    thaw, just eat straight away.

    Recipe FROM: <gemini://gmi.noulin.net/cooking/78.gmi>

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com (1:124/5016)
  • From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to Ben Collver on Wed May 8 05:24:00 2024
    Ben Collver wrote to All <=-

    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Chocolate Pistachio Fudge
    Categories: Fudge
    Yield: 64 Pieces

    12 oz Dark chocolate (350 g); at
    -least 70% cocoa solids,
    14 oz Can condensed milk (397 g)
    1 oz Butter (30 g)
    1 pn Salt
    5 oz Unsalted pistachios (150
    -g); shells removed

    That's very close to the recipe found on some cans of Eagle Brand milk
    from Borden. I've been making that one for, eeeek, a long time. Mine
    uses pecans. But now I'm going try pistachios mixed in. What doesn't
    go into the candy will go into a nice pesto. Bv)=

    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Eagle Brand Chocolate Fudge
    Categories: Five, Dairy, Chocolate, Nuts
    Yield: 64 Servings

    3 c (18 oz) semi-sweet chocolate
    - chips
    14 oz Can Eagle Brand Sweetened
    - Condensed Milk
    ds Salt
    1 1/2 ts Vanilla extract
    64 Pecan halves

    Line an 8" pan with waxed paper.

    Melt chocolate chips with sweetened condensed milk and
    salt in heavy saucepan. Remove from heat and stir in
    vanilla. Spread evenly in prepared pan.

    When fudge has started to "set" place a pecan half on
    each square inch of the surface.

    Chill 2 hours or until firm. Remove from pan by lifting
    edges of wax paper; peel off paper. Cut into 1" squares.

    NOTE: Pecans added by Uncle Dirty Dave. Rest of recipe
    is "as written". The pecans are optional except in my
    kitchen where they are mandatory.

    Yield: 2 pounds

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.eaglebrand.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen


    ... "You only live once, but if you do it right once is enough." -- Mae West --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    * Origin: SouthEast Star Mail HUB - SESTAR (1:3634/12)
  • From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to Dave Drum on Wed May 8 11:08:20 2024
    Re: Chocolate Pistachio Fudge
    By: Dave Drum to Ben Collver on Wed May 08 2024 05:24:00

    That's very close to the recipe found on some cans of Eagle Brand milk
    from Borden. I've been making that one for, eeeek, a long time. Mine
    uses pecans. But now I'm going try pistachios mixed in. What doesn't
    go into the candy will go into a nice pesto. Bv)=

    Yum on both counts. I haven't tried making pesto with pistachios yet.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com (1:124/5016)
  • From Dave Drum@1:18/200 to Ben Collver on Thu May 9 07:14:50 2024
    Ben Collver wrote to Dave Drum <=-

    That's very close to the recipe found on some cans of Eagle Brand milk from Borden. I've been making that one for, eeeek, a long time. Mine
    uses pecans. But now I'm going try pistachios mixed in. What doesn't
    go into the candy will go into a nice pesto. Bv)=

    Yum on both counts. I haven't tried making pesto with pistachios yet.

    In that case here's a recipe I found to be quite tasty.

    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Roasted Pistachio Pesto
    Categories: Herbs, Nuts, Citrus, Cheese
    Yield: 16 Tablespoon

    2 c (packed) fresh basil leaves
    2 cl Garlic
    1/4 c Roasted pistachios; more for
    - optional garnish
    2/3 c Olive oil; as needed
    1 tb Lemon juice
    1/2 c Pecorino-Romano cheese;
    - shredded

    ROASTED PISTACHIOS: Shell pistachios and set your oven @

    Spread the pistachios on a rimmed cookie sheet. They
    should be in a single layer for even roasting.

    Roast for 6 - 8 minutes, stirring halfway through, or
    until the pistachios are fragrant and lightly browned.

    PESTO: Place basil, garlic, and roasted pistachios into
    a food processor. Process until the mixture is smooth.
    You may need to stop and scrape down the sides of the
    food processor. Once smooth (there will still be some
    small chunks), slowly pour in the olive oil, lemon
    juice, and pecorino romano cheese while the food
    processor is running.

    Process until the mixture is smooth, again, you may need
    to scrape down the sides of the food processor.

    Season with salt, and serve immediately over pasta,
    toasted bread, use it as pizza sauce, etc!

    UDD NOTES: If you use store-bought shelled and roasted
    pistacios as I do you can skip the first part of the
    directions. I have used Grana-Padano in place of the
    Pecorino-Romano - but be warned it is somewhat milder
    and alters the flavour profile subtly.

    RECIPE FROM: https://showmetheyummy.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen


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