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\___/ \__,_|\__| .__/ \___/|___/\__| |____/|____/____/
|_| Since 1996
Running Maximus/2 v3.0.1 under ArcaOS
Based in Johnson City, Tennessee, USA
Sysop: Sean Dennis KS4TD
Connect via the Web at
or via telnet at bbs.outpostbbs.net:10123
Connect as a guest using "guest"
Home of Cheepware BBS doors and sysop utilities
and the Micronet Information Network
Member of Fidonet (1:18/200) and Micronet (618:618/1)
Member of Micronet IBBS League 618
LORD, Exitilus, Flip The Bits, Gothik: Better Than Chocolate,
multinode Scrabble, Stack 'Em, Land of Devastation, Death
by Adrenaline, Triple Yahtzee, the full line of Cheepware
BBS doors, and more available.
Over 17GB of files! Something for everyone. We have the full OS2BBS.com
filebase online. FREQ ALLFILES for the daily ALLFILES listing.
We specialize in OS/2 files for the OS/2 user and BBS sysop.
--- SendMsg/2
--- Squish/386 v1.11
* Origin: Outpost BBS * bbs.outpostbbs.net:10123 (1:18/200)