• Woman attacked by driver in Thorpe Willoughby, Selby

    From Simon Mason@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 19 12:28:40 2023
    A WOMAN has been attacked by another driver in a road rage incident in North Yorkshire.

    The county's police force say the attack took place in Field Lane in Thorpe Willoughby, Selby at about 5.15pm on Saturday, October 7.

    A Police spokesperson said: "Following an altercation with a cyclist, a woman driver of a blue Toyota Yaris was assaulted by a woman driver of a dark coloured Peugeot that was travelling behind.

    "The driver of the Peugeot is described as a white female, of a medium build and about 5ft tall, either in her late thirties or early forties, with bleached blond hair and dark roots styled with half in a bun and the remaining hair worn loose to shoulder
    length. She was wearing a black and white spotted jumpsuit.

    "Shortly after this incident an item was thrown at the rear window of the blue Toyota Yaris, which had turned onto Fox Road, causing it to crack.

    "The cyclist is described as a white man around 16-years-old, about 5ft tall and of slim build, with dark brown hair styled with short back and sides and longer curls on top with a fresh complexion. riding a black BMX bike."

    Anyone who witnessed these incidents, or has information that could assist the investigation, should email
    thomas.longhorn@northyorkshire.police.uk You can also call North Yorkshire Police on 101, select option 2, and ask for Thomas Longhorn.

    If you wish to remain anonymous, you can pass information to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

    Please quote the North Yorkshire Police reference number 12230190503 when passing on information.


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  • From JNugent@21:1/5 to Simon Mason on Fri Oct 20 02:43:02 2023
    On 19/10/2023 08:28 pm, Simon Mason wrote:
    A WOMAN has been attacked by another driver in a road rage incident in North Yorkshire.

    The county's police force say the attack took place in Field Lane in Thorpe Willoughby, Selby at about 5.15pm on Saturday, October 7.

    A Police spokesperson said: "Following an altercation with a cyclist, a woman driver of a blue Toyota Yaris was assaulted by a woman driver of a dark coloured Peugeot that was travelling behind.

    "The driver of the Peugeot is described as a white female, of a medium build and about 5ft tall, either in her late thirties or early forties, with bleached blond hair and dark roots styled with half in a bun and the remaining hair worn loose to
    shoulder length. She was wearing a black and white spotted jumpsuit.

    "Shortly after this incident an item was thrown at the rear window of the blue Toyota Yaris, which had turned onto Fox Road, causing it to crack.

    "The cyclist is described as a white man around 16-years-old, about 5ft tall and of slim build, with dark brown hair styled with short back and sides and longer curls on top with a fresh complexion. riding a black BMX bike."

    Anyone who witnessed these incidents, or has information that could assist the investigation, should email
    thomas.longhorn@northyorkshire.police.uk You can also call North Yorkshire Police on 101, select option 2, and ask for Thomas Longhorn.

    If you wish to remain anonymous, you can pass information to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

    Please quote the North Yorkshire Police reference number 12230190503 when passing on information.


    This is at least the second time that you have posted the same information.

    Which of the people (allegedly) involved was on the chav-bike?

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  • From JNugent@21:1/5 to Simon Mason on Fri Oct 20 02:41:31 2023
    On 19/10/2023 08:28 pm, Simon Mason wrote:

    A WOMAN has been attacked by another driver in a road rage incident in North Yorkshire.

    How do you know?

    For all you (can) know, he (assuming it was a "he") might have no
    driving licence and just be a mere chav-cyclist.

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  • From Simon Mason@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 19 23:45:02 2023
    QUOTE: A Police spokesperson said: "Following an altercation with a cyclist, a woman driver of a blue Toyota Yaris was assaulted by a woman driver of a dark coloured Peugeot that was travelling behind. ENDS

    Blue on blue attack - as we were then.

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  • From Spike@21:1/5 to Simon Mason on Fri Oct 20 07:11:15 2023
    Simon Mason <swldxer1958@gmail.com> wrote:
    QUOTE: A Police spokesperson said: "Following an altercation with a
    cyclist, a woman driver of a blue Toyota Yaris was assaulted by a woman driver of a dark coloured Peugeot that was travelling behind. ENDS

    Blue on blue attack - as we were then.

    ‘Blue on blue’ in the context of your world view would be cyclists beating up cyclists.


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  • From Simon Mason@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 20 03:34:22 2023
    QUOTE: "Following an altercation with a cyclist, a woman driver of a blue Toyota Yaris was assaulted by a woman driver of a dark coloured Peugeot that was travelling behind. ENDS

    Not that nobody is looking for the innocent cyclist.

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  • From Simon Mason@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 20 05:22:51 2023
    QUOTE: "Following an altercation with a cyclist, a woman driver of a blue Toyota Yaris was assaulted by a woman driver of a dark coloured Peugeot that was travelling behind. ENDS

    Note that nobody is looking for the innocent cyclist.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Simon Mason@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 20 12:10:09 2023
    Ho hum - there goes the neighbourhood.
    A small village in Yorkshire has been ranked near the bottom of a list of the best places to live in the UK.

    Thorpe Willoughby, in Selby, North Yorkshire has been placed 1362 out of 1372 places on the list by Garrington Property Finders. This is down 111 places since the last list was published by the website last year.

    The list ranks each area surveyed by its natural beauty rank, its quality of life, architectural beauty, green rank and its price band. Thorpe Willoughby came near the bottom in each of these rankings.

    With a population of only 2,725 residents, according to the 2011 census data, the small town is not on most people’s radars.

    According to a brief survey of the area, Thorpe Willoughby has only one pub, The Fox, which is rated highly on TripAdvisor at four stars out of five. There is also a primary school and a village hall alongside a number of smaller shops.

    However, as already mentioned, the village was not rated on its shops and pubs, but its beauty. The area was ranked 1300 in natural beauty, 1253 in architectural beauty and 1294 in its green rank.

    The only area it was ranked higher in was its quality of life, which was rated at 579 out of 1372. The average house price was also high as it is in many areas of the country, according to the list the average family home in the area cost between £350,
    000 and £650,000.

    Nowhere in Yorkshire made it into the top ten of this list and almost every single entry in the top ten were for towns and villages in the south of the country. Only one area was in the north, Caton in Lancashire came fourth on the list.

    However, according to Garrington Property finders their list was actually meant to rank some of the best places to live in the UK and Thorpe Willoughby only came at the bottom of this list. They said: “Our annual Best Places to Live report compares
    nearly 1400 of the highest ranking locations across England and Wales. By definition, everywhere on the list is a good place to live, and they all have good access to superfast broadband.

    "Every year we analyse reams of publicly available data to rank each city, town and village according to four criteria - natural beauty, architectural beauty, quality of life and environmental credentials.

    “We celebrate the places with the highest scores by writing about them on our website and in the media. Of course some places score less highly, but this is in no way a criticism.

    “Thorpe Willoughby performed very well in two categories. It ranked in the top 14% of locations for air quality (based on NO2 levels) and in the top 16% of locations with a high proportion of households with access to outside space."


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  • From Spike@21:1/5 to Simon Mason on Fri Oct 20 18:20:50 2023
    Simon Mason <swldxer1958@gmail.com> wrote:

    QUOTE: "Following an altercation with a cyclist, a woman driver of a
    blue Toyota Yaris was assaulted by a woman driver of a dark coloured
    Peugeot that was travelling behind. ENDS

    Not that nobody is looking for the innocent cyclist.

    This is English up with which we should not put.


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