• =?UTF-8?Q?Delivery_driver_who_smoked_=E2=80=9Csix_joints_of_marijuan?=

    From swldxer1958@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Tue Aug 8 08:29:12 2023
    A delivery driver who had smoked as much as six joints of weed and was “out partying” before driving straight into a cyclist and knocking her down, leaving her with severe injuries requiring stitches and even plastic surgery to her head, has avoided
    jail due to the time it took for the case to get to court.

    Marek Grzezulkowski, aged 43, reportedly had only had three hours of sleep when he drove his Mercedes van into the back of the cyclist on Fishmore Road, Ludlow on New Year’s Eve, 2021, reports Shropshire Star (link is external).

    She was left with a “cracked” kidney and needed plastic surgery to an injury for her head, which was the size of a “two pound coin” and required 15 to 20 stitches.

    The victim also had severe grazing to her toe and knee, heavy bruising to her inner thighs and “severe pain” in many areas of her body. She also described having mood swings during the month after the crash happened, although no brain injuries were

    Dashcam footage from Grzezulkowski's van was played to Shrewsbury Crown Court, showing his vehicle travelling at around 30mph and not slowing down before colliding with the victim.

    Grzezulkowski was later drug tested and found to have 4.2 micrograms of Delta 9 THC per litre of blood, which is the main psychoactive part of cannabis. That is more than twice the legal limit of 2 micrograms, when considering the possibility of
    accidental exposure.

    The court heard that he had called the ambulance and stayed with the victim. However, it remained disputed whether he had fallen asleep or was just driving carelessly when he hit the cyclist.

    He pleaded guilty to causing serious injury by dangerous driving. Alexa Carrier, mitigating, said: “He told me he can't express his remorse enough and wishes he could switch places with the victim.”

    However, recorder MacAdam expressed his concern and objection at the amount of time it took for the case to be processed, saying it should have taken a matter of weeks for Grzezulkowski to be charged and eventually sentenced, especially given his full
    admissions to the police.

    He told the court: “This case, although serious, was a simple investigation.”

    He added, addressing Grzezulkowski: “I fully accept you are remorseful. If this had been presented earlier and you were in court when you should have been, I may well have thought an immediate prison sentence was appropriate. However, I have to take
    into account the period of time that has passed.”

    He handed Grzezulkowski a 16-month prison sentence, suspended for two years. MacAdam also disqualified him from driving for two years, ordered him to carry out 20 rehabilitation activity days, and pay £250 in prosecution costs.


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  • From swldxer1958@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Wed Aug 9 03:31:05 2023
    It's worrying the number of cars that pass by stinking of weed.

    Especially trades vans in the morning rush hour; the number of people who appear to be getting lit up on their way to work with electrical, plumbing, gas and other building installations, where errors could be fatal either for themselves and their fellow
    workers or the occupants of buildings at a later date, is scary.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From JNugent@21:1/5 to swldx...@gmail.com on Wed Aug 9 11:22:05 2023
    On 08/08/2023 04:29 pm, swldx...@gmail.com wrote:

    A delivery driver who had smoked as much as six joints of weed and was “out partying” before driving straight into a cyclist and knocking her down, leaving her with severe injuries requiring stitches and even plastic surgery to her head, has
    avoided jail due to the time it took for the case to get to court.

    Marek Grzezulkowski, aged 43, reportedly had only had three hours of sleep when he drove his Mercedes van into the back of the cyclist on Fishmore Road, Ludlow on New Year’s Eve, 2021, reports Shropshire Star (link is external).

    She was left with a “cracked” kidney and needed plastic surgery to an injury for her head, which was the size of a “two pound coin” and required 15 to 20 stitches.

    The victim also had severe grazing to her toe and knee, heavy bruising to her inner thighs and “severe pain” in many areas of her body. She also described having mood swings during the month after the crash happened, although no brain injuries were

    Dashcam footage from Grzezulkowski's van was played to Shrewsbury Crown Court, showing his vehicle travelling at around 30mph and not slowing down before colliding with the victim.

    Grzezulkowski was later drug tested and found to have 4.2 micrograms of Delta 9 THC per litre of blood, which is the main psychoactive part of cannabis. That is more than twice the legal limit of 2 micrograms, when considering the possibility of
    accidental exposure.

    The court heard that he had called the ambulance and stayed with the victim. However, it remained disputed whether he had fallen asleep or was just driving carelessly when he hit the cyclist.

    He pleaded guilty to causing serious injury by dangerous driving. Alexa Carrier, mitigating, said: “He told me he can't express his remorse enough and wishes he could switch places with the victim.”

    However, recorder MacAdam expressed his concern and objection at the amount of time it took for the case to be processed, saying it should have taken a matter of weeks for Grzezulkowski to be charged and eventually sentenced, especially given his full
    admissions to the police.

    He told the court: “This case, although serious, was a simple investigation.”

    He added, addressing Grzezulkowski: “I fully accept you are remorseful. If this had been presented earlier and you were in court when you should have been, I may well have thought an immediate prison sentence was appropriate. However, I have to take
    into account the period of time that has passed.”

    He handed Grzezulkowski a 16-month prison sentence, suspended for two years. MacAdam also disqualified him from driving for two years, ordered him to carry out 20 rehabilitation activity days, and pay £250 in prosecution costs.


    I for one am not happy with the sentence being suspended.

    There were serious drug offences involved there and considerable risks
    for other road-users. Innocent travellers have no way of mitigating the
    danger from those under the influence of illegal drugs or excess alcohol
    (other than not to travel). A head-on crash with a car coming the other
    way doesn't bear thinking about.

    This was not some accidental moment of inattention of a sort that anyone
    can commit. It was a deliberate criminal offence.

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)