Just wanted to let everyone know that we have just launched the global onelinerz system on bbs-scene.org. By using our RESTful api users can add/display the onelinerz directly on there system or website.
There is already a perl script for your linux sysops and a .js mod for
all you Synchronet sysops which can be found at
More information on the onelinerz can be found at
http://bbs-scene.org/onelinerz and information on the api can be found
If you have any questions or need help join us on the BBS-SCENE echo in fidonet or scinet or by visiting
frank aka netsurge
bbs.diskshop.ca . http/ftp/nntp/telnet
bbs-scene.org . where all the cool kids hang out
hysteriabbs.com . running enthral bbs
--- SBBSecho 2.12-Linux
* Origin: >> diskshop >> bbs.diskshop.ca >> http.telnet.nntp (39:902/501)