Hello,That channel is owned by blu1973
Can anyone help me with recovering a password for my channel
#rsrtripradio I created this channel years ago and can't remember the password. Is there a way to reset it on my own?
þ Synchronet þ Computer God!!! - Get Involved - W est Jordan, Ut. telnet://cpugod.synchro.net
Can anyone help me with recovering a password for my channel #rsrtripradio
I created this channel years ago and can't remember the password. Is there a way to reset it on my own?
On Tue, 22 Nov 2022 17:33:49 -0700
"Warchilin66" <warchilin66@VERT/CPUGOD> wrote:
Can anyone help me with recovering a password for my channel
#rsrtripradio I created this channel years ago and can't remember the password. Is there a way to reset it on my own?
---That channel is owned by blu1973
þ Synchronet þ Computer God!!! - Get Involved - W est Jordan, Ut. telnet://cpugod.synchro.net
[00:40] -ChanServ- Information for channel #rsrtripradio:
[00:40] -ChanServ- Founder: blu1973
[00:40] -ChanServ- Description: amici
[00:40] -ChanServ- Registered: Jul 07 14:50:48 2021 CDT
[00:40] -ChanServ- Last used: Oct 17 05:04:00 2022 CDT
[00:40] -ChanServ- Last topic: [HolyBot is Online | Current DJ: ] [00:40] -ChanServ- Topic set by: HolyBot
[00:40] -ChanServ- Options: Topic Retention, Secure
[00:40] -ChanServ- Mode lock: +nt
[00:40] -NickServ- blu1973 is .........
[00:40] -NickServ- Last seen address: ~blu1973@
[00:40] -NickServ- Last seen time: Oct 17 06:11:42 2022 CDT
[00:40] -NickServ- Time registered: May 27 06:13:14 2020 CDT
[00:40] -NickServ- Last quit message: Connection reset by peer.
End Of The Line BBS - Plano, TX
telnet endofthelinebbs.com 23
þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
On Tue, 22 Nov 2022 17:33:49 -0700
"Warchilin66" <warchilin66@VERT/CPUGOD> wrote:
Can anyone help me with recovering a password for my channel
#rsrtripradio I created this channel years ago and can't remember the password. Is there a way to reset it on my own?
---That channel is owned by blu1973
þ Synchronet þ Computer God!!! - Get Involved - W est Jordan, Ut. telnet://cpugod.synchro.net
[00:40] -ChanServ- Information for channel #rsrtripradio:
[00:40] -ChanServ- Founder: blu1973
[00:40] -ChanServ- Description: amici
[00:40] -ChanServ- Registered: Jul 07 14:50:48 2021 CDT
[00:40] -ChanServ- Last used: Oct 17 05:04:00 2022 CDT
[00:40] -ChanServ- Last topic: [HolyBot is Online | Current DJ: ] [00:40] -ChanServ- Topic set by: HolyBot
[00:40] -ChanServ- Options: Topic Retention, Secure
[00:40] -ChanServ- Mode lock: +nt
[00:40] -NickServ- blu1973 is .........
[00:40] -NickServ- Last seen address: ~blu1973@
[00:40] -NickServ- Last seen time: Oct 17 06:11:42 2022 CDT
[00:40] -NickServ- Time registered: May 27 06:13:14 2020 CDT
[00:40] -NickServ- Last quit message: Connection reset by peer.
End Of The Line BBS - Plano, TX
telnet endofthelinebbs.com 23
þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
warchilin66 wrote to Nelgin <=-
That channel is owned by blu1973
[00:40] -ChanServ- Information for channel #rsrtripradio:
[00:40] -ChanServ- Founder: blu1973
[00:40] -ChanServ- Description: amici
[00:40] -ChanServ- Registered: Jul 07 14:50:48 2021 CDT
[00:40] -ChanServ- Last used: Oct 17 05:04:00 2022 CDT
[00:40] -ChanServ- Last topic: [HolyBot is Online | Current DJ: ] [00:40] -ChanServ- Topic set by: HolyBot
[00:40] -ChanServ- Options: Topic Retention, Secure
[00:40] -ChanServ- Mode lock: +nt
[00:40] -NickServ- blu1973 is .........
[00:40] -NickServ- Last seen address: ~blu1973@
[00:40] -NickServ- Last seen time: Oct 17 06:11:42 2022 CDT
[00:40] -NickServ- Time registered: May 27 06:13:14 2020 CDT
[00:40] -NickServ- Last quit message: Connection reset by peer.
So there is the answer. After all these years someone decided to
register my channel when my guard was down.
Kinda lame don't you think?
Oh well. Only two ways to deal with this. Create another
channel or remove myself from the the IRC network.
So there is the answer. After all these years someone decided to register my channel when my guard was down. Kinda lame don't you think? Oh well. Only two ways to deal with this. Create another channel or remove myself from the the IRC network.
So..... why didn't *YOU* register your channel during "all those
Nelgin wrote to All <=-
On Fri, 25 Nov 2022 11:24:00 -0600
"Gamgee" <gamgee@VERT/PALANT> wrote:
So..... why didn't *YOU* register your channel during "all those
To be fair, there was a time I switched between services programs
which would have unregistered all the channels, I guess. I don't
think the database could be converted, so there's a window where
this would have been possible.
Re: ChanServ
By: Warchilin66 to All on Tue Nov 22 2022 05:33 pm
Can anyone help me with recovering a password for my channel #rsrtripradio
I created this channel years ago and can't remember the password. Is there a way to reset it on my own?
The SENDPASS command will allow a user to request a password reset on his or her channel. The user will receive an email with an AUTH code that, when entered, will reset the channel password to a new random password. This command should not be relied on as an alternative to managing your own passwords, but only as a "backup" in case of extreme situations. Please remember that you are still responsible for remembering your password(s) and keeping them private. Do not share your password(s) with anyone.
