• =?UTF-8?Q?=E2=80=94=20THE=20FRENCH=20GIVE=20AUSTRALIA?= =?UTF-8?Q?=20A=

    From dolf@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 29 10:25:06 2021
    XPost: aus.politics, alt.france, de.soc.weltanschauung.islam
    XPost: nl.politiek

    #THREE: #143 as #62 - DOUBT (YI)

    #FOUR: #178 as #16 - CONTACT (CHIAO)

    #FIVE: #321 as #78 - ON THE VERGE (CHIANG

        #126 as [#70, #6, #50] / [#70, #6, #700] /
        #156 as [#30, #70, #6, #700] / [#70, #6, #50, #20, #10] /
        #188 as [#6, #70, #6, #50, #50, #6] /
    #627 as [#6, #40, #70, #6, #50, #400, #10, #5, #600] / [#40, #70, #6, #50,
    #6, #400, #10, #5, #600] /
    #632 as [#40, #70, #6, #50, #400, #10, #50, #6] = ʻâvôn (H5771): {UMBRA: #126 % #41 = #3}} 1) perversity, depravity, iniquity, guilt or punishment
    of iniquity; 1a) iniquity; 1b) guilt of iniquity, guilt (as great), guilt
    (of condition); 1c) consequence of or punishment for iniquity;


    UMBRA: #126 % #41 = #3 - Political Prescriptions, Quietude; I-Ching: H46 - Climbing, Moving / Pushing Upward, Ascending; Tetra: 8 - Opposition;

    THOTH MEASURE: #3 - Oh thou of the Nose, who makest thine appearance at Chemunnu; I am not evil minded.

        #VIRTUE: With Mired (no. #3), great woe.
    #TOOLS: With Encounters
    (no. #43), small desire.
    #POSITION: The ways of Purity (no. #37) and ...
    #TIME: Pattern (no. #47) where some are simple and some are complex?
    #CANON: #130

   @1: Sup: 3 - MIRED: HSIEN (#3); Ego: 3 - MIRED: HSIEN (#3),
   @2: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#49); Ego: 43 - ENCOUNTERS:
    YU (#46),
   @3: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#51); Ego: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI (#83),
   @4: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#100); Ego: 47 - PATTERN: WEN (#130 -
   Male: #100; Feme: #130
} // #130

   @1: Sup: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#6); Ego: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#6),
   @2: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#52); Ego: 40 - LAW/MODEL: FA (#46),
   @3: Sup: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#87); Ego: 70 - SEVERANCE: KE (#116),
   @4: Sup: 41 - RESPONSE: YING (#128); Ego: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#122),
   @5: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN (#138); Ego: 50 -
   @6: Sup: 5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO (#143); Ego: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#248),
   @7: Sup: 15 - REACH: TA (#158
   @8: Sup: 20 - ADVANCE: CHIN (#178); Ego: 5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO
   @9: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#231); Ego: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI (#296),
   Male: #231; Feme: #296
} // #627

    .jackNote@zen: 2, row: 4, col: 9, nous: 74 [TIME: 10:05, SUPER: #313 / #6 - Female Superiority, Completion of Form; I-Ching: H25 - No Errancy, Without Embroiling, Innocence, Pestilence; Tetra: 66 - DEPARTURE (CH'U), EGO: #427
    / #74 - Controlling Feelings, Overcome Delusion; I-Ching: H29 - The
    Constant Sink Hole, Gorge, The abyss, Repeated entrapment; Tetra: 80 - LABOURING (CH'IN)]

    Emmanuel Macron's telephone call to Scott Morrison had the precision timing
    of a torpedo. {@1: Sup: 50 - VASTNESS / WASTING: T'ANG (#50); Ego: 77 - COMPLIANCE: HSUN (#77)}

    News of the conversation broke as the Prime Minister's plane worked its way across Australia, {@2: Sup: 65 - INNER: NEI (#115 - I AM NOT A SLAYER OF
    MEN {%5}); Ego: 59 - MASSING: CHU (#136)}

    on its way to the G20 Summit in Rome. {@3: Sup: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG (#196
    - I AM NOT ONE OF LOUD VOICE {%37}); Ego: 66 - DEPARTURE: CH'U (#202)}

    It's weeks since Australia sank a $90 billion submarine contract with
    France but judging by the tone of the conversation — at least according to
    a read-out from the Elysee Palace — the French President's fury has not cooled. {@4: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH (#257); Ego: 80 - LABOURING:
    CH'IN (#282)}

    President Macron told the Prime Minister that "Australia's unilateral
    decision" to break the contract "broke the relationship of trust between
    our two countries". {@5: Sup: 69 - EXHAUSTION: CH'IUNG (#326); Ego: 43 - ENCOUNTERS: YU (#325)}

    The President says Australia must propose "tangible" actions to "redefine"
    the bilateral relationship — as well as the two nations' cooperation in the Indo-Pacific. {@6: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#379); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT:
    SHU (#334)}

    Tellingly, {@7: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#432); Ego: 8 - OPPOSITION: KAN (#342)}

    given the Prime Minister is already on the defensive over his government's climate change commitments, {@8: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#500); Ego: 42 - GOING TO MEET: YING (#384)}

    the President says he encouraged Mr Morrison to adopt emission reduction measures "commensurate with the climate challenge" and cease production and consumption of coal. {@9: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#549); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#393)}

    This is a deliberate strike by the French President at the PM's carbon credentials on the eve of next week's Glasgow climate talks. {@10: Sup: 75
    - FAILURE: SHIH (#624); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#465)}

    The PM's office says the Prime Minister was pleased to speak to the French President. {@11: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#626); Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#469)}

    But it's already clear that there's a lot of work needed to heal the relationship. {@12: Sup: 28 - CHANGE: KENG (#654); Ego: 58 - GATHERING IN:
    HSI (#527)}

    Ninety billion dollars worth of repair, {@13: Sup: 12 - YOUTHFULNESS: T'UNG (#666); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#562)}

    to be precise. {@14: Sup: 12 - YOUTHFULNESS: T'UNG (#678); Ego: 63 - WATCH: SHIH (#625)}

    TELOS TOTAL: #84055

    MALE: @115 + @196 = #311

    FEME: @136 = #136

    GRUMBLE (#678, #625)@[50, 77, 65, 59, 81, 66, 61, 80, 69, 43, 53, 9, 53, 8,
    68, 42, 49, 9, 75, 72, 2, 4, 28, 58, 12, 35, 12, 63]

    GRUNTLE (#1151, #1303)@[50, 50, 46, 77, 30, 65, 8, 59, 8, 81, 74, 66, 54,
    61, 53, 80, 41, 69, 3, 43, 56, 53, 65, 9, 37, 53, 45, 8, 32, 68, 74, 42,
    42, 49, 51, 9, 45, 75, 36, 72, 38, 2, 42, 4, 70, 28, 47, 58, 59, 12, 13,
    35, 25, 12, 7, 63]


    YOUTUBE: "The Meerkat Circus"


    {#390 - ROBBERS} v’s HOMOIOS {#391 - STEWARDS OF GOD’S HOUSE} THEORY OF NUMBER) as universal of right and wrong...} *THE* *ORTHODOX* *AND* *ROMAN* *CATHOLIC* *CHURCH'S* *CLAIM* {#390 as 1, #100, #80, #1, #3, #5, #200 as
    harpax (G727): {#11 as #242} 1) rapacious, ravenous; 2) a extortioner, a robber} *TO* *JUBILEE2000* *AS* *BEING* *DELUSIONAL* *AND* *FRAUDULENT*

    Private Street on the edge of the Central Business District dated 16th May, 2000 - This report is prepared in response to a TP00/55 as a Notice of an Application for Planning Permit



    Chinese HAN Dynasty (206 BCE - 220CE) Hexagon Trigrams to Tetragram
    assignments proposed by Yang Hsiung (53BCE - 18CE) which by 4BCE
    (translation published within English as first European language in 1993), first appeared in draft form as a meta-thesis titled T'AI HSUAN CHING {ie. Canon of Supreme Mystery} on Natural Divination associated with the theory
    of number, annual seasonal chronology and astrology reliant upon the seven visible planets as cosmological mother image and the zodiac.

    It shows the ZIRAN as the DAO of NATURE / COURSE-trochos OF NATURE-genesis [James 3:6] as HYPOSTASIS comprising #81 trinomial tetragrammaton x 4.5 day
    = #364.5 day / year as HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER which is an amalgam of the
    64 hexagrams as binomial trigrams / 81 as trinomial tetragrammaton rather
    than its encapsulated contrived use as the microcosm to redefine the
    macrocosm as the quintessence of the Pythagorean [Babylonian] as binomial
    canon of transposition as HETEROS THEORY OF NUMBER.


    The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities No. 43 of Act 2006 defines
    a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING” and the question is, if it is permissible to extend this definition to be a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING AS A CONSCIOUS REALITY OF HOMO[iOS] SAPIEN[T] WHO IS INSTANTIATED WITHIN THE TEMPORAL

    That my mathematical theoretical noumenon defines the meta-descriptor prototypes which are prerequisite to the BEING of HOMO[iOS] SAPIEN[T] as EXISTENCE / *OUSIA*.

    <http://www.grapple369.com/Grumble.zip> (Download resources)

    After all the ENNEAD of THOTH and not the Roman Catholic Eucharist,
    expresses an Anthropic Cosmological Principle which appears within its geometric conception as being equivalent to the Pythagorean

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From dolf@21:1/5 to dolf on Sat Oct 30 11:17:46 2021
    XPost: aus.politics, alt.france, de.soc.weltanschauung.islam
    XPost: nl.politiek

    Just including the original text with journalist recognition….

    Emmanuel Macron issues torpedo strike to Australia during conversation with Scott Morrison

    By political editor Andrew Probyn

    Thursday 28 Oct 2021 at 6:44pm, updated Thu 28 Oct 2021 at 8:45pm

    Emmanuel Macron's telephone call to Scott Morrison had the precision timing
    of a torpedo.

    News of the conversation broke as the Prime Minister's plane worked its way across Australia, on its way to the G20 Summit in Rome.

    It's weeks since Australia sank a $90 billion submarine contract with
    France but judging by the tone of the conversation — at least according to
    a read-out from the Élysée Palace — the French President's fury has not cooled.

    President Macron told the Prime Minister that "Australia's unilateral
    decision" to break the contract "broke the relationship of trust between
    our two countries".

    The President says Australia must propose "tangible" actions to "redefine"
    the bilateral relationship — as well as the two nations' cooperation in the Indo-Pacific.

    Tellingly, given the Prime Minister is already on the defensive over his government's climate change commitments, the President says he encouraged
    Mr Morrison to adopt emission reduction measures "commensurate with the
    climate challenge" and cease production and consumption of coal.

    This is a deliberate strike by the French President at the PM's carbon credentials on the eve of next week's Glasgow climate talks.

    The PM's office says the Prime Minister was pleased to speak to the French President.

    But it's already clear that there's a lot of work needed to heal the relationship.

    Ninety billion dollars worth of repair, to be precise.

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    #THREE: #143 as #62 - DOUBT (YI)

    #FOUR: #178 as #16 - CONTACT (CHIAO)

    #FIVE: #321 as #78 - ON THE VERGE (CHIANG)

        #126 as [#70, #6, #50] / [#70, #6, #700] /
        #156 as [#30, #70, #6, #700] / [#70, #6, #50, #20, #10] /     #188 as [#6, #70, #6, #50, #50, #6] /
    #627 as [#6, #40, #70, #6, #50, #400, #10, #5, #600] / [#40, #70, #6, #50, #6, #400, #10, #5, #600] /
    #632 as [#40, #70, #6, #50, #400, #10, #50, #6] = ʻâvôn (H5771): {UMBRA: #126 % #41 = #3}} 1) perversity, depravity, iniquity, guilt or punishment
    of iniquity; 1a) iniquity; 1b) guilt of iniquity, guilt (as great), guilt
    (of condition); 1c) consequence of or punishment for iniquity;


    UMBRA: #126 % #41 = #3 - Political Prescriptions, Quietude; I-Ching: H46 - Climbing, Moving / Pushing Upward, Ascending; Tetra: 8 - Opposition;

    THOTH MEASURE: #3 - Oh thou of the Nose, who makest thine appearance at Chemunnu; I am not evil minded.

        #VIRTUE: With Mired (no. #3), great woe.
    #TOOLS: With Encounters
    (no. #43), small desire.
    #POSITION: The ways of Purity (no. #37) and
    #TIME: Pattern (no. #47) where some are simple and some are complex?
    #CANON: #130

   @1: Sup: 3 - MIRED: HSIEN (#3); Ego: 3 - MIRED: HSIEN (#3),
   @2: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#49); Ego: 43 - ENCOUNTERS:
    YU (#46),
   @3: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#51); Ego: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI
   @4: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#100); Ego: 47 - PATTERN: WEN (#130 -
   Male: #100; Feme: #130
} // #130

   @1: Sup: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#6); Ego: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#6),
   @2: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#52); Ego: 40 - LAW/MODEL: FA (#46),
   @3: Sup: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#87); Ego: 70 - SEVERANCE: KE (#116),
   @4: Sup: 41 - RESPONSE: YING (#128); Ego: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#122),
   @5: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN (#138); Ego: 50 -
   @6: Sup: 5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO (#143); Ego: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#248),
   @7: Sup: 15 - REACH: TA (#158
   @8: Sup: 20 - ADVANCE: CHIN (#178); Ego: 5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO
   @9: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#231); Ego: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI (#296),
   Male: #231; Feme: #296
} // #627

    .jackNote@zen: 2, row: 4, col: 9, nous: 74 [TIME: 10:05, SUPER: #313 / #6 - Female Superiority, Completion of Form; I-Ching: H25 - No Errancy, Without Embroiling, Innocence, Pestilence; Tetra: 66 - DEPARTURE (CH'U), EGO: #427
    / #74 - Controlling Feelings, Overcome Delusion; I-Ching: H29 - The
    Constant Sink Hole, Gorge, The abyss, Repeated entrapment; Tetra: 80 - LABOURING (CH'IN)]

    Emmanuel Macron's telephone call to Scott Morrison had the precision timing of a torpedo. {@1: Sup: 50 - VASTNESS / WASTING: T'ANG (#50); Ego: 77 - COMPLIANCE: HSUN (#77)}

    News of the conversation broke as the Prime Minister's plane worked its way across Australia, {@2: Sup: 65 - INNER: NEI (#115 - I AM NOT A SLAYER OF
    MEN {%5}); Ego: 59 - MASSING: CHU (#136)}

    on its way to the G20 Summit in Rome. {@3: Sup: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG (#196
    - I AM NOT ONE OF LOUD VOICE {%37}); Ego: 66 - DEPARTURE: CH'U (#202)}

    It's weeks since Australia sank a $90 billion submarine contract with
    France but judging by the tone of the conversation — at least according to a read-out from the Elysee Palace — the French President's fury has not cooled. {@4: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH (#257); Ego: 80 - LABOURING:
    CH'IN (#282)}

    President Macron told the Prime Minister that "Australia's unilateral decision" to break the contract "broke the relationship of trust between
    our two countries". {@5: Sup: 69 - EXHAUSTION: CH'IUNG (#326); Ego: 43 - ENCOUNTERS: YU (#325)}

    The President says Australia must propose "tangible" actions to "redefine" the bilateral relationship — as well as the two nations' cooperation in the Indo-Pacific. {@6: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#379); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#334)}

    Tellingly, {@7: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#432); Ego: 8 - OPPOSITION: KAN (#342)}

    given the Prime Minister is already on the defensive over his government's climate change commitments, {@8: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#500); Ego: 42 - GOING TO MEET: YING (#384)}

    the President says he encouraged Mr Morrison to adopt emission reduction measures "commensurate with the climate challenge" and cease production and consumption of coal. {@9: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#549); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#393)}

    This is a deliberate strike by the French President at the PM's carbon credentials on the eve of next week's Glasgow climate talks. {@10: Sup: 75
    - FAILURE: SHIH (#624); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#465)}

    The PM's office says the Prime Minister was pleased to speak to the French President. {@11: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#626); Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#469)}

    But it's already clear that there's a lot of work needed to heal the relationship. {@12: Sup: 28 - CHANGE: KENG (#654); Ego: 58 - GATHERING IN: HSI (#527)}

    Ninety billion dollars worth of repair, {@13: Sup: 12 - YOUTHFULNESS: T'UNG (#666); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#562)}

    to be precise. {@14: Sup: 12 - YOUTHFULNESS: T'UNG (#678); Ego: 63 - WATCH: SHIH (#625)}

    TELOS TOTAL: #84055

    MALE: @115 + @196 = #311

    FEME: @136 = #136

    GRUMBLE (#678, #625)@[50, 77, 65, 59, 81, 66, 61, 80, 69, 43, 53, 9, 53, 8, 68, 42, 49, 9, 75, 72, 2, 4, 28, 58, 12, 35, 12, 63]

    GRUNTLE (#1151, #1303)@[50, 50, 46, 77, 30, 65, 8, 59, 8, 81, 74, 66, 54,
    61, 53, 80, 41, 69, 3, 43, 56, 53, 65, 9, 37, 53, 45, 8, 32, 68, 74, 42,
    42, 49, 51, 9, 45, 75, 36, 72, 38, 2, 42, 4, 70, 28, 47, 58, 59, 12, 13,
    35, 25, 12, 7, 63]


    YOUTUBE: "The Meerkat Circus"


    {#390 - ROBBERS} v’s HOMOIOS {#391 - STEWARDS OF GOD’S HOUSE} THEORY OF NUMBER) as universal of right and wrong...} *THE* *ORTHODOX* *AND* *ROMAN* *CATHOLIC* *CHURCH'S* *CLAIM* {#390 as 1, #100, #80, #1, #3, #5, #200 as
    harpax (G727): {#11 as #242} 1) rapacious, ravenous; 2) a extortioner, a robber} *TO* *JUBILEE2000* *AS* *BEING* *DELUSIONAL* *AND* *FRAUDULENT*

    Private Street on the edge of the Central Business District dated 16th May, 2000 - This report is prepared in response to a TP00/55 as a Notice of an Application for Planning Permit



    Chinese HAN Dynasty (206 BCE - 220CE) Hexagon Trigrams to Tetragram
    assignments proposed by Yang Hsiung (53BCE - 18CE) which by 4BCE
    (translation published within English as first European language in 1993), first appeared in draft form as a meta-thesis titled T'AI HSUAN CHING {ie. Canon of Supreme Mystery} on Natural Divination associated with the theory
    of number, annual seasonal chronology and astrology reliant upon the seven visible planets as cosmological mother image and the zodiac.

    It shows the ZIRAN as the DAO of NATURE / COURSE-trochos OF NATURE-genesis [James 3:6] as HYPOSTASIS comprising #81 trinomial tetragrammaton x 4.5 day
    = #364.5 day / year as HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER which is an amalgam of the
    64 hexagrams as binomial trigrams / 81 as trinomial tetragrammaton rather
    than its encapsulated contrived use as the microcosm to redefine the
    macrocosm as the quintessence of the Pythagorean [Babylonian] as binomial
    canon of transposition as HETEROS THEORY OF NUMBER.


    The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities No. 43 of Act 2006 defines
    a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING” and the question is, if it is permissible to extend this definition to be a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING AS A CONSCIOUS REALITY OF HOMO[iOS] SAPIEN[T] WHO IS INSTANTIATED WITHIN THE TEMPORAL

    That my mathematical theoretical noumenon defines the meta-descriptor prototypes which are prerequisite to the BEING of HOMO[iOS] SAPIEN[T] as EXISTENCE / *OUSIA*.

    <http://www.grapple369.com/Grumble.zip> (Download resources)

    After all the ENNEAD of THOTH and not the Roman Catholic Eucharist,
    expresses an Anthropic Cosmological Principle which appears within its geometric conception as being equivalent to the Pythagorean

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From dolf@21:1/5 to dolf on Sun Oct 31 08:53:27 2021
    XPost: aus.politics, alt.france, de.soc.weltanschauung.islam
    XPost: nl.politiek

    It seems that the first casual meeting was anchored to ONTIC_OBLIGANS_130 …

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    Just including the original text with journalist recognition….

    Emmanuel Macron issues torpedo strike to Australia during conversation with Scott Morrison

    By political editor Andrew Probyn

    Thursday 28 Oct 2021 at 6:44pm, updated Thu 28 Oct 2021 at 8:45pm

    Emmanuel Macron's telephone call to Scott Morrison had the precision timing of a torpedo.

    News of the conversation broke as the Prime Minister's plane worked its way across Australia, on its way to the G20 Summit in Rome.

    It's weeks since Australia sank a $90 billion submarine contract with
    France but judging by the tone of the conversation — at least according to a read-out from the Élysée Palace — the French President's fury has not cooled.

    President Macron told the Prime Minister that "Australia's unilateral decision" to break the contract "broke the relationship of trust between
    our two countries".

    The President says Australia must propose "tangible" actions to "redefine" the bilateral relationship — as well as the two nations' cooperation in the Indo-Pacific.

    Tellingly, given the Prime Minister is already on the defensive over his government's climate change commitments, the President says he encouraged
    Mr Morrison to adopt emission reduction measures "commensurate with the climate challenge" and cease production and consumption of coal.

    This is a deliberate strike by the French President at the PM's carbon credentials on the eve of next week's Glasgow climate talks.

    The PM's office says the Prime Minister was pleased to speak to the French President.

    But it's already clear that there's a lot of work needed to heal the relationship.

    Ninety billion dollars worth of repair, to be precise.

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    #THREE: #143 as #62 - DOUBT (YI)

    #FOUR: #178 as #16 - CONTACT (CHIAO)

    #FIVE: #321 as #78 - ON THE VERGE (CHIANG)

        #126 as [#70, #6, #50] / [#70, #6, #700] /
        #156 as [#30, #70, #6, #700] / [#70, #6, #50, #20, #10] /
        #188 as [#6, #70, #6, #50, #50, #6] /
    #627 as [#6, #40, #70, #6, #50, #400, #10, #5, #600] / [#40, #70, #6, #50, >> #6, #400, #10, #5, #600] /
    #632 as [#40, #70, #6, #50, #400, #10, #50, #6] = ʻâvôn (H5771): {UMBRA: >> #126 % #41 = #3}} 1) perversity, depravity, iniquity, guilt or punishment
    of iniquity; 1a) iniquity; 1b) guilt of iniquity, guilt (as great), guilt
    (of condition); 1c) consequence of or punishment for iniquity;


    UMBRA: #126 % #41 = #3 - Political Prescriptions, Quietude; I-Ching: H46 - >> Climbing, Moving / Pushing Upward, Ascending; Tetra: 8 - Opposition;

    THOTH MEASURE: #3 - Oh thou of the Nose, who makest thine appearance at
    Chemunnu; I am not evil minded.

        #VIRTUE: With Mired (no. #3), great woe.
    #TOOLS: With Encounters
    (no. #43), small desire.
    #POSITION: The ways of Purity (no. #37) and
    #TIME: Pattern (no. #47) where some are simple and some are
    #CANON: #130

   @1: Sup: 3 - MIRED: HSIEN (#3); Ego: 3 - MIRED: >> HSIEN (#3),
   @2: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#49); Ego: 43 - ENCOUNTERS:
    YU (#46),
   @3: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#51); Ego: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI
   @4: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#100); Ego: 47 - PATTERN: WEN (#130 -
   Male: #100; Feme: #130
} // #130

   @1: Sup: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#6); Ego: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI >> (#6),
   @2: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#52); Ego: 40 - LAW/MODEL: FA >> (#46),
   @3: Sup: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#87); Ego: 70 - SEVERANCE: KE >> (#116),
   @4: Sup: 41 - RESPONSE: YING (#128); Ego: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI
   @5: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN (#138); Ego: 50 -
   @6: Sup: 5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO >> (#143); Ego: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#248),
   @7: Sup: 15 - REACH: TA (#158
   @8: Sup: 20 - ADVANCE: CHIN (#178); Ego: 5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO
   @9: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#231); Ego: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI >> (#296),
   Male: #231; Feme: #296
} // #627

    .jackNote@zen: 2, row: 4, col: 9, nous: 74 [TIME: 10:05, SUPER: #313 / #6 - >> Female Superiority, Completion of Form; I-Ching: H25 - No Errancy, Without >> Embroiling, Innocence, Pestilence; Tetra: 66 - DEPARTURE (CH'U), EGO: #427 >> / #74 - Controlling Feelings, Overcome Delusion; I-Ching: H29 - The
    Constant Sink Hole, Gorge, The abyss, Repeated entrapment; Tetra: 80 -

    Emmanuel Macron's telephone call to Scott Morrison had the precision timing >> of a torpedo. {@1: Sup: 50 - VASTNESS / WASTING: T'ANG (#50); Ego: 77 -

    News of the conversation broke as the Prime Minister's plane worked its way >> across Australia, {@2: Sup: 65 - INNER: NEI (#115 - I AM NOT A SLAYER OF
    MEN {%5}); Ego: 59 - MASSING: CHU (#136)}

    on its way to the G20 Summit in Rome. {@3: Sup: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG (#196 >> - I AM NOT ONE OF LOUD VOICE {%37}); Ego: 66 - DEPARTURE: CH'U (#202)}

    It's weeks since Australia sank a $90 billion submarine contract with
    France but judging by the tone of the conversation — at least according to >> a read-out from the Elysee Palace — the French President's fury has not
    cooled. {@4: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH (#257); Ego: 80 - LABOURING:
    CH'IN (#282)}

    President Macron told the Prime Minister that "Australia's unilateral
    decision" to break the contract "broke the relationship of trust between
    our two countries". {@5: Sup: 69 - EXHAUSTION: CH'IUNG (#326); Ego: 43 -
    ENCOUNTERS: YU (#325)}

    The President says Australia must propose "tangible" actions to "redefine" >> the bilateral relationship — as well as the two nations' cooperation in the
    Indo-Pacific. {@6: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#379); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: >> SHU (#334)}

    Tellingly, {@7: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#432); Ego: 8 - OPPOSITION: KAN

    given the Prime Minister is already on the defensive over his government's >> climate change commitments, {@8: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#500); Ego: 42 - >> GOING TO MEET: YING (#384)}

    the President says he encouraged Mr Morrison to adopt emission reduction
    measures "commensurate with the climate challenge" and cease production and >> consumption of coal. {@9: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#549); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING >> OUT: SHU (#393)}

    This is a deliberate strike by the French President at the PM's carbon
    credentials on the eve of next week's Glasgow climate talks. {@10: Sup: 75 >> - FAILURE: SHIH (#624); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#465)}

    The PM's office says the Prime Minister was pleased to speak to the French >> President. {@11: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#626); Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN >> (#469)}

    But it's already clear that there's a lot of work needed to heal the
    relationship. {@12: Sup: 28 - CHANGE: KENG (#654); Ego: 58 - GATHERING IN: >> HSI (#527)}

    Ninety billion dollars worth of repair, {@13: Sup: 12 - YOUTHFULNESS: T'UNG >> (#666); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#562)}

    to be precise. {@14: Sup: 12 - YOUTHFULNESS: T'UNG (#678); Ego: 63 - WATCH: >> SHIH (#625)}

    TELOS TOTAL: #84055

    MALE: @115 + @196 = #311

    FEME: @136 = #136

    GRUMBLE (#678, #625)@[50, 77, 65, 59, 81, 66, 61, 80, 69, 43, 53, 9, 53, 8, >> 68, 42, 49, 9, 75, 72, 2, 4, 28, 58, 12, 35, 12, 63]

    GRUNTLE (#1151, #1303)@[50, 50, 46, 77, 30, 65, 8, 59, 8, 81, 74, 66, 54,
    61, 53, 80, 41, 69, 3, 43, 56, 53, 65, 9, 37, 53, 45, 8, 32, 68, 74, 42,
    42, 49, 51, 9, 45, 75, 36, 72, 38, 2, 42, 4, 70, 28, 47, 58, 59, 12, 13,
    35, 25, 12, 7, 63]


    YOUTUBE: "The Meerkat Circus"


    {#390 - ROBBERS} v’s HOMOIOS {#391 - STEWARDS OF GOD’S HOUSE} THEORY OF NUMBER) as universal of right and wrong...} *THE* *ORTHODOX* *AND* *ROMAN* *CATHOLIC* *CHURCH'S* *CLAIM* {#390 as 1, #100, #80, #1, #3, #5, #200 as
    harpax (G727): {#11 as #242} 1) rapacious, ravenous; 2) a extortioner, a robber} *TO* *JUBILEE2000* *AS* *BEING* *DELUSIONAL* *AND* *FRAUDULENT*

    Private Street on the edge of the Central Business District dated 16th May, 2000 - This report is prepared in response to a TP00/55 as a Notice of an Application for Planning Permit



    Chinese HAN Dynasty (206 BCE - 220CE) Hexagon Trigrams to Tetragram
    assignments proposed by Yang Hsiung (53BCE - 18CE) which by 4BCE
    (translation published within English as first European language in 1993), first appeared in draft form as a meta-thesis titled T'AI HSUAN CHING {ie. Canon of Supreme Mystery} on Natural Divination associated with the theory
    of number, annual seasonal chronology and astrology reliant upon the seven visible planets as cosmological mother image and the zodiac.

    It shows the ZIRAN as the DAO of NATURE / COURSE-trochos OF NATURE-genesis [James 3:6] as HYPOSTASIS comprising #81 trinomial tetragrammaton x 4.5 day
    = #364.5 day / year as HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER which is an amalgam of the
    64 hexagrams as binomial trigrams / 81 as trinomial tetragrammaton rather
    than its encapsulated contrived use as the microcosm to redefine the
    macrocosm as the quintessence of the Pythagorean [Babylonian] as binomial
    canon of transposition as HETEROS THEORY OF NUMBER.


    The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities No. 43 of Act 2006 defines
    a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING” and the question is, if it is permissible to extend this definition to be a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING AS A CONSCIOUS REALITY OF HOMO[iOS] SAPIEN[T] WHO IS INSTANTIATED WITHIN THE TEMPORAL

    That my mathematical theoretical noumenon defines the meta-descriptor prototypes which are prerequisite to the BEING of HOMO[iOS] SAPIEN[T] as EXISTENCE / *OUSIA*.

