• DEBUNKED Diagnosis of Paranoid Schizophrenia in Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

    From Anonymous Remailer (austria)@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jul 3 15:42:38 2021
    XPost: uk.politics.misc, uk.rec.motorcycles



    Allegedly suffering from F20.0/F20.2 "Schizophrenia with paranoia" (ref. Appendix A), here with catatonic thema, and a family history of similar schizoaffective disorders (maternal grandfather (anecdotal), mother (attempted murder, then suicide), older brother (institutionalised, possible suicide),
    one sister (unconfirmed), daughter (referral to Kent County Mental Health
    Team) per the 24 May 2021 verdict of Dr Odesanya (same or related team), who prescribed PO:
    1. Risperidone 4mg BD
    2. Depakote 500mg BD
    3. Sertraline 150mg
    4. Finasteride 5mg
    5. Tamsoulosin-MR 400ug
    6. Atorvastatin 20mg
    7. Thorazine (? surely an error)

    As you may see below, treating schizophrenia with drugs is like smashing the hardware of a computer because a software virus had been installed. Perhaps it is as well that Panigrahi, as his wife apparently suspects (see Appendix C), flushes most or all of these "free" gifts down the toilet and implies he auctions the rest via the darkweb through his supplies company (Satyam Stamp Supplies).

    The shrinks of the UK's free National Health Service, more like quacks, are woefully out of date. Who refers to "paranoid schizophrenia" nowadays? Worse, they appear to be diagnostic novices, and are easily fooled.

    They have the small advantage of having met with the patient or subject (note: not "sufferer", for it is others who do the suffering, not Panigrahi) on multiple occasions, while I have had to rely solely on online published material (ref. Appendix B below) for which I am grateful directly to Prof. Nitin Bhardwaj and indirectly to Mr. Michael "SLAMM" Kingham of the UK NHS, whose letter about Panigrahi, surely a breach of patient confidence, is widely published on the internet.

    Here, the advantage derived from face to face diagnosis is illusory, because Panigrahi is, like all F20.0 specimens, adept at deception and "playing victim", ad nauseam. One of the reasons he does this is to escape legal consequences of his brutal bullying, manipulation and attempted extortion. I suspect the only reason his spouse is still with him is cultural, unless she too is "nuts" or exhibits masochism.

    Schizophrenia (Schizoaffective Disorder, a meaningless term for _apparent_ delusion and paranoia) is a cunning personal choice (i.e., a voluntary decision) of extremely bad, antisocial behaviour, and not a disease or medical condition. If the other NHS quack Kingham was candid, he would admit that schizophrenia is most certainly not a disease, genetic defect or caused by a chemical or anatomical abnormality in the brain, else the condition could be tested for with some reliability, and treated with some medication, surgery, radiation etc.

    So it is PERSONAL CHOICE OF EVIL MISCONDUCT - not "illness". It calls for and merits punishment, not "treatment", which is crafted to keep the parasites and carrion-birds of the psychiatric profession in clover. One needs only to look at the history and roots of this sordid profession - Panigrahi himself regularly explains it ("madarchod" is the Freudian term in the Oriya language Panigrahi uses to describe Sigmund vis-a-vis his mother).

    So what about the five close relatives also exhibiting symptoms? A plausible explanation is that the methods of hoodwinking naive psychiatrists are learned and passed on within the family, with a view to obtaining favourable
    treatment, including financial, from individuals and institutions with which they interact. "There is no such thing as a criminal gene," observed Dr Szasz, "but there is of learned criminal conduct taught within a familial group, especially to children."

    Schizophrenia with (affective) paranoia is an extreme example of the alleged ailment, and the law must ALWAYS be used to imprison people exhibiting this dangerous conduct, because the damage they cause to the innocent and to the fabric of society is immense. This view is supported and justified in the analysis below:

    More broadly, various pseudoscientific terms are used to describe an
    individual who has chosen to allow himself to form the habit of engaging in outrageous behaviours that annoy, bother, offend, threaten, intimidate and punish others and create his own false reality of self-delusion for the
    purpose of escaping some personal life problem, usually wholly of his own making and always at least partially deliberately constructed by him, which they achieve through the control of others for personal gain through lies, manipulation, criminal behaviours, forgery, theft and the eliciting of
    sympathy through outward displays of self-created suffering, hardship and victimhood.

