MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Easy Mango Sago Pomelo In Jar
Categories: Beverages, Cantonese, Dessert
Yield: 4 Servings
3 lg Mangoes
30 g Pandan sago; up to 50 g
1 Pomelo wedge; up to 2
100 ml Coconut milk
50 ml Evaporated milk
50 ml Condensed milk
2 tb Caster sugar; up to 3 tb
1 pn Salt
Peel and cut mangoes. 1 out of the 3 mangoes is to cut into cube as
toppings. The rest for blending later.
Blend 1 mango at a time as you need to add different amount of milk to
create different yellow tone.
Mix coconut milk, evaporated milk, sugar, salt, and condensed milk
into a pot, simmer on low heat until all dissolved and blended well.
Leave it to cool.
Boil water in another pot, on high heat until rolling boil, add pandan
sago. Let it boil for 5 minutes, stir occasionally, boil until sago
left with just a tinge of white bit in it. Heat off, cover lid and
let the remaining heat cook sago completely. Drain away water. Leave
it to cool.
Blend 1st mango flesh without adding milk mixture. Blend 2nd mango
with half the amount of milk mixture. Leave the other hand milk
mixture for later.
Assemble into jars: Scoop and fill half of the jar with the two
different tone of mango puree as well as milk mixture, alternatively
or layers for the ombre look. Layer pandan sago, followed by mango
cubes. Lastly top with pomelo sacs. Repeat step fir other jars, until
all ingredients used up.
Store in fridge to chill for at least 3 hours before serving. Lovely~
Recipe FROM: <
--- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
* Origin: The Fool's Quarter, (1:105/500)