    <http://www.grapple369.com/Grumble.zip> (Download resources)

    After all the ENNEAD of THOTH and not the Roman Catholic Eucharist,
    expresses an Anthropic Cosmological Principle which appears within its geometric conception as being equivalent to the Pythagorean

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From dolf@21:1/5 to dolf on Sun Oct 31 17:08:35 2021
    XPost: aus.politics, alt.france, de.soc.weltanschauung.islam
    XPost: nl.politiek

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    It seems that the first casual meeting was anchored to ONTIC_OBLIGANS_130 …

    The federal government was not @130 - evil minded but careless, so little wonder there was no small desire for any encounters.

    But how is one to regain virtue?

    Initial Post: 31 October 2021

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    Just including the original text with journalist recognition….

    Emmanuel Macron issues torpedo strike to Australia during conversation with >> Scott Morrison

    By political editor Andrew Probyn

    Thursday 28 Oct 2021 at 6:44pm, updated Thu 28 Oct 2021 at 8:45pm

    Emmanuel Macron's telephone call to Scott Morrison had the precision timing >> of a torpedo.

    News of the conversation broke as the Prime Minister's plane worked its way >> across Australia, on its way to the G20 Summit in Rome.

    It's weeks since Australia sank a $90 billion submarine contract with
    France but judging by the tone of the conversation — at least according to >> a read-out from the Élysée Palace — the French President's fury has not >> cooled.

    President Macron told the Prime Minister that "Australia's unilateral
    decision" to break the contract "broke the relationship of trust between
    our two countries".

    The President says Australia must propose "tangible" actions to "redefine" >> the bilateral relationship — as well as the two nations' cooperation in the

    Tellingly, given the Prime Minister is already on the defensive over his
    government's climate change commitments, the President says he encouraged
    Mr Morrison to adopt emission reduction measures "commensurate with the
    climate challenge" and cease production and consumption of coal.

    This is a deliberate strike by the French President at the PM's carbon
    credentials on the eve of next week's Glasgow climate talks.

    The PM's office says the Prime Minister was pleased to speak to the French >> President.

    But it's already clear that there's a lot of work needed to heal the

    Ninety billion dollars worth of repair, to be precise.

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    #THREE: #143 as #62 - DOUBT (YI)

    #FOUR: #178 as #16 - CONTACT (CHIAO)

    #FIVE: #321 as #78 - ON THE VERGE (CHIANG)

        #126 as [#70, #6, #50] / [#70, #6, #700] /
        #156 as [#30, #70, #6, #700] / [#70, #6, #50, #20, #10] /
        #188 as [#6, #70, #6, #50, #50, #6] /
    #627 as [#6, #40, #70, #6, #50, #400, #10, #5, #600] / [#40, #70, #6, #50, >>> #6, #400, #10, #5, #600] /
    #632 as [#40, #70, #6, #50, #400, #10, #50, #6] = ʻâvôn (H5771): {UMBRA: >>> #126 % #41 = #3}} 1) perversity, depravity, iniquity, guilt or punishment >>> of iniquity; 1a) iniquity; 1b) guilt of iniquity, guilt (as great), guilt >>> (of condition); 1c) consequence of or punishment for iniquity;


    UMBRA: #126 % #41 = #3 - Political Prescriptions, Quietude; I-Ching: H46 - >>> Climbing, Moving / Pushing Upward, Ascending; Tetra: 8 - Opposition;

    THOTH MEASURE: #3 - Oh thou of the Nose, who makest thine appearance at
    Chemunnu; I am not evil minded.

        #VIRTUE: With Mired (no. #3), great woe.
    #TOOLS: With Encounters
    (no. #43), small desire.
    #POSITION: The ways of Purity (no. #37) and
    #TIME: Pattern (no. #47) where some are simple and some are >>> complex?
    #CANON: #130

   @1: Sup: 3 - MIRED: HSIEN (#3); Ego: 3 - MIRED:
    HSIEN (#3),
   @2: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#49); Ego: 43 - ENCOUNTERS:
    YU (#46),
   @3: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#51); Ego: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI
   @4: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#100); Ego: 47 - PATTERN: WEN (#130 -
   Male: #100; Feme: #130
} // #130

   @1: Sup: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#6); Ego: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI >>> (#6),
   @2: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#52); Ego: 40 - LAW/MODEL: FA
   @3: Sup: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#87); Ego: 70 - SEVERANCE: KE >>> (#116),
   @4: Sup: 41 - RESPONSE: YING (#128); Ego: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI
   @5: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN (#138); Ego: 50 -
   @6: Sup: 5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO >>> (#143); Ego: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#248),
   @7: Sup: 15 - REACH: TA (#158
   @8: Sup: 20 - ADVANCE: CHIN (#178); Ego: 5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO
   @9: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#231); Ego: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI
   Male: #231; Feme: #296
} // #627

    .jackNote@zen: 2, row: 4, col: 9, nous: 74 [TIME: 10:05, SUPER: #313 / #6 - >>> Female Superiority, Completion of Form; I-Ching: H25 - No Errancy, Without >>> Embroiling, Innocence, Pestilence; Tetra: 66 - DEPARTURE (CH'U), EGO: #427 >>> / #74 - Controlling Feelings, Overcome Delusion; I-Ching: H29 - The
    Constant Sink Hole, Gorge, The abyss, Repeated entrapment; Tetra: 80 -

    Emmanuel Macron's telephone call to Scott Morrison had the precision timing >>> of a torpedo. {@1: Sup: 50 - VASTNESS / WASTING: T'ANG (#50); Ego: 77 -

    News of the conversation broke as the Prime Minister's plane worked its way >>> across Australia, {@2: Sup: 65 - INNER: NEI (#115 - I AM NOT A SLAYER OF >>> MEN {%5}); Ego: 59 - MASSING: CHU (#136)}

    on its way to the G20 Summit in Rome. {@3: Sup: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG (#196 >>> - I AM NOT ONE OF LOUD VOICE {%37}); Ego: 66 - DEPARTURE: CH'U (#202)}

    It's weeks since Australia sank a $90 billion submarine contract with
    France but judging by the tone of the conversation — at least according to
    a read-out from the Elysee Palace — the French President's fury has not >>> cooled. {@4: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH (#257); Ego: 80 - LABOURING:
    CH'IN (#282)}

    President Macron told the Prime Minister that "Australia's unilateral
    decision" to break the contract "broke the relationship of trust between >>> our two countries". {@5: Sup: 69 - EXHAUSTION: CH'IUNG (#326); Ego: 43 - >>> ENCOUNTERS: YU (#325)}

    The President says Australia must propose "tangible" actions to "redefine" >>> the bilateral relationship — as well as the two nations' cooperation in the
    Indo-Pacific. {@6: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#379); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: >>> SHU (#334)}

    Tellingly, {@7: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#432); Ego: 8 - OPPOSITION: KAN >>> (#342)}

    given the Prime Minister is already on the defensive over his government's >>> climate change commitments, {@8: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#500); Ego: 42 - >>> GOING TO MEET: YING (#384)}

    the President says he encouraged Mr Morrison to adopt emission reduction >>> measures "commensurate with the climate challenge" and cease production and >>> consumption of coal. {@9: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#549); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING >>> OUT: SHU (#393)}

    This is a deliberate strike by the French President at the PM's carbon
    credentials on the eve of next week's Glasgow climate talks. {@10: Sup: 75 >>> - FAILURE: SHIH (#624); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#465)}

    The PM's office says the Prime Minister was pleased to speak to the French >>> President. {@11: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#626); Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN >>> (#469)}

    But it's already clear that there's a lot of work needed to heal the
    relationship. {@12: Sup: 28 - CHANGE: KENG (#654); Ego: 58 - GATHERING IN: >>> HSI (#527)}

    Ninety billion dollars worth of repair, {@13: Sup: 12 - YOUTHFULNESS: T'UNG >>> (#666); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#562)}

    to be precise. {@14: Sup: 12 - YOUTHFULNESS: T'UNG (#678); Ego: 63 - WATCH: >>> SHIH (#625)}

    TELOS TOTAL: #84055

    MALE: @115 + @196 = #311

    FEME: @136 = #136

    GRUMBLE (#678, #625)@[50, 77, 65, 59, 81, 66, 61, 80, 69, 43, 53, 9, 53, 8, >>> 68, 42, 49, 9, 75, 72, 2, 4, 28, 58, 12, 35, 12, 63]

    GRUNTLE (#1151, #1303)@[50, 50, 46, 77, 30, 65, 8, 59, 8, 81, 74, 66, 54, >>> 61, 53, 80, 41, 69, 3, 43, 56, 53, 65, 9, 37, 53, 45, 8, 32, 68, 74, 42, >>> 42, 49, 51, 9, 45, 75, 36, 72, 38, 2, 42, 4, 70, 28, 47, 58, 59, 12, 13, >>> 35, 25, 12, 7, 63]


    YOUTUBE: "The Meerkat Circus"


    {#390 - ROBBERS} v’s HOMOIOS {#391 - STEWARDS OF GOD’S HOUSE} THEORY OF NUMBER) as universal of right and wrong...} *THE* *ORTHODOX* *AND* *ROMAN* *CATHOLIC* *CHURCH'S* *CLAIM* {#390 as 1, #100, #80, #1, #3, #5, #200 as
    harpax (G727): {#11 as #242} 1) rapacious, ravenous; 2) a extortioner, a robber} *TO* *JUBILEE2000* *AS* *BEING* *DELUSIONAL* *AND* *FRAUDULENT*

    Private Street on the edge of the Central Business District dated 16th May, 2000 - This report is prepared in response to a TP00/55 as a Notice of an Application for Planning Permit



    Chinese HAN Dynasty (206 BCE - 220CE) Hexagon Trigrams to Tetragram
    assignments proposed by Yang Hsiung (53BCE - 18CE) which by 4BCE
    (translation published within English as first European language in 1993), first appeared in draft form as a meta-thesis titled T'AI HSUAN CHING {ie. Canon of Supreme Mystery} on Natural Divination associated with the theory
    of number, annual seasonal chronology and astrology reliant upon the seven visible planets as cosmological mother image and the zodiac.

    It shows the ZIRAN as the DAO of NATURE / COURSE-trochos OF NATURE-genesis [James 3:6] as HYPOSTASIS comprising #81 trinomial tetragrammaton x 4.5 day
    = #364.5 day / year as HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER which is an amalgam of the
    64 hexagrams as binomial trigrams / 81 as trinomial tetragrammaton rather
    than its encapsulated contrived use as the microcosm to redefine the
    macrocosm as the quintessence of the Pythagorean [Babylonian] as binomial
    canon of transposition as HETEROS THEORY OF NUMBER.


    The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities No. 43 of Act 2006 defines
    a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING” and the question is, if it is permissible to extend this definition to be a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING AS A CONSCIOUS REALITY OF HOMO[iOS] SAPIEN[T] WHO IS INSTANTIATED WITHIN THE TEMPORAL

    That my mathematical theoretical noumenon defines the meta-descriptor prototypes which are prerequisite to the BEING of HOMO[iOS] SAPIEN[T] as EXISTENCE / *OUSIA*.

    <http://www.grapple369.com/Grumble.zip> (Download resources)

    After all the ENNEAD of THOTH and not the Roman Catholic Eucharist,
    expresses an Anthropic Cosmological Principle which appears within its geometric conception as being equivalent to the Pythagorean

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From dolf@21:1/5 to dolf on Mon Nov 1 10:06:53 2021
    XPost: aus.politics, alt.france, de.soc.weltanschauung.islam
    XPost: nl.politiek

    #THREE: #138 as #57 - GUARDEDNESS (SHOU)
    #FOUR: #187 as #25 - CONTENTION (CHENG)
    #FIVE: #325 as #1 - CENTRE (CHUNG)

    #879 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1] /
    #929 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #50] /
    #933 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #5, #50] /
    #974 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #40, #5, #50] /
    #1075 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #200, #9, #8] /
    #1079 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #200] /
    #1184 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #300, #5] /
    #1198 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #5, #10, #300, #5] /
    #1453 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #70, #300, #5, #200] /
    #2188 - *JUDICIAL* *OVERSIGHT* as [#3, #10, #50, #800, #200, #20, #5,
    #300, #800] = ginṓskō (G1097): {UMBRA: #1883 % #41 = #38}} 1) to learn
    to know, come to know, get a knowledge of perceive, feel; 1a) to become
    known; 2) to know, understand, perceive, have knowledge of; 2a) to
    understand; 2b) to know; 3) Jewish idiom for sexual intercourse between
    a man and a woman; 4) to become acquainted with, to know;

    #71 #1 #11
    #61 #81 #21


    @492 - VOLUNTARY FREEWILL {@369 / @123 - JUDGEMENT SENSIBILITY (#3 x #3

    @123 / #2188 - SECTION III (?) <— JUDICIAL OVERSIGHT


        #125 - GLOBUS CRUCIGER / NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 1 NOVEMBER 2021 as [#30, #5, #30, #1, #30, #8, #20, #1] /
        #381 as [#30, #1, #30, #5, #10, #300, #5] /
    #179 as [#30, #5, #30, #1, #30, #8, #20, #5, #50] /
    #602 as [#30, #1, #30, #8, #9, #8, #200, #5, #300, #1, #10] = laléō
    (G2980): {UMBRA: #866 % #41 = #5}} 1) to utter a voice or emit a sound;
    2) to speak; 2a) to use the tongue or the faculty of speech; 2b) to
    utter articulate sounds; 3) to talk; 4) to utter, tell; 5) to use words
    in order to declare one's mind and disclose one's thoughts; 5a) to speak;


    French President Emmanuel Macron has accused Scott Morrison of lying
    about the $90 billion submarine contract that was cancelled six weeks ago.

    Key points:

    Relations with France have tumbled since Australia announced a new
    security pact with the United States and United Kingdom

    Mr Macron said Australia's actions were "detrimental to the reputation"
    of the country and Prime Minister

    Mr Morrison said he had been clear with Mr Macron over Australia's

    Mr Macron made the extraordinary accusation after being approached by
    the ABC on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Rome.

    The tension between the two leaders is palpable after the massive deal
    was torn up, with Australia announcing its new defence and security pact
    with the United States and the United Kingdom along with a commitment to acquire nuclear-powered submarines.

    The French President was asked whether he thought Mr Morrison had lied
    to him about Australia's intentions.

    "I don't think, I know," he replied.

    "The AUKUS deal was very bad news for France — but not just for France, because I think it's a very bad news for credibility of Australia and a
    very bad news for the trust that great partners can have with the

    "I think this is detrimental to the reputation of your country and your
    Prime Minister."

    Australia's nuclear subs deal explained
    Are you wondering why there's so much fuss about Australia's decision to acquire nuclear submarines? We've broken it down for you.

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his daily
    press conference.

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been aware
    of Australia's shifting views, suggesting he raised it with him over
    dinner a number of months earlier.

    "I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to be
    able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make a
    decision in our national interest," Mr Morrison said.

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not going
    to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we were
    engaged in, and we then engaged over the months that followed, and then
    we communicated to him our ultimate decision.

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, we had
    dinner together."

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied.

    "I don't agree with that," the Prime Minister said.

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, says Macron
    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, under the new deal with
    the US and the UK.

    "With the French deal, negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, Australia had
    definitely an option to produce in Australia, to have submarines,
    conventional submarines, and to get the submarines with a clear and
    reliable period of time," he said.

    "Now you have 18 months before a report.
    "Good luck."

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, saying he was "confident" the initial consultation on the nuclear submarine program would yield results.

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his daily
    press conference.

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been aware
    of Australia's shifting views, suggesting he raised it with him over
    dinner a number of months earlier.

    " I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to be
    able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make a
    decision in our national interest," Mr Morrison said.

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not going
    to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we were
    engaged in, and we then engaged over the months that followed, and then
    we communicated to him our ultimate decision.

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, we had
    dinner together."

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied.

    "I don't agree with that," the Prime Minister said.

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, says Macron
    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, under the new deal with
    the US and the UK.

    "With the French deal, negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, Australia had
    definitely an option to produce in Australia, to have submarines,
    conventional submarines, and to get the submarines with a clear and
    reliable period of time," he said.

    "Now you have 18 months before a report.

    "Good luck."

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, saying he was "confident" the initial consultation on the nuclear submarine program would yield results.

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    It seems that the first casual meeting was anchored to ONTIC_OBLIGANS_130 …

    The federal government was not @130 - evil minded but careless, so
    little wonder there was no small desire for any encounters.

    But how is one to regain virtue?

    Initial Post: 31 October 2021

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    Just including the original text with journalist recognition….

    Emmanuel Macron issues torpedo strike to Australia during conversation with >> Scott Morrison

    By political editor Andrew Probyn

    Thursday 28 Oct 2021 at 6:44pm, updated Thu 28 Oct 2021 at 8:45pm

    Emmanuel Macron's telephone call to Scott Morrison had the precision timing >> of a torpedo.

    News of the conversation broke as the Prime Minister's plane worked its way >> across Australia, on its way to the G20 Summit in Rome.

    It's weeks since Australia sank a $90 billion submarine contract with
    France but judging by the tone of the conversation — at least according to >> a read-out from the Élysée Palace — the French President's fury has not >> cooled.

    President Macron told the Prime Minister that "Australia's unilateral
    decision" to break the contract "broke the relationship of trust between
    our two countries".

    The President says Australia must propose "tangible" actions to "redefine" >> the bilateral relationship — as well as the two nations' cooperation in the

    Tellingly, given the Prime Minister is already on the defensive over his
    government's climate change commitments, the President says he encouraged
    Mr Morrison to adopt emission reduction measures "commensurate with the
    climate challenge" and cease production and consumption of coal.

    This is a deliberate strike by the French President at the PM's carbon
    credentials on the eve of next week's Glasgow climate talks.

    The PM's office says the Prime Minister was pleased to speak to the French >> President.

    But it's already clear that there's a lot of work needed to heal the

    Ninety billion dollars worth of repair, to be precise.

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    #THREE: #143 as #62 - DOUBT (YI)

    #FOUR: #178 as #16 - CONTACT (CHIAO)

    #FIVE: #321 as #78 - ON THE VERGE (CHIANG)

        #126 as [#70, #6, #50] / [#70, #6, #700] /
        #156 as [#30, #70, #6, #700] / [#70, #6, #50, #20, #10] /
        #188 as [#6, #70, #6, #50, #50, #6] /
    #627 as [#6, #40, #70, #6, #50, #400, #10, #5, #600] / [#40, #70, #6, #50, >>> #6, #400, #10, #5, #600] /
    #632 as [#40, #70, #6, #50, #400, #10, #50, #6] = ʻâvôn (H5771): {UMBRA: >>> #126 % #41 = #3}} 1) perversity, depravity, iniquity, guilt or punishment >>> of iniquity; 1a) iniquity; 1b) guilt of iniquity, guilt (as great), guilt >>> (of condition); 1c) consequence of or punishment for iniquity;


    UMBRA: #126 % #41 = #3 - Political Prescriptions, Quietude; I-Ching: H46 - >>> Climbing, Moving / Pushing Upward, Ascending; Tetra: 8 - Opposition;

    THOTH MEASURE: #3 - Oh thou of the Nose, who makest thine appearance at
    Chemunnu; I am not evil minded.

        #VIRTUE: With Mired (no. #3), great woe.
    #TOOLS: With Encounters
    (no. #43), small desire.
    #POSITION: The ways of Purity (no. #37) and
    #TIME: Pattern (no. #47) where some are simple and some are >>> complex?
    #CANON: #130

   @1: Sup: 3 - MIRED: HSIEN (#3); Ego: 3 - MIRED:
    HSIEN (#3),
   @2: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#49); Ego: 43 - ENCOUNTERS:
    YU (#46),
   @3: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#51); Ego: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI
   @4: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#100); Ego: 47 - PATTERN: WEN (#130 -
   Male: #100; Feme: #130
} // #130

   @1: Sup: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#6); Ego: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI >>> (#6),
   @2: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#52); Ego: 40 - LAW/MODEL: FA
   @3: Sup: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#87); Ego: 70 - SEVERANCE: KE >>> (#116),
   @4: Sup: 41 - RESPONSE: YING (#128); Ego: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI
   @5: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN (#138); Ego: 50 -
   @6: Sup: 5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO >>> (#143); Ego: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#248),
   @7: Sup: 15 - REACH: TA (#158
   @8: Sup: 20 - ADVANCE: CHIN (#178); Ego: 5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO
   @9: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#231); Ego: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI
   Male: #231; Feme: #296
} // #627

    .jackNote@zen: 2, row: 4, col: 9, nous: 74 [TIME: 10:05, SUPER: #313 / #6 - >>> Female Superiority, Completion of Form; I-Ching: H25 - No Errancy, Without >>> Embroiling, Innocence, Pestilence; Tetra: 66 - DEPARTURE (CH'U), EGO: #427 >>> / #74 - Controlling Feelings, Overcome Delusion; I-Ching: H29 - The
    Constant Sink Hole, Gorge, The abyss, Repeated entrapment; Tetra: 80 -

    Emmanuel Macron's telephone call to Scott Morrison had the precision timing >>> of a torpedo. {@1: Sup: 50 - VASTNESS / WASTING: T'ANG (#50); Ego: 77 -

    News of the conversation broke as the Prime Minister's plane worked its way >>> across Australia, {@2: Sup: 65 - INNER: NEI (#115 - I AM NOT A SLAYER OF >>> MEN {%5}); Ego: 59 - MASSING: CHU (#136)}

    on its way to the G20 Summit in Rome. {@3: Sup: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG (#196 >>> - I AM NOT ONE OF LOUD VOICE {%37}); Ego: 66 - DEPARTURE: CH'U (#202)}

    It's weeks since Australia sank a $90 billion submarine contract with
    France but judging by the tone of the conversation — at least according to
    a read-out from the Elysee Palace — the French President's fury has not >>> cooled. {@4: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH (#257); Ego: 80 - LABOURING:
    CH'IN (#282)}

    President Macron told the Prime Minister that "Australia's unilateral
    decision" to break the contract "broke the relationship of trust between >>> our two countries". {@5: Sup: 69 - EXHAUSTION: CH'IUNG (#326); Ego: 43 - >>> ENCOUNTERS: YU (#325)}

    The President says Australia must propose "tangible" actions to "redefine" >>> the bilateral relationship — as well as the two nations' cooperation in the
    Indo-Pacific. {@6: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#379); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: >>> SHU (#334)}

    Tellingly, {@7: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#432); Ego: 8 - OPPOSITION: KAN >>> (#342)}

    given the Prime Minister is already on the defensive over his government's >>> climate change commitments, {@8: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#500); Ego: 42 - >>> GOING TO MEET: YING (#384)}

    the President says he encouraged Mr Morrison to adopt emission reduction >>> measures "commensurate with the climate challenge" and cease production and >>> consumption of coal. {@9: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#549); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING >>> OUT: SHU (#393)}

    This is a deliberate strike by the French President at the PM's carbon
    credentials on the eve of next week's Glasgow climate talks. {@10: Sup: 75 >>> - FAILURE: SHIH (#624); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#465)}

    The PM's office says the Prime Minister was pleased to speak to the French >>> President. {@11: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#626); Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN >>> (#469)}

    But it's already clear that there's a lot of work needed to heal the
    relationship. {@12: Sup: 28 - CHANGE: KENG (#654); Ego: 58 - GATHERING IN: >>> HSI (#527)}

    Ninety billion dollars worth of repair, {@13: Sup: 12 - YOUTHFULNESS: T'UNG >>> (#666); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#562)}

    to be precise. {@14: Sup: 12 - YOUTHFULNESS: T'UNG (#678); Ego: 63 - WATCH: >>> SHIH (#625)}

    TELOS TOTAL: #84055

    MALE: @115 + @196 = #311

    FEME: @136 = #136

    GRUMBLE (#678, #625)@[50, 77, 65, 59, 81, 66, 61, 80, 69, 43, 53, 9, 53, 8, >>> 68, 42, 49, 9, 75, 72, 2, 4, 28, 58, 12, 35, 12, 63]

    GRUNTLE (#1151, #1303)@[50, 50, 46, 77, 30, 65, 8, 59, 8, 81, 74, 66, 54, >>> 61, 53, 80, 41, 69, 3, 43, 56, 53, 65, 9, 37, 53, 45, 8, 32, 68, 74, 42, >>> 42, 49, 51, 9, 45, 75, 36, 72, 38, 2, 42, 4, 70, 28, 47, 58, 59, 12, 13, >>> 35, 25, 12, 7, 63]


    YOUTUBE: "The Meerkat Circus"


    {#390 - ROBBERS} v’s HOMOIOS {#391 - STEWARDS OF GOD’S HOUSE} THEORY OF NUMBER) as universal of right and wrong...} *THE* *ORTHODOX* *AND* *ROMAN* *CATHOLIC* *CHURCH'S* *CLAIM* {#390 as 1, #100, #80, #1, #3, #5, #200 as
    harpax (G727): {#11 as #242} 1) rapacious, ravenous; 2) a extortioner, a robber} *TO* *JUBILEE2000* *AS* *BEING* *DELUSIONAL* *AND* *FRAUDULENT*

    Private Street on the edge of the Central Business District dated 16th May, 2000 - This report is prepared in response to a TP00/55 as a Notice of an Application for Planning Permit



    Chinese HAN Dynasty (206 BCE - 220CE) Hexagon Trigrams to Tetragram
    assignments proposed by Yang Hsiung (53BCE - 18CE) which by 4BCE
    (translation published within English as first European language in 1993), first appeared in draft form as a meta-thesis titled T'AI HSUAN CHING {ie. Canon of Supreme Mystery} on Natural Divination associated with the theory
    of number, annual seasonal chronology and astrology reliant upon the seven visible planets as cosmological mother image and the zodiac.

    It shows the ZIRAN as the DAO of NATURE / COURSE-trochos OF NATURE-genesis [James 3:6] as HYPOSTASIS comprising #81 trinomial tetragrammaton x 4.5 day
    = #364.5 day / year as HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER which is an amalgam of the
    64 hexagrams as binomial trigrams / 81 as trinomial tetragrammaton rather
    than its encapsulated contrived use as the microcosm to redefine the
    macrocosm as the quintessence of the Pythagorean [Babylonian] as binomial
    canon of transposition as HETEROS THEORY OF NUMBER.


    The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities No. 43 of Act 2006 defines
    a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING” and the question is, if it is permissible to extend this definition to be a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING AS A CONSCIOUS REALITY OF HOMO[iOS] SAPIEN[T] WHO IS INSTANTIATED WITHIN THE TEMPORAL

    That my mathematical theoretical noumenon defines the meta-descriptor prototypes which are prerequisite to the BEING of HOMO[iOS] SAPIEN[T] as EXISTENCE / *OUSIA*.