    Panigrahi is an extreme case; despite there apparently being an entire "Association" of those he has victimised ("VOPA"), this habitual liar and fraudster Panigrahi presents himself to the medical and nursing professions, law enforcement and judiciary as if he is the victim. I have studied and sampled a painfully long schedule of self-declared victims of Panigrahi and I statistically conclude (c=98%, n=2000) that the vast majority of them are bona- fide.

    Historically, schizophrenia was known as "dementia praecox", insanity or madness and is always associated with delusion and paranoia, almost always affected (i.e., fake). "When, in 1911, Dr. Bleuler renamed dementia praecox [as] 'schizophrenia,' he identified the disease not by its characteristic histopathology, as was customary with diseases of the nervous system, but by its incurability! That this is an utterly destructive way of describing a disease - a disease that, moreover, has no objective bodily manifestations and has never been known to be fatal - should be obvious." - page 165 of The Myth Of Psychotherapy, by Dr. Thomas Szasz (1979).

    Saying someone is "MAD" has its origin in the root for "uncontrolled anger". When people launch into out-of-control acts of violence, they were said to be mad.

    In fact, it is self-chosen "BAD" conduct, constructed so as to evade legal and personal consequences to the pernicious online perpetrator (Panigrahi).

    Here are the real Laws of Psychiatry, known to all intelligent psychiatrists and psychologists, though openly admitted by only a few:
    FIRST THEOREM - Behaviour is a choice. Checklist behaviors. Determine the benefit.
    SECOND THEOREM - Psychotic behaviour is a solution. Determine the problem.

    Schizophrenia, with or without paranoia or catatonia, is the solution of how the mind rationalizes the irrational. Schizophrenia is a behaviour choice that creates an escape from reality in order to achieve a goal or gain a personal benefit. Schizophrenia with this extraordinarily deviant subject-patient who benefited from a very privileged upbringing and background is a premeditated behaviour choice to exact revenge for the lack of recognition of his self- perceived, but in reality non-existent, genius, to which many references can
    be found in the subject matter of Appendix B.

    Emphatically, his schizophrenia with paranoia is a behaviour choice to escape the unpleasant life situation he has created for himself by compelling the University of Greenwich, a non Ivy League grade institution in England, to expel him with prejudice. Schizophrenia is always an escape when all other rational doors are closed. Furthermore, Panigrahi quite obviously enjoys this and will use such intellect as he might possess to ensure the situation continues and his "victimhood" (the word is used ironically) continues or its trajectory increases.

    I reiterate, and in the case of Panigrahi there is simply no other diagnostic choice, unless one tries to "cop it" by attribution to idiopathy, a contradiction if ever there was one:

    1. Schizophrenia is a behaviour choice not a disease, genetic defect or caused by a chemical imbalance or anatomical anomaly in the brain.

    2. If schizophrenia were a disease rather than a deception, there would be at least one medical test, like a blood test, but there are none that work with even 50% false-positive thresholds.

    3. Evidence as adduced here from the perpetrator (not "sufferer") of a genetic component is severely flawed. It is learned behaviour. Panigrahi observed the acute "madness" of his mother and older brother, and milder "madness" of his father (websearch: KEW GOPINATH PANIGRAHI) and copied it, but in a far more harmful manner. The mother and brother ("My elder brother suffered from
    chronic schizophrenia since his late teens and had received electroconvulsive therapy in India" - Panigrahi) destroyed themselves and mainly harmed only close relatives; here the subject harms all society.

    4. It can not be overstated that schizophrenia is not a disease that medicine can detect, it is impossible to diagnose someone for schizophrenia unless they talk. If the person stays silent, there is no way medicine can diagnose him as a schizophrenic. Schizophrenia is thus behaviour not disease and those like Kingham or Odesanya who feign otherwise are "mistaken".

    5. All the psychotic behaviour is an attempted solution, even if but a distraction, to a problem a person is experiencing. They have a problem which behaviours like delusion and paranoia solve. By definition, all behaviour is a free-will choice. When someone is diagnosed with a mental illness, generally ignore the self-serving, biopsychiatric label as per DSM-5 etc. and instead checklist the behaviours. Then, and with wisdom and common-sense, determine what PERSONAL BENEFIT they are deriving from engaging in those behaviours. If you email me I can provide a peer-reviewed selection of 35 case studies to
    back up this approach.

    6. In the case of Panigrahi, the PERSONAL BENEFIT is obvious. He gets attention, does no useful work and attempts to defraud the State of large amounts of money through seemingly endless threats and lawsuits, imaginary and real, all "inmeritorious" and "wholly without basis in fact". But Panigrahi hopes to get lucky one day, and is correct about his nuisance value.

