• Alcoholiday BBS - now with Yankee Trader

    From Zero Reader@1:123/525 to All on Tue Jul 12 22:19:21 2022
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    AlcoholidayBBS.com: telnet / rlogin / ssh / http / nntp / ftp
    All the usual modern amenities / Tradewars Game Server / Yankee Trader
    Old-school /X style / Est. 1995 / Columbia, SC / Mystic A48

    Also: Telnet to port 95 for Renegade 1.30!

    ... A Meteor is an example of a rock star.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/04/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: alcoholidaybbs.com / Est. 1995 / Columbia, SC (1:123/525)