    <http://www.grapple369.com/Grumble.zip> (Download resources)

    After all the ENNEAD of THOTH and not the Roman Catholic Eucharist,
    expresses an Anthropic Cosmological Principle which appears within its geometric conception as being equivalent to the Pythagorean

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From dolf@21:1/5 to dolf on Mon Nov 1 10:14:58 2021
    XPost: aus.politics, alt.france, de.soc.weltanschauung.islam
    XPost: nl.politiek

    On 1/11/21 10:06, dolf wrote:
    #THREE:        #138    as #57 - GUARDEDNESS (SHOU) #FOUR:        #187    as #25 - CONTENTION (CHENG) #FIVE:        #325    as #1 - CENTRE (CHUNG)

    #879 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1] /
    #929 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #50] /
    #933 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #5, #50] /
    #974 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #40, #5, #50] /
    #1075 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #200, #9, #8] /
    #1079 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #200] /
    #1184 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #300, #5] /
    #1198 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #5, #10, #300, #5] /
    #1453 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #70, #300, #5, #200] /
    #2188 -  *JUDICIAL* *OVERSIGHT* as [#3, #10, #50, #800, #200, #20, #5,
    #300, #800] = ginṓskō (G1097): {UMBRA: #1883 % #41 = #38}} 1) to learn
    to know, come to know, get a knowledge of perceive, feel; 1a) to become known; 2) to know, understand, perceive, have knowledge of; 2a) to understand; 2b) to know; 3) Jewish idiom for sexual intercourse between
    a man and a woman; 4) to become acquainted with, to know;

    #71 #1 #11
    #61 #81 #21


    @492 - VOLUNTARY FREEWILL {@369 / @123 - JUDGEMENT SENSIBILITY (#3 x #3

    @123 / #2188 - SECTION III (?) <— JUDICIAL OVERSIGHT


        #125 - GLOBUS CRUCIGER / NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 1 NOVEMBER 2021 as [#30, #5, #30, #1, #30, #8, #20, #1] /
        #381 as [#30, #1, #30, #5, #10, #300, #5] /
    #179 as [#30, #5, #30, #1, #30, #8, #20, #5, #50] /
    #602 as [#30, #1, #30, #8, #9, #8, #200, #5, #300, #1, #10] = laléō (G2980): {UMBRA: #866 % #41 = #5}} 1) to utter a voice or emit a sound;
    2) to speak; 2a) to use the tongue or the faculty of speech; 2b) to
    utter articulate sounds; 3) to talk; 4) to utter, tell; 5) to use words
    in order to declare one's mind and disclose one's thoughts; 5a) to speak;

    .jackNote@zen: 4, row: 4, col: 8, nous: 55 [TIME: 09:55, SUPER: #335 /
    #23 - Constancy of Guiding Concepts, Emptiness & Non-Existence; I-Ching:
    H18 - Ills to Be Cured, Arresting Decay, Correcting, Work on what has
    been spoiled (decay), Decaying, Branch; Tetra: 26 - ENDEAVOUR (WU), EGO:
    #393 / #55 - Abstruse Mysterious Signs; I-Ching: H22 - Elegance, Grace, Adorning, Luxuriance; Tetra: 54 - UNITY (K'UN)]

    French President Emmanuel Macron has accused Scott Morrison of lying
    about the $90 billion submarine contract that was cancelled six weeks
    ago. {@1: Sup: 32 - LEGION: CHUANG (#32); Ego: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG (#81)}

    Key points: {@2: Sup: 51 - CONSTANCY: CH'ANG (#83); Ego: 80 - LABOURING:
    CH'IN (#161 - I AM NOT A TELLER OF LIES {%9})}

    Relations with France have tumbled since Australia announced a new
    security pact with the United States and United Kingdom {@3: Sup: 20 -
    ADVANCE: CHIN (#103); Ego: 78 - ON THE VERGE: CHIANG (#239)}

    Mr Macron said Australia's actions were "detrimental to the reputation"
    of the country and Prime Minister {@4: Sup: 21 - RELEASE: SHIH (#124);
    Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#243)}

    Mr Morrison said he had been clear with Mr Macron over Australia's
    intentions {@5: Sup: 25 - CONTENTION: CHENG (#149); Ego: 40 - LAW/MODEL:
    FA (#283)}

    Mr Macron made the extraordinary accusation after being approached by
    the ABC on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Rome. {@6: Sup: 57 -
    GUARDEDNESS: SHOU (#206); Ego: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI (#316)}

    The tension between the two leaders is palpable after the massive deal
    was torn up, {@7: Sup: 43 - ENCOUNTERS: YU (#249); Ego: 53 - ETERNITY:
    YUNG (#369)}

    with Australia announcing its new defence and security pact with the
    United States and the United Kingdom along with a commitment to acquire nuclear-powered submarines. {@8: Sup: 20 - ADVANCE: CHIN (#269); Ego: 20
    - ADVANCE: CHIN (#389)}

    The French President was asked whether he thought Mr Morrison had lied
    to him about Australia's intentions. {@9: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH
    (#330); Ego: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#457)}

    "I don't think, {@10: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#398); Ego: 43 -
    ENCOUNTERS: YU (#500)}

    I know," {@11: Sup: 58 - GATHERING IN: HSI (#456); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS:
    CHIEN (#572)}

    he replied. {@12: Sup: 32 - LEGION: CHUANG (#488); Ego: 64 - SINKING:
    CH'EN (#636)}

    "The AUKUS deal was very bad news for France — but not just for France,
    {@13: Sup: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#564); Ego: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#685)}

    because I think it's a very bad news for credibility of Australia and a
    very bad news for the trust that great partners can have with the
    Australians. {@14: Sup: 62 - DOUBT: YI (#626); Ego: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG (#766)}

    "I think this is detrimental to the reputation of your country and your
    Prime Minister." {@15: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#675); Ego: 65 - INNER:
    NEI (#831)}

    Australia's nuclear subs deal explained {@16: Sup: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG
    (#756); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#866)}

    Are you wondering why there's so much fuss about Australia's decision to acquire nuclear submarines? {@17: Sup: 78 - ON THE VERGE: CHIANG (#834);
    Ego: 23 - EASE: YI (#889)}

    We've broken it down for you. {@18: Sup: 36 - STRENGTH: CH'IANG (#870);
    Ego: 17 - HOLDING BACK: JUAN (#906)}

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his daily
    press conference. {@19: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#938); Ego: 65 - INNER:
    NEI (#971)}

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been aware
    of Australia's shifting views, {@20: Sup: 13 - INCREASE: TSENG (#951);
    Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#1006)}

    suggesting he raised it with him over dinner a number of months earlier.
    {@21: Sup: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI (#988); Ego: 26 - ENDEAVOUR: WU (#1032)}

    "I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to be
    able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make a
    decision in our national interest," {@22: Sup: 69 - EXHAUSTION: CH'IUNG (#1057); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#1041)}

    Mr Morrison said. {@23: Sup: 50 - VASTNESS / WASTING: T'ANG (#1107);
    Ego: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI (#1055)}

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not going
    to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we were
    engaged in, {@24: Sup: 52 - MEASURE: TU (#1159); Ego: 55 - DIMINISHMENT:
    CHIEN (#1110)}

    and we then engaged over the months that followed, {@25: Sup: 58 -

    and then we communicated to him our ultimate decision. {@26: Sup: 73 -

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, {@27:
    Sup: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI (#1323); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#1227)}

    we had dinner together." {@28: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#1325); Ego:
    5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO (#1232)}

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied. {@29: Sup: 2 - FULL
    CIRCLE: CHOU (#1327); Ego: 55 - DIMINISHMENT: CHIEN (#1287)}

    "I don't agree with that," {@30: Sup: 38 - FULLNESS: SHENG (#1365); Ego:
    18 - WAITING: HSI (#1305)}

    the Prime Minister said. {@31: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#1418); Ego: 72
    - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#1377)}

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, {@32: Sup: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI
    (#1432); Ego: 44 - STOVE: TSAO (#1421)}

    says Macron {@33: Sup: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI (#1469); Ego: 11 - DIVERGENCE:
    CH'A (#1432)}

    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, {@34: Sup: 32 - LEGION:
    CHUANG (#1501); Ego: 65 - INNER: NEI (#1497)}

    under the new deal with the US and the UK. {@35: Sup: 71 - STOPPAGE:
    CHIH (#1572); Ego: 16 - CONTACT: CHIAO (#1513)}

    "With the French deal, {@36: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#1574); Ego: 79
    - DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#1592)}

    negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, {@37: Sup: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI
    (#1588); Ego: 19 - FOLLOWING: TS'UNG (#1611)}

    Australia had definitely an option to produce in Australia, {@38: Sup:
    72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#1660); Ego: 39 - RESIDENCE: CHU (#1650)}

    to have submarines, {@39: Sup: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI (#1674); Ego: 75 - FAILURE: SHIH (#1725)}

    conventional submarines, {@40: Sup: 43 - ENCOUNTERS: YU (#1717); Ego: 76
    - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#1801)}

    and to get the submarines with a clear and reliable period of time,"
    {@41: Sup: 66 - DEPARTURE: CH'U (#1783); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#1873)}

    he said. {@42: Sup: 13 - INCREASE: TSENG (#1796); Ego: 46 - ENLARGEMENT:
    K'UO (#1919)}

    "Now you have 18 months before a report. {@43: Sup: 77 - COMPLIANCE:
    HSUN (#1873); Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#1923)}

    "Good luck." {@44: Sup: 1 - CENTRE: CHUNG (#1874); Ego: 79 -
    DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#2002)}

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, {@45: Sup: 19 - FOLLOWING: TS'UNG
    (#1893); Ego: 1 - CENTRE: CHUNG (#2003)}

    saying he was "confident" the initial consultation on the nuclear
    submarine program would yield results. {@46: Sup: 44 - STOVE: TSAO
    (#1937); Ego: 62 - DOUBT: YI (#2065)}

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his daily
    press conference. {@47: Sup: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#2013); Ego: 65 -
    INNER: NEI (#2130)}

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been aware
    of Australia's shifting views, {@48: Sup: 21 - RELEASE: SHIH (#2034);
    Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#2165)}

    suggesting he raised it with him over dinner a number of months earlier.
    {@49: Sup: 45 - GREATNESS: TA (#2079); Ego: 26 - ENDEAVOUR: WU (#2191)}

    " I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to be
    able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make a
    decision in our national interest," {@50: Sup: 77 - COMPLIANCE: HSUN
    (#2156); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#2200)}

    Mr Morrison said. {@51: Sup: 58 - GATHERING IN: HSI (#2214); Ego: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI (#2214)}

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not going
    to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we were
    engaged in, {@52: Sup: 60 - ACCUMULATION: CHI (#2274); Ego: 55 -

    and we then engaged over the months that followed, {@53: Sup: 66 -

    and then we communicated to him our ultimate decision. {@54: Sup: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG (#2421); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#2351)}

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, {@55:
    Sup: 41 - RESPONSE: YING (#2462); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#2386)}

    we had dinner together." {@56: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION:
    HSIEN (#2472); Ego: 5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO (#2391)}

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied. {@57: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN (#2482); Ego: 55 - DIMINISHMENT: CHIEN (#2446)}

    "I don't agree with that," {@58: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#2528);
    Ego: 18 - WAITING: HSI (#2464)}

    the Prime Minister said. {@59: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH (#2589);
    Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#2536)}

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, {@60: Sup: 22 - RESISTANCE: KE
    (#2611); Ego: 44 - STOVE: TSAO (#2580)}

    says Macron {@61: Sup: 45 - GREATNESS: TA (#2656); Ego: 11 - DIVERGENCE:
    CH'A (#2591)}

    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, {@62: Sup: 40 -
    LAW/MODEL: FA (#2696); Ego: 65 - INNER: NEI (#2656)}

    under the new deal with the US and the UK. {@63: Sup: 79 - DIFFICULTIES:
    NAN (#2775); Ego: 16 - CONTACT: CHIAO (#2672)}

    "With the French deal, {@64: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN (#2785); Ego: 79 - DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#2751)}

    negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, {@65: Sup: 22 - RESISTANCE: KE (#2807);
    Ego: 19 - FOLLOWING: TS'UNG (#2770)}

    Australia had definitely an option to produce in Australia, {@66: Sup:
    80 - LABOURING: CH'IN (#2887); Ego: 39 - RESIDENCE: CHU (#2809)}

    to have submarines, {@67: Sup: 22 - RESISTANCE: KE (#2909); Ego: 75 -
    FAILURE: SHIH (#2884)}

    conventional submarines, {@68: Sup: 51 - CONSTANCY: CH'ANG (#2960); Ego:
    76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#2960)}

    and to get the submarines with a clear and reliable period of time,"
    {@69: Sup: 74 - CLOSURE: CHIH (#3034); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#3032)}

    he said. {@70: Sup: 21 - RELEASE: SHIH (#3055); Ego: 46 - ENLARGEMENT:
    K'UO (#3078)}

    "Now you have 18 months before a report. {@71: Sup: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN
    (#3059); Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#3082)}

    "Good luck." {@72: Sup: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#3068); Ego: 79 -
    DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#3161)}

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, {@73: Sup: 27 - DUTIES: SHIH (#3095);
    Ego: 1 - CENTRE: CHUNG (#3162)}

    saying he was "confident" the initial consultation on the nuclear
    submarine program would yield results. {@74: Sup: 52 - MEASURE: TU
    (#3147); Ego: 62 - DOUBT: YI (#3224)}

    TELOS TOTAL: #304868


    FEME: @161 = #161


    FEME: @81 + @161 = #242

    GRUMBLE (#3147, #3224)@[32, 81, 51, 80, 20, 78, 21, 4, 25, 40, 57, 33,
    43, 53, 20, 20, 61, 68, 68, 43, 58, 72, 32, 64, 76, 49, 62, 81, 49, 65,
    81, 35, 78, 23, 36, 17, 68, 65, 13, 35, 37, 26, 69, 9, 50, 14, 52, 55,
    58, 73, 73, 9, 33, 35, 2, 5, 2, 55, 38, 18, 53, 72, 14, 44, 37, 11, 32,
    65, 71, 16, 2, 79, 14, 19, 72, 39, 14, 75, 43, 76, 66, 72, 13, 46, 77,
    4, 1, 79, 19, 1, 44, 62, 76, 65, 21, 35, 45, 26, 77, 9, 58, 14, 60, 55,
    66, 73, 81, 9, 41, 35, 10, 5, 10, 55, 46, 18, 61, 72, 22, 44, 45, 11,
    40, 65, 79, 16, 10, 79, 22, 19, 80, 39, 22, 75, 51, 76, 74, 72, 21, 46,
    4, 4, 9, 79, 27, 1, 52, 62]

    GRUNTLE (#6192, #6371)@[32, 32, 32, 81, 2, 51, 1, 80, 21, 20, 18, 78,
    39, 21, 43, 4, 68, 25, 27, 40, 3, 57, 36, 33, 79, 43, 51, 53, 71, 20,
    10, 20, 71, 61, 58, 68, 45, 68, 7, 43, 65, 58, 56, 72, 7, 32, 71, 64,
    66, 76, 34, 49, 15, 62, 15, 81, 64, 49, 48, 65, 48, 81, 2, 35, 80, 78,
    22, 23, 58, 36, 75, 17, 62, 68, 46, 65, 59, 13, 13, 35, 50, 37, 76, 26,
    64, 69, 73, 9, 42, 50, 56, 14, 27, 52, 1, 55, 59, 58, 51, 73, 43, 73,
    52, 9, 4, 33, 39, 35, 41, 2, 46, 5, 48, 2, 22, 55, 60, 38, 78, 18, 50,
    53, 41, 72, 55, 14, 18, 44, 55, 37, 66, 11, 17, 32, 1, 65, 72, 71, 7,
    16, 9, 2, 7, 79, 21, 14, 40, 19, 31, 72, 70, 39, 3, 14, 78, 75, 40, 43,
    35, 76, 20, 66, 11, 72, 24, 13, 70, 46, 66, 77, 70, 4, 71, 1, 69, 79, 7,
    19, 8, 1, 52, 44, 33, 62, 28, 76, 12, 65, 33, 21, 68, 35, 32, 45, 58,
    26, 54, 77, 63, 9, 40, 58, 54, 14, 33, 60, 7, 55, 73, 66, 65, 73, 65,
    81, 74, 9, 34, 41, 69, 35, 79, 10, 3, 5, 13, 10, 68, 55, 33, 46, 51, 18,
    31, 61, 22, 72, 44, 22, 7, 44, 52, 45, 63, 11, 22, 40, 6, 65, 4, 79, 20,
    16, 30, 10, 28, 79, 50, 22, 69, 19, 68, 80, 26, 39, 48, 22, 42, 75, 12,
    51, 7, 76, 81, 74, 72, 72, 12, 21, 58, 46, 62, 4, 66, 4, 75, 9, 73, 79,
    19, 27, 20, 1, 72, 52, 53, 62]


    French President Emmanuel Macron has accused Scott Morrison of lying
    about the $90 billion submarine contract that was cancelled six weeks ago.

    Key points:

    Relations with France have tumbled since Australia announced a new
    security pact with the United States and United Kingdom

    Mr Macron said Australia's actions were "detrimental to the reputation"
    of the country and Prime Minister

    Mr Morrison said he had been clear with Mr Macron over Australia's

    Mr Macron made the extraordinary accusation after being approached by
    the ABC on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Rome.

    The tension between the two leaders is palpable after the massive deal
    was torn up, with Australia announcing its new defence and security pact
    with the United States and the United Kingdom along with a commitment to acquire nuclear-powered submarines.

    The French President was asked whether he thought Mr Morrison had lied
    to him about Australia's intentions.

    "I don't think, I know," he replied.

    "The AUKUS deal was very bad news for France — but not just for France, because I think it's a very bad news for credibility of Australia and a
    very bad news for the trust that great partners can have with the Australians.

    "I think this is detrimental to the reputation of your country and your
    Prime Minister."

    Australia's nuclear subs deal explained
    Are you wondering why there's so much fuss about Australia's decision to acquire nuclear submarines? We've broken it down for you.

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his daily press conference.

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been aware
    of Australia's shifting views, suggesting he raised it with him over
    dinner a number of months earlier.

    "I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to be
    able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make a decision in our national interest," Mr Morrison said.

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not going
    to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we were
    engaged in, and we then engaged over the months that followed, and then
    we communicated to him our ultimate decision.

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, we had dinner together."

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied.

    "I don't agree with that," the Prime Minister said.

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, says Macron
    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, under the new deal with
    the US and the UK.

    "With the French deal, negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, Australia had definitely an option to produce in Australia, to have submarines, conventional submarines, and to get the submarines with a clear and
    reliable period of time," he said.

    "Now you have 18 months before a report.
    "Good luck."

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, saying he was "confident" the initial consultation on the nuclear submarine program would yield results.

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his daily press conference.

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been aware
    of Australia's shifting views, suggesting he raised it with him over
    dinner a number of months earlier.

    " I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to be
    able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make a decision in our national interest," Mr Morrison said.

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not going
    to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we were
    engaged in, and we then engaged over the months that followed, and then
    we communicated to him our ultimate decision.

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, we had dinner together."

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied.

    "I don't agree with that," the Prime Minister said.

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, says Macron
    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, under the new deal with
    the US and the UK.

    "With the French deal, negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, Australia had definitely an option to produce in Australia, to have submarines, conventional submarines, and to get the submarines with a clear and
    reliable period of time," he said.

    "Now you have 18 months before a report.

    "Good luck."

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, saying he was "confident" the initial consultation on the nuclear submarine program would yield results.

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    It seems that the first casual meeting was anchored to

    The federal government was not @130 - evil minded but careless, so
    little wonder there was no small desire for any encounters.

    But how is one to regain virtue?

    Initial Post: 31 October 2021

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    Just including the original text with journalist recognition….

    Emmanuel Macron issues torpedo strike to Australia during
    conversation with
    Scott Morrison
    By political editor Andrew Probyn

    Thursday 28 Oct 2021 at 6:44pm, updated Thu 28 Oct 2021 at 8:45pm

    Emmanuel Macron's telephone call to Scott Morrison had the precision
    of a torpedo.

    News of the conversation broke as the Prime Minister's plane worked
    its way
    across Australia, on its way to the G20 Summit in Rome.

    It's weeks since Australia sank a $90 billion submarine contract with
    France but judging by the tone of the conversation — at least
    according to
    a read-out from the Élysée Palace — the French President's fury has not >>> cooled.

    President Macron told the Prime Minister that "Australia's unilateral
    decision" to break the contract "broke the relationship of trust between >>> our two countries".

    The President says Australia must propose "tangible" actions to
    the bilateral relationship — as well as the two nations' cooperation
    in the

    Tellingly, given the Prime Minister is already on the defensive over his >>> government's climate change commitments, the President says he
    Mr Morrison to adopt emission reduction measures "commensurate with the
    climate challenge" and cease production and consumption of coal.

    This is a deliberate strike by the French President at the PM's carbon
    credentials on the eve of next week's Glasgow climate talks.

    The PM's office says the Prime Minister was pleased to speak to the

    But it's already clear that there's a lot of work needed to heal the

    Ninety billion dollars worth of repair, to be precise.

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    #THREE:    #143    as #62 - DOUBT (YI)

    #FOUR:    #178    as #16 - CONTACT (CHIAO)

    #FIVE:    #321    as #78 - ON THE VERGE (CHIANG)

        #126 as [#70, #6, #50] / [#70, #6, #700] /     #156 as [#30, >>>> #70, #6, #700] / [#70, #6, #50, #20, #10] /     #188 as [#6, #70,
    #6, #50, #50, #6] / #627 as [#6, #40, #70, #6, #50, #400, #10, #5,
    #600] / [#40, #70, #6, #50,
    #6, #400, #10, #5, #600] / #632 as [#40, #70, #6, #50, #400, #10,
    #50, #6] = ʻâvôn (H5771): {UMBRA:
    #126 % #41 = #3}} 1) perversity, depravity, iniquity, guilt or
    of iniquity; 1a) iniquity; 1b) guilt of iniquity, guilt (as great),
    (of condition); 1c) consequence of or punishment for iniquity;

    UMBRA: #126 % #41 = #3 - Political Prescriptions, Quietude; I-Ching:
    H46 -
    Climbing, Moving / Pushing Upward, Ascending; Tetra: 8 - Opposition;

    THOTH MEASURE: #3 - Oh thou of the Nose, who makest thine appearance at >>>> Chemunnu; I am not evil minded.

        #VIRTUE: With Mired (no. #3), great woe.
    #TOOLS: With >>>> Encounters
    (no. #43), small desire.
    #POSITION: The ways of Purity (no. #37) >>>> and
    #TIME: Pattern (no. #47) where some are simple and some are >>>> complex?
    #CANON: #130

   @1: Sup: 3 - MIRED: HSIEN (#3); Ego: 3 - MIRED:
    HSIEN (#3),
   @2: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#49); Ego: 43 -
    YU (#46),
   @3: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#51); Ego: 37 - PURITY: >>>> TS'UI
   @4: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#100); Ego: 47 - PATTERN: WEN >>>> (#130 -
   Male: #100; Feme: #130
} // #130 >>>>
   @1: Sup: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#6); Ego: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI
   @2: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#52); Ego: 40 - LAW/MODEL: FA
   @3: Sup: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#87); Ego: 70 - SEVERANCE: KE
   @4: Sup: 41 - RESPONSE: YING (#128); Ego: 6 -
   @5: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN (#138); >>>> Ego: 50 -
   @6: Sup: 5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO >>>> (#143); Ego: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#248),
   @7: Sup: 15 - REACH: >>>> TA (#158
   @8: Sup: 20 - ADVANCE: CHIN (#178); Ego: 5 - KEEPING
   @9: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#231); Ego: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI
   Male: #231; Feme: #296
} // #627

    .jackNote@zen: 2, row: 4, col: 9, nous: 74 [TIME: 10:05, SUPER: #313
    / #6 -
    Female Superiority, Completion of Form; I-Ching: H25 - No Errancy,
    Embroiling, Innocence, Pestilence; Tetra: 66 - DEPARTURE (CH'U),
    EGO: #427
    / #74 - Controlling Feelings, Overcome Delusion; I-Ching: H29 - The
    Constant Sink Hole, Gorge, The abyss, Repeated entrapment; Tetra: 80 - >>>> LABOURING (CH'IN)]

    Emmanuel Macron's telephone call to Scott Morrison had the precision
    of a torpedo. {@1: Sup: 50 - VASTNESS / WASTING: T'ANG (#50); Ego: 77 - >>>> COMPLIANCE: HSUN (#77)}

    News of the conversation broke as the Prime Minister's plane worked
    its way
    across Australia, {@2: Sup: 65 - INNER: NEI (#115 - I AM NOT A
    MEN {%5}); Ego: 59 - MASSING: CHU (#136)}

    on its way to the G20 Summit in Rome. {@3: Sup: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG
    - I AM NOT ONE OF LOUD VOICE {%37}); Ego: 66 - DEPARTURE: CH'U (#202)} >>>>
    It's weeks since Australia sank a $90 billion submarine contract with
    France but judging by the tone of the conversation — at least
    according to
    a read-out from the Elysee Palace — the French President's fury has not >>>> cooled. {@4: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH (#257); Ego: 80 - LABOURING: >>>> CH'IN (#282)}

    President Macron told the Prime Minister that "Australia's unilateral
    decision" to break the contract "broke the relationship of trust
    our two countries". {@5: Sup: 69 - EXHAUSTION: CH'IUNG (#326); Ego:
    43 -
    ENCOUNTERS: YU (#325)}

    The President says Australia must propose "tangible" actions to
    the bilateral relationship — as well as the two nations' cooperation >>>> in the
    Indo-Pacific. {@6: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#379); Ego: 9 -
    SHU (#334)}

    Tellingly, {@7: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#432); Ego: 8 -

    given the Prime Minister is already on the defensive over his
    climate change commitments, {@8: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#500);
    Ego: 42 -
    GOING TO MEET: YING (#384)}

    the President says he encouraged Mr Morrison to adopt emission
    measures "commensurate with the climate challenge" and cease
    production and
    consumption of coal. {@9: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#549); Ego: 9 -
    OUT: SHU (#393)}

    This is a deliberate strike by the French President at the PM's carbon >>>> credentials on the eve of next week's Glasgow climate talks. {@10:
    Sup: 75
    - FAILURE: SHIH (#624); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#465)}

    The PM's office says the Prime Minister was pleased to speak to the
    President. {@11: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#626); Ego: 4 -

    But it's already clear that there's a lot of work needed to heal the
    relationship. {@12: Sup: 28 - CHANGE: KENG (#654); Ego: 58 -
    HSI (#527)}

    Ninety billion dollars worth of repair, {@13: Sup: 12 -
    (#666); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#562)}

    to be precise. {@14: Sup: 12 - YOUTHFULNESS: T'UNG (#678); Ego: 63 -
    SHIH (#625)}

    TELOS TOTAL: #84055

    MALE: @115 + @196 = #311

    FEME: @136 = #136

    GRUMBLE (#678, #625)@[50, 77, 65, 59, 81, 66, 61, 80, 69, 43, 53, 9,
    53, 8,
    68, 42, 49, 9, 75, 72, 2, 4, 28, 58, 12, 35, 12, 63]

    GRUNTLE (#1151, #1303)@[50, 50, 46, 77, 30, 65, 8, 59, 8, 81, 74,
    66, 54,
    61, 53, 80, 41, 69, 3, 43, 56, 53, 65, 9, 37, 53, 45, 8, 32, 68, 74,
    42, 49, 51, 9, 45, 75, 36, 72, 38, 2, 42, 4, 70, 28, 47, 58, 59, 12,
    35, 25, 12, 7, 63]

    YOUTUBE: "The Meerkat Circus"


    {#390 - ROBBERS} v’s HOMOIOS {#391 - STEWARDS OF GOD’S HOUSE} THEORY OF NUMBER) as universal of right and wrong...} *THE* *ORTHODOX* *AND*
    *ROMAN* *CATHOLIC* *CHURCH'S* *CLAIM* {#390 as 1, #100, #80, #1, #3, #5,
    #200 as harpax (G727): {#11 as #242} 1) rapacious, ravenous; 2) a
    extortioner, a robber} *TO* *JUBILEE2000* *AS* *BEING* *DELUSIONAL*

    Private Street on the edge of the Central Business District dated 16th
    May, 2000 - This report is prepared in response to a TP00/55 as a Notice
    of an Application for Planning Permit



    Chinese HAN Dynasty (206 BCE - 220CE) Hexagon Trigrams to Tetragram
    assignments proposed by Yang Hsiung (53BCE - 18CE) which by 4BCE
    (translation published within English as first European language in
    1993), first appeared in draft form as a meta-thesis titled T'AI HSUAN
    CHING {ie. Canon of Supreme Mystery} on Natural Divination associated
    with the theory of number, annual seasonal chronology and astrology
    reliant upon the seven visible planets as cosmological mother image and
    the zodiac.

    It shows the ZIRAN as the DAO of NATURE / COURSE-trochos OF
    NATURE-genesis [James 3:6] as HYPOSTASIS comprising #81 trinomial tetragrammaton x 4.5 day = #364.5 day / year as HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER
    which is an amalgam of the 64 hexagrams as binomial trigrams / 81 as
    trinomial tetragrammaton rather than its encapsulated contrived use as
    the microcosm to redefine the macrocosm as the quintessence of the
    Pythagorean [Babylonian] as binomial canon of transposition as HETEROS


    The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities No. 43 of Act 2006
    defines a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING” and the question is, if it is permissible to extend this definition to be a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN

    That my mathematical theoretical noumenon defines the meta-descriptor prototypes which are prerequisite to the BEING of HOMO[iOS] SAPIEN[T] as EXISTENCE / *OUSIA*.

    <http://www.grapple369.com/Grumble.zip> (Download resources)

    After all the ENNEAD of THOTH and not the Roman Catholic Eucharist,
    expresses an Anthropic Cosmological Principle which appears within its geometric conception as being equivalent to the Pythagorean

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From dolf@21:1/5 to dolf on Mon Nov 1 11:03:28 2021
    XPost: aus.politics, alt.france, de.soc.weltanschauung.islam
    XPost: nl.politiek

    as [#50, #200, #1, #5] / [#5, #200, #1, #10, #600] /
        #281 as [#30, #200, #1, #10, #600] /
    #241 as [#200, #1, #600] / [#30, #5, #200, #1, #5] /
    #257 as [#50, #200, #1, #6] / [#6, #10, #200, #1, #600] /
    #611 as [#200, #1, #10, #400] / [#400, #200, #1, #10] /
    #632 as [#6, #200, #1, #10, #400, #10, #5] / [#20, #200, #1, #6, #400,
    #5] /
    #642 as [#30, #5, #200, #1, #6, #400] /
    #652 as [#5, #200, #1, #6, #400, #600] /
    #666 as [#400, #200, #1, #10, #50, #5] / [#5, #200, #1, #10, #400, #10,
    #600] = râʼâh (H7200): {UMBRA: #206 % #41 = #1}} 1) to see, look at, inspect, perceive, consider; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to see; 1a2) to see,
    perceive; 1a3) to see, have vision; 1a4) to look at, see, regard, look
    after, see after, learn about, observe, watch, look upon, look out, find
    out; 1a5) to see, observe, consider, look at, give attention to,
    discern, distinguish; 1a6) to look at, gaze at; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to
    appear, present oneself; 1b2) to be seen; 1b3) to be visible; 1c) (Pual)
    to be seen; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to cause to see, show; 1d2) to cause to
    look intently at, behold, cause to gaze at; 1e) (Hophal); 1e1) to be
    caused to see, be shown; 1e2) to be exhibited to; 1f) (Hithpael) *to*
    *look* *at* *each* *other*, *face*;

    On 1/11/21 10:06, dolf wrote:
    #THREE:        #138    as #57 - GUARDEDNESS (SHOU) #FOUR:        #187    as #25 - CONTENTION (CHENG) #FIVE:        #325    as #1 - CENTRE (CHUNG)

    #879 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1] /
    #929 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #50] /
    #933 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #5, #50] /
    #974 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #40, #5, #50] /
    #1075 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #200, #9, #8] /
    #1079 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #200] /
    #1184 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #300, #5] /
    #1198 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #5, #10, #300, #5] /
    #1453 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #70, #300, #5, #200] /
    #2188 -  *JUDICIAL* *OVERSIGHT* as [#3, #10, #50, #800, #200, #20, #5,
    #300, #800] = ginṓskō (G1097): {UMBRA: #1883 % #41 = #38}} 1) to learn
    to know, come to know, get a knowledge of perceive, feel; 1a) to become known; 2) to know, understand, perceive, have knowledge of; 2a) to understand; 2b) to know; 3) Jewish idiom for sexual intercourse between
    a man and a woman; 4) to become acquainted with, to know;

    #71 #1 #11
    #61 #81 #21


    @492 - VOLUNTARY FREEWILL {@369 / @123 - JUDGEMENT SENSIBILITY (#3 x #3

    @123 / #2188 - SECTION III (?) <— JUDICIAL OVERSIGHT


        #125 - GLOBUS CRUCIGER / NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 1 NOVEMBER 2021 as [#30, #5, #30, #1, #30, #8, #20, #1] /
        #381 as [#30, #1, #30, #5, #10, #300, #5] /
    #179 as [#30, #5, #30, #1, #30, #8, #20, #5, #50] /
    #602 as [#30, #1, #30, #8, #9, #8, #200, #5, #300, #1, #10] = laléō (G2980): {UMBRA: #866 % #41 = #5}} 1) to utter a voice or emit a sound;
    2) to speak; 2a) to use the tongue or the faculty of speech; 2b) to
    utter articulate sounds; 3) to talk; 4) to utter, tell; 5) to use words
    in order to declare one's mind and disclose one's thoughts; 5a) to speak;

    .jackNote@zen: 4, row: 4, col: 8, nous: 55 [TIME: 09:55, SUPER: #335 /
    #23 - Constancy of Guiding Concepts, Emptiness & Non-Existence; I-Ching:
    H18 - Ills to Be Cured, Arresting Decay, Correcting, Work on what has
    been spoiled (decay), Decaying, Branch; Tetra: 26 - ENDEAVOUR (WU), EGO:
    #393 / #55 - Abstruse Mysterious Signs; I-Ching: H22 - Elegance, Grace, Adorning, Luxuriance; Tetra: 54 - UNITY (K'UN)]