    7. Schizophrenia, insanity, madness are synonymous terms that describe an individual who has chosen to allow themselves to form the habit of engaging in "evil" behaviours that annoy, bother, offend, threaten, intimidate and spoil the lives of others and create their own false reality of self-delusion for
    the purpose of escaping some personal life problem which they achieve through the unfair control of others for personal gain through deception, lies, manipulation and sympathy through outward displays of self-created suffering, hardship and victimhood.

    8. Despite repeated attempts to find chemical, structural or scanned differences, schizophrenics have generally normal brains, except when taking psychiatric drugs:

    (a) "In 1978, Philip Seeman at the University of Toronto announced in Nature that this was indeed the case. At autopsy, the brains of twenty schizophrenics had 70 percent more D2 receptors than normal. At first glance, it seemed that the cause of schizophrenia had been found, but Seeman cautioned that all of
    the patients had been on neuroleptics prior to their deaths. "Although these results are apparently compatible with the dopamine hypothesis of
    schizophrenia in general," he wrote, the increase in D2 receptors might "have resulted from the long-term administration of neuroleptics." [T. Lee, "Binding of 31-1-neuroleptics and 3H-apomorphine in schizophrenic brains," Nature 374 (1978): 897-900.] … A variety of studies quickly proved that the drugs were indeed the culprit. When rats were fed neuroleptics, their D2 receptors
    quickly increased in number. [D. Burt, "Antischizophrenic drugs: chronic treatment elevates dopamine receptor binding in brain," Science 196 (1977): 326-27.] … If rats were given a drug that blocked D, receptors, that receptor subtype increased in density. [M. Porceddu, "[3H]SCH 23390 binding sites increase after chronic blockade of d-1 dopamine receptors," European Journal
    of Pharmacology 118 (1985): 367-70.] … "Finally, investigators in France, Sweden, and Finland used positron emission topography to study D2-receptor densities in living patients who had never been exposed to neuroleptics, and all reported "no significant differences" between the schizophrenics and "normal controls."" [J. Martinot, "Striatal D2 dopaminergic receptors assessed with positron emission tomography and bromospiperone in untreated
    schizophrenic patients," American Journal of Psychiatry 147 (1990): 44-50; L. Farde, "D2 dopamine receptors in neuroleptic-naive schizophrenic patients," Archives of General Psychiatry 47 (1990): 213-19; J. Hietala, "Striatal D2 dopamine receptor characteristics in neurolepticnaïve schizophrenic patients studied with positron emission tomography," Archives of General Psychiatry 51 (1994): 116-23.] - page 76 of Anatomy of an Epidemic, by Dr. Robert Whitaker (2010)

    (b) "The low-serotonin hypothesis of depression and the high-dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia had always been the twin pillars of the chemical- imbalance theory of mental disorders, and by the late 1980s, both had been found wanting. Other mental disorders have also been touted to the public as diseases caused by chemical imbalances, but there was never any evidence to support those claims." - Ibid, page 77

    (c) "There is no compelling evidence that a lesion in the dopamine system is a primary cause of schizophrenia" - page 392 of Molecular Neuropharmacology, by E.Nestler & S.Hyman (2002)

    9. No amount of repetition is sufficient - Schizophrenia, with or without paranoia, is a voluntary behaviour choice, motivated by real or imagined present or expected personal benefit, and assuredly not a disease - and therefore cannot be treated. It can be punished with sufficient severity (financial and deprivation of liberty) which will make it an unattractive lifestyle choice for the perpetrator.

    10. By blocking this happening, from the viewpoint of society, Panigrahi, Odesanya and Kingham are co-conspirators. These shrinks are accessories
    before, during and after the fact (this, per Bhardwaj) and I believe deserve harsh condemnation.

    For the greater good, any jurist would agree that Panigrahi (identified in Appendix C below) himself must be locked up immediately. His "paranoid schizophrenia" will then miraculously disappear. Remove this financial motive, and the antisocial, deviant, selfish and damaging behaviour will cease.

    Such a shame corporal punishment is currently out of vogue, or accelerated
    cure could be effected.

