• Anyone know how to cure white screen in Chrome (and Brave and Chromium)

    From DManzaluni@21:1/5 to All on Sat Aug 20 20:18:24 2022
    Does anyone know what is the cure for this please?

    The problem to be endemic and recognised, but the only cure around (clear caches??) involves denying that the problem actually exists!

    All cures I have found start out "open a browser..... " "go to preferences......." "click on the three dots on the top right of the screen.........." while nothing can be seen on the screen because it is white!!!!

    Surely there is a solution somewhere,( besides trying to re-install, - which doesn't work)?

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  • From David Kennedy@21:1/5 to DManzaluni on Sun Aug 21 07:26:24 2022
    On 21/08/2022 04:18, DManzaluni wrote:
    Does anyone know what is the cure for this please?

    The problem to be endemic and recognised, but the only cure around (clear caches??) involves denying that the problem actually exists!

    All cures I have found start out "open a browser..... " "go to preferences......." "click on the three dots on the top right of the screen.........." while nothing can be seen on the screen because it is white!!!!

    Surely there is a solution somewhere,( besides trying to re-install, - which doesn't work)?

    Use Firefox?

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  • From Brian Zilli@21:1/5 to DManzaluni on Sun Aug 21 07:15:42 2022
    On Aug 20, 2022 at 10:18:24 PM CDT, "DManzaluni" <dmanzaluni@gmail.com> wrote:

    All cures I have found start out "open a browser..... " "go to preferences......." "click on the three dots on the top right of the screen.........." while nothing can be seen on the screen because it is white!!!!

    There was recently discussion of this issue in comp.sys.mac.misc (no solution there though) by someone running an extremely unsupported configuration (one
    of the dosdude1 patches on a 2009 MacBook Pro, restored from a Time Machine backup of a later model machine).

    If your configuration is similar, my first guess would be that the issue is with GPU acceleration, which it looks like you can disable with the following instructions: <https://www.technipages.com/google-chrome-enable-disable-hardware-acceleration-mode>
    (see option 3 for how to do it without access to the Chrome shell). If it works, I can't imagine the browsing experience would be any good, but it might just let you have enough access to apply some of the other settings changes
    you were looking at. You could also search around to see if there are other "defaults write"-based implementations of the other fixes you saw online.

    But, before doing that, assuming you are willing to part with Chrome data that might be hanging around on your disk from a previous install (much of which I assume is already backed up to Google if you were previously logged into a Google account), you could try nuking the application with AppCleaner <https://freemacsoft.net/appcleaner/>, which should remove any caches, config files, etc. My understanding is that this program is actually highly regarded in the community, as compared to many of the other Mac-focused "cleaning"
    apps. I doubt whether this will work if both Brave an Chromium are also having the issue though (assuming those are fresh installs).

    Finally, if you are satisfied with using Chromium, after you have nuked its
    app data with AppCleaner or similar/manually, it seems they still have older builds available: <https://www.chromium.org/getting-involved/download-chromium/>
    You could try hopping around in version numbers to find the latest one that works (removing with AppCleaner after each attempt), but keep in mind that it is considered very bad from a security perspective to run an out-of-date browser.

    Hope something here helps.

    Brian Zilli (bzilli@iastate.edu)
    Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Mathematics
    Iowa State University; Ames, Iowa, USA https://math.iastate.edu/directory/brian-zilli/

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  • From DManzaluni@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 21 06:41:07 2022
    Firefox wont work with mailtrack

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  • From Brian Zilli@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 21 15:14:34 2022
    Sorry to those who saw it before, but I realize my prior reply to this message had an XNA header (and thus would not appear on Google Groups for the original asker of the question), so I am posting it again without that header.


    Brian Zilli (bzilli@iastate.edu)
    Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Mathematics
    Iowa State University; Ames, Iowa, USA https://math.iastate.edu/directory/brian-zilli/

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  • From DManzaluni@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 21 08:23:34 2022
    Thanks for that but your reply didn't actually contain the original reply,, - only the 3 dots onto which I couldn't click

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  • From Brian Zilli@21:1/5 to DManzaluni on Sun Aug 21 15:42:28 2022
    On Aug 21, 2022 at 10:23:34 AM CDT, "DManzaluni" <dmanzaluni@gmail.com> wrote:

    Thanks for that but your reply didn't actually contain the original reply,, - only the 3 dots onto which I couldn't click

    I'm sorry about that. I'm still getting used to my news client, and it evidently has some bug with copy-paste. I'll try one more time, and if this doesn't work I'll email it to you.