    French President Emmanuel Macron has accused Scott Morrison of lying
    about the $90 billion submarine contract that was cancelled six weeks
    ago. {@1: Sup: 32 - LEGION: CHUANG (#32); Ego: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG (#81)}

    Key points: {@2: Sup: 51 - CONSTANCY: CH'ANG (#83); Ego: 80 - LABOURING:
    CH'IN (#161 - I AM NOT A TELLER OF LIES {%9})}

    Relations with France have tumbled since Australia announced a new
    security pact with the United States and United Kingdom {@3: Sup: 20 -
    ADVANCE: CHIN (#103); Ego: 78 - ON THE VERGE: CHIANG (#239)}

    Mr Macron said Australia's actions were "detrimental to the reputation"
    of the country and Prime Minister {@4: Sup: 21 - RELEASE: SHIH (#124);
    Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#243)}

    Mr Morrison said he had been clear with Mr Macron over Australia's
    intentions {@5: Sup: 25 - CONTENTION: CHENG (#149); Ego: 40 - LAW/MODEL:
    FA (#283)}

    Mr Macron made the extraordinary accusation after being approached by
    the ABC on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Rome. {@6: Sup: 57 -
    GUARDEDNESS: SHOU (#206); Ego: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI (#316)}

    The tension between the two leaders is palpable after the massive deal
    was torn up, {@7: Sup: 43 - ENCOUNTERS: YU (#249); Ego: 53 - ETERNITY:
    YUNG (#369)}

    with Australia announcing its new defence and security pact with the
    United States and the United Kingdom along with a commitment to acquire nuclear-powered submarines. {@8: Sup: 20 - ADVANCE: CHIN (#269); Ego: 20
    - ADVANCE: CHIN (#389)}

    The French President was asked whether he thought Mr Morrison had lied
    to him about Australia's intentions. {@9: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH
    (#330); Ego: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#457)}

    "I don't think, {@10: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#398); Ego: 43 -
    ENCOUNTERS: YU (#500)}

    I know," {@11: Sup: 58 - GATHERING IN: HSI (#456); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS:
    CHIEN (#572)}

    he replied. {@12: Sup: 32 - LEGION: CHUANG (#488); Ego: 64 - SINKING:
    CH'EN (#636)}

    "The AUKUS deal was very bad news for France — but not just for France,
    {@13: Sup: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#564); Ego: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#685)}

    because I think it's a very bad news for credibility of Australia and a
    very bad news for the trust that great partners can have with the
    Australians. {@14: Sup: 62 - DOUBT: YI (#626); Ego: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG (#766)}

    "I think this is detrimental to the reputation of your country and your
    Prime Minister." {@15: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#675); Ego: 65 - INNER:
    NEI (#831)}

    Australia's nuclear subs deal explained {@16: Sup: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG
    (#756); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#866)}

    Are you wondering why there's so much fuss about Australia's decision to acquire nuclear submarines? {@17: Sup: 78 - ON THE VERGE: CHIANG (#834);
    Ego: 23 - EASE: YI (#889)}

    We've broken it down for you. {@18: Sup: 36 - STRENGTH: CH'IANG (#870);
    Ego: 17 - HOLDING BACK: JUAN (#906)}

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his daily
    press conference. {@19: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#938); Ego: 65 - INNER:
    NEI (#971)}

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been aware
    of Australia's shifting views, {@20: Sup: 13 - INCREASE: TSENG (#951);
    Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#1006)}

    suggesting he raised it with him over dinner a number of months earlier.
    {@21: Sup: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI (#988); Ego: 26 - ENDEAVOUR: WU (#1032)}

    "I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to be
    able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make a
    decision in our national interest," {@22: Sup: 69 - EXHAUSTION: CH'IUNG (#1057); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#1041)}

    Mr Morrison said. {@23: Sup: 50 - VASTNESS / WASTING: T'ANG (#1107);
    Ego: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI (#1055)}

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not going
    to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we were
    engaged in, {@24: Sup: 52 - MEASURE: TU (#1159); Ego: 55 - DIMINISHMENT:
    CHIEN (#1110)}

    and we then engaged over the months that followed, {@25: Sup: 58 -

    and then we communicated to him our ultimate decision. {@26: Sup: 73 -

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, {@27:
    Sup: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI (#1323); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#1227)}

    we had dinner together." {@28: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#1325); Ego:
    5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO (#1232)}

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied. {@29: Sup: 2 - FULL
    CIRCLE: CHOU (#1327); Ego: 55 - DIMINISHMENT: CHIEN (#1287)}

    "I don't agree with that," {@30: Sup: 38 - FULLNESS: SHENG (#1365); Ego:
    18 - WAITING: HSI (#1305)}

    the Prime Minister said. {@31: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#1418); Ego: 72
    - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#1377)}

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, {@32: Sup: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI
    (#1432); Ego: 44 - STOVE: TSAO (#1421)}

    says Macron {@33: Sup: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI (#1469); Ego: 11 - DIVERGENCE:
    CH'A (#1432)}

    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, {@34: Sup: 32 - LEGION:
    CHUANG (#1501); Ego: 65 - INNER: NEI (#1497)}

    under the new deal with the US and the UK. {@35: Sup: 71 - STOPPAGE:
    CHIH (#1572); Ego: 16 - CONTACT: CHIAO (#1513)}

    "With the French deal, {@36: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#1574); Ego: 79
    - DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#1592)}

    negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, {@37: Sup: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI
    (#1588); Ego: 19 - FOLLOWING: TS'UNG (#1611)}

    Australia had definitely an option to produce in Australia, {@38: Sup:
    72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#1660); Ego: 39 - RESIDENCE: CHU (#1650)}

    to have submarines, {@39: Sup: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI (#1674); Ego: 75 - FAILURE: SHIH (#1725)}

    conventional submarines, {@40: Sup: 43 - ENCOUNTERS: YU (#1717); Ego: 76
    - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#1801)}

    and to get the submarines with a clear and reliable period of time,"
    {@41: Sup: 66 - DEPARTURE: CH'U (#1783); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#1873)}

    he said. {@42: Sup: 13 - INCREASE: TSENG (#1796); Ego: 46 - ENLARGEMENT:
    K'UO (#1919)}

    "Now you have 18 months before a report. {@43: Sup: 77 - COMPLIANCE:
    HSUN (#1873); Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#1923)}

    "Good luck." {@44: Sup: 1 - CENTRE: CHUNG (#1874); Ego: 79 -
    DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#2002)}

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, {@45: Sup: 19 - FOLLOWING: TS'UNG
    (#1893); Ego: 1 - CENTRE: CHUNG (#2003)}

    saying he was "confident" the initial consultation on the nuclear
    submarine program would yield results. {@46: Sup: 44 - STOVE: TSAO
    (#1937); Ego: 62 - DOUBT: YI (#2065)}

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his daily
    press conference. {@47: Sup: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#2013); Ego: 65 -
    INNER: NEI (#2130)}

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been aware
    of Australia's shifting views, {@48: Sup: 21 - RELEASE: SHIH (#2034);
    Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#2165)}

    suggesting he raised it with him over dinner a number of months earlier.
    {@49: Sup: 45 - GREATNESS: TA (#2079); Ego: 26 - ENDEAVOUR: WU (#2191)}

    " I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to be
    able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make a
    decision in our national interest," {@50: Sup: 77 - COMPLIANCE: HSUN
    (#2156); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#2200)}

    Mr Morrison said. {@51: Sup: 58 - GATHERING IN: HSI (#2214); Ego: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI (#2214)}

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not going
    to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we were
    engaged in, {@52: Sup: 60 - ACCUMULATION: CHI (#2274); Ego: 55 -

    and we then engaged over the months that followed, {@53: Sup: 66 -

    and then we communicated to him our ultimate decision. {@54: Sup: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG (#2421); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#2351)}

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, {@55:
    Sup: 41 - RESPONSE: YING (#2462); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#2386)}

    we had dinner together." {@56: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION:
    HSIEN (#2472); Ego: 5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO (#2391)}

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied. {@57: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN (#2482); Ego: 55 - DIMINISHMENT: CHIEN (#2446)}

    "I don't agree with that," {@58: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#2528);
    Ego: 18 - WAITING: HSI (#2464)}

    the Prime Minister said. {@59: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH (#2589);
    Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#2536)}

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, {@60: Sup: 22 - RESISTANCE: KE
    (#2611); Ego: 44 - STOVE: TSAO (#2580)}

    says Macron {@61: Sup: 45 - GREATNESS: TA (#2656); Ego: 11 - DIVERGENCE:
    CH'A (#2591)}

    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, {@62: Sup: 40 -
    LAW/MODEL: FA (#2696); Ego: 65 - INNER: NEI (#2656)}

    under the new deal with the US and the UK. {@63: Sup: 79 - DIFFICULTIES:
    NAN (#2775); Ego: 16 - CONTACT: CHIAO (#2672)}

    "With the French deal, {@64: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN (#2785); Ego: 79 - DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#2751)}

    negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, {@65: Sup: 22 - RESISTANCE: KE (#2807);
    Ego: 19 - FOLLOWING: TS'UNG (#2770)}

    Australia had definitely an option to produce in Australia, {@66: Sup:
    80 - LABOURING: CH'IN (#2887); Ego: 39 - RESIDENCE: CHU (#2809)}

    to have submarines, {@67: Sup: 22 - RESISTANCE: KE (#2909); Ego: 75 -
    FAILURE: SHIH (#2884)}

    conventional submarines, {@68: Sup: 51 - CONSTANCY: CH'ANG (#2960); Ego:
    76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#2960)}

    and to get the submarines with a clear and reliable period of time,"
    {@69: Sup: 74 - CLOSURE: CHIH (#3034); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#3032)}

    he said. {@70: Sup: 21 - RELEASE: SHIH (#3055); Ego: 46 - ENLARGEMENT:
    K'UO (#3078)}

    "Now you have 18 months before a report. {@71: Sup: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN
    (#3059); Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#3082)}

    "Good luck." {@72: Sup: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#3068); Ego: 79 -
    DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#3161)}

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, {@73: Sup: 27 - DUTIES: SHIH (#3095);
    Ego: 1 - CENTRE: CHUNG (#3162)}

    saying he was "confident" the initial consultation on the nuclear
    submarine program would yield results. {@74: Sup: 52 - MEASURE: TU
    (#3147); Ego: 62 - DOUBT: YI (#3224)}

    TELOS TOTAL: #304868


    FEME: @161 = #161


    FEME: @81 + @161 = #242

    GRUMBLE (#3147, #3224)@[32, 81, 51, 80, 20, 78, 21, 4, 25, 40, 57, 33,
    43, 53, 20, 20, 61, 68, 68, 43, 58, 72, 32, 64, 76, 49, 62, 81, 49, 65,
    81, 35, 78, 23, 36, 17, 68, 65, 13, 35, 37, 26, 69, 9, 50, 14, 52, 55,
    58, 73, 73, 9, 33, 35, 2, 5, 2, 55, 38, 18, 53, 72, 14, 44, 37, 11, 32,
    65, 71, 16, 2, 79, 14, 19, 72, 39, 14, 75, 43, 76, 66, 72, 13, 46, 77,
    4, 1, 79, 19, 1, 44, 62, 76, 65, 21, 35, 45, 26, 77, 9, 58, 14, 60, 55,
    66, 73, 81, 9, 41, 35, 10, 5, 10, 55, 46, 18, 61, 72, 22, 44, 45, 11,
    40, 65, 79, 16, 10, 79, 22, 19, 80, 39, 22, 75, 51, 76, 74, 72, 21, 46,
    4, 4, 9, 79, 27, 1, 52, 62]

    GRUNTLE (#6192, #6371)@[32, 32, 32, 81, 2, 51, 1, 80, 21, 20, 18, 78,
    39, 21, 43, 4, 68, 25, 27, 40, 3, 57, 36, 33, 79, 43, 51, 53, 71, 20,
    10, 20, 71, 61, 58, 68, 45, 68, 7, 43, 65, 58, 56, 72, 7, 32, 71, 64,
    66, 76, 34, 49, 15, 62, 15, 81, 64, 49, 48, 65, 48, 81, 2, 35, 80, 78,
    22, 23, 58, 36, 75, 17, 62, 68, 46, 65, 59, 13, 13, 35, 50, 37, 76, 26,
    64, 69, 73, 9, 42, 50, 56, 14, 27, 52, 1, 55, 59, 58, 51, 73, 43, 73,
    52, 9, 4, 33, 39, 35, 41, 2, 46, 5, 48, 2, 22, 55, 60, 38, 78, 18, 50,
    53, 41, 72, 55, 14, 18, 44, 55, 37, 66, 11, 17, 32, 1, 65, 72, 71, 7,
    16, 9, 2, 7, 79, 21, 14, 40, 19, 31, 72, 70, 39, 3, 14, 78, 75, 40, 43,
    35, 76, 20, 66, 11, 72, 24, 13, 70, 46, 66, 77, 70, 4, 71, 1, 69, 79, 7,
    19, 8, 1, 52, 44, 33, 62, 28, 76, 12, 65, 33, 21, 68, 35, 32, 45, 58,
    26, 54, 77, 63, 9, 40, 58, 54, 14, 33, 60, 7, 55, 73, 66, 65, 73, 65,
    81, 74, 9, 34, 41, 69, 35, 79, 10, 3, 5, 13, 10, 68, 55, 33, 46, 51, 18,
    31, 61, 22, 72, 44, 22, 7, 44, 52, 45, 63, 11, 22, 40, 6, 65, 4, 79, 20,
    16, 30, 10, 28, 79, 50, 22, 69, 19, 68, 80, 26, 39, 48, 22, 42, 75, 12,
    51, 7, 76, 81, 74, 72, 72, 12, 21, 58, 46, 62, 4, 66, 4, 75, 9, 73, 79,
    19, 27, 20, 1, 72, 52, 53, 62]


    French President Emmanuel Macron has accused Scott Morrison of lying
    about the $90 billion submarine contract that was cancelled six weeks ago.

    Key points:

    Relations with France have tumbled since Australia announced a new
    security pact with the United States and United Kingdom

    Mr Macron said Australia's actions were "detrimental to the reputation"
    of the country and Prime Minister

    Mr Morrison said he had been clear with Mr Macron over Australia's

    Mr Macron made the extraordinary accusation after being approached by
    the ABC on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Rome.

    The tension between the two leaders is palpable after the massive deal
    was torn up, with Australia announcing its new defence and security pact
    with the United States and the United Kingdom along with a commitment to acquire nuclear-powered submarines.

    The French President was asked whether he thought Mr Morrison had lied
    to him about Australia's intentions.

    "I don't think, I know," he replied.

    "The AUKUS deal was very bad news for France — but not just for France, because I think it's a very bad news for credibility of Australia and a
    very bad news for the trust that great partners can have with the Australians.

    "I think this is detrimental to the reputation of your country and your
    Prime Minister."

    Australia's nuclear subs deal explained
    Are you wondering why there's so much fuss about Australia's decision to acquire nuclear submarines? We've broken it down for you.

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his daily press conference.

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been aware
    of Australia's shifting views, suggesting he raised it with him over
    dinner a number of months earlier.

    "I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to be
    able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make a decision in our national interest," Mr Morrison said.

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not going
    to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we were
    engaged in, and we then engaged over the months that followed, and then
    we communicated to him our ultimate decision.

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, we had dinner together."

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied.

    "I don't agree with that," the Prime Minister said.

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, says Macron
    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, under the new deal with
    the US and the UK.

    "With the French deal, negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, Australia had definitely an option to produce in Australia, to have submarines, conventional submarines, and to get the submarines with a clear and
    reliable period of time," he said.

    "Now you have 18 months before a report.
    "Good luck."

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, saying he was "confident" the initial consultation on the nuclear submarine program would yield results.

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his daily press conference.

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been aware
    of Australia's shifting views, suggesting he raised it with him over
    dinner a number of months earlier.

    " I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to be
    able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make a decision in our national interest," Mr Morrison said.

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not going
    to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we were
    engaged in, and we then engaged over the months that followed, and then
    we communicated to him our ultimate decision.

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, we had dinner together."

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied.

    "I don't agree with that," the Prime Minister said.

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, says Macron
    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, under the new deal with
    the US and the UK.

    "With the French deal, negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, Australia had definitely an option to produce in Australia, to have submarines, conventional submarines, and to get the submarines with a clear and
    reliable period of time," he said.

    "Now you have 18 months before a report.

    "Good luck."

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, saying he was "confident" the initial consultation on the nuclear submarine program would yield results.

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    It seems that the first casual meeting was anchored to

    The federal government was not @130 - evil minded but careless, so
    little wonder there was no small desire for any encounters.

    But how is one to regain virtue?

    Initial Post: 31 October 2021

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    Just including the original text with journalist recognition….

    Emmanuel Macron issues torpedo strike to Australia during
    conversation with
    Scott Morrison
    By political editor Andrew Probyn

    Thursday 28 Oct 2021 at 6:44pm, updated Thu 28 Oct 2021 at 8:45pm

    Emmanuel Macron's telephone call to Scott Morrison had the precision
    of a torpedo.

    News of the conversation broke as the Prime Minister's plane worked
    its way
    across Australia, on its way to the G20 Summit in Rome.

    It's weeks since Australia sank a $90 billion submarine contract with
    France but judging by the tone of the conversation — at least
    according to
    a read-out from the Élysée Palace — the French President's fury has not >>> cooled.

    President Macron told the Prime Minister that "Australia's unilateral
    decision" to break the contract "broke the relationship of trust between >>> our two countries".

    The President says Australia must propose "tangible" actions to
    the bilateral relationship — as well as the two nations' cooperation
    in the

    Tellingly, given the Prime Minister is already on the defensive over his >>> government's climate change commitments, the President says he
    Mr Morrison to adopt emission reduction measures "commensurate with the
    climate challenge" and cease production and consumption of coal.

    This is a deliberate strike by the French President at the PM's carbon
    credentials on the eve of next week's Glasgow climate talks.

    The PM's office says the Prime Minister was pleased to speak to the

    But it's already clear that there's a lot of work needed to heal the

    Ninety billion dollars worth of repair, to be precise.

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    #THREE:    #143    as #62 - DOUBT (YI)

    #FOUR:    #178    as #16 - CONTACT (CHIAO)

    #FIVE:    #321    as #78 - ON THE VERGE (CHIANG)

        #126 as [#70, #6, #50] / [#70, #6, #700] /     #156 as [#30, >>>> #70, #6, #700] / [#70, #6, #50, #20, #10] /     #188 as [#6, #70,
    #6, #50, #50, #6] / #627 as [#6, #40, #70, #6, #50, #400, #10, #5,
    #600] / [#40, #70, #6, #50,
    #6, #400, #10, #5, #600] / #632 as [#40, #70, #6, #50, #400, #10,
    #50, #6] = ʻâvôn (H5771): {UMBRA:
    #126 % #41 = #3}} 1) perversity, depravity, iniquity, guilt or
    of iniquity; 1a) iniquity; 1b) guilt of iniquity, guilt (as great),
    (of condition); 1c) consequence of or punishment for iniquity;

    UMBRA: #126 % #41 = #3 - Political Prescriptions, Quietude; I-Ching:
    H46 -
    Climbing, Moving / Pushing Upward, Ascending; Tetra: 8 - Opposition;

    THOTH MEASURE: #3 - Oh thou of the Nose, who makest thine appearance at >>>> Chemunnu; I am not evil minded.

        #VIRTUE: With Mired (no. #3), great woe.
    #TOOLS: With >>>> Encounters
    (no. #43), small desire.
    #POSITION: The ways of Purity (no. #37) >>>> and
    #TIME: Pattern (no. #47) where some are simple and some are >>>> complex?
    #CANON: #130

   @1: Sup: 3 - MIRED: HSIEN (#3); Ego: 3 - MIRED:
    HSIEN (#3),
   @2: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#49); Ego: 43 -
    YU (#46),
   @3: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#51); Ego: 37 - PURITY: >>>> TS'UI
   @4: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#100); Ego: 47 - PATTERN: WEN >>>> (#130 -
   Male: #100; Feme: #130
} // #130 >>>>
   @1: Sup: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#6); Ego: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI
   @2: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#52); Ego: 40 - LAW/MODEL: FA
   @3: Sup: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#87); Ego: 70 - SEVERANCE: KE
   @4: Sup: 41 - RESPONSE: YING (#128); Ego: 6 -
   @5: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN (#138); >>>> Ego: 50 -
   @6: Sup: 5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO >>>> (#143); Ego: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#248),
   @7: Sup: 15 - REACH: >>>> TA (#158
   @8: Sup: 20 - ADVANCE: CHIN (#178); Ego: 5 - KEEPING
   @9: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#231); Ego: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI
   Male: #231; Feme: #296
} // #627

    .jackNote@zen: 2, row: 4, col: 9, nous: 74 [TIME: 10:05, SUPER: #313
    / #6 -
    Female Superiority, Completion of Form; I-Ching: H25 - No Errancy,
    Embroiling, Innocence, Pestilence; Tetra: 66 - DEPARTURE (CH'U),
    EGO: #427
    / #74 - Controlling Feelings, Overcome Delusion; I-Ching: H29 - The
    Constant Sink Hole, Gorge, The abyss, Repeated entrapment; Tetra: 80 - >>>> LABOURING (CH'IN)]

    Emmanuel Macron's telephone call to Scott Morrison had the precision
    of a torpedo. {@1: Sup: 50 - VASTNESS / WASTING: T'ANG (#50); Ego: 77 - >>>> COMPLIANCE: HSUN (#77)}

    News of the conversation broke as the Prime Minister's plane worked
    its way
    across Australia, {@2: Sup: 65 - INNER: NEI (#115 - I AM NOT A
    MEN {%5}); Ego: 59 - MASSING: CHU (#136)}

    on its way to the G20 Summit in Rome. {@3: Sup: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG
    - I AM NOT ONE OF LOUD VOICE {%37}); Ego: 66 - DEPARTURE: CH'U (#202)} >>>>
    It's weeks since Australia sank a $90 billion submarine contract with
    France but judging by the tone of the conversation — at least
    according to
    a read-out from the Elysee Palace — the French President's fury has not >>>> cooled. {@4: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH (#257); Ego: 80 - LABOURING: >>>> CH'IN (#282)}

    President Macron told the Prime Minister that "Australia's unilateral
    decision" to break the contract "broke the relationship of trust
    our two countries". {@5: Sup: 69 - EXHAUSTION: CH'IUNG (#326); Ego:
    43 -
    ENCOUNTERS: YU (#325)}

    The President says Australia must propose "tangible" actions to
    the bilateral relationship — as well as the two nations' cooperation >>>> in the
    Indo-Pacific. {@6: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#379); Ego: 9 -
    SHU (#334)}

    Tellingly, {@7: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#432); Ego: 8 -

    given the Prime Minister is already on the defensive over his
    climate change commitments, {@8: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#500);
    Ego: 42 -
    GOING TO MEET: YING (#384)}

    the President says he encouraged Mr Morrison to adopt emission
    measures "commensurate with the climate challenge" and cease
    production and
    consumption of coal. {@9: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#549); Ego: 9 -
    OUT: SHU (#393)}

    This is a deliberate strike by the French President at the PM's carbon >>>> credentials on the eve of next week's Glasgow climate talks. {@10:
    Sup: 75
    - FAILURE: SHIH (#624); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#465)}

    The PM's office says the Prime Minister was pleased to speak to the
    President. {@11: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#626); Ego: 4 -

    But it's already clear that there's a lot of work needed to heal the
    relationship. {@12: Sup: 28 - CHANGE: KENG (#654); Ego: 58 -
    HSI (#527)}

    Ninety billion dollars worth of repair, {@13: Sup: 12 -
    (#666); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#562)}

    to be precise. {@14: Sup: 12 - YOUTHFULNESS: T'UNG (#678); Ego: 63 -
    SHIH (#625)}

    TELOS TOTAL: #84055

    MALE: @115 + @196 = #311

    FEME: @136 = #136

    GRUMBLE (#678, #625)@[50, 77, 65, 59, 81, 66, 61, 80, 69, 43, 53, 9,
    53, 8,
    68, 42, 49, 9, 75, 72, 2, 4, 28, 58, 12, 35, 12, 63]

    GRUNTLE (#1151, #1303)@[50, 50, 46, 77, 30, 65, 8, 59, 8, 81, 74,
    66, 54,
    61, 53, 80, 41, 69, 3, 43, 56, 53, 65, 9, 37, 53, 45, 8, 32, 68, 74,
    42, 49, 51, 9, 45, 75, 36, 72, 38, 2, 42, 4, 70, 28, 47, 58, 59, 12,
    35, 25, 12, 7, 63]

    YOUTUBE: "The Meerkat Circus"


    {#390 - ROBBERS} v’s HOMOIOS {#391 - STEWARDS OF GOD’S HOUSE} THEORY OF NUMBER) as universal of right and wrong...} *THE* *ORTHODOX* *AND*
    *ROMAN* *CATHOLIC* *CHURCH'S* *CLAIM* {#390 as 1, #100, #80, #1, #3, #5,
    #200 as harpax (G727): {#11 as #242} 1) rapacious, ravenous; 2) a
    extortioner, a robber} *TO* *JUBILEE2000* *AS* *BEING* *DELUSIONAL*

    Private Street on the edge of the Central Business District dated 16th
    May, 2000 - This report is prepared in response to a TP00/55 as a Notice
    of an Application for Planning Permit



    Chinese HAN Dynasty (206 BCE - 220CE) Hexagon Trigrams to Tetragram
    assignments proposed by Yang Hsiung (53BCE - 18CE) which by 4BCE
    (translation published within English as first European language in
    1993), first appeared in draft form as a meta-thesis titled T'AI HSUAN
    CHING {ie. Canon of Supreme Mystery} on Natural Divination associated
    with the theory of number, annual seasonal chronology and astrology
    reliant upon the seven visible planets as cosmological mother image and
    the zodiac.

    It shows the ZIRAN as the DAO of NATURE / COURSE-trochos OF
    NATURE-genesis [James 3:6] as HYPOSTASIS comprising #81 trinomial tetragrammaton x 4.5 day = #364.5 day / year as HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER
    which is an amalgam of the 64 hexagrams as binomial trigrams / 81 as
    trinomial tetragrammaton rather than its encapsulated contrived use as

    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From dolf@21:1/5 to dolf on Mon Nov 1 11:05:07 2021
    XPost: aus.politics, alt.france, de.soc.weltanschauung.islam
    XPost: nl.politiek

    as [#50, #200, #1, #5] / [#5, #200, #1, #10, #600] /
        #281 as [#30, #200, #1, #10, #600] /
    #241 as [#200, #1, #600] / [#30, #5, #200, #1, #5] /
    #257 as [#50, #200, #1, #6] / [#6, #10, #200, #1, #600] /
    #611 as [#200, #1, #10, #400] / [#400, #200, #1, #10] /
    #632 as [#6, #200, #1, #10, #400, #10, #5] / [#20, #200, #1, #6, #400, #5] / #642 as [#30, #5, #200, #1, #6, #400] /
    #652 as [#5, #200, #1, #6, #400, #600] /
    #666 as [#400, #200, #1, #10, #50, #5] / [#5, #200, #1, #10, #400, #10,
    #600] = râʼâh (H7200): {UMBRA: #206 % #41 = #1}} 1) to see, look at, inspect, perceive, consider; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to see; 1a2) to see,
    perceive; 1a3) to see, have vision; 1a4) to look at, see, regard, look
    after, see after, learn about, observe, watch, look upon, look out, find
    out; 1a5) to see, observe, consider, look at, give attention to,
    discern, distinguish; 1a6) to look at, gaze at; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to
    appear, present oneself; 1b2) to be seen; 1b3) to be visible; 1c) (Pual)
    to be seen; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to cause to see, show; 1d2) to cause to
    look intently at, behold, cause to gaze at; 1e) (Hophal); 1e1) to be
    caused to see, be shown; 1e2) to be exhibited to; 1f) (Hithpael) *to*
    *look* *at* *each* *other*, *face*;

    On 1/11/21 10:06, dolf wrote:
    #THREE:        #138    as #57 - GUARDEDNESS (SHOU) #FOUR:        #187    as #25 - CONTENTION (CHENG) #FIVE:        #325    as #1 - CENTRE (CHUNG)

    #879 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1] /
    #929 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #50] /
    #933 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #5, #50] /
    #974 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #40, #5, #50] /
    #1075 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #200, #9, #8] /
    #1079 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #200] /
    #1184 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #300, #5] /
    #1198 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #5, #10, #300, #5] /
    #1453 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #70, #300, #5, #200] /
    #2188 -  *JUDICIAL* *OVERSIGHT* as [#3, #10, #50, #800, #200, #20, #5,
    #300, #800] = ginṓskō (G1097): {UMBRA: #1883 % #41 = #38}} 1) to learn
    to know, come to know, get a knowledge of perceive, feel; 1a) to become known; 2) to know, understand, perceive, have knowledge of; 2a) to understand; 2b) to know; 3) Jewish idiom for sexual intercourse between
    a man and a woman; 4) to become acquainted with, to know;

    #71 #1 #11
    #61 #81 #21


    @492 - VOLUNTARY FREEWILL {@369 / @123 - JUDGEMENT SENSIBILITY (#3 x #3

    @123 / #2188 - SECTION III (?) <— JUDICIAL OVERSIGHT


        #125 - GLOBUS CRUCIGER / NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 1 NOVEMBER 2021 as [#30, #5, #30, #1, #30, #8, #20, #1] /
        #381 as [#30, #1, #30, #5, #10, #300, #5] /
    #179 as [#30, #5, #30, #1, #30, #8, #20, #5, #50] /
    #602 as [#30, #1, #30, #8, #9, #8, #200, #5, #300, #1, #10] = laléō (G2980): {UMBRA: #866 % #41 = #5}} 1) to utter a voice or emit a sound;
    2) to speak; 2a) to use the tongue or the faculty of speech; 2b) to
    utter articulate sounds; 3) to talk; 4) to utter, tell; 5) to use words
    in order to declare one's mind and disclose one's thoughts; 5a) to speak;

    .jackNote@zen: 4, row: 4, col: 8, nous: 55 [TIME: 09:55, SUPER: #335 /
    #23 - Constancy of Guiding Concepts, Emptiness & Non-Existence; I-Ching:
    H18 - Ills to Be Cured, Arresting Decay, Correcting, Work on what has
    been spoiled (decay), Decaying, Branch; Tetra: 26 - ENDEAVOUR (WU), EGO:
    #393 / #55 - Abstruse Mysterious Signs; I-Ching: H22 - Elegance, Grace, Adorning, Luxuriance; Tetra: 54 - UNITY (K'UN)]