    Prof. S. Rudd

    Appendix A ---- DSM-V Classification (for use by Quacks)

    F20-F29 Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional,
    and other non-mood psychotic disorders

    F20 Schizophrenia
    F20.0 Schizophrenia with paranoia
    F20.1 Hebephrenic schizophrenia
    F20.2 Catatonic schizophrenia
    F20.3 Undifferentiated schizophrenia
    F20.4 Postschizophrenic depression
    F20.5 Residual schizophrenia
    F20.6 Simple schizophrenia
    F20.8 Other schizophrenia
    F20.9 Schizophrenia, unspecified

    F21 Schizotypal disorder

    F22 Persistent delusional disorders
    F22.0 Delusional disorder
    F22.8 Other persistent delusional disorders
    F22.9 Persistent delusional disorder, unspecified

    F23 Acute and transient psychotic disorders
    F23.0 Acute polymorphic psychotic disorder without symptoms of schizophrenia F23.1 Acute polymorphic psychotic disorder with symptoms of schizophrenia F23.2 Acute schizophrenia-like psychotic disorder
    F23.3 Other acute predominantly delusional psychotic disorders
    F23.8 Other acute and transient psychotic disorders
    F23.9 Acute and transient psychotic disorder, unspecified

    F24 Induced delusional disorder

    F25 Schizoaffective disorders
    F25.0 Schizoaffective disorder, manic type
    F25.1 Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type
    F25.2 Schizoaffective disorder, mixed type
    F25.8 Other schizoaffective disorders
    F25.9 Schizoaffective disorder, unspecified

    F28 Other nonorganic psychotic disorders

    F29 Unspecified nonorganic psychosis

    Appendix B ---- Reference Material to support Clinical Diagnosis
    (I am grateful to Panigrahi for supplying these)

    REFERENCE LIST OF MY CURRENT WEBSITES: http://alturl.com/5i2gg
    LIST OF 1,750+ DEFENDANTS IN HIGH COURT CASE ME010463 / HQ17X01773 / E35YM660: http://alturl.com/57bt4
    MY DECLARATION OF WAR: http://alturl.com/k2b3e
    HOW THIS SAGA BEGAN - MY FIRST CLASH WITH MI5: http://alturl.com/wd9vd
    FREE DOWNLOAD OF MY BOOKS: https://archive.org/details/@shantanu858
    MAIN CURRENT BLOG: https://www.theconservativelibertariansociety.com https://www.theallurementofrealityinreview.com https://www.knowledgeforworldconservation.com https://www.thelibertariandemocrats.com/forum http://pub46.bravenet.com/forum/3871902446/ http://vishistaadvaitavedanta.bravesites.com/blog https://www.linkedin.com/today/author/shantanu-panigrahi-a120b267 https://twitter.com/ShanPanigrahi https://twitter.com/ShantanuPanigr8 etc. https://www.facebook.com/shantanu.panigrahi.10 https://theconservativelibertarianpartyoftheunitedkingdom.com https://the-conservative-libertarian-party-of-usa.odoo.com https://t.co/Y4A0lmdxGr https://t.co/6dXxB3hTZV
    https://t.co/88748B8HEk http://pic.twitter.com/bfU0VkYQIc https://towardsknowledgeforworldconservation.com (via archive.org) https://shanpanigrahi.co.uk (via archive.org)
    https://shantanup.wordpress.com (via archive.org) https://www.bing.com/search?q=%22Dr+Shantanu+Panigrahi%22 https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.politics/UOpfj3x7Fec/d2VwpvZ3AQAJ https://narkive.com/VT9xrlho https://narkive.com/ZE507Zte https://narkive.com/MPLIJFCX https://narkive.com/Pu5jAiOd

    Appendix C ---- The Perpetrator/Subject

    Addresses: Room D, First Floor Basement, 3 Hoath Lane, Wigmore, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 0SL, UK, also Plot 2457/1 Gourinagar, Bhubaneswar 751002, Odisha, India also Rashmi Niwas, A13/3 Kalindi Housing Estate, N. 24 Parganas, S. Dum Dum, Kolkata 700089, W.Bengal, India
    NHS No. 6284771487 Hospital No. R570808AD National Insurance No. YZ330724D
    UK Passport 522465108 (naturalised 1/4/1984) Libdem Membership No. 8763623 Conservatives Memb No. 529641094 Labour Memb No. L1545992 etc.
    Emails: rashmi.panigrahi(at)beis.gov.uk, rashmipanigrahi2000(at)yahoo.co.uk, shanpanigrahi(at)yahoo.co.uk, shanpanigrahi3000(at)gmail.com, shantanupanigrahi(at)aol.com, shantanupanigrahi(at)yahoo.com, panigrahi(at)gmail.com, shanpanigrah5000(at)outlook.com, catlovers(at)hotmail.co.uk, aateurope2(at)gmail.com
    Phones: (+44)07854 984538, (+44)01634 379604, (+44)07967 789619
    Dates of Birth: January 15 and August 8 1957, but other dates depending on benefit or waiver is being claimed; including as 'Shan Mihir Praharaj'; Rupa Panigrahi September 19 1990 "my Blessings Day"
    Barclays Current Account Mr S Panigrahi & Mrs R R Panigrahi 20-54-11 90098086 and Savings H1699296SPAN TCLP-UK-VOPA (and paypal) 09-01-27 11199612 Natwest 60-17-44 Debit Card 4751 2902 3982 1523 exp 11/24

