• Re: Computer phpBB BBS

    From Gremlin@21:1/5 to Which has fuckall to do with what I on Sun Mar 24 06:15:33 2024
    XPost: alt.computer.workshop

    David Brooks <BDB@nomail.afraid.org> news:65f82c2d$0$2187650$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Mon, 18 Mar 2024
    11:57:33 GMT in alt.computer.workshop, wrote:

    On 18/03/2024 06:40, Gremlin wrote:

    ROFL! An incompetent individual couldn't have provided you with spot on
    information concerning your laptop; going by nothing more than a single
    picture of it that you shared here. Watch that asshat mouth of yours,
    please. :) I think I've earned a little more respect from you than
    that, eh?

    It was a throw-away laptop that a mate gave me because Charity shops
    here won't accept electrical items.

    Which has fuckall to do with what I wrote that you aren't denying.

    I have no present interest in visiting it because you're specifically
    asking me to and you aren't being forthcoming with the why. As in, why
    aren't you asking, Snit, or Tim, or Mike E, or SC? Is it because you
    want something specific done? If so, what might that specific thing be
    that would require my attention over that of the others I mentioned,

    I've asked Snit. He doesn't know how to 'read between the lines' like
    you do.

    He doesn't know how to do much of anything that's tech related. Using a GUI doesn't really count there, David.

    If you agree with what snit writes about me, then why didn't you say
    that in the emails? Why did you praise me for the skills you checked me
    out as having in those emails? Hmm? C'mon David, be honest for once.
    You accused me of fucking with your friends network. I haven't seen you
    accuse anyone else of that. Just me. Is it because of a particular set
    of skills I have that you've always known I'm NOT bsing about? Could it
    be that reason you tried to roll that story over me, David? I did NOT
    mess with your friends network, btw. I really didn't!

    Perhaps Steve was having a little joke with me. I'll never know now.

    Rather pathetic weaseling on your part there, David. Your accusation is
    total bullshit.

    Please post up the last one of that series of emails I sent to you

    Don't you have copies?

    Just be honest, David. Tell the audience what you actually know about
    me, what you actually know I can do. Go ahead. If you're honest, and
    not trying to pull another snit, I might visit the site that you're to
    quote snit 'begging me' to give my attention to. How about that for a
    deal, David?


    LOL. You'll do that in another post then?

    Agreeable? Or, are you just too invested with your buddies now to be
    completely honest concerning me?

    I like EVERYONE to be honest.

    Hahaha. So, when do you plan to call Snit and Tim out then, David?
    Naturally I expect Tim to try and dismiss you. I also expect the same of
    Snit, but in a friendly worded manner - unless he's determined that you are
    of no further value to him; that Tim can replace you outright. :)

    Naturally, I wouldn't expect either of them
    to agree with what you say, especially if your completely honest about
    it. but, it would be nice to see YOU honest for once concerning me. I
    know, too much to ask for, hell will freeze over first. I have a better
    chance of winning the lottery, etc.

    And that's okay, I'd rather not do anything that does, or could in the
    future, benefit you at this point anyway. OK.

    I've told you *SO* many times!!! What I try to do is *NOT* for my
    personal benefit but for ALL Internet users.

    Wahahahahahaha. Thanks David! I didn't waste my tasty dew this time!

    I don't need no Dr. All I need...is my lawyer.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan B@21:1/5 to Alan B on Sun Mar 24 12:45:21 2024
    On 2024-03-23 18:30:33 +0000, Alan B said:

    On 2024-03-23 17:59:27 +0000, Mark said:

    On 2024-03-23 4:09:10 pm +0000, Alan B said:

    On 2024-03-23 09:43:46 +0000, Mark said:

    Anyone noticed Unison playing up on Monterey? Having set up this 2017
    MBA with Monterey (and Migrated a TM backup over from an older Catalina >>>> MBP), Unison seems to quit occasionally - usually when clicking on a
    new post.

    Another thing I just noticed is that after I selected 'Reopen' from the >>>> pop-up and restarted it, I had a second iteration of Unison in the Dock >>>> - the now active one.