    French President Emmanuel Macron has accused Scott Morrison of lying
    about the $90 billion submarine contract that was cancelled six weeks
    ago. {@1: Sup: 32 - LEGION: CHUANG (#32); Ego: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG (#81)}

    Key points: {@2: Sup: 51 - CONSTANCY: CH'ANG (#83); Ego: 80 - LABOURING:
    CH'IN (#161 - I AM NOT A TELLER OF LIES {%9})}

    Relations with France have tumbled since Australia announced a new
    security pact with the United States and United Kingdom {@3: Sup: 20 -
    ADVANCE: CHIN (#103); Ego: 78 - ON THE VERGE: CHIANG (#239)}

    Mr Macron said Australia's actions were "detrimental to the reputation"
    of the country and Prime Minister {@4: Sup: 21 - RELEASE: SHIH (#124);
    Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#243)}

    Mr Morrison said he had been clear with Mr Macron over Australia's
    intentions {@5: Sup: 25 - CONTENTION: CHENG (#149); Ego: 40 - LAW/MODEL:
    FA (#283)}

    Mr Macron made the extraordinary accusation after being approached by
    the ABC on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Rome. {@6: Sup: 57 -
    GUARDEDNESS: SHOU (#206); Ego: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI (#316)}

    The tension between the two leaders is palpable after the massive deal
    was torn up, {@7: Sup: 43 - ENCOUNTERS: YU (#249); Ego: 53 - ETERNITY:
    YUNG (#369)}

    with Australia announcing its new defence and security pact with the
    United States and the United Kingdom along with a commitment to acquire nuclear-powered submarines. {@8: Sup: 20 - ADVANCE: CHIN (#269); Ego: 20
    - ADVANCE: CHIN (#389)}

    The French President was asked whether he thought Mr Morrison had lied
    to him about Australia's intentions. {@9: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH
    (#330); Ego: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#457)}

    "I don't think, {@10: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#398); Ego: 43 -
    ENCOUNTERS: YU (#500)}

    I know," {@11: Sup: 58 - GATHERING IN: HSI (#456); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS:
    CHIEN (#572)}

    he replied. {@12: Sup: 32 - LEGION: CHUANG (#488); Ego: 64 - SINKING:
    CH'EN (#636)}

    "The AUKUS deal was very bad news for France — but not just for France,
    {@13: Sup: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#564); Ego: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#685)}

    because I think it's a very bad news for credibility of Australia and a
    very bad news for the trust that great partners can have with the
    Australians. {@14: Sup: 62 - DOUBT: YI (#626); Ego: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG (#766)}

    "I think this is detrimental to the reputation of your country and your
    Prime Minister." {@15: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#675); Ego: 65 - INNER:
    NEI (#831)}

    Australia's nuclear subs deal explained {@16: Sup: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG
    (#756); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#866)}

    Are you wondering why there's so much fuss about Australia's decision to acquire nuclear submarines? {@17: Sup: 78 - ON THE VERGE: CHIANG (#834);
    Ego: 23 - EASE: YI (#889)}

    We've broken it down for you. {@18: Sup: 36 - STRENGTH: CH'IANG (#870);
    Ego: 17 - HOLDING BACK: JUAN (#906)}

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his daily
    press conference. {@19: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#938); Ego: 65 - INNER:
    NEI (#971)}

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been aware
    of Australia's shifting views, {@20: Sup: 13 - INCREASE: TSENG (#951);
    Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#1006)}

    suggesting he raised it with him over dinner a number of months earlier.
    {@21: Sup: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI (#988); Ego: 26 - ENDEAVOUR: WU (#1032)}

    "I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to be
    able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make a
    decision in our national interest," {@22: Sup: 69 - EXHAUSTION: CH'IUNG (#1057); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#1041)}

    Mr Morrison said. {@23: Sup: 50 - VASTNESS / WASTING: T'ANG (#1107);
    Ego: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI (#1055)}

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not going
    to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we were
    engaged in, {@24: Sup: 52 - MEASURE: TU (#1159); Ego: 55 - DIMINISHMENT:
    CHIEN (#1110)}

    and we then engaged over the months that followed, {@25: Sup: 58 -

    and then we communicated to him our ultimate decision. {@26: Sup: 73 -

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, {@27:
    Sup: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI (#1323); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#1227)}

    we had dinner together." {@28: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#1325); Ego:
    5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO (#1232)}

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied. {@29: Sup: 2 - FULL
    CIRCLE: CHOU (#1327); Ego: 55 - DIMINISHMENT: CHIEN (#1287)}

    "I don't agree with that," {@30: Sup: 38 - FULLNESS: SHENG (#1365); Ego:
    18 - WAITING: HSI (#1305)}

    the Prime Minister said. {@31: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#1418); Ego: 72
    - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#1377)}

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, {@32: Sup: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI
    (#1432); Ego: 44 - STOVE: TSAO (#1421)}

    says Macron {@33: Sup: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI (#1469); Ego: 11 - DIVERGENCE:
    CH'A (#1432)}

    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, {@34: Sup: 32 - LEGION:
    CHUANG (#1501); Ego: 65 - INNER: NEI (#1497)}

    under the new deal with the US and the UK. {@35: Sup: 71 - STOPPAGE:
    CHIH (#1572); Ego: 16 - CONTACT: CHIAO (#1513)}

    "With the French deal, {@36: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#1574); Ego: 79
    - DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#1592)}

    negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, {@37: Sup: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI
    (#1588); Ego: 19 - FOLLOWING: TS'UNG (#1611)}

    Australia had definitely an option to produce in Australia, {@38: Sup:
    72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#1660); Ego: 39 - RESIDENCE: CHU (#1650)}

    to have submarines, {@39: Sup: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI (#1674); Ego: 75 - FAILURE: SHIH (#1725)}

    conventional submarines, {@40: Sup: 43 - ENCOUNTERS: YU (#1717); Ego: 76
    - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#1801)}

    and to get the submarines with a clear and reliable period of time,"
    {@41: Sup: 66 - DEPARTURE: CH'U (#1783); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#1873)}

    he said. {@42: Sup: 13 - INCREASE: TSENG (#1796); Ego: 46 - ENLARGEMENT:
    K'UO (#1919)}

    "Now you have 18 months before a report. {@43: Sup: 77 - COMPLIANCE:
    HSUN (#1873); Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#1923)}

    "Good luck." {@44: Sup: 1 - CENTRE: CHUNG (#1874); Ego: 79 -
    DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#2002)}

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, {@45: Sup: 19 - FOLLOWING: TS'UNG
    (#1893); Ego: 1 - CENTRE: CHUNG (#2003)}

    saying he was "confident" the initial consultation on the nuclear
    submarine program would yield results. {@46: Sup: 44 - STOVE: TSAO
    (#1937); Ego: 62 - DOUBT: YI (#2065)}

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his daily
    press conference. {@47: Sup: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#2013); Ego: 65 -
    INNER: NEI (#2130)}

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been aware
    of Australia's shifting views, {@48: Sup: 21 - RELEASE: SHIH (#2034);
    Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#2165)}

    suggesting he raised it with him over dinner a number of months earlier.
    {@49: Sup: 45 - GREATNESS: TA (#2079); Ego: 26 - ENDEAVOUR: WU (#2191)}

    " I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to be
    able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make a
    decision in our national interest," {@50: Sup: 77 - COMPLIANCE: HSUN
    (#2156); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#2200)}

    Mr Morrison said. {@51: Sup: 58 - GATHERING IN: HSI (#2214); Ego: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI (#2214)}

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not going
    to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we were
    engaged in, {@52: Sup: 60 - ACCUMULATION: CHI (#2274); Ego: 55 -

    and we then engaged over the months that followed, {@53: Sup: 66 -

    and then we communicated to him our ultimate decision. {@54: Sup: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG (#2421); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#2351)}

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, {@55:
    Sup: 41 - RESPONSE: YING (#2462); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#2386)}

    we had dinner together." {@56: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION:
    HSIEN (#2472); Ego: 5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO (#2391)}

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied. {@57: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN (#2482); Ego: 55 - DIMINISHMENT: CHIEN (#2446)}

    "I don't agree with that," {@58: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#2528);
    Ego: 18 - WAITING: HSI (#2464)}

    the Prime Minister said. {@59: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH (#2589);
    Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#2536)}

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, {@60: Sup: 22 - RESISTANCE: KE
    (#2611); Ego: 44 - STOVE: TSAO (#2580)}

    says Macron {@61: Sup: 45 - GREATNESS: TA (#2656); Ego: 11 - DIVERGENCE:
    CH'A (#2591)}

    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, {@62: Sup: 40 -
    LAW/MODEL: FA (#2696); Ego: 65 - INNER: NEI (#2656)}

    under the new deal with the US and the UK. {@63: Sup: 79 - DIFFICULTIES:
    NAN (#2775); Ego: 16 - CONTACT: CHIAO (#2672)}

    "With the French deal, {@64: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN (#2785); Ego: 79 - DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#2751)}

    negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, {@65: Sup: 22 - RESISTANCE: KE (#2807);
    Ego: 19 - FOLLOWING: TS'UNG (#2770)}

    Australia had definitely an option to produce in Australia, {@66: Sup:
    80 - LABOURING: CH'IN (#2887); Ego: 39 - RESIDENCE: CHU (#2809)}

    to have submarines, {@67: Sup: 22 - RESISTANCE: KE (#2909); Ego: 75 -
    FAILURE: SHIH (#2884)}

    conventional submarines, {@68: Sup: 51 - CONSTANCY: CH'ANG (#2960); Ego:
    76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#2960)}

    and to get the submarines with a clear and reliable period of time,"
    {@69: Sup: 74 - CLOSURE: CHIH (#3034); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#3032)}

    he said. {@70: Sup: 21 - RELEASE: SHIH (#3055); Ego: 46 - ENLARGEMENT:
    K'UO (#3078)}

    "Now you have 18 months before a report. {@71: Sup: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN
    (#3059); Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#3082)}

    "Good luck." {@72: Sup: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#3068); Ego: 79 -
    DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#3161)}

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, {@73: Sup: 27 - DUTIES: SHIH (#3095);
    Ego: 1 - CENTRE: CHUNG (#3162)}

    saying he was "confident" the initial consultation on the nuclear
    submarine program would yield results. {@74: Sup: 52 - MEASURE: TU
    (#3147); Ego: 62 - DOUBT: YI (#3224)}

    TELOS TOTAL: #304868


    FEME: @161 = #161


    FEME: @81 + @161 = #242

    GRUMBLE (#3147, #3224)@[32, 81, 51, 80, 20, 78, 21, 4, 25, 40, 57, 33,
    43, 53, 20, 20, 61, 68, 68, 43, 58, 72, 32, 64, 76, 49, 62, 81, 49, 65,
    81, 35, 78, 23, 36, 17, 68, 65, 13, 35, 37, 26, 69, 9, 50, 14, 52, 55,
    58, 73, 73, 9, 33, 35, 2, 5, 2, 55, 38, 18, 53, 72, 14, 44, 37, 11, 32,
    65, 71, 16, 2, 79, 14, 19, 72, 39, 14, 75, 43, 76, 66, 72, 13, 46, 77,
    4, 1, 79, 19, 1, 44, 62, 76, 65, 21, 35, 45, 26, 77, 9, 58, 14, 60, 55,
    66, 73, 81, 9, 41, 35, 10, 5, 10, 55, 46, 18, 61, 72, 22, 44, 45, 11,
    40, 65, 79, 16, 10, 79, 22, 19, 80, 39, 22, 75, 51, 76, 74, 72, 21, 46,
    4, 4, 9, 79, 27, 1, 52, 62]

    GRUNTLE (#6192, #6371)@[32, 32, 32, 81, 2, 51, 1, 80, 21, 20, 18, 78,
    39, 21, 43, 4, 68, 25, 27, 40, 3, 57, 36, 33, 79, 43, 51, 53, 71, 20,
    10, 20, 71, 61, 58, 68, 45, 68, 7, 43, 65, 58, 56, 72, 7, 32, 71, 64,
    66, 76, 34, 49, 15, 62, 15, 81, 64, 49, 48, 65, 48, 81, 2, 35, 80, 78,
    22, 23, 58, 36, 75, 17, 62, 68, 46, 65, 59, 13, 13, 35, 50, 37, 76, 26,
    64, 69, 73, 9, 42, 50, 56, 14, 27, 52, 1, 55, 59, 58, 51, 73, 43, 73,
    52, 9, 4, 33, 39, 35, 41, 2, 46, 5, 48, 2, 22, 55, 60, 38, 78, 18, 50,
    53, 41, 72, 55, 14, 18, 44, 55, 37, 66, 11, 17, 32, 1, 65, 72, 71, 7,
    16, 9, 2, 7, 79, 21, 14, 40, 19, 31, 72, 70, 39, 3, 14, 78, 75, 40, 43,
    35, 76, 20, 66, 11, 72, 24, 13, 70, 46, 66, 77, 70, 4, 71, 1, 69, 79, 7,
    19, 8, 1, 52, 44, 33, 62, 28, 76, 12, 65, 33, 21, 68, 35, 32, 45, 58,
    26, 54, 77, 63, 9, 40, 58, 54, 14, 33, 60, 7, 55, 73, 66, 65, 73, 65,
    81, 74, 9, 34, 41, 69, 35, 79, 10, 3, 5, 13, 10, 68, 55, 33, 46, 51, 18,
    31, 61, 22, 72, 44, 22, 7, 44, 52, 45, 63, 11, 22, 40, 6, 65, 4, 79, 20,
    16, 30, 10, 28, 79, 50, 22, 69, 19, 68, 80, 26, 39, 48, 22, 42, 75, 12,
    51, 7, 76, 81, 74, 72, 72, 12, 21, 58, 46, 62, 4, 66, 4, 75, 9, 73, 79,
    19, 27, 20, 1, 72, 52, 53, 62]


    French President Emmanuel Macron has accused Scott Morrison of lying
    about the $90 billion submarine contract that was cancelled six weeks ago.

    Key points:

    Relations with France have tumbled since Australia announced a new
    security pact with the United States and United Kingdom

    Mr Macron said Australia's actions were "detrimental to the reputation"
    of the country and Prime Minister

    Mr Morrison said he had been clear with Mr Macron over Australia's

    Mr Macron made the extraordinary accusation after being approached by
    the ABC on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Rome.

    The tension between the two leaders is palpable after the massive deal
    was torn up, with Australia announcing its new defence and security pact
    with the United States and the United Kingdom along with a commitment to acquire nuclear-powered submarines.

    The French President was asked whether he thought Mr Morrison had lied
    to him about Australia's intentions.

    "I don't think, I know," he replied.

    "The AUKUS deal was very bad news for France — but not just for France, because I think it's a very bad news for credibility of Australia and a
    very bad news for the trust that great partners can have with the Australians.

    "I think this is detrimental to the reputation of your country and your
    Prime Minister."

    Australia's nuclear subs deal explained
    Are you wondering why there's so much fuss about Australia's decision to acquire nuclear submarines? We've broken it down for you.

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his daily press conference.

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been aware
    of Australia's shifting views, suggesting he raised it with him over
    dinner a number of months earlier.

    "I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to be
    able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make a decision in our national interest," Mr Morrison said.

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not going
    to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we were
    engaged in, and we then engaged over the months that followed, and then
    we communicated to him our ultimate decision.

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, we had dinner together."

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied.

    "I don't agree with that," the Prime Minister said.

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, says Macron
    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, under the new deal with
    the US and the UK.

    "With the French deal, negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, Australia had definitely an option to produce in Australia, to have submarines, conventional submarines, and to get the submarines with a clear and
    reliable period of time," he said.

    "Now you have 18 months before a report.
    "Good luck."

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, saying he was "confident" the initial consultation on the nuclear submarine program would yield results.

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his daily press conference.

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been aware
    of Australia's shifting views, suggesting he raised it with him over
    dinner a number of months earlier.

    " I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to be
    able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make a decision in our national interest," Mr Morrison said.

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not going
    to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we were
    engaged in, and we then engaged over the months that followed, and then
    we communicated to him our ultimate decision.

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, we had dinner together."

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied.

    "I don't agree with that," the Prime Minister said.

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, says Macron
    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, under the new deal with
    the US and the UK.

    "With the French deal, negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, Australia had definitely an option to produce in Australia, to have submarines, conventional submarines, and to get the submarines with a clear and
    reliable period of time," he said.

    "Now you have 18 months before a report.

    "Good luck."

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, saying he was "confident" the initial consultation on the nuclear submarine program would yield results.

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    It seems that the first casual meeting was anchored to

    The federal government was not @130 - evil minded but careless, so
    little wonder there was no small desire for any encounters.

    But how is one to regain virtue?

    Initial Post: 31 October 2021

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    Just including the original text with journalist recognition….

    Emmanuel Macron issues torpedo strike to Australia during
    conversation with
    Scott Morrison
    By political editor Andrew Probyn

    Thursday 28 Oct 2021 at 6:44pm, updated Thu 28 Oct 2021 at 8:45pm

    Emmanuel Macron's telephone call to Scott Morrison had the precision
    of a torpedo.

    News of the conversation broke as the Prime Minister's plane worked
    its way
    across Australia, on its way to the G20 Summit in Rome.

    It's weeks since Australia sank a $90 billion submarine contract with
    France but judging by the tone of the conversation — at least
    according to
    a read-out from the Élysée Palace — the French President's fury has not >>> cooled.

    President Macron told the Prime Minister that "Australia's unilateral
    decision" to break the contract "broke the relationship of trust between >>> our two countries".

    The President says Australia must propose "tangible" actions to
    the bilateral relationship — as well as the two nations' cooperation
    in the

    Tellingly, given the Prime Minister is already on the defensive over his >>> government's climate change commitments, the President says he
    Mr Morrison to adopt emission reduction measures "commensurate with the
    climate challenge" and cease production and consumption of coal.

    This is a deliberate strike by the French President at the PM's carbon
    credentials on the eve of next week's Glasgow climate talks.

    The PM's office says the Prime Minister was pleased to speak to the

    But it's already clear that there's a lot of work needed to heal the

    Ninety billion dollars worth of repair, to be precise.

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    #THREE:    #143    as #62 - DOUBT (YI)

    #FOUR:    #178    as #16 - CONTACT (CHIAO)

    #FIVE:    #321    as #78 - ON THE VERGE (CHIANG)

        #126 as [#70, #6, #50] / [#70, #6, #700] /     #156 as [#30, >>>> #70, #6, #700] / [#70, #6, #50, #20, #10] /     #188 as [#6, #70,
    #6, #50, #50, #6] / #627 as [#6, #40, #70, #6, #50, #400, #10, #5,
    #600] / [#40, #70, #6, #50,
    #6, #400, #10, #5, #600] / #632 as [#40, #70, #6, #50, #400, #10,
    #50, #6] = ʻâvôn (H5771): {UMBRA:
    #126 % #41 = #3}} 1) perversity, depravity, iniquity, guilt or
    of iniquity; 1a) iniquity; 1b) guilt of iniquity, guilt (as great),
    (of condition); 1c) consequence of or punishment for iniquity;

    UMBRA: #126 % #41 = #3 - Political Prescriptions, Quietude; I-Ching:
    H46 -
    Climbing, Moving / Pushing Upward, Ascending; Tetra: 8 - Opposition;

    THOTH MEASURE: #3 - Oh thou of the Nose, who makest thine appearance at >>>> Chemunnu; I am not evil minded.

        #VIRTUE: With Mired (no. #3), great woe.
    #TOOLS: With >>>> Encounters
    (no. #43), small desire.
    #POSITION: The ways of Purity (no. #37) >>>> and
    #TIME: Pattern (no. #47) where some are simple and some are >>>> complex?
    #CANON: #130

   @1: Sup: 3 - MIRED: HSIEN (#3); Ego: 3 - MIRED:
    HSIEN (#3),
   @2: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#49); Ego: 43 -
    YU (#46),
   @3: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#51); Ego: 37 - PURITY: >>>> TS'UI
   @4: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#100); Ego: 47 - PATTERN: WEN >>>> (#130 -
   Male: #100; Feme: #130
} // #130 >>>>
   @1: Sup: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#6); Ego: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI
   @2: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#52); Ego: 40 - LAW/MODEL: FA
   @3: Sup: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#87); Ego: 70 - SEVERANCE: KE
   @4: Sup: 41 - RESPONSE: YING (#128); Ego: 6 -
   @5: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN (#138); >>>> Ego: 50 -
   @6: Sup: 5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO >>>> (#143); Ego: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#248),
   @7: Sup: 15 - REACH: >>>> TA (#158
   @8: Sup: 20 - ADVANCE: CHIN (#178); Ego: 5 - KEEPING
   @9: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#231); Ego: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI
   Male: #231; Feme: #296
} // #627

    .jackNote@zen: 2, row: 4, col: 9, nous: 74 [TIME: 10:05, SUPER: #313
    / #6 -
    Female Superiority, Completion of Form; I-Ching: H25 - No Errancy,
    Embroiling, Innocence, Pestilence; Tetra: 66 - DEPARTURE (CH'U),
    EGO: #427
    / #74 - Controlling Feelings, Overcome Delusion; I-Ching: H29 - The
    Constant Sink Hole, Gorge, The abyss, Repeated entrapment; Tetra: 80 - >>>> LABOURING (CH'IN)]

    Emmanuel Macron's telephone call to Scott Morrison had the precision
    of a torpedo. {@1: Sup: 50 - VASTNESS / WASTING: T'ANG (#50); Ego: 77 - >>>> COMPLIANCE: HSUN (#77)}

    News of the conversation broke as the Prime Minister's plane worked
    its way
    across Australia, {@2: Sup: 65 - INNER: NEI (#115 - I AM NOT A
    MEN {%5}); Ego: 59 - MASSING: CHU (#136)}

    on its way to the G20 Summit in Rome. {@3: Sup: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG
    - I AM NOT ONE OF LOUD VOICE {%37}); Ego: 66 - DEPARTURE: CH'U (#202)} >>>>
    It's weeks since Australia sank a $90 billion submarine contract with
    France but judging by the tone of the conversation — at least
    according to
    a read-out from the Elysee Palace — the French President's fury has not >>>> cooled. {@4: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH (#257); Ego: 80 - LABOURING: >>>> CH'IN (#282)}

    President Macron told the Prime Minister that "Australia's unilateral
    decision" to break the contract "broke the relationship of trust
    our two countries". {@5: Sup: 69 - EXHAUSTION: CH'IUNG (#326); Ego:
    43 -
    ENCOUNTERS: YU (#325)}

    The President says Australia must propose "tangible" actions to
    the bilateral relationship — as well as the two nations' cooperation >>>> in the
    Indo-Pacific. {@6: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#379); Ego: 9 -
    SHU (#334)}

    Tellingly, {@7: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#432); Ego: 8 -

    given the Prime Minister is already on the defensive over his
    climate change commitments, {@8: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#500);
    Ego: 42 -
    GOING TO MEET: YING (#384)}

    the President says he encouraged Mr Morrison to adopt emission
    measures "commensurate with the climate challenge" and cease
    production and
    consumption of coal. {@9: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#549); Ego: 9 -
    OUT: SHU (#393)}

    This is a deliberate strike by the French President at the PM's carbon >>>> credentials on the eve of next week's Glasgow climate talks. {@10:
    Sup: 75
    - FAILURE: SHIH (#624); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#465)}

    The PM's office says the Prime Minister was pleased to speak to the
    President. {@11: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#626); Ego: 4 -

    But it's already clear that there's a lot of work needed to heal the
    relationship. {@12: Sup: 28 - CHANGE: KENG (#654); Ego: 58 -
    HSI (#527)}

    Ninety billion dollars worth of repair, {@13: Sup: 12 -
    (#666); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#562)}

    to be precise. {@14: Sup: 12 - YOUTHFULNESS: T'UNG (#678); Ego: 63 -
    SHIH (#625)}

    TELOS TOTAL: #84055

    MALE: @115 + @196 = #311

    FEME: @136 = #136

    GRUMBLE (#678, #625)@[50, 77, 65, 59, 81, 66, 61, 80, 69, 43, 53, 9,
    53, 8,
    68, 42, 49, 9, 75, 72, 2, 4, 28, 58, 12, 35, 12, 63]

    GRUNTLE (#1151, #1303)@[50, 50, 46, 77, 30, 65, 8, 59, 8, 81, 74,
    66, 54,
    61, 53, 80, 41, 69, 3, 43, 56, 53, 65, 9, 37, 53, 45, 8, 32, 68, 74,
    42, 49, 51, 9, 45, 75, 36, 72, 38, 2, 42, 4, 70, 28, 47, 58, 59, 12,
    35, 25, 12, 7, 63]

    YOUTUBE: "The Meerkat Circus"


    {#390 - ROBBERS} v’s HOMOIOS {#391 - STEWARDS OF GOD’S HOUSE} THEORY OF NUMBER) as universal of right and wrong...} *THE* *ORTHODOX* *AND*
    *ROMAN* *CATHOLIC* *CHURCH'S* *CLAIM* {#390 as 1, #100, #80, #1, #3, #5,
    #200 as harpax (G727): {#11 as #242} 1) rapacious, ravenous; 2) a
    extortioner, a robber} *TO* *JUBILEE2000* *AS* *BEING* *DELUSIONAL*

    Private Street on the edge of the Central Business District dated 16th
    May, 2000 - This report is prepared in response to a TP00/55 as a Notice
    of an Application for Planning Permit



    Chinese HAN Dynasty (206 BCE - 220CE) Hexagon Trigrams to Tetragram
    assignments proposed by Yang Hsiung (53BCE - 18CE) which by 4BCE
    (translation published within English as first European language in
    1993), first appeared in draft form as a meta-thesis titled T'AI HSUAN
    CHING {ie. Canon of Supreme Mystery} on Natural Divination associated
    with the theory of number, annual seasonal chronology and astrology
    reliant upon the seven visible planets as cosmological mother image and
    the zodiac.

    It shows the ZIRAN as the DAO of NATURE / COURSE-trochos OF
    NATURE-genesis [James 3:6] as HYPOSTASIS comprising #81 trinomial tetragrammaton x 4.5 day = #364.5 day / year as HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER
    which is an amalgam of the 64 hexagrams as binomial trigrams / 81 as
    trinomial tetragrammaton rather than its encapsulated contrived use as

    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From dolf@21:1/5 to dolf on Mon Nov 1 14:54:11 2021
    XPost: aus.politics, alt.france, de.soc.weltanschauung.islam
    XPost: nl.politiek

    Since the tally #FIVE: #325 is also the noumenon aggregation for #231 - JUXTAPOSITION control as an equivalent value for the latest media
    release involving the French President we would reasonably conclude that
    such statements / actions are an artifice so as to give MACRON some
    mileage for the first round of the 2022 French presidential election
    which will be held on 10 April 2022:

    #THREE: #125 as #44 - STOVE (TSAO)
    #FOUR: #200 as #38 - FULLNESS (SHENG)
    #FIVE: #325 as #1 - CENTRE (CHUNG)

    And caution the MACRON to keep his 'snake in the grass' behaviour in
    accord with the facts...