Command: /ChanServ SENDPASS (#channel) (email address)
-- snip --
IF the server is setup right
i don't think my irc server would do that.
nope it don't! just tried it.
and now it works because i installed sendmail because that's what my services uses.
þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
It turns out that this is not a password issue. Someone decided to
my channel. Now someone has deleted my NICK and registered it since I said something last night? What do you think the chances are that I will get my nick or my channel back? It' pretty messed up to see this happening.
Nelgin wrote to All <=-
On Fri, 25 Nov 2022 11:24:00 -0600
"Gamgee" <gamgee@VERT/PALANT> wrote:
So..... why didn't *YOU* register your channel during "all those years"...?
To be fair, there was a time I switched between services programs
which would have unregistered all the channels, I guess. I don't
think the database could be converted, so there's a window where
this would have been possible.
Could be right. I've had issues with some personal channels in the past
too (on Freenode). I write it off to "IRC Life". Sometimes, s**t
happens, and none of this comes with any guarantees.
... All the easy problems have been solved.
--- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
On Fri, 25 Nov 2022 11:24:00 -0600
"Gamgee" <gamgee@VERT/PALANT> wrote:
So..... why didn't *YOU* register your channel during "all those years"...?
To be fair, there was a time I switched between services programs which would have unregistered all the channels, I guess. I don't think the database could be converted, so there's a window where this would have
been possible.
End Of The Line BBS - Plano, TX
telnet endofthelinebbs.com 23
þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
On Fri, 25 Nov 2022 11:24:00 -0600
"Gamgee" <gamgee@VERT/PALANT> wrote:
So..... why didn't *YOU* register your channel during "all those years"...?
To be fair, there was a time I switched between services programs which would have unregistered all the channels, I guess. I don't think the database could be converted, so there's a window where this would have
been possible.
End Of The Line BBS - Plano, TX
telnet endofthelinebbs.com 23
þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
Re: Re: ChanServ
By: warchilin66 to MRO on Fri Nov 25 2022 02:07 pm
It turns out that this is not a password issue. Someone decided to
my channel. Now someone has deleted my NICK and registered it since I said something last night? What do you think the chances are that I will get my nick or my channel back? It' pretty messed up to see this happening.
why did you call it your channel if you never registered it?
why would someone want to squat on such an obscure channel name?
And are you sure you just didn't register your nick and forget?
perhaps nelgin did it because he was trying to be helpful.
you should talk to an irc operator. like someone with real access. not just an +o
do you even WANT to be connected to that ircd?
you can just run your own ircd and not be connected.
þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
I did register. Years ago. Let's say around 2010 I created the radio station in 2008. It's been running 24/7 since then.
I have registered the channel several times over the years. I do use services with the bot or bots I use. I am running a piece of software called ShoutIRC
to switch between DJ's and bots to run the shows. So I do need to be connected to the IRCD and servicves for it to work properly. Basically I spent close to 3 years setting all of this up and now it all went to hell and nothing works. So I have to now setup my NICK and the Dj's and all the bots again. Unless I get my stuff back.
I did register. Years ago. Let's say around 2010 I created the radio station in 2008. It's been running 24/7 since then.
so are YOU running the ircd services?
i tried to go on and see what he was complaining about.
I'm not sure how anybody can register a nick on here. i never got my email to gmail.
Re: Re: ChanServ
By: Jas Hud to Nelgin on Sat Nov 26 2022 13:50:09
Yes, I run irc services for Synchronet.
Why did't you come onto #synchronet and ask?
Sometimes Microsoft and Gmail reject the email for various reasons, I can get you your validation code.
Re: Re: ChanServ
By: warchilin66 to Nelgin on Sat Nov 26 2022 08:58:57
I did register. Years ago. Let's say around 2010 I created the radio station in 2008. It's been running 24/7 since then.
You can't have, since your nick wasn't registered until Jan 2021. By contrast my nick was registered in 2019. You cannot register a channel without a registered nickname.
Is that because you are sending email direct instead of through your isp where it won't be shot down as spam?
my irc server sent me my password using sendmail and I'm on ovh. are your services on some vps provider?
services on some vps provider?
Yes, services is on a VPS service. I've complained to Microsoft several times to have the IP whitelisted and it goes in and comes out and goes in again. I didn't know Gmail was still an issue. I can look into it.
running a piece of software called
Re: Re: ChanServ
By: warchilin66 to MRO on Sat Nov 26 2022 09:09 am
running a piece of software called ShoutIRC
That's old, by the way. You should be using TheLounge, in case anyone else hasn't said that yet :).
Re: Re: ChanServ
By: warchilin66 to MRO on Sat Nov 26 2022 09:09 am
running a piece of software called
That's old, by the way. You should be
using TheLounge, in case anyone else
hasn't said that yet :).
þ Synchronet þ TIRED of waiting 2 hours for a taco? GO TO TACOPRONTO.bbs.io
it looks like it's being actively
what is thelounge and whats the webs
I am using multiple pieces of softwa
to make everything work. I have not
heard of the lounge software yet. I
will check it out.
Re: Re: ChanServ
By: MRO to Phigan on Mon Nov 28 2022 06:25 am
it looks like it's being actively developed.
Maybe I'm assuming incorrectly, and he meant he is using that IRC bot. I was thinking of the web client called Shout which used to be at shout-irc.com (gone now but you can see it with wayback).
what is thelounge and whats the webs
TheLounge is a self-hosted web-based IRC client that is the new version (or fork, maybe) of Shout-IRC. It's at thelounge.chat
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