Happy 3-Day Weekend, C= and Ami comrades!
The next meeting of the Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network is Saturday, May 25, from 2 to 5+ p.m. at
Panera Bread Restaurant
19662 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, California
(818) 407-9400
This is our first meeting after the April 27-28 Commodore Los Angeles Super Show (CLASS), and I will be gathering everybody's opinions on the very successful show. I am already looking into a second annual CLASS in April, 2020
I will be traveling from the Del Mar area this time, because I am expecting to pick up a C= collection from there. Because my car will be full, I only intend to bring the Ultimate 64, now upgraded to firmware v1.10! The stereo UltiSIDs sound
better than ever before! Perhaps Mario can bring in his Amiga 1000 so can have some Ami representation. :) Though there will be less computers on exhibit, there will be goodies to go through in the aforementioned collection!
I will see hardware repair tech Ray Carlsen around the time of June 8-9 Pacific Commodore Expo NW in Seattle; if you have any 8-bit Commodore items for him to repair, give them to me, and I will deliver them to him. Speaking of PaCommEx, you are
all invited to the show there. See
There will be exhibits, presentations, and a free raffle!
As always, for the meeting bring in any Commodore/Amiga hardware and/or software you wish to share!
Speaking for SCCAN,
Robert Bernardo
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -
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