    When Unison has quit in the past I usually simply click the Dock icon
    again (because that's -slightly- quicker than waiing for the
    Reopen/Ignore/Quit pop-up) so can't be sure the dupe hasn't popped up

    Just installed Unison 2.2 on my M1 Mac. I'll let you know if it misbehaves! >>

    Getting the occasional quit but haven't seen the double icon in the
    dock (yet). BTW I'm running macOS Sonoma 14.4 on this M1 MBP. My 2017
    Intel MBA runs Monterey so I could try testing Unison on that tomorrow.

    Installed Unison on the MBA as promised and yes I get the occasional
    crash when opening unread message but again no duplicated icon in the
    dock. So maybe consider Usenapp although there are others that will
    work, e.g. Hogwasher.
    Cheers, Alan

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From WolfFan@21:1/5 to Mark on Sun Mar 24 12:45:01 2024
    On Mar 24, 2024, Mark wrote
    (in article <utp8hb$cfqv$1@dont-email.me>):

    On 2024-03-24 12:45:21 pm +0000, Alan B said:

    On 2024-03-23 18:30:33 +0000, Alan B said:

    On 2024-03-23 17:59:27 +0000, Mark said:

    On 2024-03-23 4:09:10 pm +0000, Alan B said:

    On 2024-03-23 09:43:46 +0000, Mark said:

    Anyone noticed Unison playing up on Monterey? Having set up this 2017
    MBA with Monterey (and Migrated a TM backup over from an older Catalina
    MBP), Unison seems to quit occasionally - usually when clicking on a
    new post.

    Another thing I just noticed is that after I selected 'Reopen' from the
    pop-up and restarted it, I had a second iteration of Unison in the Dock
    - the now active one.

    When Unison has quit in the past I usually simply click the Dock icon
    again (because that's -slightly- quicker than waiing for the Reopen/Ignore/Quit pop-up) so can't be sure the dupe hasn't popped up

    Just installed Unison 2.2 on my M1 Mac. I'll let you know if it misbehaves!


    Getting the occasional quit but haven't seen the double icon in the
    dock (yet). BTW I'm running macOS Sonoma 14.4 on this M1 MBP. My 2017 Intel MBA runs Monterey so I could try testing Unison on that tomorrow.

    Installed Unison on the MBA as promised and yes I get the occasional
    crash when opening unread message but again no duplicated icon in the
    dock. So maybe consider Usenapp although there are others that will
    work, e.g. Hogwasher.

    Mine just crashed again trying to open this message! Yes, I used
    Hogwasher for a few years. 'Something' happened (can't remember what)
    and it stopped working for a while

    Apple had depreciated the old network stack, which dated from System/OS 7/8 days, in favor of the new network stack, starting with (I think) OS X 10.4. They finally killed the old stack with 10.something, years later. The Hog
    still used the old stack, as did a lot of other networking apps, including virtually all usenet clients. The Hog was updated to use the new stack, but that took quite some time. Many network apps, including most usenet clients, never were updated and are therefore useless on modern versions of the OS.
    (as did Unison at one point). I've
    switched between the two on and off for 15 years or more. I bought a
    licence for Hog but it's won't work with the new(er) v.5 (and v.4 is
    32bit). Never mind. Unison 'mostly works' and I've got NewsTap on my iDevices. Thanks for having a look!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From J. J. Lodder@21:1/5 to Mark on Sun Mar 24 20:33:43 2024
    Mark <captain.black@gmail.com> wrote:

    Anyone noticed Unison playing up on Monterey? Having set up this 2017
    MBA with Monterey (and Migrated a TM backup over from an older Catalina
    MBP), Unison seems to quit occasionally - usually when clicking on a
    new post.

    All Unisonia had occasional crashes without obvious reason,
    also in earlier system versions.
    Nothing to worry about, and not too often to be a real nuisance.

    Click to reopen and carry on,


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Martin S Taylor@21:1/5 to Chris Ridd on Thu Apr 4 19:59:07 2024
    On 20 Feb 2024, Chris Ridd wrote
    (in article <ur2qc3$2khd9$2@dont-email.me>):

    If I use Pages or Numbers and close all the windows, the program automatically quits when I switch to another program. This used to be seen
    a rather ungainly Windoze thing – when did Apple start doing it?

