Residents in Willerby have expressed their frustration at 'eyesore' wooden bollards that have appeared on their street, preventing them from parking
cars outside their houses.
Abbey Grove, which forms part of the same street as Well Lane, boasts a particularly wide pavement, which, according to residents, has long been
the subject of debate as to whether it is a path or a road. Many had taken
to parking their vehicles on the pavement, owing to the shortage of
on-street parking and the lack of driveways cut into the steep verge that
runs adjacent to the street.
However, following complaints from the parents of children at a nearby
school that people were driving along the footpath on Abbey Grove, East
Riding of Yorkshire Council has now installed the wooden bollards to
'ensure the safety of pedestrians'.
Residents explained that there had never been an issue with the pavement
being blocked by parked vehicles, dismissing the introduction of the
bollards as an 'unnecessary eyesore' and 'a waste of money'.
Karl Elbeck, 47, said: "These bollards are a complete and utter disgrace.
There hasn't been an accident down here since the 1970s so why are the
bollards necessary? All of the work is half-arsed as well, you can see the tarmac coming away. The stopcock outside my house has suddenly started overflowing since the bollards were put in, too."
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