    There was recently discussion of this issue in comp.sys.mac.misc (no solution there though) by someone running an extremely unsupported configuration (one
    of the dosdude1 patches on a 2009 MacBook Pro, restored from a Time Machine backup of a later model machine).

    If your configuration is similar, my first guess would be that the issue is with GPU acceleration, which it looks like you can disable with the following instructions: <https://www.technipages.com/google-chrome-enable-disable-hardware-acceleration-mode>
    (see option 3 for how to do it without access to the Chrome shell). If it works, I can't imagine the browsing experience would be any good, but it might just let you have enough access to apply some of the other settings changes
    you were looking at. You could also search around to see if there are other "defaults write"-based implementations of the other fixes you saw online.

    But, before doing that, assuming you are willing to part with Chrome data that might be hanging around on your disk from a previous install (much of which I assume is already backed up to Google if you were previously logged into a Google account), you could try nuking the application with AppCleaner <https://freemacsoft.net/appcleaner/>, which should remove any caches, config files, etc. My understanding is that this program is actually highly regarded in the community, as compared to many of the other Mac-focused "cleaning"
    apps. I doubt whether this will work if both Brave an Chromium are also having the issue though (assuming those are fresh installs).

    Finally, if you are satisfied with using Chromium, after you have nuked its
    app data with AppCleaner or similar/manually, it seems they still have older builds available: <https://www.chromium.org/getting-involved/download-chromium/>
    You could try hopping around in version numbers to find the latest one that works (removing with AppCleaner after each attempt), but keep in mind that it is considered very bad from a security perspective to run an out-of-date browser.

    Hope something here helps.

    Brian Zilli (bzilli@iastate.edu)
    Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Mathematics
    Iowa State University; Ames, Iowa, USA https://math.iastate.edu/directory/brian-zilli/

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From DManzaluni@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 21 09:13:01 2022

    There was recently discussion of this issue in comp.sys.mac.misc (no solution
    there though) by someone running an extremely unsupported configuration (one
    of the dosdude1 patches on a 2009 MacBook Pro, restored from a Time Machine backup of a later model machine).

    If your configuration is similar, my first guess would be that the issue is with GPU acceleration, which it looks like you can disable with the following
    instructions: <https://www.technipages.com/google-chrome-enable-disable-hardware-acceleration-mode>
    (see option 3 for how to do it without access to the Chrome shell). If it works, I can't imagine the browsing experience would be any good, but it might
    just let you have enough access to apply some of the other settings changes you were looking at. You could also search around to see if there are other "defaults write"-based implementations of the other fixes you saw online.

    It does indeed seem to be a common and widespread problem! It is called the WSOD and There are umpteen pages of solutions online, which makes it odd that Chrome is updated every ten minutes to a newer version without the developers addressing this
    glaring problem!

    Even odder that so many people have commented that the solutions assume that the problem doesn't exist and that users who cant get into Chrome can easily get into Chrome to implement solution, - and no one has addressed THIS issue!!

    But, before doing that, assuming you are willing to part with Chrome data that
    might be hanging around on your disk from a previous install (much of which I
    assume is already backed up to Google if you were previously logged into a Google account), you could try nuking the application with AppCleaner <https://freemacsoft.net/appcleaner/>, which should remove any caches, config
    files, etc. My understanding is that this program is actually highly regarded
    in the community, as compared to many of the other Mac-focused "cleaning" apps. I doubt whether this will work if both Brave an Chromium are also having
    the issue though (assuming those are fresh installs).

    The Brave was already on my computer but the Chromium was a fresh install so it looks like appcleaner would involve a whole lot of tail-chasing?

    Finally, if you are satisfied with using Chromium, after you have nuked its app data with AppCleaner or similar/manually, it seems they still have older builds available: <https://www.chromium.org/getting-involved/download-chromium/>
    You could try hopping around in version numbers to find the latest one that works (removing with AppCleaner after each attempt), but keep in mind that it
    is considered very bad from a security perspective to run an out-of-date browser.
    I am desperate for a solution as I had 90 tabs open in two identities in Chrome which I was working on and all my logins to large numbers of sites which were unsaved because I thought I should always be able to access them through Chrome if needed.

    If I delete ALL the caches, will it delete all my tabs that re-open when I start Chrome?

    Apple says to just go over to using Safari, and that importing the Chrome bookmarks into Safari will also import the saved logins/passwords and bookmarks and history, which will restore all the tabs. I tried it and couldnt even get Safari to let me
    choose Chrome to import!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From DManzaluni@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 21 09:31:27 2022
    I dont think that it will come as a surprise to anyone to learn that the catch-all solution "disable hardware acceleration" (to any OS problem) doesn't work for the Chrome/Brave/Chromium WSOD problem

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