From Jeff Gaines@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jul 1 15:14:18 2022
Sometime in the early 90's I rejected Linux Slackware and O/S Warp in
favour of Windows 386 (from memory).
Sometime in the last few years I must have decided that Displayport was
the connection of the future for graphics because I have 2 x monitors with Displayport inputs, Displayport cables up the wazoo and 2 x computers with
HDMI outputs.
I have just ordered 2 x Displayport TO HDMI converters - HDMI from the PC
to Displayport on the monitor, I hope to goodness I have it the right way round.
Incidentally guess which direction of conversion cost a fiver and which
twenty fiver :-(
Jeff Gaines Dorset UK
Those are my principles – and if you don’t like them, well, I have others. (Groucho Marx)