In the sight of angels
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In the sight of angels
In the sight of angels
I will sing your praises O Lord.
Father, in Your loving providence, You send Your holy angels to watch
over us. Hear our prayers, defend us always by their protection, and
let us share Your life with them forever. We ask this through Christ
our Lord. Amen.
Into Paradise
May the Angels lead him (her) into Paradise. May the Martyrs receive
him (her) at his (her) coming and take him (her) to Jerusalem, the
Holy City.
May the Choirs of Angels receive him (her), and may he (she), with the once poor Lazarus, have rest everlasting. - Amen.
February 25th - Bl. Constantius of Fabriano
d. 1481
EARLY in the fifteenth century, there lived at Fabriano a boy of such extraordinary goodness that even his parents would sometimes wonder
whether he were not rather an angel than a human child. Once, when his
little sister was suffering from a disease which the doctors
pronounced incurable, Constantius Bernocchi asked his father and
mother to join him in prayer by her bedside that she might recover.
They did so, and she was immediately cured. At the age of 15 he
was admitted to the Dominican convent of Santa Lucia and he seems to
have received the habit from the hands of Bl. Laurence of Ripafratta,
at that time prior of this house of strict observance. Constantius was
one of those concerned with the reform of San Marco in Florence, and
it was whilst he was teaching in that city that it was discovered
that he had the gift of prophecy or 2nd sight. Among other examples,
the death of St. Antoninus was made known to him at the moment that it
took place, and this is mentioned by Pope Clement VII in his bull for
the canonization of that saint. He was also credited with the power of
working miracles, and besides the cares of his office he acted as
peacemaker outside the convent and quelled popular tumults.
The joyous spirit conspicuous in many saints of his order was denied
him. Constantius was usually sad, and when some one asked him why he
so seldom laughed, he answered, “Because I do not know if my actions
are pleasing to God”. He used to say the office of the dead every day
and often the whole psalter, which he knew by heart. He urged this
devotion on others, and said that when he desired any favour and
recited the psalter for that intention, he never failed to obtain his
petition. With the assistance of the municipal council, he rebuilt the
friary of Ascoli and lived and died there, in spite of the entreaties
of the people of Fabriano that he should spend his last years amongst
them. He was esteemed so holy that it was reckoned a great favour to
speak to him or even to touch his habit. Upon the news of his death,
the senate and council assembled, “considering his death a public
calamity “, and resolved to defray the cost of a public funeral. The
cultus of Bl. Constantius was confirmed in 821.
The most reliable source of information concerning Constantius is
Mortier’s Maîtres généraux O.P., in which he lays much stress upon the holy friar’s theological attainments and the influence he exercised,
after the example of Bl. Raymund of Capua, in promoting the reform of
the order. See also Procter, Lives of the Dominican Saints.
Early in the 15th century, there lived at Fabriano a boy of such
extraordinary goodness that even his parents would sometimes wonder
whether he were not rather an angel than a human child. Once, when his
little sister was suffering from a disease which the doctors
pronounced incurable, Constantius Bernocchi asked his father and
mother to join him in prayer by her bedside that she might recover.
They did so, and she was immediately cured. At the age of 15 he
was admitted to the Dominican convent of Santa Lucia and he seemed to
have received the habit from the hands of Blessed Laurence of
Ripafratta, at that time prior of this house of strict observance.
Constantius was one of those concerned with the reform of San Marco in Florence, and it was while he was teaching in that city that it was
discovered that he had the gift of prophecy or 2nd sight.
Among other examples, the death of St. Antoninus was made known to him
at the moment it took place, and this is mentioned by Pope Clement VII
in his Bull for the canonization of that saint.
He was also credited with the power of working miracles, and besides
the care of his office, he acted as peacemaker outside the convent and
quelled popular tumults. He was esteemed so holy that it was reckoned
a great favor to speak to him or even to touch his habit. Upon the
news of his death, the senate and council assembled, "considering his
death a public calamity", and resolved to defray the cost of a public
funeral. The cultus of Blessed Constantius was confirmed in 1821.
Beatified: 9 May 2001 by Pope John Paul II; her beatification miracle
occurred on 24 November 1897 when abbess Giuseppina Damiani from the
Monastery of Saint John the Baptist Subiaco was suddenly healed
stomach tumor following her request for Maria Pisani's intervention;
her Cause was delayed for years due to lack of funds, and political
problems between Malta and Italy
Bible Quote:
"I will praise You with my whole heart; Before the gods I will sing
praises to You. I will worship toward Your holy temple." [Psalm
Heart of Jesus
Heart of Jesus, once in agony, pity the dying. Jesus, I ask You to
pour down your blessing on the dying. Give them grace to bear their
sickness, and strength to conform themselves to Your blessed will.
Pity them and help them by Your mercy, that in the final hour they may
not lose courage, but may have fortitude to fight the good fight for
You to the end.
God of power and mercy, You have made death itself the gateway to
eternal life. Look with love on our dying brother (sister), and make
him (her) one with Your Son in His sufferings and death, that sealed
with the blood of Christ, he (she) may come before You free from sin.
- Amen.
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