• Commodore Free Magazine, Issue 79 - Part 2

    From Stephen Walsh@39:901/280 to All on Tue Apr 15 19:48:53 2014


    I just want to let you know about the future of the E-Cover Tape. I have decided to make the 12th E-Cover Tape the final one. This is mainly due to lack of finding good quality C64 PD software I can find, and also due to
    lack of support I've had as well. Therefore issue 80's E-Tape will be the final one. It should be ready sometime in April 2014.


    COMMODORE FREE: Richard has done a marvellous job with the E-tape and so
    it is with sadness that I read his recent email to me, to be fair to
    Richard he had to trawl through various sources to try and obtain
    submissions for this feature. We never did receive anything from machines
    or users other than the Commodore 64. If you do still have something you
    would like featured in the magazine then still feel free to send it in!

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    by Joseph Rose, aka. Harry Potter

    Comments from Joseph

    Fields is a simple window-like TUI for Commodore and Apple 2 computers.
    8-bit systems don't really have much of an UI, so I designed this library
    to allow a user to enter data into a 6502-based computer the way one would enter data into a Windows dialog box. I don't remember exactly why I
    developed this library, but I enjoyed creating it and think it was a good experience.


    The demo may not amaze you! However it does come back with a number that represents the correct menu and item selected, so the skeleton is there for
    you to experiment with.

    Joseph Rose, a.k.a. Harry Potter, to me via email his comments were

    "Hi Nigel I appreciate your continuing interest in my work. Please could
    you give your readers the following information about my programs?"

    * Fields: Fields is a cc65 library to provide support of an UI for data/settings entry and menu support. Supports C64, Plus4, C128 and
    Apple2e computers and is fully configurable

    * Hidden64: extends the RAM usable on a c64 to cc65 from 50k to 61k by
    using bank-switching to access the RAM behind the kernel and I/O and using
    the cassette buffer

    * MemBank128: Similar to Hidden64: the programs run in Bank 0, giving 56k RAM; Low RAM (the first 7k of Bank 0/15) can be used for data (code and
    init. data can be in the application buffer); and Bank 1 can be accessed. Total: 118k+ usable RAM. Not yet usable, sorry. :(

    * GenCart64: cc65 cartridge support for the c64. Multiple configurations. Some okay graphics demos. Bank-switching. Some pre-existing code may be usable on a generic cartridge format.

    * GenCartVic: Vic-20 cartridges for cc65.

    You can also reveal my other projects *without* a guarantee they'll be

    * two text adventures

    * brainstorm demo for MemBank128

    * GameCartVicA: cc65 Vic-20 tile-based game support, to be followed by GameLibC64A

    * Vic-Hick: an electronic story-book--not a true text adventure--as a
    guided tour of different places. May be translated to other platforms.

    * a C compiler to rival cc65, and some native to C= computers

    * file compression, incl. C= targets.

    * code snippets and libraries for BASSEM and D-Ass (I will use the C128-s
    C64 mode as an excuse to create C64 code using D-Ass)

    By Richard Bayliss

    It is that special moment once again, to bring you yet another E-Cover
    tape. There was almost no E-Tape this issue, due to problems finding
    titles to compile for it, and I almost made it the last one. Good news
    however is that this little hobby project for Commodore Free is set to continue. I have been contacting some people regarding putting their
    programs on to this month's E-Cover Tape and they were honoured :)

    So this issue we have 5 great full games in store for you. One of which is
    a side scrolling wartime shoot 'em up, a game which brought out a new
    cultural tradition by the way of Flappy Bird, a couple of puzzle games and
    of course a C64 conversion of Cosmos. An old arcade classic (Who would
    have thought this game was made in 2014). So insert the tape. Press play
    and get ready for some pure gaming action.

    Please note that due to the compatibility problems with running Happy
    Flappy on the usual IRQ tape loader, this game had to be mastered by
    LoadONE by Joonas Lindberg.

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    (C) 2014 TND + Indysoft

    Programming: Ryszard Nazarewski
    (Using Sideways SEUCK),
    Richard Bayliss
    Graphics: Ryszard Nazarewski
    Music: Richard Bayliss

    Controls: Joystick in Port 2

    * Run/Stop: Pause game

    * Q: Quite game (While game is paused)

    A few issues ago, we brought out the first Cobra Mission game, written a
    few years ago. Now Ryszard is proud to give out a sequel to the original
    Cobra Mission game. This game features a new front end, enhancements and plenty of music.

    The story starts off that an evil dictator has captured a nuclear
    submarine. He also threatens the world to start a World War 3. He sends
    his evil and corrupt army to capture civilians and hold them as hostages on
    an island. The U.S.A and UN call for backup, and sends you in a U.S.
    Cobra helicopter.

    Your mission is to fly across the sea, through the jungle; battling against
    the enemy forces of the Dictator. During your mission, you must locate and rescue the hostages who are stranded on this hostile island. Then search
    for the submarine, and guard it so that the allied forces can fit
    explosives to the submarine and destroy it.

    Your mission will not be easy, as the Dictator is already waiting for a big fight. The sea, and the islands are surrounded with armed forces. On
    ground, on sea, and airborne. You must fight against the enemies. If you
    are to make it to the Dictator's hideout. You will only have 3 Cobra helicopters to command. Can you help save the world, by preventing the ultimate threat of World War 3 from occurring? Good luck, you will need

    Note: Cobra Mission 2 is divided into two parts. After completing the
    main game, you will be given a password for the ending. To see the ending, load in part 2 of the game and type in the correct password.

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    (C) 2014 Hultén Brothers

    Programming: Jonas + Patric Hultén
    Graphics: Jonas + Patric Hultén
    Music: N/A

    Controls: Keyboard / Joystick in Port 2

    This is a real fantastic treat for you E-Tape fans out there. Commodore
    Free has been granted kind permission to release this brand new game on to
    the E-Tape. It is a conversion of the classic Cosmos game, which was originally a coin-op by Century Electronics, back in 1981. This game feels very authentic, and features in game speech. If however you are playing
    this game on a C64C, you won't hear the speech too clearly.

    This game is split into different sectors in which you must try and
    complete before advancing on to the next level.

    You are flying through the cosmos. Suddenly you are at war against aliens.
    To complete the first section, you must blast all aliens that appear. Once they are all destroyed, you will move on to the next section of the game.
    Which is an asteroid belt.

    During your travel across the asteroid belt, you must shoot at the
    asteroids, and also shoot blue fuel pods. These will increase your fuel.
    After you survive the asteroid belt, you'll have another two alien blasting sections.

    The next section is the docking section. A tractor beam starts moving your ship towards the docking ship. You must dock your ship carefully to refuel
    it and move on to the next zone.

    If you would like to see more information about the C64 port of Cosmos
    please visit this link below:


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    (C) 2014 Roy Fielding

    Programming: Roy Fielding
    Graphics: Roy Fielding
    Music: Hermit

    Controls: Spacebar


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