    On 1/11/21 11:05, dolf wrote:
    as [#50, #200, #1, #5] / [#5, #200, #1, #10, #600] /
        #281 as [#30, #200, #1, #10, #600] /
    #241 as [#200, #1, #600] / [#30, #5, #200, #1, #5] /
    #257 as [#50, #200, #1, #6] / [#6, #10, #200, #1, #600] /
    #611 as [#200, #1, #10, #400] / [#400, #200, #1, #10] /
    #632 as [#6, #200, #1, #10, #400, #10, #5] / [#20, #200, #1, #6, #400,
    #5] /
    #642 as [#30, #5, #200, #1, #6, #400] /
    #652 as [#5, #200, #1, #6, #400, #600] /
    #666 as [#400, #200, #1, #10, #50, #5] / [#5, #200, #1, #10, #400, #10,
    #600] = râʼâh (H7200): {UMBRA: #206 % #41 = #1}} 1) to see, look at, inspect, perceive, consider; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to see; 1a2) to see,
    perceive; 1a3) to see, have vision; 1a4) to look at, see, regard, look
    after, see after, learn about, observe, watch, look upon, look out, find
    out; 1a5) to see, observe, consider, look at, give attention to,
    discern, distinguish; 1a6) to look at, gaze at; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to
    appear, present oneself; 1b2) to be seen; 1b3) to be visible; 1c) (Pual)
    to be seen; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to cause to see, show; 1d2) to cause to
    look intently at, behold, cause to gaze at; 1e) (Hophal); 1e1) to be
    caused to see, be shown; 1e2) to be exhibited to; 1f) (Hithpael) *to*
    *look* *at* *each* *other*, *face*;

    On 1/11/21 10:06, dolf wrote:
    #THREE:        #138    as #57 - GUARDEDNESS (SHOU)
    #FOUR:        #187    as #25 - CONTENTION (CHENG)
    #FIVE:        #325    as #1 - CENTRE (CHUNG)

    #879 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1] /
    #929 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #50] /
    #933 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #5, #50] /
    #974 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #40, #5, #50] /
    #1075 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #200, #9, #8] /
    #1079 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #200] /
    #1184 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #300, #5] /
    #1198 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #5, #10, #300, #5] /
    #1453 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #70, #300, #5, #200] /
    #2188 -  *JUDICIAL* *OVERSIGHT* as [#3, #10, #50, #800, #200, #20, #5,
    #300, #800] = ginṓskō (G1097): {UMBRA: #1883 % #41 = #38}} 1) to learn
    to know, come to know, get a knowledge of perceive, feel; 1a) to
    become known; 2) to know, understand, perceive, have knowledge of; 2a)
    to understand; 2b) to know; 3) Jewish idiom for sexual intercourse
    between a man and a woman; 4) to become acquainted with, to know;

    #71 #1 #11
    #61 #81 #21



    @123 / #2188 - SECTION III (?) <— JUDICIAL OVERSIGHT


    as [#30, #5, #30, #1, #30, #8, #20, #1] /
         #381 as [#30, #1, #30, #5, #10, #300, #5] /
    #179 as [#30, #5, #30, #1, #30, #8, #20, #5, #50] /
    #602 as [#30, #1, #30, #8, #9, #8, #200, #5, #300, #1, #10] = laléō
    (G2980): {UMBRA: #866 % #41 = #5}} 1) to utter a voice or emit a
    sound; 2) to speak; 2a) to use the tongue or the faculty of speech;
    2b) to utter articulate sounds; 3) to talk; 4) to utter, tell; 5) to
    use words in order to declare one's mind and disclose one's thoughts;
    5a) to speak;

    .jackNote@zen: 4, row: 4, col: 8, nous: 55 [TIME: 09:55, SUPER: #335 /
    #23 - Constancy of Guiding Concepts, Emptiness & Non-Existence; I-Ching:
    H18 - Ills to Be Cured, Arresting Decay, Correcting, Work on what has
    been spoiled (decay), Decaying, Branch; Tetra: 26 - ENDEAVOUR (WU), EGO:
    #393 / #55 - Abstruse Mysterious Signs; I-Ching: H22 - Elegance, Grace, Adorning, Luxuriance; Tetra: 54 - UNITY (K'UN)]

    French President Emmanuel Macron has accused Scott Morrison of lying
    about the $90 billion submarine contract that was cancelled six weeks
    ago. {@1: Sup: 32 - LEGION: CHUANG (#32); Ego: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG (#81)}

    Key points: {@2: Sup: 51 - CONSTANCY: CH'ANG (#83); Ego: 80 - LABOURING: CH'IN (#161 - I AM NOT A TELLER OF LIES {%9})}

    Relations with France have tumbled since Australia announced a new
    security pact with the United States and United Kingdom {@3: Sup: 20 - ADVANCE: CHIN (#103); Ego: 78 - ON THE VERGE: CHIANG (#239)}

    Mr Macron said Australia's actions were "detrimental to the reputation"
    of the country and Prime Minister {@4: Sup: 21 - RELEASE: SHIH (#124);
    Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#243)}

    Mr Morrison said he had been clear with Mr Macron over Australia's
    intentions {@5: Sup: 25 - CONTENTION: CHENG (#149); Ego: 40 - LAW/MODEL:
    FA (#283)}

    Mr Macron made the extraordinary accusation after being approached by
    the ABC on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Rome. {@6: Sup: 57 - GUARDEDNESS: SHOU (#206); Ego: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI (#316)}

    The tension between the two leaders is palpable after the massive deal
    was torn up, {@7: Sup: 43 - ENCOUNTERS: YU (#249); Ego: 53 - ETERNITY:
    YUNG (#369)}

    with Australia announcing its new defence and security pact with the
    United States and the United Kingdom along with a commitment to acquire nuclear-powered submarines. {@8: Sup: 20 - ADVANCE: CHIN (#269); Ego: 20
    - ADVANCE: CHIN (#389)}

    The French President was asked whether he thought Mr Morrison had lied
    to him about Australia's intentions. {@9: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH (#330); Ego: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#457)}

    "I don't think, {@10: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#398); Ego: 43 -
    ENCOUNTERS: YU (#500)}

    I know," {@11: Sup: 58 - GATHERING IN: HSI (#456); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS:
    CHIEN (#572)}

    he replied. {@12: Sup: 32 - LEGION: CHUANG (#488); Ego: 64 - SINKING:
    CH'EN (#636)}

    "The AUKUS deal was very bad news for France — but not just for France, {@13: Sup: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#564); Ego: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#685)}

    because I think it's a very bad news for credibility of Australia and a
    very bad news for the trust that great partners can have with the Australians. {@14: Sup: 62 - DOUBT: YI (#626); Ego: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG (#766)}

    "I think this is detrimental to the reputation of your country and your
    Prime Minister." {@15: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#675); Ego: 65 - INNER:
    NEI (#831)}

    Australia's nuclear subs deal explained {@16: Sup: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG (#756); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#866)}

    Are you wondering why there's so much fuss about Australia's decision to acquire nuclear submarines? {@17: Sup: 78 - ON THE VERGE: CHIANG (#834);
    Ego: 23 - EASE: YI (#889)}

    We've broken it down for you. {@18: Sup: 36 - STRENGTH: CH'IANG (#870);
    Ego: 17 - HOLDING BACK: JUAN (#906)}

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his daily press conference. {@19: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#938); Ego: 65 - INNER:
    NEI (#971)}

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been aware
    of Australia's shifting views, {@20: Sup: 13 - INCREASE: TSENG (#951);
    Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#1006)}

    suggesting he raised it with him over dinner a number of months earlier. {@21: Sup: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI (#988); Ego: 26 - ENDEAVOUR: WU (#1032)}

    "I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to be
    able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make a decision in our national interest," {@22: Sup: 69 - EXHAUSTION: CH'IUNG (#1057); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#1041)}

    Mr Morrison said. {@23: Sup: 50 - VASTNESS / WASTING: T'ANG (#1107);
    Ego: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI (#1055)}

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not going
    to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we were
    engaged in, {@24: Sup: 52 - MEASURE: TU (#1159); Ego: 55 - DIMINISHMENT: CHIEN (#1110)}

    and we then engaged over the months that followed, {@25: Sup: 58 -

    and then we communicated to him our ultimate decision. {@26: Sup: 73 - ALREADY FORDING, COMPLETION: CH'ENG (#1290); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#1192)}

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, {@27:
    Sup: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI (#1323); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#1227)}

    we had dinner together." {@28: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#1325); Ego:
    5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO (#1232)}

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied. {@29: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#1327); Ego: 55 - DIMINISHMENT: CHIEN (#1287)}

    "I don't agree with that," {@30: Sup: 38 - FULLNESS: SHENG (#1365); Ego:
    18 - WAITING: HSI (#1305)}

    the Prime Minister said. {@31: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#1418); Ego: 72
    - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#1377)}

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, {@32: Sup: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI
    (#1432); Ego: 44 - STOVE: TSAO (#1421)}

    says Macron {@33: Sup: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI (#1469); Ego: 11 - DIVERGENCE:
    CH'A (#1432)}

    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, {@34: Sup: 32 - LEGION: CHUANG (#1501); Ego: 65 - INNER: NEI (#1497)}

    under the new deal with the US and the UK. {@35: Sup: 71 - STOPPAGE:
    CHIH (#1572); Ego: 16 - CONTACT: CHIAO (#1513)}

    "With the French deal, {@36: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#1574); Ego: 79
    - DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#1592)}

    negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, {@37: Sup: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI
    (#1588); Ego: 19 - FOLLOWING: TS'UNG (#1611)}

    Australia had definitely an option to produce in Australia, {@38: Sup:
    72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#1660); Ego: 39 - RESIDENCE: CHU (#1650)}

    to have submarines, {@39: Sup: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI (#1674); Ego: 75 - FAILURE: SHIH (#1725)}

    conventional submarines, {@40: Sup: 43 - ENCOUNTERS: YU (#1717); Ego: 76
    - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#1801)}

    and to get the submarines with a clear and reliable period of time,"
    {@41: Sup: 66 - DEPARTURE: CH'U (#1783); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#1873)}

    he said. {@42: Sup: 13 - INCREASE: TSENG (#1796); Ego: 46 - ENLARGEMENT:
    K'UO (#1919)}

    "Now you have 18 months before a report. {@43: Sup: 77 - COMPLIANCE:
    HSUN (#1873); Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#1923)}

    "Good luck." {@44: Sup: 1 - CENTRE: CHUNG (#1874); Ego: 79 -
    DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#2002)}

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, {@45: Sup: 19 - FOLLOWING: TS'UNG
    (#1893); Ego: 1 - CENTRE: CHUNG (#2003)}

    saying he was "confident" the initial consultation on the nuclear
    submarine program would yield results. {@46: Sup: 44 - STOVE: TSAO
    (#1937); Ego: 62 - DOUBT: YI (#2065)}

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his daily press conference. {@47: Sup: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#2013); Ego: 65 -
    INNER: NEI (#2130)}

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been aware
    of Australia's shifting views, {@48: Sup: 21 - RELEASE: SHIH (#2034);
    Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#2165)}

    suggesting he raised it with him over dinner a number of months earlier. {@49: Sup: 45 - GREATNESS: TA (#2079); Ego: 26 - ENDEAVOUR: WU (#2191)}

    " I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to be
    able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make a decision in our national interest," {@50: Sup: 77 - COMPLIANCE: HSUN
    (#2156); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#2200)}

    Mr Morrison said. {@51: Sup: 58 - GATHERING IN: HSI (#2214); Ego: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI (#2214)}

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not going
    to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we were
    engaged in, {@52: Sup: 60 - ACCUMULATION: CHI (#2274); Ego: 55 - DIMINISHMENT: CHIEN (#2269)}

    and we then engaged over the months that followed, {@53: Sup: 66 -

    and then we communicated to him our ultimate decision. {@54: Sup: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG (#2421); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#2351)}

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, {@55:
    Sup: 41 - RESPONSE: YING (#2462); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#2386)}

    we had dinner together." {@56: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION:
    HSIEN (#2472); Ego: 5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO (#2391)}

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied. {@57: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN (#2482); Ego: 55 - DIMINISHMENT: CHIEN (#2446)}

    "I don't agree with that," {@58: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#2528);
    Ego: 18 - WAITING: HSI (#2464)}

    the Prime Minister said. {@59: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH (#2589);
    Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#2536)}

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, {@60: Sup: 22 - RESISTANCE: KE
    (#2611); Ego: 44 - STOVE: TSAO (#2580)}

    says Macron {@61: Sup: 45 - GREATNESS: TA (#2656); Ego: 11 - DIVERGENCE:
    CH'A (#2591)}

    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, {@62: Sup: 40 -
    LAW/MODEL: FA (#2696); Ego: 65 - INNER: NEI (#2656)}

    under the new deal with the US and the UK. {@63: Sup: 79 - DIFFICULTIES:
    NAN (#2775); Ego: 16 - CONTACT: CHIAO (#2672)}

    "With the French deal, {@64: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN (#2785); Ego: 79 - DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#2751)}

    negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, {@65: Sup: 22 - RESISTANCE: KE (#2807);
    Ego: 19 - FOLLOWING: TS'UNG (#2770)}

    Australia had definitely an option to produce in Australia, {@66: Sup:
    80 - LABOURING: CH'IN (#2887); Ego: 39 - RESIDENCE: CHU (#2809)}

    to have submarines, {@67: Sup: 22 - RESISTANCE: KE (#2909); Ego: 75 - FAILURE: SHIH (#2884)}

    conventional submarines, {@68: Sup: 51 - CONSTANCY: CH'ANG (#2960); Ego:
    76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#2960)}

    and to get the submarines with a clear and reliable period of time,"
    {@69: Sup: 74 - CLOSURE: CHIH (#3034); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#3032)}

    he said. {@70: Sup: 21 - RELEASE: SHIH (#3055); Ego: 46 - ENLARGEMENT:
    K'UO (#3078)}

    "Now you have 18 months before a report. {@71: Sup: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#3059); Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#3082)}

    "Good luck." {@72: Sup: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#3068); Ego: 79 - DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#3161)}

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, {@73: Sup: 27 - DUTIES: SHIH (#3095);
    Ego: 1 - CENTRE: CHUNG (#3162)}

    saying he was "confident" the initial consultation on the nuclear
    submarine program would yield results. {@74: Sup: 52 - MEASURE: TU
    (#3147); Ego: 62 - DOUBT: YI (#3224)}

    TELOS TOTAL: #304868


    FEME: @161 = #161


    FEME: @81 + @161 = #242

    GRUMBLE (#3147, #3224)@[32, 81, 51, 80, 20, 78, 21, 4, 25, 40, 57, 33,
    43, 53, 20, 20, 61, 68, 68, 43, 58, 72, 32, 64, 76, 49, 62, 81, 49, 65,
    81, 35, 78, 23, 36, 17, 68, 65, 13, 35, 37, 26, 69, 9, 50, 14, 52, 55,
    58, 73, 73, 9, 33, 35, 2, 5, 2, 55, 38, 18, 53, 72, 14, 44, 37, 11, 32,
    65, 71, 16, 2, 79, 14, 19, 72, 39, 14, 75, 43, 76, 66, 72, 13, 46, 77,
    4, 1, 79, 19, 1, 44, 62, 76, 65, 21, 35, 45, 26, 77, 9, 58, 14, 60, 55,
    66, 73, 81, 9, 41, 35, 10, 5, 10, 55, 46, 18, 61, 72, 22, 44, 45, 11,
    40, 65, 79, 16, 10, 79, 22, 19, 80, 39, 22, 75, 51, 76, 74, 72, 21, 46,
    4, 4, 9, 79, 27, 1, 52, 62]

    GRUNTLE (#6192, #6371)@[32, 32, 32, 81, 2, 51, 1, 80, 21, 20, 18, 78,
    39, 21, 43, 4, 68, 25, 27, 40, 3, 57, 36, 33, 79, 43, 51, 53, 71, 20,
    10, 20, 71, 61, 58, 68, 45, 68, 7, 43, 65, 58, 56, 72, 7, 32, 71, 64,
    66, 76, 34, 49, 15, 62, 15, 81, 64, 49, 48, 65, 48, 81, 2, 35, 80, 78,
    22, 23, 58, 36, 75, 17, 62, 68, 46, 65, 59, 13, 13, 35, 50, 37, 76, 26,
    64, 69, 73, 9, 42, 50, 56, 14, 27, 52, 1, 55, 59, 58, 51, 73, 43, 73,
    52, 9, 4, 33, 39, 35, 41, 2, 46, 5, 48, 2, 22, 55, 60, 38, 78, 18, 50,
    53, 41, 72, 55, 14, 18, 44, 55, 37, 66, 11, 17, 32, 1, 65, 72, 71, 7,
    16, 9, 2, 7, 79, 21, 14, 40, 19, 31, 72, 70, 39, 3, 14, 78, 75, 40, 43,
    35, 76, 20, 66, 11, 72, 24, 13, 70, 46, 66, 77, 70, 4, 71, 1, 69, 79, 7,
    19, 8, 1, 52, 44, 33, 62, 28, 76, 12, 65, 33, 21, 68, 35, 32, 45, 58,
    26, 54, 77, 63, 9, 40, 58, 54, 14, 33, 60, 7, 55, 73, 66, 65, 73, 65,
    81, 74, 9, 34, 41, 69, 35, 79, 10, 3, 5, 13, 10, 68, 55, 33, 46, 51, 18,
    31, 61, 22, 72, 44, 22, 7, 44, 52, 45, 63, 11, 22, 40, 6, 65, 4, 79, 20,
    16, 30, 10, 28, 79, 50, 22, 69, 19, 68, 80, 26, 39, 48, 22, 42, 75, 12,
    51, 7, 76, 81, 74, 72, 72, 12, 21, 58, 46, 62, 4, 66, 4, 75, 9, 73, 79,
    19, 27, 20, 1, 72, 52, 53, 62]


    French President Emmanuel Macron has accused Scott Morrison of lying
    about the $90 billion submarine contract that was cancelled six weeks

    Key points:

    Relations with France have tumbled since Australia announced a new
    security pact with the United States and United Kingdom

    Mr Macron said Australia's actions were "detrimental to the
    reputation" of the country and Prime Minister

    Mr Morrison said he had been clear with Mr Macron over Australia's

    Mr Macron made the extraordinary accusation after being approached by
    the ABC on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Rome.

    The tension between the two leaders is palpable after the massive deal
    was torn up, with Australia announcing its new defence and security
    pact with the United States and the United Kingdom along with a
    commitment to acquire nuclear-powered submarines.

    The French President was asked whether he thought Mr Morrison had lied
    to him about Australia's intentions.

    "I don't think, I know," he replied.

    "The AUKUS deal was very bad news for France — but not just for
    France, because I think it's a very bad news for credibility of
    Australia and a very bad news for the trust that great partners can
    have with the Australians.

    "I think this is detrimental to the reputation of your country and
    your Prime Minister."

    Australia's nuclear subs deal explained
    Are you wondering why there's so much fuss about Australia's decision
    to acquire nuclear submarines? We've broken it down for you.

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his
    daily press conference.

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been
    aware of Australia's shifting views, suggesting he raised it with him
    over dinner a number of months earlier.

    "I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to
    be able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make
    a decision in our national interest," Mr Morrison said.

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not
    going to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we
    were engaged in, and we then engaged over the months that followed,
    and then we communicated to him our ultimate decision.

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, we
    had dinner together."

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied.

    "I don't agree with that," the Prime Minister said.

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, says Macron
    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, under the new deal
    with the US and the UK.

    "With the French deal, negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, Australia had
    definitely an option to produce in Australia, to have submarines,
    conventional submarines, and to get the submarines with a clear and
    reliable period of time," he said.

    "Now you have 18 months before a report.
    "Good luck."

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, saying he was "confident" the
    initial consultation on the nuclear submarine program would yield

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his
    daily press conference.

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been
    aware of Australia's shifting views, suggesting he raised it with him
    over dinner a number of months earlier.

    " I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to
    be able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make
    a decision in our national interest," Mr Morrison said.

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not
    going to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we
    were engaged in, and we then engaged over the months that followed,
    and then we communicated to him our ultimate decision.

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, we
    had dinner together."

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied.

    "I don't agree with that," the Prime Minister said.

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, says Macron
    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, under the new deal
    with the US and the UK.

    "With the French deal, negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, Australia had
    definitely an option to produce in Australia, to have submarines,
    conventional submarines, and to get the submarines with a clear and
    reliable period of time," he said.

    "Now you have 18 months before a report.

    "Good luck."

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, saying he was "confident" the
    initial consultation on the nuclear submarine program would yield

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    It seems that the first casual meeting was anchored to

    The federal government was not @130 - evil minded but careless, so
    little wonder there was no small desire for any encounters.

    But how is one to regain virtue?

    Initial Post: 31 October 2021

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    Just including the original text with journalist recognition….

    Emmanuel Macron issues torpedo strike to Australia during
    conversation with
    Scott Morrison
    By political editor Andrew Probyn

    Thursday 28 Oct 2021 at 6:44pm, updated Thu 28 Oct 2021 at 8:45pm

    Emmanuel Macron's telephone call to Scott Morrison had the precision
    of a torpedo.

    News of the conversation broke as the Prime Minister's plane worked
    its way
    across Australia, on its way to the G20 Summit in Rome.

    It's weeks since Australia sank a $90 billion submarine contract with
    France but judging by the tone of the conversation — at least
    according to
    a read-out from the Élysée Palace — the French President's fury has not

    President Macron told the Prime Minister that "Australia's unilateral
    decision" to break the contract "broke the relationship of trust
    our two countries".

    The President says Australia must propose "tangible" actions to
    the bilateral relationship — as well as the two nations' cooperation >>>> in the

    Tellingly, given the Prime Minister is already on the defensive over
    government's climate change commitments, the President says he
    Mr Morrison to adopt emission reduction measures "commensurate with the >>>> climate challenge" and cease production and consumption of coal.

    This is a deliberate strike by the French President at the PM's carbon >>>> credentials on the eve of next week's Glasgow climate talks.

    The PM's office says the Prime Minister was pleased to speak to the

    But it's already clear that there's a lot of work needed to heal the

    Ninety billion dollars worth of repair, to be precise.

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    #THREE:    #143    as #62 - DOUBT (YI)

    #FOUR:    #178    as #16 - CONTACT (CHIAO)

    #FIVE:    #321    as #78 - ON THE VERGE (CHIANG)

        #126 as [#70, #6, #50] / [#70, #6, #700] /     #156 as [#30, >>>>> #70, #6, #700] / [#70, #6, #50, #20, #10] /     #188 as [#6, #70, >>>>> #6, #50, #50, #6] / #627 as [#6, #40, #70, #6, #50, #400, #10, #5,
    #600] / [#40, #70, #6, #50,
    #6, #400, #10, #5, #600] / #632 as [#40, #70, #6, #50, #400, #10,
    #50, #6] = ʻâvôn (H5771): {UMBRA:
    #126 % #41 = #3}} 1) perversity, depravity, iniquity, guilt or
    of iniquity; 1a) iniquity; 1b) guilt of iniquity, guilt (as great),
    (of condition); 1c) consequence of or punishment for iniquity;

    UMBRA: #126 % #41 = #3 - Political Prescriptions, Quietude;
    I-Ching: H46 -
    Climbing, Moving / Pushing Upward, Ascending; Tetra: 8 - Opposition; >>>>>
    THOTH MEASURE: #3 - Oh thou of the Nose, who makest thine
    appearance at
    Chemunnu; I am not evil minded.

        #VIRTUE: With Mired (no. #3), great woe.
    #TOOLS: With >>>>> Encounters
    (no. #43), small desire.
    #POSITION: The ways of Purity (no. >>>>> #37) and
    #TIME: Pattern (no. #47) where some are simple and some are >>>>> complex?
    #CANON: #130

   @1: Sup: 3 - MIRED: HSIEN (#3); Ego: 3 - >>>>> MIRED:
    HSIEN (#3),
   @2: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#49); Ego: 43 - >>>>> ENCOUNTERS:
    YU (#46),
   @3: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#51); Ego: 37 -
   @4: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#100); Ego: 47 - PATTERN: WEN >>>>> (#130 -
   Male: #100; Feme: #130
} // #130 >>>>>
   @1: Sup: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#6); Ego: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI
   @2: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#52); Ego: 40 -
   @3: Sup: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#87); Ego: 70 - SEVERANCE: KE
   @4: Sup: 41 - RESPONSE: YING (#128); Ego: 6 -
   @5: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN (#138); >>>>> Ego: 50 -
   @6: Sup: 5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO
    (#143); Ego: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#248),
   @7: Sup: 15 - REACH: >>>>> TA (#158
   @8: Sup: 20 - ADVANCE: CHIN (#178); Ego: 5 - KEEPING >>>>> SMALL: SHAO
   @9: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#231); Ego: 33 -
   Male: #231; Feme: #296
} // #627

    .jackNote@zen: 2, row: 4, col: 9, nous: 74 [TIME: 10:05, SUPER:
    #313 / #6 -
    Female Superiority, Completion of Form; I-Ching: H25 - No Errancy,
    Embroiling, Innocence, Pestilence; Tetra: 66 - DEPARTURE (CH'U),
    EGO: #427
    / #74 - Controlling Feelings, Overcome Delusion; I-Ching: H29 - The
    Constant Sink Hole, Gorge, The abyss, Repeated entrapment; Tetra: 80 - >>>>> LABOURING (CH'IN)]

    Emmanuel Macron's telephone call to Scott Morrison had the
    precision timing
    of a torpedo. {@1: Sup: 50 - VASTNESS / WASTING: T'ANG (#50); Ego:
    77 -

    News of the conversation broke as the Prime Minister's plane worked
    its way
    across Australia, {@2: Sup: 65 - INNER: NEI (#115 - I AM NOT A
    MEN {%5}); Ego: 59 - MASSING: CHU (#136)}

    on its way to the G20 Summit in Rome. {@3: Sup: 81 - FOSTERING:
    YANG (#196
    - I AM NOT ONE OF LOUD VOICE {%37}); Ego: 66 - DEPARTURE: CH'U (#202)} >>>>>
    It's weeks since Australia sank a $90 billion submarine contract with >>>>> France but judging by the tone of the conversation — at least
    according to
    a read-out from the Elysee Palace — the French President's fury has >>>>> not
    cooled. {@4: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH (#257); Ego: 80 -
    CH'IN (#282)}

    President Macron told the Prime Minister that "Australia's unilateral >>>>> decision" to break the contract "broke the relationship of trust
    our two countries". {@5: Sup: 69 - EXHAUSTION: CH'IUNG (#326); Ego:
    43 -
    ENCOUNTERS: YU (#325)}

    The President says Australia must propose "tangible" actions to
    the bilateral relationship — as well as the two nations'
    cooperation in the
    Indo-Pacific. {@6: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#379); Ego: 9 -
    SHU (#334)}

    Tellingly, {@7: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#432); Ego: 8 -

    given the Prime Minister is already on the defensive over his
    climate change commitments, {@8: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#500);
    Ego: 42 -
    GOING TO MEET: YING (#384)}

    the President says he encouraged Mr Morrison to adopt emission
    measures "commensurate with the climate challenge" and cease
    production and
    consumption of coal. {@9: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#549); Ego: 9 -
    OUT: SHU (#393)}

    This is a deliberate strike by the French President at the PM's carbon >>>>> credentials on the eve of next week's Glasgow climate talks. {@10:
    Sup: 75
    - FAILURE: SHIH (#624); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#465)}

    The PM's office says the Prime Minister was pleased to speak to the
    President. {@11: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#626); Ego: 4 -

    But it's already clear that there's a lot of work needed to heal the >>>>> relationship. {@12: Sup: 28 - CHANGE: KENG (#654); Ego: 58 -
    HSI (#527)}

    Ninety billion dollars worth of repair, {@13: Sup: 12 -
    (#666); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#562)}

    to be precise. {@14: Sup: 12 - YOUTHFULNESS: T'UNG (#678); Ego: 63
    - WATCH:
    SHIH (#625)}

    TELOS TOTAL: #84055

    MALE: @115 + @196 = #311

    FEME: @136 = #136

    GRUMBLE (#678, #625)@[50, 77, 65, 59, 81, 66, 61, 80, 69, 43, 53,
    9, 53, 8,
    68, 42, 49, 9, 75, 72, 2, 4, 28, 58, 12, 35, 12, 63]

    GRUNTLE (#1151, #1303)@[50, 50, 46, 77, 30, 65, 8, 59, 8, 81, 74,
    66, 54,
    61, 53, 80, 41, 69, 3, 43, 56, 53, 65, 9, 37, 53, 45, 8, 32, 68,
    74, 42,
    42, 49, 51, 9, 45, 75, 36, 72, 38, 2, 42, 4, 70, 28, 47, 58, 59,
    12, 13,
    35, 25, 12, 7, 63]

    YOUTUBE: "The Meerkat Circus"


    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From dolf@21:1/5 to dolf on Mon Nov 1 18:11:21 2021
    XPost: aus.politics, alt.france, de.soc.weltanschauung.islam
    XPost: nl.politiek

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    Since the tally #FIVE: #325 is also the noumenon aggregation for #231 - JUXTAPOSITION control as an equivalent value for the latest media
    release involving the French President we would reasonably conclude that
    such statements / actions are an artifice so as to give MACRON some
    mileage for the first round of the 2022 French presidential election
    which will be held on 10 April 2022:

    #THREE: #125 as #44 - STOVE (TSAO)
    #FOUR: #200 as #38 - FULLNESS (SHENG)
    #FIVE: #325 as #1 - CENTRE (CHUNG)

    And caution the MACRON to keep his 'snake in the grass' behaviour in
    accord with the facts...

    A person who is aggrieved by so called lies of another does not laugh to himself when conveying such a scenario.