    Appendix D ---- The Scale of the Mischief he has perpetrated - list of cases and complaints(doubtless, an incomplete listing)

    Case against PM Theresa May, Boris Johnson and 1,761 Other Defendants: E35YM660 Cabinet Office: TO615415 linked to BUPA Benenden Health Membership No 01129371 Kent Police: 2013-01-28 No. 663 (egg attack), IX/290/19, IX/00187/18, 08- 0943, 200417-000431 (virtual egg attack), 11-1467, 19-0665, CRONLINE 145922, 2016/070088, DX/00363/16, 2013/663, 60066, CO/486/14, CO/745/14, CO/00040/13, CAD 30-0303, NIP No. 49350897, KV 13/05/20, 113/2020 etc.
    Independent Police Complaints Committee (IOPC predecessor): 2017/078871, 2013/100381-4, 2013/011356; OPCC: OPCC/MS/COM/194/16
    Government Legal Department: Z1819776, Internal Complaint Ref. 003973D/3
    Court Cases: 2018/PI/11721, HQ17X01773, ME010463, A20170027, 46TY0039517, ME002953, C14/02 (Lewes Appeal), CC/2002/PTA/0408, CO/1680/2002, CRD-2103- W1728YGQ, 210002255911 (East Kent Magistrates Court) and six other Works In Progress
    PHSO Ombudsman: E2058772, C2105048, 06660021032, C20730562
    HMCTS Complaint ref: 15904197 etc
    NHS, NHS Solicitors: C-312517, TS9-1, NMS/116752. Rampton-52, KMPT-18-06, M19- 01-12845, M120-02-16026 etc.
    CCMCC - County Court Money Claim Centre: CM-FRLGN-08-18-56559
    Financial Ombudsman: PNX-3315962-G0D6, PNX-3153374-Z8J5, PNX-3978989-Z9R9 Employment Tribunal: 2302960/2014C, UKEATPA/0461/15/DM, 1101675/2008/JG, VDL/U58.1B; LR/G;23, TO01934/CSU00210, 232011905700, TLT.FID6840338 etc.
    Action Fraud: NFRC210104207250
    Legal Ombudsman: F040546 ERef:000114001033, FIR-CMP-058960, ABC:00612001, CMP- 0694543, CMP-069454 ABC:03900813, CMP-073770, F014033, ABC:03044544
    Crown Prosecution Service CPS: 3F0MYT7IDPW, CRN00014177 (Arrest Summons issued against the Director of Public Prosecutions) etc.
    W. Yorks Police: 13180304621, 13180304634, CO/678/18
    POhWER Client ID for suing: 299052
    OISC: C9145
    Usdaw Membership Number 02210811 Complaint Ref U176202/Cross
    Clerksroom CRN: CRD-2106-3QV98VVZ
    Director of Public Prosecutions Complaint: CRM:00901142
    Government Registration Office for Places of Worship ref. C28238/2020
    Tesco Complaint Ref: HJR/23803281
    Book-Baby: Customer No.: CT9236777 Quote: QT93100356
    Rocky Balboa Press Project 830657 via Inky Little Fingers 72967
    First4Lawyers Claim No. 1841064
    ACAS: R151537/20 re Sainsburys
    Bar Standards Board PCD: PR2014/0168 and seven others
    Parliamentary Standards Commission: PCS462
    NHS England Complaint Consolidation Ref: CAS-538022/JM, C2073056
    IOPC: 2019/1173272, 2018/107722, 2018/107680, 2018/102085, 2018/099477
    iCANN Internet Registry Regulator Case 01049162
    BBC Complaints: Case CAS-6795640-H2T9Z3
    University of London complaints: OIA/EF/881857434
    Solicitors' References: approx. 255 consolidated in Clerksroom Direct CRD-2106- 7ZJRJGYQ
    Solicitors' Regulation Authority Complaints: approx. 75

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