American Chocolate Week 1
Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to
All on Thu Mar 21 15:51:00 2024
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Rum Chocolate
Categories: Five, Beverages, Dairy, Chocolate, Booze
Yield: 1 Guzzle
2 oz Light rum
1 oz Creme da cacao
2 oz Hershey's chocolate syrup
1 c Whole milk; heated
1 Mint leaf; garnish, opt
Using milk warmed to 180øF/82øC stir in rum, creme de
cacao and chocolate syrup on a tallish glass mug.
Garnish with a mint leaf or sprig if desired.
Reconstructed from memories of Dave Grossblatt's Cafe
Rienzi on MacDougal St., Greenwich Village, NYC
Makes one drink
Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen
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