    On 1/11/21 11:05, dolf wrote:
    as [#50, #200, #1, #5] / [#5, #200, #1, #10, #600] /
        #281 as [#30, #200, #1, #10, #600] /
    #241 as [#200, #1, #600] / [#30, #5, #200, #1, #5] /
    #257 as [#50, #200, #1, #6] / [#6, #10, #200, #1, #600] /
    #611 as [#200, #1, #10, #400] / [#400, #200, #1, #10] /
    #632 as [#6, #200, #1, #10, #400, #10, #5] / [#20, #200, #1, #6, #400,
    #5] /
    #642 as [#30, #5, #200, #1, #6, #400] /
    #652 as [#5, #200, #1, #6, #400, #600] /
    #666 as [#400, #200, #1, #10, #50, #5] / [#5, #200, #1, #10, #400, #10,
    #600] = râʼâh (H7200): {UMBRA: #206 % #41 = #1}} 1) to see, look at,
    inspect, perceive, consider; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to see; 1a2) to see,
    perceive; 1a3) to see, have vision; 1a4) to look at, see, regard, look
    after, see after, learn about, observe, watch, look upon, look out, find
    out; 1a5) to see, observe, consider, look at, give attention to,
    discern, distinguish; 1a6) to look at, gaze at; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to
    appear, present oneself; 1b2) to be seen; 1b3) to be visible; 1c) (Pual)
    to be seen; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to cause to see, show; 1d2) to cause to
    look intently at, behold, cause to gaze at; 1e) (Hophal); 1e1) to be
    caused to see, be shown; 1e2) to be exhibited to; 1f) (Hithpael) *to*
    *look* *at* *each* *other*, *face*;

    On 1/11/21 10:06, dolf wrote:
    #THREE:        #138    as #57 - GUARDEDNESS (SHOU)
    #FOUR:        #187    as #25 - CONTENTION (CHENG)
    #FIVE:        #325    as #1 - CENTRE (CHUNG)

    #879 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1] /
    #929 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #50] /
    #933 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #5, #50] /
    #974 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #40, #5, #50] /
    #1075 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #200, #9, #8] /
    #1079 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #200] /
    #1184 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #300, #5] /
    #1198 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #5, #10, #300, #5] /
    #1453 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #70, #300, #5, #200] /
    #2188 -  *JUDICIAL* *OVERSIGHT* as [#3, #10, #50, #800, #200, #20, #5,
    #300, #800] = ginṓskō (G1097): {UMBRA: #1883 % #41 = #38}} 1) to learn >>> to know, come to know, get a knowledge of perceive, feel; 1a) to
    become known; 2) to know, understand, perceive, have knowledge of; 2a)
    to understand; 2b) to know; 3) Jewish idiom for sexual intercourse
    between a man and a woman; 4) to become acquainted with, to know;

    #71 #1 #11
    #61 #81 #21



    @123 / #2188 - SECTION III (?) <— JUDICIAL OVERSIGHT


         #125 - GLOBUS CRUCIGER / NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 1 NOVEMBER 2021 >>> as [#30, #5, #30, #1, #30, #8, #20, #1] /
         #381 as [#30, #1, #30, #5, #10, #300, #5] /
    #179 as [#30, #5, #30, #1, #30, #8, #20, #5, #50] /
    #602 as [#30, #1, #30, #8, #9, #8, #200, #5, #300, #1, #10] = laléō
    (G2980): {UMBRA: #866 % #41 = #5}} 1) to utter a voice or emit a
    sound; 2) to speak; 2a) to use the tongue or the faculty of speech;
    2b) to utter articulate sounds; 3) to talk; 4) to utter, tell; 5) to
    use words in order to declare one's mind and disclose one's thoughts;
    5a) to speak;

    .jackNote@zen: 4, row: 4, col: 8, nous: 55 [TIME: 09:55, SUPER: #335 /
    #23 - Constancy of Guiding Concepts, Emptiness & Non-Existence; I-Ching:
    H18 - Ills to Be Cured, Arresting Decay, Correcting, Work on what has
    been spoiled (decay), Decaying, Branch; Tetra: 26 - ENDEAVOUR (WU), EGO:
    #393 / #55 - Abstruse Mysterious Signs; I-Ching: H22 - Elegance, Grace,
    Adorning, Luxuriance; Tetra: 54 - UNITY (K'UN)]

    French President Emmanuel Macron has accused Scott Morrison of lying
    about the $90 billion submarine contract that was cancelled six weeks
    ago. {@1: Sup: 32 - LEGION: CHUANG (#32); Ego: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG (#81)} >>
    Key points: {@2: Sup: 51 - CONSTANCY: CH'ANG (#83); Ego: 80 - LABOURING:
    CH'IN (#161 - I AM NOT A TELLER OF LIES {%9})}

    Relations with France have tumbled since Australia announced a new
    security pact with the United States and United Kingdom {@3: Sup: 20 -
    ADVANCE: CHIN (#103); Ego: 78 - ON THE VERGE: CHIANG (#239)}

    Mr Macron said Australia's actions were "detrimental to the reputation"
    of the country and Prime Minister {@4: Sup: 21 - RELEASE: SHIH (#124);
    Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#243)}

    Mr Morrison said he had been clear with Mr Macron over Australia's
    intentions {@5: Sup: 25 - CONTENTION: CHENG (#149); Ego: 40 - LAW/MODEL:
    FA (#283)}

    Mr Macron made the extraordinary accusation after being approached by
    the ABC on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Rome. {@6: Sup: 57 -
    GUARDEDNESS: SHOU (#206); Ego: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI (#316)}

    The tension between the two leaders is palpable after the massive deal
    was torn up, {@7: Sup: 43 - ENCOUNTERS: YU (#249); Ego: 53 - ETERNITY:
    YUNG (#369)}

    with Australia announcing its new defence and security pact with the
    United States and the United Kingdom along with a commitment to acquire
    nuclear-powered submarines. {@8: Sup: 20 - ADVANCE: CHIN (#269); Ego: 20
    - ADVANCE: CHIN (#389)}

    The French President was asked whether he thought Mr Morrison had lied
    to him about Australia's intentions. {@9: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH
    (#330); Ego: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#457)}

    "I don't think, {@10: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#398); Ego: 43 -
    ENCOUNTERS: YU (#500)}

    I know," {@11: Sup: 58 - GATHERING IN: HSI (#456); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS:
    CHIEN (#572)}

    he replied. {@12: Sup: 32 - LEGION: CHUANG (#488); Ego: 64 - SINKING:
    CH'EN (#636)}

    "The AUKUS deal was very bad news for France — but not just for France,
    {@13: Sup: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#564); Ego: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#685)}

    because I think it's a very bad news for credibility of Australia and a
    very bad news for the trust that great partners can have with the
    Australians. {@14: Sup: 62 - DOUBT: YI (#626); Ego: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG

    "I think this is detrimental to the reputation of your country and your
    Prime Minister." {@15: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#675); Ego: 65 - INNER:
    NEI (#831)}

    Australia's nuclear subs deal explained {@16: Sup: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG
    (#756); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#866)}

    Are you wondering why there's so much fuss about Australia's decision to
    acquire nuclear submarines? {@17: Sup: 78 - ON THE VERGE: CHIANG (#834);
    Ego: 23 - EASE: YI (#889)}

    We've broken it down for you. {@18: Sup: 36 - STRENGTH: CH'IANG (#870);
    Ego: 17 - HOLDING BACK: JUAN (#906)}

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his daily
    press conference. {@19: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#938); Ego: 65 - INNER:
    NEI (#971)}

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been aware
    of Australia's shifting views, {@20: Sup: 13 - INCREASE: TSENG (#951);
    Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#1006)}

    suggesting he raised it with him over dinner a number of months earlier.
    {@21: Sup: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI (#988); Ego: 26 - ENDEAVOUR: WU (#1032)}

    "I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to be
    able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make a
    decision in our national interest," {@22: Sup: 69 - EXHAUSTION: CH'IUNG
    (#1057); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#1041)}

    Mr Morrison said. {@23: Sup: 50 - VASTNESS / WASTING: T'ANG (#1107);
    Ego: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI (#1055)}

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not going
    to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we were
    engaged in, {@24: Sup: 52 - MEASURE: TU (#1159); Ego: 55 - DIMINISHMENT:
    CHIEN (#1110)}

    and we then engaged over the months that followed, {@25: Sup: 58 -

    and then we communicated to him our ultimate decision. {@26: Sup: 73 -

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, {@27:
    Sup: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI (#1323); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#1227)}

    we had dinner together." {@28: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#1325); Ego:
    5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO (#1232)}

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied. {@29: Sup: 2 - FULL
    CIRCLE: CHOU (#1327); Ego: 55 - DIMINISHMENT: CHIEN (#1287)}

    "I don't agree with that," {@30: Sup: 38 - FULLNESS: SHENG (#1365); Ego:
    18 - WAITING: HSI (#1305)}

    the Prime Minister said. {@31: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#1418); Ego: 72
    - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#1377)}

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, {@32: Sup: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI
    (#1432); Ego: 44 - STOVE: TSAO (#1421)}

    says Macron {@33: Sup: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI (#1469); Ego: 11 - DIVERGENCE:
    CH'A (#1432)}

    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, {@34: Sup: 32 - LEGION:
    CHUANG (#1501); Ego: 65 - INNER: NEI (#1497)}

    under the new deal with the US and the UK. {@35: Sup: 71 - STOPPAGE:
    CHIH (#1572); Ego: 16 - CONTACT: CHIAO (#1513)}

    "With the French deal, {@36: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#1574); Ego: 79
    - DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#1592)}

    negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, {@37: Sup: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI
    (#1588); Ego: 19 - FOLLOWING: TS'UNG (#1611)}

    Australia had definitely an option to produce in Australia, {@38: Sup:
    72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#1660); Ego: 39 - RESIDENCE: CHU (#1650)}

    to have submarines, {@39: Sup: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI (#1674); Ego: 75 -
    FAILURE: SHIH (#1725)}

    conventional submarines, {@40: Sup: 43 - ENCOUNTERS: YU (#1717); Ego: 76
    - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#1801)}

    and to get the submarines with a clear and reliable period of time,"
    {@41: Sup: 66 - DEPARTURE: CH'U (#1783); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#1873)} >>
    he said. {@42: Sup: 13 - INCREASE: TSENG (#1796); Ego: 46 - ENLARGEMENT:
    K'UO (#1919)}

    "Now you have 18 months before a report. {@43: Sup: 77 - COMPLIANCE:
    HSUN (#1873); Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#1923)}

    "Good luck." {@44: Sup: 1 - CENTRE: CHUNG (#1874); Ego: 79 -
    DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#2002)}

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, {@45: Sup: 19 - FOLLOWING: TS'UNG
    (#1893); Ego: 1 - CENTRE: CHUNG (#2003)}

    saying he was "confident" the initial consultation on the nuclear
    submarine program would yield results. {@46: Sup: 44 - STOVE: TSAO
    (#1937); Ego: 62 - DOUBT: YI (#2065)}

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his daily
    press conference. {@47: Sup: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#2013); Ego: 65 -
    INNER: NEI (#2130)}

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been aware
    of Australia's shifting views, {@48: Sup: 21 - RELEASE: SHIH (#2034);
    Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#2165)}

    suggesting he raised it with him over dinner a number of months earlier.
    {@49: Sup: 45 - GREATNESS: TA (#2079); Ego: 26 - ENDEAVOUR: WU (#2191)}

    " I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to be
    able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make a
    decision in our national interest," {@50: Sup: 77 - COMPLIANCE: HSUN
    (#2156); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#2200)}

    Mr Morrison said. {@51: Sup: 58 - GATHERING IN: HSI (#2214); Ego: 14 -
    PENETRATION: JUI (#2214)}

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not going
    to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we were
    engaged in, {@52: Sup: 60 - ACCUMULATION: CHI (#2274); Ego: 55 -

    and we then engaged over the months that followed, {@53: Sup: 66 -

    and then we communicated to him our ultimate decision. {@54: Sup: 81 -
    FOSTERING: YANG (#2421); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#2351)}

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, {@55:
    Sup: 41 - RESPONSE: YING (#2462); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#2386)}

    we had dinner together." {@56: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION:
    HSIEN (#2472); Ego: 5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO (#2391)}

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied. {@57: Sup: 10 -

    "I don't agree with that," {@58: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#2528);
    Ego: 18 - WAITING: HSI (#2464)}

    the Prime Minister said. {@59: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH (#2589);
    Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#2536)}

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, {@60: Sup: 22 - RESISTANCE: KE
    (#2611); Ego: 44 - STOVE: TSAO (#2580)}

    says Macron {@61: Sup: 45 - GREATNESS: TA (#2656); Ego: 11 - DIVERGENCE:
    CH'A (#2591)}

    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, {@62: Sup: 40 -
    LAW/MODEL: FA (#2696); Ego: 65 - INNER: NEI (#2656)}

    under the new deal with the US and the UK. {@63: Sup: 79 - DIFFICULTIES:
    NAN (#2775); Ego: 16 - CONTACT: CHIAO (#2672)}

    "With the French deal, {@64: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN
    (#2785); Ego: 79 - DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#2751)}

    negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, {@65: Sup: 22 - RESISTANCE: KE (#2807);
    Ego: 19 - FOLLOWING: TS'UNG (#2770)}

    Australia had definitely an option to produce in Australia, {@66: Sup:
    80 - LABOURING: CH'IN (#2887); Ego: 39 - RESIDENCE: CHU (#2809)}

    to have submarines, {@67: Sup: 22 - RESISTANCE: KE (#2909); Ego: 75 -
    FAILURE: SHIH (#2884)}

    conventional submarines, {@68: Sup: 51 - CONSTANCY: CH'ANG (#2960); Ego:
    76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#2960)}

    and to get the submarines with a clear and reliable period of time,"
    {@69: Sup: 74 - CLOSURE: CHIH (#3034); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#3032)}

    he said. {@70: Sup: 21 - RELEASE: SHIH (#3055); Ego: 46 - ENLARGEMENT:
    K'UO (#3078)}

    "Now you have 18 months before a report. {@71: Sup: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN
    (#3059); Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#3082)}

    "Good luck." {@72: Sup: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#3068); Ego: 79 -
    DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#3161)}

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, {@73: Sup: 27 - DUTIES: SHIH (#3095);
    Ego: 1 - CENTRE: CHUNG (#3162)}

    saying he was "confident" the initial consultation on the nuclear
    submarine program would yield results. {@74: Sup: 52 - MEASURE: TU
    (#3147); Ego: 62 - DOUBT: YI (#3224)}

    TELOS TOTAL: #304868


    FEME: @161 = #161


    FEME: @81 + @161 = #242

    GRUMBLE (#3147, #3224)@[32, 81, 51, 80, 20, 78, 21, 4, 25, 40, 57, 33,
    43, 53, 20, 20, 61, 68, 68, 43, 58, 72, 32, 64, 76, 49, 62, 81, 49, 65,
    81, 35, 78, 23, 36, 17, 68, 65, 13, 35, 37, 26, 69, 9, 50, 14, 52, 55,
    58, 73, 73, 9, 33, 35, 2, 5, 2, 55, 38, 18, 53, 72, 14, 44, 37, 11, 32,
    65, 71, 16, 2, 79, 14, 19, 72, 39, 14, 75, 43, 76, 66, 72, 13, 46, 77,
    4, 1, 79, 19, 1, 44, 62, 76, 65, 21, 35, 45, 26, 77, 9, 58, 14, 60, 55,
    66, 73, 81, 9, 41, 35, 10, 5, 10, 55, 46, 18, 61, 72, 22, 44, 45, 11,
    40, 65, 79, 16, 10, 79, 22, 19, 80, 39, 22, 75, 51, 76, 74, 72, 21, 46,
    4, 4, 9, 79, 27, 1, 52, 62]

    GRUNTLE (#6192, #6371)@[32, 32, 32, 81, 2, 51, 1, 80, 21, 20, 18, 78,
    39, 21, 43, 4, 68, 25, 27, 40, 3, 57, 36, 33, 79, 43, 51, 53, 71, 20,
    10, 20, 71, 61, 58, 68, 45, 68, 7, 43, 65, 58, 56, 72, 7, 32, 71, 64,
    66, 76, 34, 49, 15, 62, 15, 81, 64, 49, 48, 65, 48, 81, 2, 35, 80, 78,
    22, 23, 58, 36, 75, 17, 62, 68, 46, 65, 59, 13, 13, 35, 50, 37, 76, 26,
    64, 69, 73, 9, 42, 50, 56, 14, 27, 52, 1, 55, 59, 58, 51, 73, 43, 73,
    52, 9, 4, 33, 39, 35, 41, 2, 46, 5, 48, 2, 22, 55, 60, 38, 78, 18, 50,
    53, 41, 72, 55, 14, 18, 44, 55, 37, 66, 11, 17, 32, 1, 65, 72, 71, 7,
    16, 9, 2, 7, 79, 21, 14, 40, 19, 31, 72, 70, 39, 3, 14, 78, 75, 40, 43,
    35, 76, 20, 66, 11, 72, 24, 13, 70, 46, 66, 77, 70, 4, 71, 1, 69, 79, 7,
    19, 8, 1, 52, 44, 33, 62, 28, 76, 12, 65, 33, 21, 68, 35, 32, 45, 58,
    26, 54, 77, 63, 9, 40, 58, 54, 14, 33, 60, 7, 55, 73, 66, 65, 73, 65,
    81, 74, 9, 34, 41, 69, 35, 79, 10, 3, 5, 13, 10, 68, 55, 33, 46, 51, 18,
    31, 61, 22, 72, 44, 22, 7, 44, 52, 45, 63, 11, 22, 40, 6, 65, 4, 79, 20,
    16, 30, 10, 28, 79, 50, 22, 69, 19, 68, 80, 26, 39, 48, 22, 42, 75, 12,
    51, 7, 76, 81, 74, 72, 72, 12, 21, 58, 46, 62, 4, 66, 4, 75, 9, 73, 79,
    19, 27, 20, 1, 72, 52, 53, 62]


    French President Emmanuel Macron has accused Scott Morrison of lying
    about the $90 billion submarine contract that was cancelled six weeks

    Key points:

    Relations with France have tumbled since Australia announced a new
    security pact with the United States and United Kingdom

    Mr Macron said Australia's actions were "detrimental to the
    reputation" of the country and Prime Minister

    Mr Morrison said he had been clear with Mr Macron over Australia's

    Mr Macron made the extraordinary accusation after being approached by
    the ABC on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Rome.

    The tension between the two leaders is palpable after the massive deal
    was torn up, with Australia announcing its new defence and security
    pact with the United States and the United Kingdom along with a
    commitment to acquire nuclear-powered submarines.

    The French President was asked whether he thought Mr Morrison had lied
    to him about Australia's intentions.

    "I don't think, I know," he replied.

    "The AUKUS deal was very bad news for France — but not just for
    France, because I think it's a very bad news for credibility of
    Australia and a very bad news for the trust that great partners can
    have with the Australians.

    "I think this is detrimental to the reputation of your country and
    your Prime Minister."

    Australia's nuclear subs deal explained
    Are you wondering why there's so much fuss about Australia's decision
    to acquire nuclear submarines? We've broken it down for you.

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his
    daily press conference.

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been
    aware of Australia's shifting views, suggesting he raised it with him
    over dinner a number of months earlier.

    "I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to
    be able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make
    a decision in our national interest," Mr Morrison said.

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not
    going to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we
    were engaged in, and we then engaged over the months that followed,
    and then we communicated to him our ultimate decision.

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, we
    had dinner together."

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied.

    "I don't agree with that," the Prime Minister said.

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, says Macron
    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, under the new deal
    with the US and the UK.

    "With the French deal, negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, Australia had
    definitely an option to produce in Australia, to have submarines,
    conventional submarines, and to get the submarines with a clear and
    reliable period of time," he said.

    "Now you have 18 months before a report.
    "Good luck."

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, saying he was "confident" the
    initial consultation on the nuclear submarine program would yield

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his
    daily press conference.

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been
    aware of Australia's shifting views, suggesting he raised it with him
    over dinner a number of months earlier.

    " I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to
    be able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make
    a decision in our national interest," Mr Morrison said.

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not
    going to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we
    were engaged in, and we then engaged over the months that followed,
    and then we communicated to him our ultimate decision.

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, we
    had dinner together."

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied.

    "I don't agree with that," the Prime Minister said.

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, says Macron
    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, under the new deal
    with the US and the UK.

    "With the French deal, negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, Australia had
    definitely an option to produce in Australia, to have submarines,
    conventional submarines, and to get the submarines with a clear and
    reliable period of time," he said.

    "Now you have 18 months before a report.

    "Good luck."

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, saying he was "confident" the
    initial consultation on the nuclear submarine program would yield

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    It seems that the first casual meeting was anchored to

    The federal government was not @130 - evil minded but careless, so
    little wonder there was no small desire for any encounters.

    But how is one to regain virtue?

    Initial Post: 31 October 2021

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    Just including the original text with journalist recognition….

    Emmanuel Macron issues torpedo strike to Australia during
    conversation with
    Scott Morrison
    By political editor Andrew Probyn

    Thursday 28 Oct 2021 at 6:44pm, updated Thu 28 Oct 2021 at 8:45pm

    Emmanuel Macron's telephone call to Scott Morrison had the precision >>>>> timing
    of a torpedo.

    News of the conversation broke as the Prime Minister's plane worked
    its way
    across Australia, on its way to the G20 Summit in Rome.

    It's weeks since Australia sank a $90 billion submarine contract with >>>>> France but judging by the tone of the conversation — at least
    according to
    a read-out from the Élysée Palace — the French President's fury has not

    President Macron told the Prime Minister that "Australia's unilateral >>>>> decision" to break the contract "broke the relationship of trust
    our two countries".

    The President says Australia must propose "tangible" actions to
    the bilateral relationship — as well as the two nations' cooperation >>>>> in the

    Tellingly, given the Prime Minister is already on the defensive over >>>>> his
    government's climate change commitments, the President says he
    Mr Morrison to adopt emission reduction measures "commensurate with the >>>>> climate challenge" and cease production and consumption of coal.

    This is a deliberate strike by the French President at the PM's carbon >>>>> credentials on the eve of next week's Glasgow climate talks.

    The PM's office says the Prime Minister was pleased to speak to the

    But it's already clear that there's a lot of work needed to heal the >>>>> relationship.

    Ninety billion dollars worth of repair, to be precise.

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    #THREE:    #143    as #62 - DOUBT (YI)

    #FOUR:    #178    as #16 - CONTACT (CHIAO)

    #FIVE:    #321    as #78 - ON THE VERGE (CHIANG)

        #126 as [#70, #6, #50] / [#70, #6, #700] /     #156 as [#30, >>>>>> #70, #6, #700] / [#70, #6, #50, #20, #10] /     #188 as [#6, #70, >>>>>> #6, #50, #50, #6] / #627 as [#6, #40, #70, #6, #50, #400, #10, #5, >>>>>> #600] / [#40, #70, #6, #50,
    #6, #400, #10, #5, #600] / #632 as [#40, #70, #6, #50, #400, #10,
    #50, #6] = ʻâvôn (H5771): {UMBRA:
    #126 % #41 = #3}} 1) perversity, depravity, iniquity, guilt or
    of iniquity; 1a) iniquity; 1b) guilt of iniquity, guilt (as great), >>>>>> guilt
    (of condition); 1c) consequence of or punishment for iniquity;

    UMBRA: #126 % #41 = #3 - Political Prescriptions, Quietude;
    I-Ching: H46 -
    Climbing, Moving / Pushing Upward, Ascending; Tetra: 8 - Opposition; >>>>>>
    THOTH MEASURE: #3 - Oh thou of the Nose, who makest thine
    appearance at
    Chemunnu; I am not evil minded.

        #VIRTUE: With Mired (no. #3), great woe.
    #TOOLS: With >>>>>> Encounters
    (no. #43), small desire.
    #POSITION: The ways of Purity (no. >>>>>> #37) and
    #TIME: Pattern (no. #47) where some are simple and some are
    #CANON: #130

   @1: Sup: 3 - MIRED: HSIEN (#3); Ego: 3 - >>>>>> MIRED:
    HSIEN (#3),
   @2: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#49); Ego: 43 - >>>>>> ENCOUNTERS:
    YU (#46),
   @3: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#51); Ego: 37 -
   @4: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#100); Ego: 47 - PATTERN: WEN >>>>>> (#130 -
   Male: #100; Feme: #130
} // #130 >>>>>>
   @1: Sup: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#6); Ego: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI
   @2: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#52); Ego: 40 -
   @3: Sup: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#87); Ego: 70 - SEVERANCE: KE
   @4: Sup: 41 - RESPONSE: YING (#128); Ego: 6 -
   @5: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN (#138); >>>>>> Ego: 50 -
   @6: Sup: 5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO
    (#143); Ego: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#248),
   @7: Sup: 15 - REACH: >>>>>> TA (#158
   @8: Sup: 20 - ADVANCE: CHIN (#178); Ego: 5 - KEEPING >>>>>> SMALL: SHAO
   @9: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#231); Ego: 33 -
   Male: #231; Feme: #296
} // #627

    .jackNote@zen: 2, row: 4, col: 9, nous: 74 [TIME: 10:05, SUPER:
    #313 / #6 -
    Female Superiority, Completion of Form; I-Ching: H25 - No Errancy, >>>>>> Without
    Embroiling, Innocence, Pestilence; Tetra: 66 - DEPARTURE (CH'U),
    EGO: #427
    / #74 - Controlling Feelings, Overcome Delusion; I-Ching: H29 - The >>>>>> Constant Sink Hole, Gorge, The abyss, Repeated entrapment; Tetra: 80 - >>>>>> LABOURING (CH'IN)]

    Emmanuel Macron's telephone call to Scott Morrison had the
    precision timing
    of a torpedo. {@1: Sup: 50 - VASTNESS / WASTING: T'ANG (#50); Ego: >>>>>> 77 -

    News of the conversation broke as the Prime Minister's plane worked >>>>>> its way
    across Australia, {@2: Sup: 65 - INNER: NEI (#115 - I AM NOT A
    MEN {%5}); Ego: 59 - MASSING: CHU (#136)}

    on its way to the G20 Summit in Rome. {@3: Sup: 81 - FOSTERING:
    YANG (#196
    - I AM NOT ONE OF LOUD VOICE {%37}); Ego: 66 - DEPARTURE: CH'U (#202)} >>>>>>
    It's weeks since Australia sank a $90 billion submarine contract with >>>>>> France but judging by the tone of the conversation — at least
    according to
    a read-out from the Elysee Palace — the French President's fury has >>>>>> not
    cooled. {@4: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH (#257); Ego: 80 -
    CH'IN (#282)}

    President Macron told the Prime Minister that "Australia's unilateral >>>>>> decision" to break the contract "broke the relationship of trust
    our two countries". {@5: Sup: 69 - EXHAUSTION: CH'IUNG (#326); Ego: >>>>>> 43 -
    ENCOUNTERS: YU (#325)}

    The President says Australia must propose "tangible" actions to
    the bilateral relationship — as well as the two nations'
    cooperation in the
    Indo-Pacific. {@6: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#379); Ego: 9 -
    SHU (#334)}

    Tellingly, {@7: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#432); Ego: 8 -

    given the Prime Minister is already on the defensive over his
    climate change commitments, {@8: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#500);
    Ego: 42 -
    GOING TO MEET: YING (#384)}

    the President says he encouraged Mr Morrison to adopt emission
    measures "commensurate with the climate challenge" and cease
    production and
    consumption of coal. {@9: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#549); Ego: 9 -
    OUT: SHU (#393)}

    This is a deliberate strike by the French President at the PM's carbon >>>>>> credentials on the eve of next week's Glasgow climate talks. {@10: >>>>>> Sup: 75
    - FAILURE: SHIH (#624); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#465)}

    The PM's office says the Prime Minister was pleased to speak to the >>>>>> French
    President. {@11: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#626); Ego: 4 -

    But it's already clear that there's a lot of work needed to heal the >>>>>> relationship. {@12: Sup: 28 - CHANGE: KENG (#654); Ego: 58 -
    HSI (#527)}

    Ninety billion dollars worth of repair, {@13: Sup: 12 -

    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From dolf@21:1/5 to dolf on Wed Nov 3 12:43:47 2021
    XPost: aus.politics, alt.france, de.soc.weltanschauung.islam
    XPost: nl.politiek

    I'm presently listening to the French Ambassador giving a national press
    club address to get a detailed explanation.

    - dolf

    On 1/11/21 18:11, dolf wrote:
    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    Since the tally #FIVE: #325 is also the noumenon aggregation for #231 -
    JUXTAPOSITION control as an equivalent value for the latest media
    release involving the French President we would reasonably conclude that
    such statements / actions are an artifice so as to give MACRON some
    mileage for the first round of the 2022 French presidential election
    which will be held on 10 April 2022:

    #THREE: #125 as #44 - STOVE (TSAO)
    #FOUR: #200 as #38 - FULLNESS (SHENG)
    #FIVE: #325 as #1 - CENTRE (CHUNG)

    And caution the MACRON to keep his 'snake in the grass' behaviour in
    accord with the facts...

    A person who is aggrieved by so called lies of another does not laugh to himself when conveying such a scenario.

    YOUTUBE: "The Meerkat Circus"


    {#390 - ROBBERS} v’s HOMOIOS {#391 - STEWARDS OF GOD’S HOUSE} THEORY OF NUMBER) as universal of right and wrong...} *THE* *ORTHODOX* *AND*
    *ROMAN* *CATHOLIC* *CHURCH'S* *CLAIM* {#390 as 1, #100, #80, #1, #3, #5,
    #200 as harpax (G727): {#11 as #242} 1) rapacious, ravenous; 2) a
    extortioner, a robber} *TO* *JUBILEE2000* *AS* *BEING* *DELUSIONAL*

    Private Street on the edge of the Central Business District dated 16th
    May, 2000 - This report is prepared in response to a TP00/55 as a Notice
    of an Application for Planning Permit



    Chinese HAN Dynasty (206 BCE - 220CE) Hexagon Trigrams to Tetragram
    assignments proposed by Yang Hsiung (53BCE - 18CE) which by 4BCE
    (translation published within English as first European language in
    1993), first appeared in draft form as a meta-thesis titled T'AI HSUAN
    CHING {ie. Canon of Supreme Mystery} on Natural Divination associated
    with the theory of number, annual seasonal chronology and astrology
    reliant upon the seven visible planets as cosmological mother image and
    the zodiac.

    It shows the ZIRAN as the DAO of NATURE / COURSE-trochos OF
    NATURE-genesis [James 3:6] as HYPOSTASIS comprising #81 trinomial tetragrammaton x 4.5 day = #364.5 day / year as HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER
    which is an amalgam of the 64 hexagrams as binomial trigrams / 81 as
    trinomial tetragrammaton rather than its encapsulated contrived use as
    the microcosm to redefine the macrocosm as the quintessence of the
    Pythagorean [Babylonian] as binomial canon of transposition as HETEROS


    The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities No. 43 of Act 2006
    defines a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING” and the question is, if it is permissible to extend this definition to be a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN

    That my mathematical theoretical noumenon defines the meta-descriptor prototypes which are prerequisite to the BEING of HOMO[iOS] SAPIEN[T] as EXISTENCE / *OUSIA*.

    <http://www.grapple369.com/Grumble.zip> (Download resources)

    After all the ENNEAD of THOTH and not the Roman Catholic Eucharist,
    expresses an Anthropic Cosmological Principle which appears within its geometric conception as being equivalent to the Pythagorean

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From dolf@21:1/5 to dolf on Wed Nov 3 12:37:07 2021
    XPost: alt.france, aus.politics, de.soc.weltanschauung.islam
    XPost: nl.politiek

    So we’ve learned that the Australian Prime Minister has previously conveyed
    a lack of truth which is fundamental to good relations.

    We are listening to the French Ambassador giving a National Press Club for
    some answers.

    - dolf

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    Since the tally #FIVE: #325 is also the noumenon aggregation for #231 -
    JUXTAPOSITION control as an equivalent value for the latest media
    release involving the French President we would reasonably conclude that
    such statements / actions are an artifice so as to give MACRON some
    mileage for the first round of the 2022 French presidential election
    which will be held on 10 April 2022:

    #THREE: #125 as #44 - STOVE (TSAO)
    #FOUR: #200 as #38 - FULLNESS (SHENG)
    #FIVE: #325 as #1 - CENTRE (CHUNG)

    And caution the MACRON to keep his 'snake in the grass' behaviour in
    accord with the facts...

    A person who is aggrieved by so called lies of another does not laugh to himself when conveying such a scenario.

