• C= Free Magazine, Issue 99 - Part 1

    From C= Free Magazine@39:901/280 to All on Sun Jul 14 16:48:04 2024
    Commodore Free Magazine
    Issue 99

    Free to download magazine dedicated to Commodore computers.
    Available as PDF, ePUB, MOBI, HTML, TXT, SEQ & D64 disk image. ======================================


    While I set out with good intentions, I was side tracked by the fact Myself
    and my son were attending Insomnia gaming event at the month end, with this
    in mind I decided that was the deadline, & had to focus my efforts on
    getting a review of Insomnia before the hype had faded down too much.

    Also in this issue



    Dungeonette The New Adventure

    Adrian Cummings. Creator of original titles such as Cyberpunks, Tin Toy, Doodlebug & more. announced a high quality game coming to the Amiga
    AGA/CD32 called 'Dungeonette'. Adrian Cummings "Dungeonette - The New
    Adventure started it pretty much after CyberPunks 2 was released, so it's a slow burner project I guess. I'm about a third of the way through mapping
    the game, which is pretty big & set in the lands of 'Amigea'". "It will
    run on stock Amiga AGA & CD 32 with 2Mb ChipRAM & of course Amiga 500
    Mini etc. It is a hybrid of many games in reality & has some roots in
    Diablo for sure but also many others as a hack & slash dungeon crawler.
    Just for the record..Originally the basic game was written for Apple Watch
    many years back & then also a version was released for Spectrum Next back
    in 2017/18. This version is all new just for Amiga however & only
    resembles those previous titles in name only".


    Roadshow 1.15 released

    (Delayed by only 18 months), the free Roadshow TCP/IP stack 1.15 update is
    now available to all customers. focused on improving installation and maintenance tasks, as well as making the installation documentation more
    useful & accessible. New commands have been added to automatically find
    and install network device configuration files & fix errors & defects in
    the many configuration files Roadshow uses. By request, a "compact"
    Roadshow installation disk image (1.76 MByte high-density) is available for
    the first time, containing a "reduced" version of the full installation archive. The "compact" installation is restricted to software built for
    all Amigas (68000 CPU or better) & omits the large reference

    Roadshow is available in three formats:
    - As a digital download
    - On CD-ROM
    - On USB card (FAT32-formatted medium)


    Duke Nukem 3D

    Released on Aminet: This is an Amiga 68k port of Duke Nukem 3D based on the
    old Atari/Amiga portswith some newer features from Chocolate Duke added for extra flavour.

    1) An AGA Amiga.
    2) 68060 processor or better.
    3) 32 MB of RAM.
    4) AHI installed & configured (see links section below).
    5) The Duke Nukem 3D data files (must be the full PC Atomic version!).

    Configuration Options:
    The 'CloseWB' configuration option can be used to close the Workbench. The 'DisplayModePAL' configuration option can be used to set your display mode
    (PAL or NTSC).When running from the Shell you must specify a stack of at
    least 300,000.The AHI device used will be the one setup in your AHI Prefs
    (unit 0). You will need to place the PC game data files DUKE3D.GRP &
    DUKE.RTS in the AmiDuke folder.Any errors *should* be written to a file
    called 'ERROR.TXT' in the game directory.

    Performance Considerations:
    1) If you have a Blizzard you should really be using BlizKick, Apollo users
    should be using RemApollo.
    2) Fast File System is actually really slow, use PFS3 instead.
    3) Use v4.18 of AHI as the later versions are too slow on a real Amiga.

    1) No network or multi-player support.
    2) No joystick support.
    3) No music support.


    Amiga pi keyboard

    THEA500 Mini console is something to write home about if you’re an Amiga fan
    – until you realise you can’t use its keys . In the brand new issue of The
    MagPi, David Crookes discovers a solution. Happy #MagPiMonday!



    OneLoad64 Games Collection v5

    OneLoad64 version 5, we are told is the best Commodore 64 games / roms collection With all of the games included converted to cartridge format for
    the fastest loading possible. The collection is over 2,000 games, including multiload conversions. So what ever you're using, be it emulators including
    the MiSTer FPGA, or real hardware with the likes of the Ultimate64,
    EasyFlash, Kung Fu Flash, TeensyROM, SD2IEC etc, be sure to download this massive collection of C64 retro gaming goodness & check it out, it's
    completely free!


    watch a video

    Bare Metal Emulation on the Raspberry Pi - Commodore 64 *******************************************************

    Whats faster than something fast, well its something even faster, if you
    remove the os & just run the emulation software wouldent that lead to a
    more responsive machine, after all the os is taking up valuable CPU time isn’t it. Well yes & in this youtube tutorial you are given the answeres
    to the ultimate Commodore emulation system


    C64 scpu doom

    WHAT ! you mean I have waited all these years & listened to people telling
    me its not possible on the C64 even with the SCPU, then someone releases a version of Doom for the Commodore 64, ok you need the Super CPU accelerator
    to run it but DOOM ! Well it is actually running

    The website says: This is a port of DOOM based on the original ID software source code release

    This port requires a C64/C128 with a SuperCPU v2 & 16MB RAM. PAL, NTSC
    (old & new) it has only been tested on real PAL hardware.

    While this DOOM port isn't meant to be taken seriously, it has proven quite useful for testing & improving the MIPS recompiler as DOOM is a rather com
    plex & large application.

    https://youtu.be/7ZzivzuDOls?si=N5Yk-CMNF-H0Fl_g https://scpu.amidog.se/doku.php?id=scpu%3Adoom


    Armed with a pistol & chainsaw & followed by some very funky music,
    another doom style cone hits the Commodore 64

    * Origin: Dragon's Lair BBS: dragon.vk3heg.net Prt 6800 (39:901/280.0)