    Martin S Taylor

    That's not happening with Pages here (version 13.0, Sonoma 14.3).

    Nor here. Interesting question!

    With the latest version of Pages it's reverted, and no longer quits when all the windows are shut. Numbers, however, still does quit.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Calum@21:1/5 to Martin S Taylor on Fri Apr 5 23:41:22 2024
    On 04/04/2024 19:59, Martin S Taylor wrote:

    With the latest version of Pages it's reverted, and no longer quits when all the windows are shut. Numbers, however, still does quit.

    Sounds a bit like the behaviour of the old Automatic Termination feature
    that was introduced in OS X 10.7. It required developer opt-in to work,
    and the only apps that ever really used it were Preview and Textedit.


    If that's still a thing in macOS, and I've no idea if it is, then there
    used to be a defaults command to turn it off:

    defaults write -g NSDisableAutomaticTermination -bool yes

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From TimS@21:1/5 to All on Sat Apr 6 06:50:48 2024
    On 6 Apr 2024 at 07:31:30 BST, "Alan B" <alanrichardbarker@gmail.com.invalid> wrote:

    Calum <com.gmail@nospam.scottishwildcat> wrote:
    On 04/04/2024 19:59, Martin S Taylor wrote:

    With the latest version of Pages it's reverted, and no longer quits when all
    the windows are shut. Numbers, however, still does quit.

    Sounds a bit like the behaviour of the old Automatic Termination feature
    that was introduced in OS X 10.7. It required developer opt-in to work,
    and the only apps that ever really used it were Preview and Textedit.


    If that's still a thing in macOS, and I've no idea if it is, then there
    used to be a defaults command to turn it off:

    defaults write -g NSDisableAutomaticTermination -bool yes

    Excuse my (probable) ignorance but would an app in this zombie state still show up via a ps command? If so, a kill command ought to close it down. I guess a restart will sort things out but that seems a bit of a sledgehammer technique!

    Zombie state? What, just because it has no open windows? For most apps, that
    is quite appropriate. Exceptions might be Disk Utility where having more than one window makes little sense. An app with no open wondows will still show up in the Dock, and by clicking on it there should cause it to present an Open File dialogue.

    When you have an app that takes a while to start up and be ready, it is most annoying if it closes just because you closed its last open window.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan B@21:1/5 to Calum on Sat Apr 6 06:31:30 2024
    Calum <com.gmail@nospam.scottishwildcat> wrote:
    On 04/04/2024 19:59, Martin S Taylor wrote:

    With the latest version of Pages it's reverted, and no longer quits when all >> the windows are shut. Numbers, however, still does quit.

    Sounds a bit like the behaviour of the old Automatic Termination feature
    that was introduced in OS X 10.7. It required developer opt-in to work,
    and the only apps that ever really used it were Preview and Textedit.


    If that's still a thing in macOS, and I've no idea if it is, then there
    used to be a defaults command to turn it off:

    defaults write -g NSDisableAutomaticTermination -bool yes

    Excuse my (probable) ignorance but would an app in this zombie state still
    show up via a ps command? If so, a kill command ought to close it down. I
    guess a restart will sort things out but that seems a bit of a sledgehammer technique!

    Cheers, Alan

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Martin S Taylor@21:1/5 to Calum on Fri Apr 12 15:36:27 2024
    On 5 Apr 2024, Calum wrote
    (in article <uupumi$1kksb$1@dont-email.me>):

    Sounds a bit like the behaviour of the old Automatic Termination feature
    that was introduced in OS X 10.7. It required developer opt-in to work,
    and the only apps that ever really used it were Preview and Textedit.


    If that's still a thing in macOS, and I've no idea if it is, then there
    used to be a defaults command to turn it off:

    defaults write -g NSDisableAutomaticTermination -bool yes

    I just tried that, and it makes no difference. Numbers still quits if no windows are open; Pages remains open.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)