    On 1/11/21 11:05, dolf wrote:
        #256 - *GLOBUS* CRUCIGER / NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 1 NOVEMBER 2021 >>> as [#50, #200, #1, #5] / [#5, #200, #1, #10, #600] /
        #281 as [#30, #200, #1, #10, #600] /
    #241 as [#200, #1, #600] / [#30, #5, #200, #1, #5] /
    #257 as [#50, #200, #1, #6] / [#6, #10, #200, #1, #600] /
    #611 as [#200, #1, #10, #400] / [#400, #200, #1, #10] /
    #632 as [#6, #200, #1, #10, #400, #10, #5] / [#20, #200, #1, #6, #400,
    #5] /
    #642 as [#30, #5, #200, #1, #6, #400] /
    #652 as [#5, #200, #1, #6, #400, #600] /
    #666 as [#400, #200, #1, #10, #50, #5] / [#5, #200, #1, #10, #400, #10,
    #600] = râʼâh (H7200): {UMBRA: #206 % #41 = #1}} 1) to see, look at,
    inspect, perceive, consider; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to see; 1a2) to see,
    perceive; 1a3) to see, have vision; 1a4) to look at, see, regard, look
    after, see after, learn about, observe, watch, look upon, look out, find >>> out; 1a5) to see, observe, consider, look at, give attention to,
    discern, distinguish; 1a6) to look at, gaze at; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to
    appear, present oneself; 1b2) to be seen; 1b3) to be visible; 1c) (Pual) >>> to be seen; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to cause to see, show; 1d2) to cause to
    look intently at, behold, cause to gaze at; 1e) (Hophal); 1e1) to be
    caused to see, be shown; 1e2) to be exhibited to; 1f) (Hithpael) *to*
    *look* *at* *each* *other*, *face*;

    On 1/11/21 10:06, dolf wrote:
    #THREE:        #138    as #57 - GUARDEDNESS (SHOU)
    #FOUR:        #187    as #25 - CONTENTION (CHENG)
    #FIVE:        #325    as #1 - CENTRE (CHUNG)

    #879 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1] /
    #929 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #50] /
    #933 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #5, #50] /
    #974 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #40, #5, #50] /
    #1075 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #200, #9, #8] /
    #1079 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #200] /
    #1184 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #1, #300, #5] /
    #1198 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #5, #10, #300, #5] /
    #1453 as [#5, #3, #50, #800, #20, #70, #300, #5, #200] /
    #2188 -  *JUDICIAL* *OVERSIGHT* as [#3, #10, #50, #800, #200, #20, #5, >>>> #300, #800] = ginṓskō (G1097): {UMBRA: #1883 % #41 = #38}} 1) to learn >>>> to know, come to know, get a knowledge of perceive, feel; 1a) to
    become known; 2) to know, understand, perceive, have knowledge of; 2a) >>>> to understand; 2b) to know; 3) Jewish idiom for sexual intercourse
    between a man and a woman; 4) to become acquainted with, to know;

    #71 #1 #11
    #61 #81 #21



    @123 / #2188 - SECTION III (?) <— JUDICIAL OVERSIGHT


         #125 - GLOBUS CRUCIGER / NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 1 NOVEMBER 2021 >>>> as [#30, #5, #30, #1, #30, #8, #20, #1] /
         #381 as [#30, #1, #30, #5, #10, #300, #5] /
    #179 as [#30, #5, #30, #1, #30, #8, #20, #5, #50] /
    #602 as [#30, #1, #30, #8, #9, #8, #200, #5, #300, #1, #10] = laléō
    (G2980): {UMBRA: #866 % #41 = #5}} 1) to utter a voice or emit a
    sound; 2) to speak; 2a) to use the tongue or the faculty of speech;
    2b) to utter articulate sounds; 3) to talk; 4) to utter, tell; 5) to
    use words in order to declare one's mind and disclose one's thoughts;
    5a) to speak;

    .jackNote@zen: 4, row: 4, col: 8, nous: 55 [TIME: 09:55, SUPER: #335 /
    #23 - Constancy of Guiding Concepts, Emptiness & Non-Existence; I-Ching: >>> H18 - Ills to Be Cured, Arresting Decay, Correcting, Work on what has
    been spoiled (decay), Decaying, Branch; Tetra: 26 - ENDEAVOUR (WU), EGO: >>> #393 / #55 - Abstruse Mysterious Signs; I-Ching: H22 - Elegance, Grace,
    Adorning, Luxuriance; Tetra: 54 - UNITY (K'UN)]

    French President Emmanuel Macron has accused Scott Morrison of lying
    about the $90 billion submarine contract that was cancelled six weeks
    ago. {@1: Sup: 32 - LEGION: CHUANG (#32); Ego: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG (#81)} >>>
    Key points: {@2: Sup: 51 - CONSTANCY: CH'ANG (#83); Ego: 80 - LABOURING: >>> CH'IN (#161 - I AM NOT A TELLER OF LIES {%9})}

    Relations with France have tumbled since Australia announced a new
    security pact with the United States and United Kingdom {@3: Sup: 20 -
    ADVANCE: CHIN (#103); Ego: 78 - ON THE VERGE: CHIANG (#239)}

    Mr Macron said Australia's actions were "detrimental to the reputation"
    of the country and Prime Minister {@4: Sup: 21 - RELEASE: SHIH (#124);
    Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#243)}

    Mr Morrison said he had been clear with Mr Macron over Australia's
    intentions {@5: Sup: 25 - CONTENTION: CHENG (#149); Ego: 40 - LAW/MODEL: >>> FA (#283)}

    Mr Macron made the extraordinary accusation after being approached by
    the ABC on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Rome. {@6: Sup: 57 -
    GUARDEDNESS: SHOU (#206); Ego: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI (#316)}

    The tension between the two leaders is palpable after the massive deal
    was torn up, {@7: Sup: 43 - ENCOUNTERS: YU (#249); Ego: 53 - ETERNITY:
    YUNG (#369)}

    with Australia announcing its new defence and security pact with the
    United States and the United Kingdom along with a commitment to acquire
    nuclear-powered submarines. {@8: Sup: 20 - ADVANCE: CHIN (#269); Ego: 20 >>> - ADVANCE: CHIN (#389)}

    The French President was asked whether he thought Mr Morrison had lied
    to him about Australia's intentions. {@9: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH
    (#330); Ego: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#457)}

    "I don't think, {@10: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#398); Ego: 43 -
    ENCOUNTERS: YU (#500)}

    I know," {@11: Sup: 58 - GATHERING IN: HSI (#456); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS:
    CHIEN (#572)}

    he replied. {@12: Sup: 32 - LEGION: CHUANG (#488); Ego: 64 - SINKING:
    CH'EN (#636)}

    "The AUKUS deal was very bad news for France — but not just for France, >>> {@13: Sup: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#564); Ego: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#685)}

    because I think it's a very bad news for credibility of Australia and a
    very bad news for the trust that great partners can have with the
    Australians. {@14: Sup: 62 - DOUBT: YI (#626); Ego: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG >>> (#766)}

    "I think this is detrimental to the reputation of your country and your
    Prime Minister." {@15: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#675); Ego: 65 - INNER:
    NEI (#831)}

    Australia's nuclear subs deal explained {@16: Sup: 81 - FOSTERING: YANG
    (#756); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#866)}

    Are you wondering why there's so much fuss about Australia's decision to >>> acquire nuclear submarines? {@17: Sup: 78 - ON THE VERGE: CHIANG (#834); >>> Ego: 23 - EASE: YI (#889)}

    We've broken it down for you. {@18: Sup: 36 - STRENGTH: CH'IANG (#870);
    Ego: 17 - HOLDING BACK: JUAN (#906)}

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his daily >>> press conference. {@19: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#938); Ego: 65 - INNER: >>> NEI (#971)}

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been aware
    of Australia's shifting views, {@20: Sup: 13 - INCREASE: TSENG (#951);
    Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#1006)}

    suggesting he raised it with him over dinner a number of months earlier. >>> {@21: Sup: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI (#988); Ego: 26 - ENDEAVOUR: WU (#1032)}

    "I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to be
    able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make a
    decision in our national interest," {@22: Sup: 69 - EXHAUSTION: CH'IUNG
    (#1057); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#1041)}

    Mr Morrison said. {@23: Sup: 50 - VASTNESS / WASTING: T'ANG (#1107);
    Ego: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI (#1055)}

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not going >>> to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we were
    engaged in, {@24: Sup: 52 - MEASURE: TU (#1159); Ego: 55 - DIMINISHMENT: >>> CHIEN (#1110)}

    and we then engaged over the months that followed, {@25: Sup: 58 -
    GATHERING IN: HSI (#1217); Ego: 73 - ALREADY FORDING, COMPLETION: CH'ENG >>> (#1183)}

    and then we communicated to him our ultimate decision. {@26: Sup: 73 -

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, {@27:
    Sup: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI (#1323); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#1227)}

    we had dinner together." {@28: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#1325); Ego:
    5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO (#1232)}

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied. {@29: Sup: 2 - FULL
    CIRCLE: CHOU (#1327); Ego: 55 - DIMINISHMENT: CHIEN (#1287)}

    "I don't agree with that," {@30: Sup: 38 - FULLNESS: SHENG (#1365); Ego: >>> 18 - WAITING: HSI (#1305)}

    the Prime Minister said. {@31: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#1418); Ego: 72 >>> - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#1377)}

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, {@32: Sup: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI
    (#1432); Ego: 44 - STOVE: TSAO (#1421)}

    says Macron {@33: Sup: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI (#1469); Ego: 11 - DIVERGENCE: >>> CH'A (#1432)}

    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, {@34: Sup: 32 - LEGION: >>> CHUANG (#1501); Ego: 65 - INNER: NEI (#1497)}

    under the new deal with the US and the UK. {@35: Sup: 71 - STOPPAGE:
    CHIH (#1572); Ego: 16 - CONTACT: CHIAO (#1513)}

    "With the French deal, {@36: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#1574); Ego: 79 >>> - DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#1592)}

    negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, {@37: Sup: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI
    (#1588); Ego: 19 - FOLLOWING: TS'UNG (#1611)}

    Australia had definitely an option to produce in Australia, {@38: Sup:
    72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#1660); Ego: 39 - RESIDENCE: CHU (#1650)}

    to have submarines, {@39: Sup: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI (#1674); Ego: 75 -
    FAILURE: SHIH (#1725)}

    conventional submarines, {@40: Sup: 43 - ENCOUNTERS: YU (#1717); Ego: 76 >>> - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#1801)}

    and to get the submarines with a clear and reliable period of time,"
    {@41: Sup: 66 - DEPARTURE: CH'U (#1783); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#1873)} >>>
    he said. {@42: Sup: 13 - INCREASE: TSENG (#1796); Ego: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: >>> K'UO (#1919)}

    "Now you have 18 months before a report. {@43: Sup: 77 - COMPLIANCE:
    HSUN (#1873); Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#1923)}

    "Good luck." {@44: Sup: 1 - CENTRE: CHUNG (#1874); Ego: 79 -
    DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#2002)}

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, {@45: Sup: 19 - FOLLOWING: TS'UNG
    (#1893); Ego: 1 - CENTRE: CHUNG (#2003)}

    saying he was "confident" the initial consultation on the nuclear
    submarine program would yield results. {@46: Sup: 44 - STOVE: TSAO
    (#1937); Ego: 62 - DOUBT: YI (#2065)}

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his daily >>> press conference. {@47: Sup: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#2013); Ego: 65 -
    INNER: NEI (#2130)}

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been aware
    of Australia's shifting views, {@48: Sup: 21 - RELEASE: SHIH (#2034);
    Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#2165)}

    suggesting he raised it with him over dinner a number of months earlier. >>> {@49: Sup: 45 - GREATNESS: TA (#2079); Ego: 26 - ENDEAVOUR: WU (#2191)}

    " I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to be >>> able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make a
    decision in our national interest," {@50: Sup: 77 - COMPLIANCE: HSUN
    (#2156); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#2200)}

    Mr Morrison said. {@51: Sup: 58 - GATHERING IN: HSI (#2214); Ego: 14 -
    PENETRATION: JUI (#2214)}

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not going >>> to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we were
    engaged in, {@52: Sup: 60 - ACCUMULATION: CHI (#2274); Ego: 55 -

    and we then engaged over the months that followed, {@53: Sup: 66 -

    and then we communicated to him our ultimate decision. {@54: Sup: 81 -
    FOSTERING: YANG (#2421); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#2351)}

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, {@55:
    Sup: 41 - RESPONSE: YING (#2462); Ego: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#2386)}

    we had dinner together." {@56: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION:
    HSIEN (#2472); Ego: 5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO (#2391)}

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied. {@57: Sup: 10 -

    "I don't agree with that," {@58: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#2528);
    Ego: 18 - WAITING: HSI (#2464)}

    the Prime Minister said. {@59: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH (#2589);
    Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#2536)}

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, {@60: Sup: 22 - RESISTANCE: KE
    (#2611); Ego: 44 - STOVE: TSAO (#2580)}

    says Macron {@61: Sup: 45 - GREATNESS: TA (#2656); Ego: 11 - DIVERGENCE: >>> CH'A (#2591)}

    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, {@62: Sup: 40 -
    LAW/MODEL: FA (#2696); Ego: 65 - INNER: NEI (#2656)}

    under the new deal with the US and the UK. {@63: Sup: 79 - DIFFICULTIES: >>> NAN (#2775); Ego: 16 - CONTACT: CHIAO (#2672)}

    "With the French deal, {@64: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN
    (#2785); Ego: 79 - DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#2751)}

    negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, {@65: Sup: 22 - RESISTANCE: KE (#2807);
    Ego: 19 - FOLLOWING: TS'UNG (#2770)}

    Australia had definitely an option to produce in Australia, {@66: Sup:
    80 - LABOURING: CH'IN (#2887); Ego: 39 - RESIDENCE: CHU (#2809)}

    to have submarines, {@67: Sup: 22 - RESISTANCE: KE (#2909); Ego: 75 -
    FAILURE: SHIH (#2884)}

    conventional submarines, {@68: Sup: 51 - CONSTANCY: CH'ANG (#2960); Ego: >>> 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#2960)}

    and to get the submarines with a clear and reliable period of time,"
    {@69: Sup: 74 - CLOSURE: CHIH (#3034); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#3032)} >>>
    he said. {@70: Sup: 21 - RELEASE: SHIH (#3055); Ego: 46 - ENLARGEMENT:
    K'UO (#3078)}

    "Now you have 18 months before a report. {@71: Sup: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN
    (#3059); Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#3082)}

    "Good luck." {@72: Sup: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#3068); Ego: 79 -
    DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#3161)}

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, {@73: Sup: 27 - DUTIES: SHIH (#3095); >>> Ego: 1 - CENTRE: CHUNG (#3162)}

    saying he was "confident" the initial consultation on the nuclear
    submarine program would yield results. {@74: Sup: 52 - MEASURE: TU
    (#3147); Ego: 62 - DOUBT: YI (#3224)}

    TELOS TOTAL: #304868


    FEME: @161 = #161


    FEME: @81 + @161 = #242

    GRUMBLE (#3147, #3224)@[32, 81, 51, 80, 20, 78, 21, 4, 25, 40, 57, 33,
    43, 53, 20, 20, 61, 68, 68, 43, 58, 72, 32, 64, 76, 49, 62, 81, 49, 65,
    81, 35, 78, 23, 36, 17, 68, 65, 13, 35, 37, 26, 69, 9, 50, 14, 52, 55,
    58, 73, 73, 9, 33, 35, 2, 5, 2, 55, 38, 18, 53, 72, 14, 44, 37, 11, 32,
    65, 71, 16, 2, 79, 14, 19, 72, 39, 14, 75, 43, 76, 66, 72, 13, 46, 77,
    4, 1, 79, 19, 1, 44, 62, 76, 65, 21, 35, 45, 26, 77, 9, 58, 14, 60, 55,
    66, 73, 81, 9, 41, 35, 10, 5, 10, 55, 46, 18, 61, 72, 22, 44, 45, 11,
    40, 65, 79, 16, 10, 79, 22, 19, 80, 39, 22, 75, 51, 76, 74, 72, 21, 46,
    4, 4, 9, 79, 27, 1, 52, 62]

    GRUNTLE (#6192, #6371)@[32, 32, 32, 81, 2, 51, 1, 80, 21, 20, 18, 78,
    39, 21, 43, 4, 68, 25, 27, 40, 3, 57, 36, 33, 79, 43, 51, 53, 71, 20,
    10, 20, 71, 61, 58, 68, 45, 68, 7, 43, 65, 58, 56, 72, 7, 32, 71, 64,
    66, 76, 34, 49, 15, 62, 15, 81, 64, 49, 48, 65, 48, 81, 2, 35, 80, 78,
    22, 23, 58, 36, 75, 17, 62, 68, 46, 65, 59, 13, 13, 35, 50, 37, 76, 26,
    64, 69, 73, 9, 42, 50, 56, 14, 27, 52, 1, 55, 59, 58, 51, 73, 43, 73,
    52, 9, 4, 33, 39, 35, 41, 2, 46, 5, 48, 2, 22, 55, 60, 38, 78, 18, 50,
    53, 41, 72, 55, 14, 18, 44, 55, 37, 66, 11, 17, 32, 1, 65, 72, 71, 7,
    16, 9, 2, 7, 79, 21, 14, 40, 19, 31, 72, 70, 39, 3, 14, 78, 75, 40, 43,
    35, 76, 20, 66, 11, 72, 24, 13, 70, 46, 66, 77, 70, 4, 71, 1, 69, 79, 7, >>> 19, 8, 1, 52, 44, 33, 62, 28, 76, 12, 65, 33, 21, 68, 35, 32, 45, 58,
    26, 54, 77, 63, 9, 40, 58, 54, 14, 33, 60, 7, 55, 73, 66, 65, 73, 65,
    81, 74, 9, 34, 41, 69, 35, 79, 10, 3, 5, 13, 10, 68, 55, 33, 46, 51, 18, >>> 31, 61, 22, 72, 44, 22, 7, 44, 52, 45, 63, 11, 22, 40, 6, 65, 4, 79, 20, >>> 16, 30, 10, 28, 79, 50, 22, 69, 19, 68, 80, 26, 39, 48, 22, 42, 75, 12,
    51, 7, 76, 81, 74, 72, 72, 12, 21, 58, 46, 62, 4, 66, 4, 75, 9, 73, 79,
    19, 27, 20, 1, 72, 52, 53, 62]


    French President Emmanuel Macron has accused Scott Morrison of lying
    about the $90 billion submarine contract that was cancelled six weeks

    Key points:

    Relations with France have tumbled since Australia announced a new
    security pact with the United States and United Kingdom

    Mr Macron said Australia's actions were "detrimental to the
    reputation" of the country and Prime Minister

    Mr Morrison said he had been clear with Mr Macron over Australia's

    Mr Macron made the extraordinary accusation after being approached by
    the ABC on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Rome.

    The tension between the two leaders is palpable after the massive deal >>>> was torn up, with Australia announcing its new defence and security
    pact with the United States and the United Kingdom along with a
    commitment to acquire nuclear-powered submarines.

    The French President was asked whether he thought Mr Morrison had lied >>>> to him about Australia's intentions.

    "I don't think, I know," he replied.

    "The AUKUS deal was very bad news for France — but not just for
    France, because I think it's a very bad news for credibility of
    Australia and a very bad news for the trust that great partners can
    have with the Australians.

    "I think this is detrimental to the reputation of your country and
    your Prime Minister."

    Australia's nuclear subs deal explained
    Are you wondering why there's so much fuss about Australia's decision
    to acquire nuclear submarines? We've broken it down for you.

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his
    daily press conference.

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been
    aware of Australia's shifting views, suggesting he raised it with him
    over dinner a number of months earlier.

    "I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to
    be able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make >>>> a decision in our national interest," Mr Morrison said.

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not
    going to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we >>>> were engaged in, and we then engaged over the months that followed,
    and then we communicated to him our ultimate decision.

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, we
    had dinner together."

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied.

    "I don't agree with that," the Prime Minister said.

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, says Macron
    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, under the new deal
    with the US and the UK.

    "With the French deal, negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, Australia had
    definitely an option to produce in Australia, to have submarines,
    conventional submarines, and to get the submarines with a clear and
    reliable period of time," he said.

    "Now you have 18 months before a report.
    "Good luck."

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, saying he was "confident" the
    initial consultation on the nuclear submarine program would yield

    Mr Macron's comments came just minutes before Mr Morrison held his
    daily press conference.

    The Prime Minister insisted the French President should have been
    aware of Australia's shifting views, suggesting he raised it with him
    over dinner a number of months earlier.

    " I was very clear that the conventional submarines were not going to
    be able to meet our strategic interests and that we would need to make >>>> a decision in our national interest," Mr Morrison said.

    "I was very clear that what was going to be provided to us was not
    going to meet our strategic interest and there was still a process we >>>> were engaged in, and we then engaged over the months that followed,
    and then we communicated to him our ultimate decision.

    "I've been very clear about the way I've communicated about this, we
    had dinner together."

    Mr Morrison flatly rejected any accusation he lied.

    "I don't agree with that," the Prime Minister said.

    Good luck with those nuclear subs, says Macron
    The French President cast doubt on whether the Royal Australian Navy
    would ever see a nuclear submarine in the water, under the new deal
    with the US and the UK.

    "With the French deal, negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull, Australia had
    definitely an option to produce in Australia, to have submarines,
    conventional submarines, and to get the submarines with a clear and
    reliable period of time," he said.

    "Now you have 18 months before a report.

    "Good luck."

    Mr Morrison rejected that as well, saying he was "confident" the
    initial consultation on the nuclear submarine program would yield

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    It seems that the first casual meeting was anchored to

    The federal government was not @130 - evil minded but careless, so
    little wonder there was no small desire for any encounters.

    But how is one to regain virtue?

    Initial Post: 31 October 2021

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    Just including the original text with journalist recognition….

    Emmanuel Macron issues torpedo strike to Australia during
    conversation with
    Scott Morrison
    By political editor Andrew Probyn

    Thursday 28 Oct 2021 at 6:44pm, updated Thu 28 Oct 2021 at 8:45pm >>>>>>
    Emmanuel Macron's telephone call to Scott Morrison had the precision >>>>>> timing
    of a torpedo.

    News of the conversation broke as the Prime Minister's plane worked >>>>>> its way
    across Australia, on its way to the G20 Summit in Rome.

    It's weeks since Australia sank a $90 billion submarine contract with >>>>>> France but judging by the tone of the conversation — at least
    according to
    a read-out from the Élysée Palace — the French President's fury has not

    President Macron told the Prime Minister that "Australia's unilateral >>>>>> decision" to break the contract "broke the relationship of trust
    our two countries".

    The President says Australia must propose "tangible" actions to
    the bilateral relationship — as well as the two nations' cooperation >>>>>> in the

    Tellingly, given the Prime Minister is already on the defensive over >>>>>> his
    government's climate change commitments, the President says he
    Mr Morrison to adopt emission reduction measures "commensurate with the >>>>>> climate challenge" and cease production and consumption of coal.

    This is a deliberate strike by the French President at the PM's carbon >>>>>> credentials on the eve of next week's Glasgow climate talks.

    The PM's office says the Prime Minister was pleased to speak to the >>>>>> French

    But it's already clear that there's a lot of work needed to heal the >>>>>> relationship.

    Ninety billion dollars worth of repair, to be precise.

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    #THREE:    #143    as #62 - DOUBT (YI)

    #FOUR:    #178    as #16 - CONTACT (CHIAO)

    #FIVE:    #321    as #78 - ON THE VERGE (CHIANG)

        #126 as [#70, #6, #50] / [#70, #6, #700] /     #156 as [#30,
    #70, #6, #700] / [#70, #6, #50, #20, #10] /     #188 as [#6, #70, >>>>>>> #6, #50, #50, #6] / #627 as [#6, #40, #70, #6, #50, #400, #10, #5, >>>>>>> #600] / [#40, #70, #6, #50,
    #6, #400, #10, #5, #600] / #632 as [#40, #70, #6, #50, #400, #10, >>>>>>> #50, #6] = ʻâvôn (H5771): {UMBRA:
    #126 % #41 = #3}} 1) perversity, depravity, iniquity, guilt or
    of iniquity; 1a) iniquity; 1b) guilt of iniquity, guilt (as great), >>>>>>> guilt
    (of condition); 1c) consequence of or punishment for iniquity;

    UMBRA: #126 % #41 = #3 - Political Prescriptions, Quietude;
    I-Ching: H46 -
    Climbing, Moving / Pushing Upward, Ascending; Tetra: 8 - Opposition; >>>>>>>
    THOTH MEASURE: #3 - Oh thou of the Nose, who makest thine
    appearance at
    Chemunnu; I am not evil minded.

        #VIRTUE: With Mired (no. #3), great woe.
    #TOOLS: With >>>>>>> Encounters
    (no. #43), small desire.
    #POSITION: The ways of Purity (no. >>>>>>> #37) and
    #TIME: Pattern (no. #47) where some are simple and some are
    #CANON: #130

   @1: Sup: 3 - MIRED: HSIEN (#3); Ego: 3 - >>>>>>> MIRED:
    HSIEN (#3),
   @2: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#49); Ego: 43 - >>>>>>> ENCOUNTERS:
    YU (#46),
   @3: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#51); Ego: 37 - >>>>>>> PURITY: TS'UI
   @4: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#100); Ego: 47 - PATTERN: WEN
    (#130 -
   Male: #100; Feme: #130
} // #130 >>>>>>>
   @1: Sup: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#6); Ego: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI
   @2: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#52); Ego: 40 -
   @3: Sup: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#87); Ego: 70 - SEVERANCE: KE
   @4: Sup: 41 - RESPONSE: YING (#128); Ego: 6 -
   @5: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN (#138); >>>>>>> Ego: 50 -
   @6: Sup: 5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO
    (#143); Ego: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#248),
   @7: Sup: 15 - REACH: >>>>>>> TA (#158
   @8: Sup: 20 - ADVANCE: CHIN (#178); Ego: 5 - KEEPING >>>>>>> SMALL: SHAO
   @9: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#231); Ego: 33 -
   Male: #231; Feme: #296
} // #627

    .jackNote@zen: 2, row: 4, col: 9, nous: 74 [TIME: 10:05, SUPER:
    #313 / #6 -
    Female Superiority, Completion of Form; I-Ching: H25 - No Errancy, >>>>>>> Without
    Embroiling, Innocence, Pestilence; Tetra: 66 - DEPARTURE (CH'U), >>>>>>> EGO: #427
    / #74 - Controlling Feelings, Overcome Delusion; I-Ching: H29 - The >>>>>>> Constant Sink Hole, Gorge, The abyss, Repeated entrapment; Tetra: 80 - >>>>>>> LABOURING (CH'IN)]

    Emmanuel Macron's telephone call to Scott Morrison had the
    precision timing
    of a torpedo. {@1: Sup: 50 - VASTNESS / WASTING: T'ANG (#50); Ego: >>>>>>> 77 -

    News of the conversation broke as the Prime Minister's plane worked >>>>>>> its way
    across Australia, {@2: Sup: 65 - INNER: NEI (#115 - I AM NOT A
    MEN {%5}); Ego: 59 - MASSING: CHU (#136)}

    on its way to the G20 Summit in Rome. {@3: Sup: 81 - FOSTERING:
    YANG (#196
    - I AM NOT ONE OF LOUD VOICE {%37}); Ego: 66 - DEPARTURE: CH'U (#202)} >>>>>>>
    It's weeks since Australia sank a $90 billion submarine contract with >>>>>>> France but judging by the tone of the conversation — at least
    according to
    a read-out from the Elysee Palace — the French President's fury has >>>>>>> not
    cooled. {@4: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH (#257); Ego: 80 -
    CH'IN (#282)}

    President Macron told the Prime Minister that "Australia's unilateral >>>>>>> decision" to break the contract "broke the relationship of trust >>>>>>> between
    our two countries". {@5: Sup: 69 - EXHAUSTION: CH'IUNG (#326); Ego: >>>>>>> 43 -
    ENCOUNTERS: YU (#325)}

    The President says Australia must propose "tangible" actions to
    the bilateral relationship — as well as the two nations'
    cooperation in the
    Indo-Pacific. {@6: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#379); Ego: 9 -
    SHU (#334)}

    Tellingly, {@7: Sup: 53 - ETERNITY: YUNG (#432); Ego: 8 -

    given the Prime Minister is already on the defensive over his
    climate change commitments, {@8: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#500); >>>>>>> Ego: 42 -
    GOING TO MEET: YING (#384)}

    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From dolf@21:1/5 to dolf on Wed Nov 3 13:03:23 2021
    XPost: aus.politics, alt.france, de.soc.weltanschauung.islam
    XPost: nl.politiek

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    I'm presently listening to the French Ambassador giving a national press
    club address to get a detailed explanation.

    At the very least the French ought to have been given an opportunity to
    upgrade the contract to nuclear capability

    It’s a diplomatic mess which could have been avoided.

    This is my last comment.

    - dolf

    On 1/11/21 18:11, dolf wrote:
    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    Since the tally #FIVE: #325 is also the noumenon aggregation for #231 -
    JUXTAPOSITION control as an equivalent value for the latest media
    release involving the French President we would reasonably conclude that >>> such statements / actions are an artifice so as to give MACRON some
    mileage for the first round of the 2022 French presidential election
    which will be held on 10 April 2022:

    #THREE: #125 as #44 - STOVE (TSAO)
    #FOUR: #200 as #38 - FULLNESS (SHENG)
    #FIVE: #325 as #1 - CENTRE (CHUNG)

    And caution the MACRON to keep his 'snake in the grass' behaviour in
    accord with the facts...

    A person who is aggrieved by so called lies of another does not laugh to
    himself when conveying such a scenario.


    YOUTUBE: "The Meerkat Circus"


    {#390 - ROBBERS} v’s HOMOIOS {#391 - STEWARDS OF GOD’S HOUSE} THEORY OF NUMBER) as universal of right and wrong...} *THE* *ORTHODOX* *AND* *ROMAN* *CATHOLIC* *CHURCH'S* *CLAIM* {#390 as 1, #100, #80, #1, #3, #5, #200 as
    harpax (G727): {#11 as #242} 1) rapacious, ravenous; 2) a extortioner, a robber} *TO* *JUBILEE2000* *AS* *BEING* *DELUSIONAL* *AND* *FRAUDULENT*

    Private Street on the edge of the Central Business District dated 16th May, 2000 - This report is prepared in response to a TP00/55 as a Notice of an Application for Planning Permit



    Chinese HAN Dynasty (206 BCE - 220CE) Hexagon Trigrams to Tetragram
    assignments proposed by Yang Hsiung (53BCE - 18CE) which by 4BCE
    (translation published within English as first European language in 1993), first appeared in draft form as a meta-thesis titled T'AI HSUAN CHING {ie. Canon of Supreme Mystery} on Natural Divination associated with the theory
    of number, annual seasonal chronology and astrology reliant upon the seven visible planets as cosmological mother image and the zodiac.

    It shows the ZIRAN as the DAO of NATURE / COURSE-trochos OF NATURE-genesis [James 3:6] as HYPOSTASIS comprising #81 trinomial tetragrammaton x 4.5 day
    = #364.5 day / year as HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER which is an amalgam of the
    64 hexagrams as binomial trigrams / 81 as trinomial tetragrammaton rather
    than its encapsulated contrived use as the microcosm to redefine the
    macrocosm as the quintessence of the Pythagorean [Babylonian] as binomial
    canon of transposition as HETEROS THEORY OF NUMBER.


    The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities No. 43 of Act 2006 defines
    a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING” and the question is, if it is permissible to extend this definition to be a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING AS A CONSCIOUS REALITY OF HOMO[iOS] SAPIEN[T] WHO IS INSTANTIATED WITHIN THE TEMPORAL

    That my mathematical theoretical noumenon defines the meta-descriptor prototypes which are prerequisite to the BEING of HOMO[iOS] SAPIEN[T] as EXISTENCE / *OUSIA*.

    <http://www.grapple369.com/Grumble.zip> (Download resources)

    After all the ENNEAD of THOTH and not the Roman Catholic Eucharist,
    expresses an Anthropic Cosmological Principle which appears within its geometric conception as being equivalent to the Pythagorean

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)